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sunny⁷ 🌻🌷 comms open

sunny⁷ 🌻🌷 comms open

Jul 28, 2020
437 tweets

Taekook AU; For absolutely no reason at all Taehyung thinks its a good idea fornhim to stand in the local park offering FREE HUGS At the same time, popular vlogger Jeon Jungkook just happens to pass by... and is in desperate need of a hug

So some people actually like this hhssssksksksk. If I write this it will probs be short so here are just a few tags -fluff, fluff, FLUFF -Strangers to friends to lovers -Free hugs, bc why not -jungkook being whipped -first dates
A lil' teaser
While I plan this out, I'll have you choose the side ships
Kitty Squad 🐯🐱🐱
Vlogger Gang 📹📷
The one guy who witnesses it all go down
☕ S T A R T ☕
Chill guys. They're playing UNO And sorry for my typos... I tend to miss them a lot
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Stopping here for tonight. Will update this tomorrow uwu
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Jungkook walks into the chique establishment. Around him is the familiar afe aesthetic one would associate with Pinterest, but he figures it's one of the things that adds to the cafe's charm. The cafe has quite a reputation too. Apparently couples had started here.
His two hyungs are a testament to that, but Jungook usually rolls his eyes every time they recall the story of how Namjoon spilled coffee all over Seokjin's shirt right before first period. Then it was love at first sight. Yeah... straight out of a one direction fanfic
But Jungkook has grown familiar with the place. He's made a review vlog here once and the owner, a guy named Hoseok who is as bright as the sun, has grown to become a close friend of his over the time he kept returning.
Hoseok often teases him saying he returns here to find his "one true love" but Jungkook isn't that keen on looking for a relationship right now. The cafe really just has good coffee. Of course Hoseok knows that but he still teases the younger anyway, such as now.
"Come for another attemot at finding love," Hoseok beams, heart shaped smile on display, as he leans forward on the counter. "No, hyung," Jungkook sighs. "Just needed a strong drink before I return to studying."
"Ah, exams coming up?" Hoseok starts to ring in his order. Jungkook always gets the same drink. "Two weeks, yeah," he waits for a little while as Hoseok starts to move methodologically behind the counter. He notices its pretty quiet for a weekend which is a bit of a surprise.
"I suggest you take a walk around first," Hoseok says as he sets Jungkook's drink in front of him. "Its a pretty warm day, and the trees look nice at this time of the year." "I was planning on it," Jungkook hands Hoseok his credit card to swipe. "Thanks, hyung. See you around."
As Hoseok watches Jungkook leave the cafe, the bell on top top of the door ringing, he titls his head sideways in an amused expression. When Jungkook walks down the same path his last customer walked towards, he knows that the afternoon truly has taken a more interesting turn.
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Im a little torn
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Taehyung curses as the piece of paper flies away before he could reach it, again. He wonders where the sudden wind came from. It wasn't this windy earlier, but now it blows against him not only messing his hair but also making his free hugs sign fly away from him.
And he could just let it continue to fly with the wind and go to the cafe since nobody really is around anymore, but he worked hard on that and he might not be able to make something like it the next time he plans to come back to the park. (And he doesnt wanna loiter)
Yes, he plans to do this again. Giving away free hugs was more fun than he expected. And the sign he made was pretty. He might not be able to repeat those pretty strokes again.
For a fourth time he misses it, the wind bringing it further and further. He sighs going after it again when suddenly a pair of shoes come into view right in front of where the paper landed.
The person reaches down for the piece of paper seeming to inspect it curiously. On his other hand is a dark drink with a straw, presumably from the cafe nearby. Taehyung is about to apporach said person when he suddenly looks up from the paper, pretty doe eyes meeting his own.
Taehyung knows those eyes. The world comes to a freeze. The wind blows strongly one last time, trees and bushes rustling as leaves fly around. Taehyung's hair seems to miraculously fix itself from the mess it was, too.
And the sun seems to shine brighter because holy shit this was the last place Taehyung expected to meet the guy he's been oogling over for the past two months. Jeon Jungkook stands before him, expression mirroring Taehyung's, but that could just be his wistful imagination.
Neither of them move, frozen in place. Taehyung isn't even sure he could move, much less speak. He isn't sure if he should run or be thankful that Jungkook moves first, taking the last few steps so they're closer to each other.
Even if he considered the former, he's sure his feet are glued to the spot. "Hi," he says airly, like twinkling bells on a flower clad field. "Is this yours?"Jungkook says holding out the sign to Taehyung. He simply nods, not trusting his voice.
/Get your grip together Kim Taehyung. Mama raised no wussy./ "Th-thank you," his voice comes out normally, thank god, as he recieves his sign back from Jungkook. He hopes his smile doesn't look too awkward. "I-I've been chasing it for a while now."
"Yeah, wind was pretty strong," Jungkook looks up at the trees, long line of his neck now in Taehyung's vision. He tries not to stare too long, or drool for this matter.
"It seems to be gone now though," Jungkook glances down at him again with a smile, and again Taehyung tries not to combust. "Yeah... haha... Wonder where that wind broke from..." Taehyung forces his mouth shut. /Why did I say that/ he bemoans inside his head.
Silence passes between them, and Jungkook must think he's a freak. Taehyung thinks its better that he leaves now before he continues to make himself look like a complete idiot in front of Jungkook.
"I'm gonna-" "You're giving free hugs?" Jungkook says at the same time. His eyes travel from the paper then back to Taehyung. He lifts his paper seeing the pretty lines of 'Free Hug' written there. He looks up at Jungkook and nods.
