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Mar 2, 2021
170 tweets

#taekookau where taehyung doesn't want jungkook to be sad on valentine's day. (or: taehyung can hide his insane romantic feelings for his best friend behind inappropriate pick-up lines but flushes at the thought of pretending to be a couple just to cheat capitalism)

i'll start updates tonight?? it'll be a short au 💔
— late valentines au by yours truly — a mix of written updates and social media — fluff, tae being stupid, classic friends to lovers — possible nsfw scene so here’s your warning 🔞 — this will be short!! lastly please quote rt instead of replying and tell me what you thinkđŸ„°
Taehyung’s been staring at the sign for a good minute. It feels like he’s being taunted by it, mocked, though the fact that his well-being is threatened by an inanimate object should say something about how pathetic he is.
It feels slightly offensive that only couples are allowed to profit off of today. If anything, shouldn’t the singles get as much exclusivity for simply having to endure a celebration that casts them out? Taehyung normally wouldn't care this much, but standing here with Jeongguk
in front of the restaurant puts into perspective everything that he and Jeongguk aren’t. Taehyung’s feelings for him, feelings that are years old by now, are suddenly crystal clear, and it pisses him off that one sign is what reminds him that even though he’s learned to live
with settling for friendship (because there’s nothing he would ever sacrifice it for), sometimes he still longs for things between them to be different. If Jeongguk felt the slightest bit of what Taehyung feels for him, then something would have happened by now. Taehyung knows
he isn’t interested because he’s had no problem Jeongguk hasn't said anything yet. Taehyung's too embarrassed to wonder what’s going on inside his head so he apologizes instead.
“Sorry, ‘Gguk-ah. Jimin didn’t tell me it was couples only.” The next time Taehyung sees Jimin, the first thing he will do is hit the boy on the back of his head. For all he knows, Jimin could have done this on purpose just to mess with him. Rub in his face the fact that it’s
been years and he still hasn’t gotten over his sad, stupid crush on his best friend nor has he grown the balls to make a move. “C’mon. I know some other good restaurants in the area.” He feels defeated. He really did want to make Jeongguk feel better.
“Um. Or we could. We could just
 pretend,” Jeongguk suggests timidly. Taehyung just stares at him, waiting for the punchline. “What?” “It’s a good deal. And they won’t really have the evidence to prove that we’re faking it right?”
Taehyung’s all for cheating their way against capitalism but pretending to be a couple? With Jeongguk? Granted, they probably wouldn’t have to do anything except consciously lie about their relationship but
 even the idea alone makes Taehyung’s inside tingle.
It’s harmless, yes, just too close to the heart for Taehyung to handle. Jeongguk’s looking at him expectantly, with /hope/ in his stupid pretty eyes that make it impossible for Taehyung to say no.
“I suppose not
,” he says, and Jeongguk immediately walks inside the restaurant so he has no choice but to follow him. “Table for two? Valentine’s special?” A waitress asks them upon their entrance and Jeongguk nods. “Right this way.”
As they’re being lead to an empty table, Taehyung takes note of the special decorations that have been put up. The restaurant is bustling with red and pink, heart-shaped balloons taped on windows,
and even the staff had taken it upon themselves to wear Valentine’s Day-themed aprons. The waitress hands them the menus as they take their seats, including a separate and /special/ menu that’s obviously reserved for, well, couples.
Most of the items on it are a two-for-one deal and it’s like Taehyung can almost hear his wallet moaning from the prices. He /was/ planning on treating Jeongguk today, regardless of how much it’s going to cost him, but knowing that he’s going to be paying practically half the
price of what he would normally pay makes him feel ecstatic. Maybe this isn’t such a bad idea. “I’ll leave you two to decide on your orders. Just call for someone whenever you’re ready.” The waitress smiles before leaving Taehyung and Jeongguk alone.
