Thread Reader


Apr 19, 2021
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Taekook au Prince Taehyung never thought that by running away from the kingdom, he would meet the infamous 'monster' of the southern jungle. He didn't expect to know the reason behind his disappearance every day either and he certainly never planned to fall for him!

-Kim Taehyung -The youngest prince of the kingdom -He was born as a wizard but no one knows it because he knows his father would k*ll him if he knew -But now that he is dead, he knows he's in even more danger cuz of his other siblings -He just wants to be free and happy!
-Jeongguk/Guk -Has been called a monster all his life -Although it's not all he was called before -Tries to stay away from people but somehow he couldn't let the prince die in the jungle -It's ironic how one person can be so beautiful even in their ugliest form
-Park Jimin -Taehyung's best friend -They have grown up together -They both experience the loss of their childhood friend -He knows about Tae's magic -And he is the one who helps him run away when things get harder
-Kim Seokjin -The person Tae learnt more of his magic from -He never knew Tae was a prince -Otherwise, he wouldn't treat him as nicely as he does -He has his own secrets that he needs to shield -Has a strong dislike for anyone with a royal blood
-Kim Namjoon -He wasn't born a prince but he ended up concurring the land he is ruling now -He is an unashamed wizard -A lot of people love him and a lot of people are absolutely terrified of him -He lives his life the way he wants
-Jung Hoseok -Taehyung's loyal servent -He taught him everything he needs to know ever since he started working for him -Even after he ran away, he never sold him out -Tae always saw him as a friend more than an employee
-Min Yoongi -There is something about his brother that his parents have never told him -He knows it but no matter how much he tries he can't figure out what it is -Especially now that he has to get married and take over after their dad, he wished his brother would be more engaged
-Beauty and the beast / Shrek / Wizard AU -fantasy au -A lot of angst and dark themes. I swear if you complain about the amount of angst even after this I will pull all of my hair😂 -A lot of fluff when the time is right -some comedy -There will be NSFW 🔞 moments
-If there comes any sensitive stuff, I'll let you know before it so you can skip it -If you get confused, that's good, it'll all make sense later -There also will be plot twists -I might include some polls on some parts. Please answer to them carefully.
-Please allow the characters to make mistakes. It will get frustrating but they need it and I want to keep them free -Don't judge the characters based on the first look, they might be very different -Don't ghost-read. Even if you don't comment, your likes can help the story a lot
-Also if you can please try to follow the story and support it as it's going. Even if you have some days of delays. The story needs the most support and opinions while it's going -I planned the storyline, I might change it a bit later or add things based on the reactions
-In other words your comments can really help the storyline but keep in mind that I'm ultimately gonna make sure things go to the right direction -Werewolf Alpha/ Human AU -I know what I'm doing -T.R.U.S.T M.E - Enjoy the ride with the characters <3
The room is silent. All fourteen siblings are presented in the room and all Taehyung can do is stand next to the window and wait. They all know what is coming next, they have all been preparing for it. The royal doctor walks into the room and they all focus on him.
"How is my father, Doctor?" One of the siblings asks and the doctor frowns harder before shaking his head. The room feels colder than before but it's not because the weather changed. It's just the bloodlust, fear and pain that is spreading through them all.
Jimin puts his hand on Taehyung's back to silently tell him he is there and he understands but Taehyung's eyes are just fixated on his brothers and sisters and everyone else in the room. "NO! Father!" One of them screams and runs to their father's room, crying.
"It is getting late children. You might need to get some rest until we prepare your father's funeral and move on to what's the best for our kingdom." One of the late king's spouses says. There is no resting tonight and they are all aware of it. The chaos has already started.
Taehyung gestures at his best friend to follow him to his room as the rest of the princes and princesses leave the room as well. Hoseok looks up from his chores when they walk back inside. "You're going to be okay. We knew this day would come." Jimin says.