"Are you still offering?" "... Huh?" "I uh..." Jungkook scratches the nape of his neck, cheeks a little flushed. If Taehyung was in his right mind, he might have noticed Jungkook is actually shy. "Just... I thought..."
Taehyung is still trying to process that, but while the wheels in his head are still turning his body moves on its own. He steps back and opens his arms inviting Jungkook into a hug.
The other smiles, as if relieved, and walks into his space, arms wrapping around his middle and pulling him closer. Taehyung's face rests on Jungkook's shoulder and as he breathes in he takes a hint of a soft smell, like flowers and babies. Oh god Jungkooks smells so nice.
He realizes he hasn't returned the hug and slowly wraps his arms around Jungkook's shoudlers, stroking the back of his head for good measure. He's not sure what possessed him to be so bold like that.
He doesn't know how long they stay like that, but Taehyung is sure he hasn't hugged the others for /this/ long. But he doesn't mind though. He likes how Jungkook fits well with his slightly smaller frame, likes how Jungkook's arms circle his waist. Like a puzzle piece.
The embrace feels nice. If Taehyung had wings they'd be fluttering. But as all things do, their small moment comes to an end. Jungkook pulls away first and Taehyung has to force back a whine because hugging Jungkook was... comforting.
He came to the park hoping to comfort others but here he is, feeling comfort in the embrace of another. But Jungkook's smile is worth it. He beams at Taehyung as his arms slowly fall to his side. "Thanks, I really needed that."
"Y-You're welcome," Taehyung stutters. Thankfully though his voice doesn't break. Jungkook purses his lips as if he's hesitant. But Taehyung quickly shoves that thought to the very back of his head. Jimin's reminder to keep his imagination in check rings in his head.
"I'll uh... see you around then?" Jungkook says. "Yeah... see you." But when and where, Taehyung doesn't know.
Jungkook lifts his hand in a wave and Taehyung meekly returns it. Jungkook then walks past him, and Taehyung thinks he glances back once before continuing to walk down the path. He shakes it off again, thinking its his imagination. He should really stop being a hopeless romantic
As if by some strange force someone appears from the end to where Jungkook is walking, then someone walks past him. The path is suddenly filled with people as it had been earlier. Taehyung blinks. Did that really just happen?
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•thirty eight•
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Eyy eyy. Stopping here for tonight, bc something might be dropping in a few minutes Who could that be tho 🤔
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While he had initially thought of avoiding the park, Taehyung's feet bring him to the Sunshine Cafe. His reason... there really isn't any other place to study, and he likes the aroma of coffee in the air. Besides, he's not here to give free hugs. He's here to /study/
The bell rings as he opens the door and the barista behind the counter lights up as he enters the shop. "If it isn't free hugs," he smiles as Taehyung approaches the counter. "Here to get another energizer?"
"Hello, Hoseok-ssi," Taehyung returns the smile. "I'm actually here to study. Exams are approaching." "Ah, you're a student at SNU," Taehyung nods to Hoseok's guess. "I just assumed you were gonna do your free hugs thing since.. you know," he points to the binder Taehyung holds
He only remembers bringing a few printouts from his biological anthropology course but to his surprise a familiar signage peeks out from the binder. He slips it out, the familiar lines of 'Free Hug' written on the paper. "What the... How did..."
"You must have put it there by accident," Hoseok supplies and yeah, maybe Taehyung did slip it in his binder without noticing. "Anyway, since you're here to study, I'd recommend a mocha frappe with extra sugar and cream. That's bound to keep your focus intact."
"That sound good. Thank you Hoseok-ssi." "Please, just call me hyung," Hoseok says with a wave of his hand before he turns to work on Taehyung's drink. "I feel like I'll be seeing more of you. Don't ask how? It's just an instinct I have."
"Okay," Taehyung giggles before Hoseok waves him off to take a seat. He looks around the cafe and to his surprise it's empty. But Sundays are usually slow for any business. Still, its strange that the library was full of students. Don't millenials prefer to study here?
He figures it's good for him. He wouldn't have to try and mute out any other noise. He takes a seat by the window there the park is in view. People are walking around, the occasional selfie, some holding hands, kids running around. But nobody makes a move to enter the cafe.
His eyes fall to the familiar path he took to the place where he stood yesterday. It really was fun and he had planned to do it again. But after yesterday... god he's still embarrassed. The possibility of running into Jungkook again is... slim actually.
But now, knowing Jungkook attends the same university as him he's kind of expecting to find the other at any corner. And everytime he's just ready to yeet himself. Taehyung is a social butterfly, but for some reason Jeon Jungkook has a different effect to him.
He's even surprised he's spiralled down the magnificent filming that is golden closet. He's not a fan of vlogging, the idea too pretentious and fake. But when youtube recommended him a random video filled with sceneries, aesthetics, and overall just a cool vibe he couldn't escape
Even with his other videos displaying his ordinary life, Taehyung is still easily captured by the boy and his smile. Oh his smile. How he wishes he could see it again. Only downside is he turns into a mess, and he's just about ready to dig himself a hole if that happens again
"Here you go, free hugs," Hoseok's voice pulls him out of his thoughts. He smiles at the elder as he sets the sweetened drink on top of the table. "Thank you, Hoseok-hyung. And you can just call me Taehyung." "Nah, I like free hugs better. It's kind of cute."