“Geez. Is the restaurant going bankrupt? This seems a lot for a marketing scheme.” Though all extravagance aside, it seems to be working. It’s well over lunch hours but Taehyung sees only one or two empty tables, and now that he’s /really/ looking,
he realizes that most of them are occupied by couples. Taehyung looks to his right and sees a girl spoon-feeding her supposed boyfriend (though considering what he and Jeongguk are up to, there’s no way of telling if everyone here isn’t doing the same thing they are).
“Oh! Let’s share a milkshake.” Jeongguk suggests. “You’re gonna finish the whole thing. Let’s just get separate ones.” “But everyone else is sharing! Might as well blend in.” Taehyung feels the urge to fan his face. It’s February. It shouldn’t be this hot even inside.
“This feels illegal.” “Pretty sure you’ve done worse in your college days, hyung.” Thinking about his rebellious phase makes Taehyung cringe. It’s hard to believe he’s now working a job with a stable income and filing his own taxes when all he had done then was skip class and
drink until alcohol no longer burned his throat. Their food comes just fifteen minutes after they place their orders. The milkshake Jeongguk wanted came with one straw with two separate ends, looping in the middle to form a swirly heart. Taehyung almost snorts.
Being here makes him remember just how much he hates Valentine’s Day, mostly because he has always spent it single. But being here /with/ Jeongguk is a nice change, even if the premise of their relationship today is entirely fake.
Jeongguk digs into his meal and so does Taehyung. The pasta tastes relatively good for a budget restaurant, but maybe that’s just the discount talking, and seeing Jeongguk look content as he eats is just as satisfying as the food itself.
“Are you still going on that company outing to Jeju this month?” Jeongguk asks as he chews, the mouthful of pasta making his cheeks puff out. The sight makes Taehyung feel fond. “It got pushed back to mid-March but yeah, I’m still going.”
“Fun. I’ve always wanted to go to Jeju. I don’t think I can use any of my vacation days until the end of the year. My boss has been giving me deadlines after deadlines.”
“We can go together when we have the time,” Taehyung suggests without really thinking about it, and then realizes second later how a private, two-person getaway with just him and Jeongguk, to Jeju of all places, might sound like (though Taehyung knows it might just all be in his
head, like everything usually is). So he adds, “And, uh, with the others too.” They keep talking while they eat, and although Taehyung sees Jeongguk often enough, he starts to realize it’s a lot /less/ lately with how much stuff they’re catching up on right now.
A lot less compared to before both of them started working full-time jobs, at least. It feels like he and Jeongguk were attached to the hip back in college. At some point, in the middle of Jeongguk talking about something that happened at his office
(Taehyung /swears/ he’s trying to pay attention; Jeongguk’s face is just very distracting), Taehyung notices that Jeongguk’s got pasta sauce on his chin. The stain irks him so much that he can’t really listen to what Jeongguk’s saying anymore.
Taehyung suddenly feels an itch in his fingers, and instead of telling Jeongguk like any other guy would that he’s got something on his chin, Taehyung grabs the nearest tissue and reaches his hand out.
“Sorry, just—” Taehyung leans forward and wipes the stain off himself, making Jeongguk freeze and stop talking. “It was bugging me.” “Oh. Thanks.”
The eye contact they make after that makes Taehyung’s cheeks burn. Jeongguk clears his throat, Taehyung looks down at his plate, and there’s not much that’s said after that as they both continue eating until Taehyung hears a familiar voice call out his name.
“Oh. Taehyung, Jeongguk, hi!” Taehyung sees one of his old classmates back in university waving at him and Jeongguk, bright smile on her face as she makes her way to their table.
Yuna is probably the nicest girl Taehyung has ever met. She was always bright and cheery, and very optimistic even about Taehyung’s hopeless crush on his best friend, that he only told her years ago because he’d been flat out drunk and feeling pathetic.
How disappointed she would be if she found out not much has changed since then. “Hi, noona. It’s been a while,” Jeongguk greets. “It really has!” Yuna smiles with her eyes and then studies them both, seeming to understand what’s going on instantly.