"How is the king?" Hoseok asks. Taehyung sits on his bed and just sighs, trying to keep his emotions inside. "He has just passed." Jimin answers Hoseok's question and the servant looks down with a thoughtful and sad expression. "I'm not doing this." Taehyung says.
"It's not a choice. Any moment now, one of them is going to come after you. You're lucky they don't see you as their biggest threat but you are still one." Jimin says. "We all know you can defeat them all. You don't even have to use your mag-" "Don't." Taehyung cuts him.
"You say something." Jimin looks at Hoseok who just looks disturbed and conflicted. "I'm not going to k*ll my siblings." "It's a k*ll or get k*lled situation, remember?" "You don't get it. I can't." Tae says. "He's right." Hoseok says and Tae looks at him emotionally.
"I know you're not one to hurt your siblings but until only one of you is left, the ceremony won't happen. They spent all their lives preparing for this hunger game. You have the power, you just-" "I'm not doing this Hoseok." Tae says with a more serious tone.
"So what? Are you going to just wait until one of them cuts your head off or poisons you? Do you even know who to trust in this place after this?" Jimin scolds him. "I thought I could trust you?" Tae says. "He's a servant, I have my own kingdom to go to. We're not enough!"
He sits in front of Tae and holds his hands. "Look at me. I cannot bear losing you like this. I know it's hard but you need to do it or they will kill you and we both know they will." "My father just died, can you-" "And you can be next. I can't let that happen." Jimin says.
"He's right." Hoseok says. Tae can't remember the last time he cried in his life but right now, that is all he wants to do. But he still keeps it in, trying not to show just how weak and hopeless he feels. "I can't." He whispers and His best friend closes his eyes in anguish.
"Then you have to leave now." Hoseok says. "Have you lost your mind?" Jimin asks. "That's the best I can do." Tae agrees with Hoseok. Jimin looks a bit unsure of what to say. "Just how long do you think you can run before they find you?" Jimin asks.
"They won't." Tae shakes his head. "You sound so sure." "Because I am." Tae whispers. "I'm going to the land of magics." "How are you even going to get there?" "Through the southern jungle." Jimin and Hoseok both look at him, terrified. "That is su*cide." Hoseok says.
"Haven't you heard of the creatures that jungle has? Almost no one has ever come out of it alive. What if the monster-" "I can take care of myself. I just can't stay here and k*ll the rest of my own flesh and blood." Tae says. His friends stare at him with sad eyes.
"I'm not sure about this." Jimin confesses. "Am I even gonna see you again if you..." He pauses and Tae can see his best friend's pretty eyes and how glossy they look. "I hope so." He says because hope is all he has at a time like this. "I hate this." Jimin greets his teeth.
"I hate it too." Tae says and wipes the tear that falls down from Jimin's eye. the other prince gets up to look away, trying not to cry in front of his friend but he can't. "If I never see you again, I'll never forgive you." He says. Even Hoseok has teared up.
Tae gets up and walks to them both, turning Jimin around so all three of them can press their foreheads together, a sign of respect and love that they all recognize. "One way or another, I'll see you both again. But I won't be able to if I stay." He whispers.
"You better." Jimin says. "How do we get you out?" Hoseok says. "You don't have to-" "You can't out without help. Stop being stubborn and let us help you." Jimin says. Tae licks his lip nervously and then nods, telling them about the only way out of this castle.
Hoseok stays in the room, pretending like Taehyung is still there while Jimin walks out of the room. Tae is holding his hand but no one is able to see him. He has at least half a hour to stay invisible before he gets visible again. He is a little scared for Jiminie too.
As the prince of a kingdom that they are in good terms with, he knows they won't try to k*ll him or hurt him but if they find out that he helped him, he will be in so much trouble. He is opening every door, making it easier for Tae to move around without getting people suspicious
But they both know Jimin can't go any further than the main gates or people will get suspicious. Jimin holds Tae's hand tighter, not even being able to say goodbye before he doesn't feel the hand in his own anymore. He stands tall, trying not to look as broken as he feels.