Hoseok glances up to gaze outside the window. "It's a pretty fair day, isn't it. A lot of people, too." "Yeah... Strange how nobody is inside though," Taehyung looks around again. "Trust me, the place was actually bustling earlier. I'm even thinking about getting a part timer."
"You seem to have great timing, though, coming here when nobody else is," Hoseok says. "Though I'm sure you'd rather be out there with everyone else basking in the sun or... I don't know, maybe giving free hugs."
The suggestion is pretty appealing. Taehyung glances again to the binder where his sign peeks out. "Well, I'm gonna leave you to study now. Enjoy your drink," Hoseok waves to him one last time before returning to the counter.
As he's left alone, Taehyung slips the sign out of his binder again. Free Hug. He really doesn't have a good reason to do it, aside from his professor's sermon on how hugs can make a person happier. Then there's the thought that's been running in his head since yesterday.
But while one part of his brain reminds him of how he must have looked stupid yesterday, another part of his brain tells him it's okay and to continue doing it not in fear of others but in hopes he could bring comfort to others.
While Hoseok cleans his work space, he hears a chair scrape over the floor. He smiles to himself as Taehyung bids him "bye" before the door bell rings as he leaves the place. Not long later, the bell rings again and Hoseok smiles as he turns to greet the new customer.
"You just missed free hugs."
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Jungkook sprints down the familiar path as if his life depends on it. He's not actually sure what posessed him to just burst out of the cafe like that. Maybe it was Hoseok's teasing smirk after he mentioned 'free hugs' being present in the area.
(He probably met the guy personally then read Jungkook's tweets and put two and two together) It doesn't really matter why Jungkook did that though, now that he's running down the stone path hoping to get to free hugs in time.
But was this path always long? Why does it feel like he's been running for hours when yesterday he only finished walking the entire way in minutes?
He slows down on his tracks realizing there really is no reason to run. No matter what reason he has to seeking out free hugs, if they've left the park then he couldn't do anything about it.
He's just about to admit defeat when the wing blows stronger, so strong that he's pushed forward and he stmbles a few steps. As he regains his balance and stands back straight, his eyes meet a familiar wonderous gaze.
For such a short time he was allowed to stare at them and wonders how those eyes easily captivated him. He wishes he could snatch a little more time just to state at them.
And it's not only this person's eyes, but his entire face is a gift sculpted by aphrodite herself. How someone so effortlessly beautiful exists right now, right here in front if him, is a miracle in and of itself.
He wants to thank someone; this person's parents, god, hell even the free hugs sign that flew towards Jungkook yesterday. If it wasn't for that event he wouldn't have even caught a glimpse of such ethereal beauty.
The other has a questioning look and Jungkook shakes himself out of his awe fileld stupor. He can do this. "H-hey, it's you again," he starts rather awkwardly. God he wants to slap himself.
Free hugs simply nods, a small smile on his face. Jungkook holds back a coo because god he's so cute his heart couldn't take it. Jungkook smiles stiffly, trying to find the next words to say. He ends up repeating what he said yesterday, but in the worst manner possible.
"Are you... still offering your services?" Wall Maria falls. The titans slap a hand to their face. So do the residents. There could have been better ways to form that sentence, but his mouth chose to be an idiot today.
It's a releif though when free hugs doesn't show any kind of negative reaction to his question. He simply nods. "D-Do you..." god his voice, Jungkook could just drown in it. Its deep and velvety, the type of voice you'd willingly look for to relax after a stressful day.
"You wanna-" "YES," Jungkook slaps a hand to his mouth. That was tooo loud for a simple response. He clears his throat and recomposes himself. "Y-Yes I would like that... If you don't mind."
Free hugs gives a small nod before he steps back and opens his arms. Jungkook jas done this, its okay, but his heart is beating so fast on his chest he's afraid free hugs might also feel it. The little coach in his head continues to cheer that he can do it.
The same as yesterday, he wraps his arms around free hug's waist, tries not to pull him with even just a little force. He simply fits himself into the other's arms. His forehead rests on the other's shoulders and he's able to take a hint of jasmine. Its a light pleasant smell.
And like yesterday he feels a hand stroke the back of his head. The action is surprisingly calming that Jungkook wishes it would never have to end. But just like yesterday he has to let go. But he squeezes free hugs a little more before pulling away first.
"Thank you," he breathes out and he thinks there's a flush on free hug's cheeks. But it must be the sun that is close to setting, orange light cast on his face beautifully. Beautiful.
He realizes he almost says it and forces his mouth shut. He doesn't say anything, simpel waves at the other, before he turns around and runs back the way he came. His heart doesn't stop thumping on his chest. What is going on with him?
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That's it for tonight. See you tomorrow, maybe, idk, I plan to finish the rest of my school work but I'll do my best to update. Tell me your thoughts 😊
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Ya'll really had a struggle with this one... wow Sadly I might not update until tonight. For now, you can send me your toughts and guesses about this au uwu
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It's strange being ran away from. Usually Jungkook would be the run away-ee. Free hugs, no, Kim Taehyung, as soon as they made eye contact, springs up from his seat. Across him, a guy with sandy brown hair looks at him in confusion before he glances to where Taehyung is staring.
Jungkook recognizes him. It was the guy he spoke to back at the student lounge. Jungkook and Taehyung keep eye contact for a while. The other's expression is unreadable, but there's a furrow in his brows and his eyes.. shine differently from the last time. They dont shine at all
Then without a word Taehyung breaks eye contact, grabs his satchel bag, and sprints out the cafe door. Jungkook blinks dumbfounded, eyes not moving from where Taehyung disappeared to. Did he do anything wrong?