“Are you two here
 together?” “Um. Yeah. I guess?” Jeongguk replies, innocent. “Oh, that’s wonderful! I’m so glad this finally happened. See, Tae? I told you he would—“
“Are you here with anyone?” Taehyung interrupts, holding her gaze trying to communicate with his eyes and hoping that she understands that he wants her to /shut up/. He doesn’t think she gets what he’s trying to say but she drops the topic nonetheless.
“Oh, I’m just picking up some pancakes for my very lazy, and unfortunately currently very sick boyfriend. On Valentine’s Day. A shame,” Yuna sighs. “But I’ll get out of your hair now. See you two love birds around.”
She gives Taehyung a not-so-subtle wink that makes Taehyung flush before walking away. “What did she mean? What did you tell her?” Jeongguk asks once she’s out of earshot.
“Nothing. Doesn’t matter. Just Yuna being Yuna.” Taehyung clears his throat and looks down at his plate. Jeongguk doesn’t bring it up again for the rest of the meal.
After almost half an hour of arguing with Jeongguk on letting Taehyung pay the bill, the two decide to walk around the area rather than going back to their respective apartments. It's only a little over three and the day is bright, the sunlight barely feeling like anything
amongst the cold February air. Jeongguk and Taehyung walk side by side, close enough for Taehyung to have the urge to loop his arms around Jeongguk’s (but he doesn’t, of course), as they make their way down the shopping street they somehow ended up at.
There are a lot of street food vendors that catch Jeongguk’s eye. Taehyung’s still full from the meal but Jeongguk’s eyeing every snack like his mouth’s watering. “Are those chocolate-covered strawberries?” Jeongguk points.
“You want one?” Taehyung asks, but he’s already approaching the small stall and ordering one for Jeongguk. “Wait, no, you paid for lunch,” Jeongguk grabs Taehyung’s wrist just as he’s about to hand the money to the lady.
“It’s fine.” “/Hyung/,” Jeongguk whines, tightening his grip on Taehyung’s wrist, bottom lip jutting out like he knows it’s what gets to Taehyung the most. “Why are you acting like I never buy you food?” “Fine. But we’re sharing.”
Jeongguk lets go of Taehyung’s wrist, letting Taehyung finally hand his money to the cashier. “You two are adorable. How long have you guys been together?” the lady asks, smiling at them, and Taehyung can only be grateful that she’s somewhat entertained by their antics rather
than annoyed. “Oh, um....” Taehyung flicks his eyes to Jeongguk, feeling his face flush. To Taehyung’s surprise, Jeongguk just smiles and gives him a small shrug. So he answers, “about three years.”
That's only a quarter of how long they’ve been friends. They lived in the same block all throughout their childhood but never really started hanging out until Taehyung was about fifteen.
Jeongguk was a year under him, but their mothers enrolled them in the same taekwondo class one summer. Of course, Taehyung sucked and Jeongguk was the exact opposite, even as a skinny prepubescent teen,
and after one sparring session in which Taehyung had fallen on his ass quite pathetically, Jeongguk had helped him up and asked if he wanted to walk home together after. They’ve been inseparable ever since.
Taehyung doesn’t know where the “stupidly falling in love with your best friend” bit fell specifically in their timeline. All satisfied, Jeongguk happily holds the strawberry kebab in one hand and Taehyung notices that the fist he has wrapped around the thin stick is completely
covered by the loose sleeve of his sweater. The sight signals a kick inside Taehyung’s chest that he ignores, like he always does, but the weight of what they’ve been doing all day settles in again.
They’re pretending to be a couple. Granted, only three people have been fooled but it’s
 it makes Taehyung deflate thinking about it now. Because that’s all this will ever be.
“Hyung, let’s go get ice cream.” Jeongguk finishes the last strawberry and throws the stick into a nearby bin. “How are you still hungry?” His appetite baffles Taehyung. “C’mon. I want Baskin Robbins.”