He stares at the darkness and he wonders just how far his friend must have gone already. That is when the bells start ringing. Either the hunger game has started or they already found out that Tae has left but either way, Jimin can't even bring himself to go back inside.
Tae is only a bit further from the castle when he hears the bells and his brows frown. There is a big chance that they found out he disappeared! Even if they haven't, they will soon. He walks just a bit further and his visibility comes back as well.
His black cloak is helping him hide better in the darkness but once they release the dogs, he knows he won't have a chance. He grabs some money from his pocket as soon as he gets to the lack and gives it to the sails man who was just about to go back home.
The man frowns at the coins, wondering how someone as young as Taehyung has them and why would he want to use his boat to leave this late at night. He must be trouble! "I'm not going to get involved." The man shakes his head. "I'll pay double." Tae insists.
"I don't want your money. It's obvious that you're running from the castle." The man says. He is about to walk away when he suddenly feels a chill down his spine, freezing on his spot. "Help me or the royals will be your last concern." Taehyung threatens him.
The man manages to look back with wide eyes, realizing that the other man is no ordinary lad. Two hours later while the boat continues to get him further away from the place he called home all his life, Tae looks back at the castle and wonders if he's ever going to see it again.
He leaves the old man with his coins and then walks away. The man is probably going to tell them where he took him but hopefully by the time he manages to do it, Tae will already be closer to the jungle. He knows that no one will follow him in the jungle anyway.
He keeps his head low for the first three days, managing to stay out of trouble. That is only until he reaches a path in which the royal guards are looking through everyone. He can't move past them even if he gets invisible. He walks to them, trying to act natural.
"Name?" The guard asks with a harsh voice. "Minjoo Sir." Tae says. "Where are you heading to?" The guard asks. "To the southern lake sir." Tae says. "Stop looking down and let me see your face." The guard says and Tae looks up, hoping the guard won't recognize him.
The guard stares at him for a while and Tae hates the fact that he can't read his mind. The guard narrows his eyes and then lets him pass. Tae sighs in relief and continues walking. But just when he looks back, he sees the guards whispering. They know! One of them draws his sword
"My lord, you have come a long way but we can't let you pass." The guard says and Tae just closes his eyes. When he opens them again, his eyes fall on a piece of paper with his picture on it. They must have already sent it through the whole kingdom through their birds.
His journey is going to be even more dangerous now and he knows it. Many people will know him and many people would either want to kill him or capture him. "My lord-" The guard is about to say but Tae quickly draws his own sword and jumps back, holding his ground.
"Get out of my way." He says with a serious tone. "We can't do that. You need to go back home." The guard says and the rest of them get ready to draw theirs too. "It's an order." He says. "You're not in a position to order about this, m'lord." Another guard says.
They will capture him, they will lock his hands and take him back to his death, he knows they will. His only option is to fight so he launches forward. The guards all attack at the same time and before they know it, they are all fallen on the floor, barely alive.
Tae looks at them with pained eyes, holding his bloodied shoulder. One of them injured him so badly but he can still manage to find a way to stop the bleeding later. He walks to the caged bird, grabs a paper and uses his own blood to ask for help for the guards on the ground.
He grabs another cloak that must have belonged to one of the guards and then proceeds walking. He knows he can't show his face to anyone anymore and he still has two more days to walk. Once the gets to the next town, he sits behind a tree and tries to bandage his scar.
He lays his head back and sighs, touching the scar. 'Smithurin.' He whispers the magical word to decrease the pain. He wished he could have learnt more from Jin back when he could. But maybe, just maybe if he goes to the land of magic, he gets to see him again!
He gets up to look for some fruit from the trees and feeds on them. He is trying to take the less crowded route but it is still hard to keep walking when his body is exhausted and he has a big scar on his shoulder. He has to fight a couple of more times before he gets there.
He pauses in front of the jungle and takes in the scary-looking trees. It is already night time and Tae is not sure if he should be happy that he is here or scared. People say once you get in, you never get out! And Tae already needs a lot of rest! He walks inside.