He hears a whistle from behind him and turns to see Hoseok by the counter holding a plastic cup with cream swirled at the top. "He left before I could give him his order," he glances to the drink in hand. "It would be a waste though if this was left here. Maybe you'd want it?"
Jungkook approaches the counter and sees the drink clearly. It looks over sweetened, with chocolate sprinkles and chocolate chips all over the cream. Jungkook's not really a fan of those drinks. "N-No thanks."
"Hmm... Then would you mind sending it to free hugs for me? He still paid good money for this." "Wh-what?" Jungkooks sputters. "C-Can't you have his friend over there do it?" he points behind him where he remembered Taehyung's companion was.
"Huh? Where?" Hoseok tilts his head in confusion looking at the direction Jungkook is pointing. When he turns, nobody is there.
He blinks thinking that if he does it more times than once someone will appear, because he's pretty sure someone was sitting there just a second ago.
"Huh, I guess nobody else is here to give free hugs his drink," Hoseok sighs sadly. "He really liked his frappes sweet, too. It doesn't sit well with me either that he paid for this but never got to drink it."
Hoseok sounds like Juliet in his head. He can't exactly mention why but he can imagine the barista in a pretty Victorian era gown, all frilly and pink. "Even if I would accept your favor, I don't even know where I can find him," Jungkook sighs. "Maybe he went home."
"Or," Hoseok lifts a finger and points to the window outside. "He ran down a familiar path he feels he can be comfortable in." Jungkook glances to where Hoseok points. Yes, the familiar path Jungkook has taken twice, where he got a free hug from the most comforting of embraces.
Free hugs. Taehyung. Eyes so beautiful and a body that molds perfectly with his. The leaves fun with the winds leading down the same path as if calling for people to take that way. Calling Jungkook.
He has no special reason to chase after Taehyung again, aside from his binder maybe. But the other had ran away from him, twice now, and Jungkook wonders if Taehyung was creeped out a little from his insistence to get hugs.
First was coincidence. Second he had willingly gone after Hoseok had told him about it. Third... Taehyung probably isnt even giving away free hugs... It would definitely be creepy for Jungkook to go follow him.
"Eyy," Hoseok waves a hand in front of his face pulling him out pf his thoughts. "You going to accept my favor or are you gonna just stand there? I have other customers to attend to."
Hoseok had set the drink on top of the counter. It kind of resembles Taehyung's appearance, sweet and harmonious in color, artsy if put simply. He thinks it wouldn't hurt to try. And if Taehyung wasn't where he thought he would be, then there was nothing else Jungkook could do
He takes the drink and turns to head for the door, hopes that the wind wont fail him this time too. Behind him Hoseok smiles attending to the next customer who came in.
Taehyung's head hangs low as he recalls what had just happened in the cafe. How was he ever going to face Jungkook again?
He hadn't expected to run into the other, /twice/, on one day. His hear beats frantically remembering how Jungkook's eyes met his and how he wasn't able to handle it. He's so pathetic.
He wonders again why he is such a mess when it comes to the other. He's been to Park Seojun's fansign and he wasn't even a stuttering mess. He was able to talk properly to the famous actor. So why? Why does he turn into a complete idiot when he's with Jeon Jungkook?
Is it his face? He is handsome, very handsome indeed and thinking about it makes his heart beat faster.
Is it his voice? Taehyung has heard it in his videos, even knows the other has the voice of a thousand angels combined. He even listens to Jungkook's covers to relax on a weekend.
Or is it the stares? Jungkook is pretty famous, bound to get stares here and there. While Taehyung doesn't really stand out, and he's aware his visuals make a few heads turn every once in a while.
But he also heard about Jungkook's 'fans' on campus, a late night conversation he and Jimin had when he first knew Jungkook studied there. They don't take too kindly on other fans apporaching Jungkook, he said. Taehyung swallowed thickly when he heard that.
Would it be strange trying to initiate normal conversation with his idol though? Again, he reminds himself he's met Park Seoujun. He didn't act like /this/ back then, and a lot of people had seen and didn't mind.
He's only interacted with Jungkook when nobody was around, when it was only the two of them in that embrace. Taehyung also reminds himself that they've hugged, he was pressed close to Jungkook arms around his neck and hand caressing the back of his head.
And it was a nice feeling Taehyung wishes he could experience again. But it hasn't even been long since they've met (interacted). Whats got Taehyung so flustered anyway?
In a fit, he kicks his legs in front of him accidentally knocking down his bag he had put on his lap. The lock undoes itself and a few of his things slip down and peek out. He slides off the bench to slide his stuff back in when his eyes catch a familiar sign.
He's sure he didn't put this in his bag this time. He slips the free hugs sign out of his bag, inspecting it and wondering how the hell it got there.
"Mommy, mommy, its Mr. Winter Bear!" a high pitched voice calls and he looks up to see a little girl tugging on her mother's skirt before running the rest of the way to Taehyung by herself.
He smiles, recognizing the little girl who insisted she call him Mr. Winter Bear after a short conversation about their birthdays. "Hello," he shifts his position and faces the little girl properly, still kneeling on the ground so she's at her level.
"Are you still giving hugs, mister?" she asks rocking back and forth on her heel. "Uhh..." he looks down at the sign then back up to the girl. She seems to be anticipating it.
Seeing as he cannot reject a cutie such as her, he opens his arms and she excitedly jumps into them with a giggle. He looks up at the girls mother who smiles fondly at them. "You're doing everyone a good favor by giving away these free hugs," she tells him. "You're truly kind."