Jeongguk drags Taehyung by the wrist before Taehyung could protest. Not like he was going to. Today is about making Jeongguk forget about seeing his stupid ex. If Jeongguk wants ice cream, he’s going to get ice cream.
The shop is packed but the two manage to snag a small table in the corner. Taehyung orders for them (strawberry for him and chocolate chip for Jeongguk) and this time Jeongguk doesn’t protest when Taehyung offers to pay.
Taehyung knows he likes to be spoiled. Sometimes he’s just shy about it at first. “You feel better?” Taehyung asks. “Hm?” “Are you still upset about seeing your ex?”
“Actually, I haven’t really thought about him all day. Not since you suggested we go out today. And I guess your tweet kind of humored me too. Do all of your pickup lines work on other guys?”
It’s clear that Taehyung’s much braver online. The mention of his stupid tweet makes him look down at his cup, suddenly feeling sheepish.
“There are no guys in my life.” The only guy he wants in his life is already in it, just not the way Taehyung wants him to be. “You wanna head back after this?” Jeongguk taps his plastic spoon against the edge of the paper cup.
“Can you
 can you come over? I don’t want to be alone again...” “Sure. We can watch a movie.” Taehyung considers it, for a split second. He’s seen enough rom-coms to know that hiding your feelings for your best friend never ends well.
Jeongguk’s far too nice to completely cut him off if—worst case scenario—he doesn’t feel the same way. He’d still say that he wants to stay friends but Taehyung knows things would be different.
Jeongguk feeds Taehyung a spoonful of his own ice cream. Normally, Taehyung wouldn’t blink twice at this, but today his heart races like he’s seventeen again.
Neither he and Jeongguk are fancy drinkers, but Jeongguk took it upon himself to take out the only bottle of wine in his apartment tonight, and because Jeongguk doesn’t own any wine glasses Taehyung’s been drinking from the pokemon mug that he bought the
younger two years ago for Christmas. Taehyung has set the mug on Jeongguk’s bedside table, now lying on Jeongguk’s twin bed scrolling on his phone, when Jeongguk walks in and rolls on top of Taehyung instead of asking him to scoot over.
Taehyung huffs at the weight but he’s used to this. Jeongguk would probably deny it if anyone told him but he’s like an overgrown puppy. He sulks when someone’s not paying attention to him and loves it whenever anyone plays with his hair.
Groaning, Taehyung pushes the younger until he’s lying beside him instead, but the second Jeongguk’s back lands on the mattress he swings his legs over Taehyung’s thighs like he’s trying to cage him, and doesn’t move.
“I didn’t invite you over just so you can drink my wine and be on your phone," Jeongguk huffs, which is his way of saying that he wants attention. Taehyung locks his phone and puts it down on the bedside table, right next to his mug. They were supposed to watch a movie but
Taehyung thinks Jeongguk has forgotten about it and he doesn't want to remind him now. Doesn't want to have to put a laptop between them. This feels too nice already. "You're the host. Aren't you supposed to be the one entertaining me?"
Taehyung turns to the side, slotting his hands between his cheek and pillow. Funny how sometimes one small thing Jeongguk does can make his heart flutter but at the same time he's also so used to sleeping in the same bed with him like this.
"How many Valentine's have you spent single?" Jeongguk asks. The sudden question takes him by surprise. He feels a tiny pang somewhere inside his chest, too, because Jeongguk's the sole reason why he hasn't dated in a long while. "Are you trying to make me sad?"
"No, just—it's hard to believe that someone like you would be single or dateless on Valentine's Day." Taehyung doesn't know what he means. "Don't look at me like that. You seriously don't remember the number of secret admirers you had back in high school?"
Taehyung wants to laugh. No, he hasn't forgotten his inexplainable popularity (since he mostly kept to himself and isn't a well-known start athlete or anything), but he never took any of those love letters that were shoved into his locker seriously. High school was high school.