The jungle sounds like any other. An owl is filling the silence while the crickets add to the sound. He can barely see anything in the jungle but he still tries to remember where he is going and leave behind some parts of his cloak in case he gets lost in the place.
He finds a lake and sits beside it, trying to lean and finally drink some water from it. He doesn't know if it's safe or not but it's better than dying from lack of water. He splashes some water on his face and looks at his own reflection with the full moon on top of his head.
He is tired! It might be crazy to sleep at a place like this but he is not sure if he can even walk anymore. His shoulder feels numb and the cold is making him shiver. He pulls the cloak harder against himself but it's no help. He can actually feel like something is wrong.
He lays back on a tree and tries not to fall asleep. "TaeTae?" His heart almost stops when he hears a voice. He doesn't look at his side but he already recognizes the voice. "TaeTae, what are you doing here?" The childlike voice asks. "You're not Jiminie." Tae whispers.
"Did you already forget about me?" The voice asks and Tae finally looks at him. The friend he just left behind, looking like he is seven again. He smiles just as bright as Jimin and it breaks Tae's heart to know he might never see him again. "Are you here to play?"
"You're not real." Tae whispers. "What are you saying? You don't want to play anymore?" Jimin asks and Tae just stares at him. "I'm not young enough to play anymore." Tae says. "But you are. Look at yourself!" Jimin says and Tae looks at his own body, looking much smaller.
He crawls closer to the lake and sees himself in it but this time, he is not a man in his twenties, he is just a boy that can't be any older than six or seven. "You know he will be mad if we're late again." Jimin says. Tae looks back. "He?" He whispers.
The little Jimin points away and Tae follows his finger, only to see another boy, around the same age as them. Tae knows him, he has known him when they were younger. The days they would all play together and plan a future where all of them could still play and laugh.
Tae walks away from Jimin and gets closer to the other boy who has a knowing light in his eyes. He doesn't even remember why he was there, he doesn't remember what his age was, how he is not supposed to be seeing any of them. "Where have you been?" Tae asks the boy.
The boy smiles and his cute teeth shine in the darkness. "Waiting for you, TaeTae." He says. "Why did you..." Tae can't even finish his sentence. The boy's smile suddenly drops, stepping away. "Who are you?" The little boy asks. Tae steps forward. "Don't go! Don't go again!"
"Let go of me. Who are you?" The boy shouts, pulling away. "Don't go!" Tae shouts and tries to run after him. He runs and runs and runs but before he knows it, he is just in the middle on nothingness. It's all just dark around him. 'You left us.' 'Useless wizard.'
Tae's heart starts beating crazier once he starts hearing the whispers around himself. He doesn't even know where they are coming from. 'Coward' 'I don't know you.' 'Nobody loves you' 'You were never meant to be born' 'The weakest out of all' He holds his ears.
No matter how hard he holds his ears, the whispers still get louder. Speaking over each other with the voices he mostly recognizes from his memories. He shouts, trying to stop their voices by being louder but it's no use. He's in pain!
The beast stops when he sniffs something and then turns around. He crawls closer to the lake and pauses when he sees the human, sleeping next to the tree. He gets a bit closer and sees the blood coming out of his shoulder, shivering, whispering things Jeongguk can't understand.
He looks in pain and he can guess that the scar is old. It must have gotten infected if it is still bleeding. But Jeongguk knows that he is not one to interfere. He is not the first human that comes here to be 'brave'. He can die for all Jeongguk cares. He turns to leave.
"Don't go." He stops when he hears the whisper. Is he awake? He looks back and then sees the man under the coak. It's hard to see his face but he looks like he is sleeping. "Don't leave me again." The man whispers again, looking in so much pain. Jeongguk just stares at him.
He should just leave he shouldn't get involved with a human, he knows. But there is just a part of him that doesn't want to leave like he needs to listen to him. Is it the forest speaking, his alpha senses kicking in again or is it the locked up Jeongguk inside? He doesn't know!