Taehyung smiles up at the lady. "It's nothing really. Just wanna help get even just a little of their burden off." The girl lets go and steps back, but her eyes remain elsewhere and she gasps and points to someone behind Taehyung. "Do you wanna hug Mr. Winter Bear, too?"
Jungkook stands behind him with a drink in hand and a small smile. He smiles at Taehyung before he glances to the little girl. "I actually call him Free Hugs, and yes, I'd be willing to hug him if he'll stop running away from me."
At that the little girl gasps and she sends Taehyung a pleading look. "Please let him hug you. Don't let him be sad." Her mother laughs before lifting her off the ground and carrying her. "All right Soomi, that's enough. Lets have the two oppas talk, okay."
Before she parts she sends a wink to Taehyung, and he isnt sure it it was suggestive or was meant for good luck. He hopes its the latter.
Now that they're alone, Taehyung realizes his back is still to Jungkook and he isn't sure if he's brave enough to turn around and face him after running away from him twice in just one day.
But the wind blows to the direction where Jungkook stands. It blows as if pushing Taehyung to turn around. The wind is odd, but it can also be convincing.
Slowly he turns, eyes slowly travel up to Jungkook whose smile remains. Alone in the same path they met, Taehyung's heart beat slows down until it is calm. He doesn't feel like running anymore because away from prying eyes, he's okay with the way Jungkook gazes at him.
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•ninety five•
The End HEHEh just kidding. I'll be screaming about dynamite on the tl until tomorrow 🧨you can scream about this fic 👇👇 there
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Choose wisely
uwu Check out this fanart its so lovely thank you so much 💜
A fanart for @suuny | go to @sakooraa_’s “Free Hugs AU” Taehyung in a selfmade Jungkook merch shirt (totally not because the real merch was too expensive lol) I hope you enjoy the Fanart ♥︎ #fanart #bts #freehugsAU #btsfanart
•one hundred eleven•
•one hundred twelve•
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"Mindae get off me goddammit," Jungkook grunts in annoyance as he spins around hoping to get the girl off his back. "I haven't seen you for a semester and this is how you treat me?" Mindae clings to him tighter. "I don't want you to think Im avoiding you because of that asshat."
"I honestly don't. Now will you get off me I swear to hell I-" Jungkook stops his sentence midway as his eyes fall to a familar gaze. A gaze so... empty.
Mindae seems to have noticed his sudden silence as she drops her legs from his waist. He arms still remain around his shoulders as she asks him whats wrong. She glances to where Jungkook is looking, then a very long "Ooohhh..." leaves her mouth.
They must look like.... Jungkook can't even say it but their position is sure to raise some questions. Then all of a sudden Taehyung turns his back and it somehow brings an ache to his chest. Because its like Taehyung is running away again... Even after what happened yesterday.
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I fell asleep while updating and just woke up jfc... I'll continue later or tonight 💕
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•one hundred twenty nine•
•one hundred thirty•
•one hundred thirty one•
•one hundred thirty two•
Where did they go? 🤔
☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞
The night air is chilly, but neither of them seem to mind as they run down the sidewalk, laughs echoing into the night even as cars drive by. They run past the park and the cafe which is now closed, oddly too early. They dont linger on it though, choosing to continue running.
At some point as they run, Jungkook's hand reaches out for Taehyung's and without a second thought he takes it as he catches up to Jungkook's pace so they're running side by side. Fingers laced together they continue to run into the night.
Eventually Taehyung's feet grow tired, and running while laughing actually exhausts you even more. He tugs lightly on Jungkook's hand and they slow down to a stop. After catching his breath, Taehyung giggles. This was the lest he expected out of his day.
"You okay?" Jungkook asks with a smile as he too catches his breath. "Yeah," Taehyung breathes out. "Just give me an minute." Their hands are still laced together, but neither of them bring it up, nor do they make a move to let go.
" I never got my binder back," Taehyung whines breathily realizing that they were so eager to get away from Mindae and Yoongi's snooping eyes, he completely forgot heading to the student loinge to get his binder. "We should have gotten it then ran. Maybe we could have studied."
Jungkook laughs breathily. "Wanna run back to campus?" "I'd rather pass out here," Taehyung tilts his head sideways and pouts. "Unless you're willing to carry me." Jungkook blinks at him in surprise and Taehyung realizes that must have sounded too familiar.
He and Jungkook barely know each other, are simply acquainted. They hadn't even exchanged a few words with each other back at the cafe, only until Taehyung had to leave to get his binder back. He even squeaked in response to Jungkook's offer.
But being here in the middle of a bustling sidewalk where the sun barely peeks from the buildings, standing hand in hand, simply feels... natural. It's quite peculiar but is also very welcome.
Taehyung is expecting a sinple reply like "no way" or even for Jungkook to turn around. Indeed Jungkook does let go of his hand first but before Taehyung could sven mope about it, his body is suddenly titled sideways and his feet fly off the ground.
In the next blink he feels strong amrs holding him at his back and under his knees. Oh god Jungkook is carrying him bridal style in the middle of the sidewalk. "Jungkook, put me down," Taehyung laughs despite the mild embarrassment.
"You said you wanna be carried if we go back to campus," Jungkook raises a teasing brow at him. "I could always return early tomorrow," Taehyung slaps Jungkool's shoulder playfully. "Now put me down there are people staring."