It was silliness in the form of overemotional, overdramatic prepubescent teens, and although the attention flattered him, Taehyung only ever wanted attention from /one/ boy. "You should get on Grindr," Jeongguk suggests. "You really think Grindr's gonna find me a boyfriend?"
Taehyung doesn't remember the last time he used Grindr. "It'll find you /something/." "I'm not interested in dating. Or anything of sorts, for that matter." Jeongguk's whole face deflates upon Taehyung's response. He must've sounded too harsh, like he was getting annoyed.
He's not. He knows Jeongguk means well but the topic just makes him feel even more hopeless, especially when Jeongguk's saying all of it.
"You went through the trouble of treating me today because I was whining about being single on Valentine's Day. I should've been more considerate." "Trust me. You're considerate enough."
Letting Taehyung pretend that they're a couple for a whole day is probably the best thing Jeongguk could have done for him. Taehyung doesn’t know why Jeongguk’s making a big deal out of this. It's not like he doesn't /willingly/ treat Jeongguk for a meal all the time,
and frankly he would do anything and everything else if it meant making Jeongguk happy. The expression on Jeongguk's face doesn't budge, and the intensity in his eyes only makes Taehyung realize how close they are. Merely inches apart. Taehyung bites his inner lip,
tries not to make it too obvious that he's suddenly very /aware/ of their proximity. Before Taehyung can once again assure him that it's not a problem, warmth suddenly presses against his mouth.
Jeongguk's lips stay on his for what only feels like a few seconds but Taehyung's whole body freezes. He could have missed it if he blinked but there's no doubting that it happened. This isn't one of Taehyung's hallucinations or daydreams.
Jeongguk kissed him. Completely /unprompted/. But Jeongguk himself seems to only register that fact now. Taehyung sees his face morph into horror, like he can't believe what he had done himself, all while Taehyung is still trying to process the tingle on his lips.
The ghost of Jeongguk's mouth there. Something inside him is screaming for him to move, to tell Jeongguk how he truly feels now when he has the chance, but Taehyung can only feel his neck getting hot.
"Oh. /Oh no/. I'm so sorry. This is—oh my god this is so embarrassing." Jeongguk starts backing away but Taehyung is quick to grab a fistful of his shirt, pulling him closer before he gets the chance to jump off the bed, and he all but gracefully slots their mouths together.
Rationally, Taehyung should be embarrassed at how desperate he's letting himself be. He doesn't even bother mirroring the gentleness Jeongguk had given him earlier, and he can only be glad that Jeongguk doesn't push him away, opens his mouth wider instead.
Taehyung feels Jeongguk's fingers wrap around his bicep. He swings his leg over Taehyung's thigh again and inches even closer so that they're completely pressed together now, but Taehyung pushes him until he's lying on his back and climbs on top of the boy.
Jeongguk groans, something Taehyung never thought he could ever hear (not in this way, at least), let alone be the one making him sound like this. Jeongguk bites his bottom lip, sending a sensation down Taehyung’s gut that he can’t ignore,
and the fact that he’s in between his best friend's legs now is enough reason to stop himself before he gets carried away. Taehyung wants Jeongguk. In so many ways. More ways than he should be allowed to, and he doesn’t want to reduce their friendship
or his feeling /for/ Jeongguk—to something like a meaningless hook-up. Taehyung pulls away with all his might and stares down at Jeongguk, at his slicked lips and wide eyes, the redness on his cheeks. He looks breathtaking. "Too much?"
"You—why did you... /hyung/." Jeongguk sounds breathless, and there’s so much Taehyung wants to say but his thoughts are a jumbled mess. "Why did you kiss me?" Taehyung asks instead, amazed at how unexpectedly calm he's being despite what just happened.
"You made me feel like I was on a date the whole day. How was I supposed not to kiss you? I just—I don't know. I think I got carried away. I know we were just pretending but it really did feel like you were my boyfriend for a split second and I...”
Jeongguk trails off and looks to the side like he can’t even bring himself to finish the sentence. "I wanted it to be real,” Taehyung admits and cups Jeongguk’s chin, twisting his head so that he’s forced to meet Taehyung’s eyes again.
“That’s not funny.” “Jeongguk. Why would I joke about that? Why do you think I took you out today in the first place?” Jeongguk stays silent. Taehyung can see him piecing the puzzle together inside his head, but instead of saying anything
Jeongguk just grabs his face and pulls him down for another kiss. Taehyung can’t contain himself. He drinks Jeongguk in until he’s breathless and dizzy. Jeongguk smooths his hand over his shoulders and his touch feels so soothing, even over the fabric of his shirt.
Makes Taehyung wonder what it would feel like if Jeongguk’s fingers are on his bare skin instead.
“We should talk about this,” he manages to let out. There’s still so much Taehyung needs to tell him. “Later. Wanna kiss you more,” Jeongguk mutters against his mouth, and Taehyung can’t bring himself to protest. After all, what Jeongguk wants, Jeongguk gets.
"Who are you texting so early in the morning?" Taehyung locks his phone and places it on the bedside table at Jeongguk's hoarse voice, turning to the side to find him yawning and rubbing his eyes.
His whole face is still riddled with sleep, bottom lip jutting out in a subtle pout that makes Taehyung feel fond all over again. Makes Taehyung wants to kiss him the same way he had last night.
It feels silly that the thought still brings heat to his cheeks as if he and Jeongguk aren't in bed together now. Taehyung meant what he said to Jimin and Yoongi. Nothing happened. All they did was kiss until Taehyung couldn't feel his lips any longer.
Until Jeongguk had been too sleepy that he passed out in Taehyung's arms, his head on Taehyung's chest. Taehyung still finds it hard to believe that all of that happened. He had expected to wake up in his own bed, disappointed that everything had been all in his head like
things usually are most of the time, without Jeongguk beside him. It’s not like he hasn’t shared mornings with Jeongguk before. The best friend title means that Taehyung has seen all of the versions of Jeongguk early in the day. Running on two hours of sleep, hungover,
and even the Jeongguk at the crack of dawn coming back from a late night out with someone that’s not Taehyung. That one’s his least favorite.
"Jimin and Yoongi." "At the same time?" "In the group chat." "What group chat? You made a group chat without me?" Jeongguk sounds betrayed.
"Well, it started as a surprise birthday party planning group chat for /you/, so it wouldn't be much of a surprise if you were in it. I guess now I just use it to vent about my stupid crush. Jimin and Yoongi kind of had no choice but to endure.”
"You've liked me for that long?" Jeongguk smiles and inches closer, letting his arm rest over Taehyung’s torso. "Much longer.” "Why didn't you ever say anything?"
For a multitude of reasons, really. He would never admit it in front of Jimin, but Taehyung was too much of a pussy to confess, and he’d rather keep falling for his best friend on the sidelines than tarnish their friendship.
"You were kind of always with someone before. I just assumed you didn't like me like that." "What if I told you I was one of those students who shoved a love letter into your locker back in high school?" Taehyung snorts. “I wouldn't believe you."
“It’s true! You probably never even read it. I know you just threw most of the letters you got. It was stupid anyway. I probably wrote something about how nice your butt looks in your gym shorts.” Jeongguk isn't wrong. He never bothered reading any of those letters.
One glance at his name written on the envelope right next to tiny red hearts was usually all he spared, but Taehyung thinks he would have recognized Jeongguk’s handwriting. He must’ve been really unlucky all that time, to have missed his own best friend’s letter.