"You're okay with people hugging you but not okay with people staring," Jungkook chucles before he sets Taehyung down. "Well... At least I was willing to be hugged," Taehyung crosses his arms with a pout. "Yeah, look where that got us."
The mention of /us/ has the world around them stopping. Us, such a small word yet so heavy. Us, him and Jungkook, are here right now all because of a free hugs sign. A hug that comforted them both. A hug where they both fit perfectly.
Taehyung hides his flush by looking down. He also tries to calm the beatung of his heart. He think it would go away if he talks but he doesn't really know what to say. Thankfully Jungkook says first, "Since we're here now, wanna go grab a bite before we head back to campus?"
"I'm actually pretty full from the cafe," Taehyung says and he thinks Jungkook's expression falls. He giggles into his hand. "But I am up for some street food. I think there are a fee trucks not too far from here that sell dalgona." Jungkook smiles. "It's a date then."
☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞
•one hundred thrity three•
Pausing here and continuing tonight. For now pls rt post below to help Lebanon
•one hundred thirty four•
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•one hundred thirty eight•
•one hundred thirty nine•
•one hundred forty•
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•one hundred forty two•
•one hundred forty three•
•one hundred forty four•
•one hundred forty five•
•one hundred forty six•
•one hundred forty seven•
•one hundred forty eight•
•one hundred forty nine•
Remember when I said this was gonna be short? Forget I said that some plot fell on me while I was planning this See you tonight for the next update
•one hundred fifty•
•one hundred fifty one•
•one hundred fifty two•
•one hundred fifty three•
•one hundred fifty four•
•one hundred fifty five•
•one hundred fifty six•
•one hundred fifty seven•
This is not a moment its a movement
•one hundred fifty eight•
•one hundred fifty nine•
•one hundred sixty•
•one hundred sixty one•
•one hundred sixty two•
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The sun is almost setting and Taehyung thinks its high time for him to head to the cafe. He checks his phone for any messages. He debates opening twitter but he could just do that later. Besides, he has a feeling Jungkook is in the cafe already.
He thinks it's odd. They had met a week ago around the same time. And a few days ago they had started hanging out. It was as if they knew each other for a long time, how easy it was to fit into each other's lives. Into each other's embrace.
He sighs. He hasn't hugged Jungkook in a while. There was a difference between giving it away willingly, thinking maybe you wont ever have to see that person again, and giving it away to a friend. A friend he's slowly falling for.
Because just as it was easy to fall into his videos, as easy as it was to befriend him, it was also very easy for Taehyung to admire the slopes of Jungkook's face, the ringing of bells when he laughs, the smiles he gives when he thinks Taehyung isn't looking.
But maybe that is all just wishful thinking. He knows Jungkook is kind and cares for his friends. He sighs. He really has fallen deep, huh?
He plops down on the bench behind him. He's in the usual path he takes when he does this; free hugs, how it all started. He stares at the sign with a smile, the same one he used at the first day. His little bubble is interrupted though when a shadow looms over him.
He looks up and sees an unfamiliar face, features sharp and handsome. His hair is black and slicked back, shiny with gel and Taehyung fainly smells nicotine coming from the other. He really doesn't like it.
"Hi," the stranger greets with a smile. "Are you giving away free hugs?" Taehyung looks down at his sign then looks up again. His smile though doesn't reach his ears. "Yeah.. I am." "Are you still offering? Because I really need one right now."
Taehyung could say no, but he doesn't wannanbe rude. Besides, its just one hug. He gets up from the bench and steps forward wrapping his arms arpund the other. The hug is returned but Taehyung remains uneasy as the smell of nicotine grows stronger.
Taehyung pull away first and gives an awkward grimace. "I... hope you have a good-" "Ah, no wonder you lok familar," the other snaps his fingers. "You're Jeon's new boy." "P-Pardon?"
"Ah, what I mean to say if you and he have been hanging out," the other says. "I'd have to assume you're a fan then." "W-well, yeah I am but-" "Ah, a lot of you really do try to get close with him," he sighs as if disappointed. "I suggest you give it up though."
Taehyung furrows his brows. This guy is really getting to him. "What do you mean?" "Oh you know, pursuing him. He doesn't really date his fans." Taehyung's lips settle to a straight line. Its irritating ti hear that, but he wont show it. He forces a smile.
"I wasn't planning to," Taehyung says, and when he does his heart throbs a little. "He's just a friend and nothing more. Still... Whoever you are to him I don't think you should mind what we have." The smile fades from the other's face replaced with irritation.
"Whoever I am? If you actually are a fan then you should-" "Taehyung," a new voice, a familiar vouce, enters and they both glance to side to see Jungkook walking towards them. Taehyung's mouth parts in surprise. The other meanwhile...
"Kookie, long time no see." To their surprise though, Jungkook ignores him in favor of facing Taehyung instead. And while Taehyung thinks he should be releived theres a different air to Jungkook right now.
Taehyung meets Jungkook's eyes, and it remains like that for a moment; a thousand words behind his gaze, a thousand words Taehyung wishes he could be told. And without saying anything, words remained hidden, Jungkook grabs Taehyung's wrist and leads him away from the spot.