“Aren’t you a little worried?” Taehyung asks, turning to lay on his side so that he can face Jeongguk. He’s been meaning to ask that since last night. As happy as his heart is right now there’s still no avoiding the way Taehyung is riddled with doubts. He’s witnessed and gone
through enough break-ups to know just how messy things get sometimes, knows people who went from being so in love to complete strangers. He doesn’t ever want that with Jeongguk. “Why would I be worried?” “We’ve been friends for so long...”
Jeongguk starts to frown. He props himself up on his elbow, now slightly hovering over Taehyung. “Do you not want this then?” “No! I mean, I do want to be with you. It’s all I’ve ever wanted—” Taehyung falters.
He doesn’t know how to even begin to explain everything he feels for the boy. “I’m just scared that if things don’t work out I’ll end up losing you.”
“You won’t. I kissed you but you’re still my best friend. Even if you didn’t feel the same way, I wouldn’t want anything to change.” “I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself. If I hurt you and ruin our friendship.”
“It’s not going to work if that’s all we think about,” Jeongguk reasons, and Taehyung knows he has a point. It’s easy to forget anyway, all the things that /can/ go south, the things they will be putting at risk, with Jeongguk looking down at him like this.
Jeongguk’s looking at him with so much fondness that Taehyung’s heart feels like it’s expanding tenfold. “Yeah. Okay. You’re right.” Taehyung doesn’t think much will be different anyway. Like Jeongguk said, they’re still friends and they’ll always be friends first.
Taehyung just has the ability to freely kiss him now, among other things. “Of course I am,” Jeongguk says, and then leans down to kiss Taehyung lightly on the lips. Taehyung’s body responds almost automatically.
He circles his arms around Jeongguk’s waist and pulls him closer until they’re pressed together again. He likes Jeongguk’s warmth, like how Jeongguk’s /always/ warm. Jeongguk giggle against his mouth, cupping Taehyung’s face with his hands and purposely misses his mouth
to kiss the corner of his lips instead. He’s /teasing/. Taehyung wants to groan, more so when Jeongguk decides to completely ignore his mouth and starts to nibble on his jaw, peppering soft kisses down the side of his neck.
Taehyung’s finger curl around Jeongguk’s hips when he feels teeth graze his skin, feels the pressure there, and the heat his mouth brings. Start thinking about that same heat somewhere else on his body.
Taehyung flips them over before Jeongguk can have more fun on his own and gets delighted upon seeing the surprise in Jeongguk’s eyes.
“You know what’s funny? How I’m still thinking about your tweet even twenty-four hours later.” Taehyung feels his whole face flush. “I was /joking/.” “Would it really be a bad thing if you weren’t? A wise man should always finish what he started.”
Taehyung tries to read his eyes, wondering if he means what Taehyung thinks he means but at the same time he’s still trying to resist his thoughts venturing that far ahead. If he does, he doesn’t think he would be able to resist Jeongguk at all this time.
He’s slept with—/fucked/—a handful of people before but this won’t just be another body warming his bed. This is his best friend. /His/ Jeongguk. Taehyung shouldn’t be nervous but he is.
“Keep it in your pants, Jeon. Let’s take it slow.” Jeongguk just smiles like he’s amused. Content. “Okay. Whatever you want.” All Taehyung wants is right here in front of him, but if he said that every time he was asked then he'd just sound like a broken record.
Taehyung is starting to believe Jeongguk wants him dead. Or somewhere close to that, at least. Taehyung had been minding his own business, doing some work on his laptop on Jeongguk's living room couch when Jeongguk announced that he was going to work out.
Taehyung had grunted in response, expecting him to leave to go to the gym or something. What he wasn’t prepared to see was Jeongguk chucking his shirt off right in front of his eyes and tossing it into the empty seat beside him.
Taehyung had merely blinked and stared as Jeongguk began stretching up until he got down on the floor and started to do push-ups. He’s seen Jeongguk bare from head to toe plenty of times before but this makes him blush like crazy.
Their mere 4-day old status as a couple means that slow is still very much slow. Not that Taehyung minds (he was the one who suggested it, after all), but there’s only so much his self-restraint can take after years of silently pining over the boy,
and Jeongguk’s somewhat /unreal/ body isn’t one of them. Taehyung can only bite his inner lip, watching the way Jeongguk’s biceps flex every time he moves.
Funny how Taehyung isn’t even the one exercising but it doesn’t take long for him to feel like he could break into sweat any minute. And all because his boyfriend is /shirtless/ Taehyung manages to endure another half hour but he doesn’t end up doing much on his laptop.
Jeongguk doing sit-ups on the floor kind of /demands/ his attention, whether Taehyung likes it or not. He's ultimately saved when his phone rings. Taehyung excuses himself to Jeongguk's bedroom to take the call but he doesn’t think Jeongguk heard him.
It’s just his mother, doing her weekly checks-in on him, and being relentless on his promise to visit for the weekend that he hasn’t gotten around to doing yet. Work has been keeping him a lot.
New projects keep getting dumped onto his desk and Taehyung really has no room to breathe most of the time. It’s really only when he’s with Jeongguk that he does. Speaking of Jeongguk, he hasn’t told his mother that they’re together yet. He will eventually, but he’d rather do
it by taking the boy home with him and telling her face-to-face. The thought excites him. He’s brought Jeongguk home so many times before—hell, the house he grew up in might as well be Jeongguk’s second home, too—but it’s going to be different this time.
Taehyung stays on his bed for a bit after the call ends, casually scrolling on his phone. Jeongguk comes into the room about five minutes later.
“What are you doing in here?” He’s still shirtless. Not that Taehyung /minds/, though. “I had to take a call, baby.” “It ended like five minutes ago. You didn’t come back out.”
“You were counting?” Taehyung smirks, seeing Jeongguk pout. “Honestly, I was trying to do some work but you were distracting.” And then Jeongguk smiles like he already knows that. Like that's the whole purpose of the stunt he pulled in the living room,
and the only reason why Taehyung hadn't considered that is because Jeongguk isn't /that/ mean. Obviously, he was wrong. His boyfriend is a much bigger menace than Taehyung believed he was.
Jeongguk jumps onto the bed and lies on his chest with his chin cupped in his palm, grinning innocently. "Oops. Sorry." “Doesn’t sound like you are.” Jeongguk grunts and crawls towards Taehyung, planting himself on top of Taehyung's lap. “Get off me, you’re sweaty.”
“Not /that/ sweaty.” He’s not, but Taehyung doesn't know what to do with a handful of shirtless Jeongguk so close to him like this. Doesn’t help that he’s doused in that post-workout glow, skin radiant and hair all tousled in that messy, but perfect kind of way.
Jeongguk cups his face and kisses him slow, instantly letting his tongue roam along Taehyung’s lips before pushing past them.
Taehyung grips him by the waist, his petite and /perfect/ waist that makes him lose shreds of his sanity day by day, liking the way Jeongguk just melts under his touch.
12. 🔞
13. 🔞
“Was working out shirtless in front of me a part of your master plan?” Taehyung feels sticky but he doesn’t have the strength to push Jeongguk to the side.
“Yes and no,” Jeongguk chuckles. Their breathings come to a slow, both slowly regaining composure. Taehyung’s fingers find their way to Jeongguk’s hair, gently rubbing his scalp. “It was /your/ tweet that started this.
“We have to clean up.” Jeongguk groans in protest, hiding in the crook of Taehyung’s neck. “Fine. Five more minutes.” “Ten.” Taehyung wants to argue but the words die on the tip of his tongue. He doesn’t think he has the energy.
“Okay. Ten. And then we’re showering.” Doesn’t think he can say no anyway. Not right now. Not when Jeongguk feels so warm and perfectly fitted against his body.
thank you so much for reading this mess!!!! i appreciate all of your comments and support đŸ„ș if you have any last thoughts feel free to let me know <3
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