They leave the stranger there with his mouth parted in a mix of surprise, irritation, and eventually anger. /Why didn't he look at me?/
☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞
•one hundred sixty three•
•one hundred sixty four•
•one hundred sixty five•
Aight guys. Last poll
>>Poll will be ending soon but based on the leading result I just want you guys to know this will also be the last update to this twt fic. I enjoyed writing it and didn't expect a lot of you to actually read this. Thank you. For context if you chose the other, this+
Would have been way longer and more frustrating things would have happened. Idk if I can handle that type of writing. So Im pretty thankful you chose the fast road to happiness. Of course this will have a happy ending. My heart is too soft for sad ones.<<
•one hundred sixty six•
•one hundred sixty seven•
•one hundred sixty eight•
•one hundred sixty nine•
•one hundred seventy•
☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞
Taehyung thinks this really isn't the time for coffee. But Hoseok had insisted, even going as far as to turn the shop sign to 'Closed'. He worries though that he will take too long. The sky seems darker than it usually is, clouds covering the moon.
Why do you look so uneasy?" Hoseok asks as he settles on the chair across his. Taehyung realizes his thumbs have been rubbing the cup for a while, and not for the reason to get warm. He's fidgeting, a little worried of the idea that Jungkook is out there with heavy thoughts.
"I just... You said you didn't know where Jungkook is... so I thought I should maybe go and find him..." it sounds kind of absurd, looking for someone with no concrete reason but... "And where would you start looking?"
"I..." Taehyung ponders on it. Where would he start looking? He hears Hoseok sigh lightly before taking a sip from his own cup. "Have you ever heard about the will of the wind?" Taehyung gives a questioning look. "I know there's a song about it."
Hoseok giggles with his lips still on the cup. "Yeah, there is a song. And you could see it's about making choices and thinking about what you could change in your life." Taehyung's brows knit together. He doesn't get where this is going.
"You look confused," Hoseok smiles at his expression. "But don't worry. All of us are. What matters is that if we allow that confusion to consume us or if we finds answers to our questions." He gets the meaning behind Hoseok's words. /What are you confused about?/
"Hyung... Jungkook and I exchanged accounts a few days ago and... Shouldn't that mean he saw even my past tweets?" "What about them?" "Well... They're... Kind of about him and... Wouldn't it bring misunderstandings if a fan tries their best to befriend their idol?"
"Your term idol stems from a lack of better wording I see," Hoseok rubs his chin. "I uh... Yeah, but I appreciate his works. He's more than just the videos he makes... He's a great guy and it's so easy to fall..." Taehyung trails off. Hoseok gives him a knowing smile.
"You know misunderstandings happen when two people don't talk to each other," Hoseok says. "It's what made Jungkook's previous relationship." "His... previous relationship?"
"Some people say actions are louder than words, but there's a thing to words that have a different effect on you." "But words can hurt," Taehyung says. "Yes, they can, which is why we need to use /both/ actions and words."
Hoseok points. "You are more of an actions person, while Jungkook is more of words. Shows from how you're willing to give free hugs but is also reluctant to say no. Jungkook meanwhile has no filter with his mouth, just says whatever comes out but isn't mindful of his actions."
"It's high time for you to tell Jungkook how you really feel, and it's time for him to show you his emotions through his actions in return." "B-But... Isn't it too fast, hyung? We only properly met last week."
"A lot of people are mindful of time," Hoseok nods. "But sometimes we can do more for someone in five days than in five months." "How so?" "You give away free hugs, Tae," Hoseok smiles at him knowingly. "You should know."
Outside thunder rumbles in the sky and Taehyung wouldn't have noticed it, too deep in his thoughts, if Hoseok didn't mention it. "You should bring an umbrella," the cafe owner gets up from his seat to grab an umbrella from behind the counter. "Who knows how hard it would rain."
Taehyung takes the umbrella for Hoseok but before he could say thanks, the elder pushes him out of the cafe, heart shaped smile as he waves him away. Huh...
No time to analyze that though. He looks around and it's no surprise the park is empty. Nobody usually roams here at this time of the night. But he knows Jungkook is here somewhere. He can feel it. Unexplainable and confusing, just like how Hoseok described the will of the wind
The wind blows gently despite the continuous rumbling of thunder in the sky. However as gentle as it is, he feels it's like a slight nudge to get him to start walking. The direction it blows to though... Maybe it means something...
Just as he's about to start walking, the first few drops of rain fall on his face. He looks up, palm raised up as well, and indeed it has started to rain. He opens his umbrella and briskly walks towards the path he has grown to be familiar with.
*** Hyun's face still has that uneasy effect on Jungkook. He wonders why he never noticed it there before, especially during the time they spent together for five months. Menacing, ready to draw out whatever good is left of you.
Was Hyun ever a good person? Maybe, when they met. Jungkook remembers it, remembers when Hyun had walked up to him shyly and asked for his autograph. He had thought it was cute and they started hanging out. And it was all good until it wasn't.
(I forgot to add //tw mentions of alcohol and substance abuse, not heavily detailed but still implied)
While he had thought it was all harmless fun, Jungkook found himself in places with more smoke than fresh air, where water was poison and bodies liked to tangle all together. It destroyed Jungkook in and out. Yet he still allowed for Hyun to put in whatever it is he gave to him.
Seokjin and Namjoon, the only other friends he had outside of that circle he associated with, had about enough of it the day Jungkook came home completely out of it. They had kept him from going out during the break, even going as far as to bring him on their vacation in Ilsan.
That vacation had been a breath of fresh air. And Jungkook had then only realized how far he'd spiralled down just to please someone who had only ever used him. He left behind his craft and set it aside for someone who claimed to admire it but paid no mind in reality.
Their breakup was silent, mostly because Jungkook chose to stay away from Hyun. People of course had asked him where his boyfriend was and he simply said they weren't together anymore. And that was that.
Hyun is the reason why he's hesitant to approach fans, and be willing to be approached by them out in the open. Hyun is the reason for many things. And now Hyun stands before him. Three months Jungkook was at peace without him, but it was all just him trying to convince himself.
Trying to convince himself that Hyun wasn't going to bother him anymore. He was wrong.
"What do you want, Hyun?" Jungkook asks tiredly. He'd prefer to get this over with. "Wow, that's the first thing you say to me in three months? I'm kind of hurt Jungkook," his tone is anything but mocking it makes Jungkook scoff.
"I only came because you said you had something important to say. I'd prefer you hurry it up." Hyun doesn't look too happy about that, and Jungkook knows he's cut a cord in the other's patience. Hyun did always like to have things go his way.
"That... little boy you're hanging out with-" "He's older than you," Jungkook interrupts. "He's a fan," Hyun raises his voice. "He's no different from everyone else, Jungkook."
"By everyone else you mean you?" Jungkook raises a brow. "When are you going to get over that?" Hyun rolls his eyes. "I said I was sorry." "That doesn't cut it," Jungkook sighs. "You know, if that's all you wanted to say then I'm just gonna go."
"Oh, so you're not even going to take into consideration that he's just using you," Hyun says before Jungkook could turn his back on the other. Thunder rumbles in the sky. Small drops of rain start to fall.
"It's clear he's using a pattern, that free hugs gig he does is just some excuse to get to you closer. He's probably just pretending-" "Shut up." Hyun's mouth parts in surprise. It's clear he wasn't expecting that.
He must think Jungkook had remained submissive even after all that shit he'd been put through. "I've known for a while that he's a fan of my work, but he isn't like you, Hyun." "How are you even sure, huh?" Jungkook smiles. "He never mentioned it once."
"You on the other hand... God it was always about me and my popularity. Being beside me benefited you into those social circles you tried so hard to maintain an image for. You know what, congratulations, you're already in them. What do you still need me for?"
Hyun grits his teeth. He doesn't answer. "If you want to keep me beside you just to maintain your image, forget it. I've learned how people like you act. And I'm not the same submissive guy you could toy around."
"How are you sure he isn't the same, then?" Hyun stops him again. "You're all confident in saying he won't treat you like crap." "It's because he doesn't," Jungkook says. "Frankly he's done more good to me in five days than you did in five months."
"You can say whatever bad item there is in the book, but I'm very sure Taehyung will never be one of them. He's kind, considerate, overall just beautiful inside and out," Jungkook sighs fondly. "Oh my god... You fell for him," Hyun furrows his brows.
Jungkook shrugs. "Maybe... No, I really did," he smiles. "Who wouldn't fall for such a kind soul like Taehyung?" "You're going to eat your words Jeon," Hyun points at him as he starts to take steps backwards.
"Even if I would, I'd never think of running back to you," Jungkook says. "I know my worth. It's time you know yours, too." Jungkook had expected to be the first to turn his back but Hyun looks defeated in an irritated way. He stomps away angrily until he's no longer in sight.
He had poured so much of is heart out he had completely ignored the rain falling down on him. It falls heavily now, completely soaking him from head to toe. He guesses maybe it is what he needs. To wash off the negativity and leave this day behind.
The feeling of rain hitting his skin disappears, though, and he wonders if it had stopped. However it still pours heavily in front of him. But no longer on him. He looks up and sees... an umbrella?
He turns around and his eyes widen in surprise when he meets familiar wonder filled orbs. Taehyung smiles at him, holding an umbrella keeping them both safe from the heavy downpour of the rain.
"Hi," Jungkook breathes out in awe. "Hello," Taehyung smiles and it's the brightest thing he has seen tonight. "I guess it was right of me to come looking for you. You look like a wet rabbit," he teases.
But the remark goes over Jungkook's head. Instead he steps forward without even thinking about the state of his clothes. He wraps his arms around Taehyung and presses close, burying his face into Taehyung's shoulder. He still smells like faint jasmines.
"Is this okay?" he breathes out, finally able to let go of what weighed him down. He hears Taehyung hum and feels a hand stroking the back of his head in a familiar pattern. It makes him press closer a little more, seeking for the comfort he can only find in Taehyung's arms.
"You can come to me any time, Jungkook," he hears Taehyung say. "For you, my everything is free." Around them the rain continues to fall, but it's okay. It doesn't mean anything bad. They're together after all.
☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞
•one hundred seventy one•
•one hundred seventy two•
•one hundred seventy three•
•one hundred seventy four•
•one hundred seventy five•
•one hundred seventy six•
•one hundred seventy seven•
•one hundred seventy eight•
☕ 🎞 two months later 🎞 ☕
•one hundred seventy nine•
•one hundred eighty•
•one hundred eighty one•
•one hundred eight two•
•one hundred eighty three•
•one hundred eighty four•
•one hundred eighty five•
•one hundred eighty five•
•one hundred eighty six•
•one hundred eighty seven•
•one hundred eighty eight•
•one hundred eighty nine•
•one hundred ninety•
☕ 🎞 Epilogue 🎞 ☕
☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞 END 🎞 ☕ 🎞 ☕ 🎞 ☕
And it's over. The what I thought would be short au but ended up having some plot to it. I hope yall enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing it. And may all of you get your 8 hugs a day, in person or virtually
sunny⁷ 🌻🌷 comms open
a flower cannot blossom without sunshine • writer • arter • semi-nsfw 🔞 • STUDENT nurse • was mochiicks • comms info under 📌
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