Tae opens his eyes and lifts his hand to cover his eyes from the direct sun. He tries to sit up but his shoulder hurts again. he holds it and then realizes something. He looks down to see the leaves and what looks like organic medication on his scar.
The leaves have been lazily wrapped around his shoulder to keep them there. He blinks in confusion and then looks around. where even is he? It looks like he is still in the jungle. Did someone save him? "Hello?" He calls out. "Is anyone there?" He shouts. No one responds!
He holds the leaves on his shoulder and gets up to take a look. The jungle looks so natural! He sighs and tries to remember the previous night. Was it all a dream? Was it the jungle? All the people he saw, the voices! It was literally torture!
Who saved him? as far as he knows, no one dares to get inside! And the place is so dangerous that if anyone does, they will die. Then why did someone try to save him? He grabs a fruit from one of the trees and goes back to where he woke up. There isn't really anything here!
His cloak and sword are there but nothing else! Even his shirt is gone! But then his eyes catch the sight of the white fabric. He runs to it and grabs it. His eyes get wide once he sees the way it was torn up. It almost looks like a wild animal had scratched it.
He puts on his cloak and grabs his sword. Whoever helped him, Tae doesn't have any time to help them. He needs to find his way out! He uses his other hand to climb from a tree to see where the jungle ends. He looks in shock when he reaches the top and sees nothing but trees.
He climbs down and flinches in pain over his shoulder. This must be a joke. He's completely lost! He makes a natural campus to try and find where the north is but it doesn't work on the lake. What is wrong with this place? He starts walking, hoping to find... something!
Anything! He spends the whole day searching but still nothing! He turns on a light with his finger and tries to still search. He pauses in his way when he suddenly sees a giant snake in front of him. so big that he has never seen anything like it before! He grabs his sword.
The giant snake is looking back at him. Tae is ready for it to attack but it just crawls away like nothing happened. Tae's heart is beating like crazy. He has no idea why it didn't attack. Was it not hungry or something? He quickly moves away before it changes its mind.
Someone saved him. Tae knows someone did. then someone must be around here and maybe Tae should just go back and try to find them. But then again... Where is back? He is lost again! "HELLO?" He shouts as hard as he can. "IS ANYONE ELSE HERE?"
He sighs when no sound comes. He leans to drink water from the lake again when he suddenly sees the green creature under it and pulls away. Was that a... The crocodile slowly lofts its head out of the water and then goes back down. Tae runs away.
This was the second time tonight he almost got eaten or something! This is not his first time in a jungle but it is his first time in one where he doesn't know what to expect. Maybe shouting is not a good idea after all. He continues walking to search. He hears a growl.
He stands still, knowing whatever growled would jump and tear him to pieces if he moves. The panther gets closer to him and Tae bites his lip, trying to keep himself calm. He wants to run so bad. He feels it behind himself but then it just walks past him.
What the hell is going on? It's almost like none of the wild creatures around want to hurt him! It happens again and again, every time he sees another wild animal, they just look at him and walk away. He doesn't know what to think! He hunts a bird to cook something and eat.
His scar looks way better than before. Just who was it that knew exactly what could help Tae's scar? He can't stop thinking of it. He is in the middle of eating when he sees red and shiny eyes between the long grasses. It's dark but he can see the creature between them.
He puts the food away, already feeling too tired of all this. "What? Are you just gonna take a look at me and walk away too?" Tae asks. The creature gets closer. It looks like a mixture of a wolf and a bear. "What even are you?" Tae asks himself.
It gets closer to him but Tae doesn't move this time. At this point, he feels hopeless to even try to save himself. He knows that he is lost, with probably no one around and a shit ton of dangerous animals around. It gets closer and Tae can swear it is looking at his shoulder.
"Apparently someone got it fixed for me. Can you believe it? This is supposed to be the jungle of death and none of you are trying to kill me. Someone actually saved me. I don't understand." He doesn't know why he is even talking to it. The creature looks hesitant.
As if it is waiting for Tae to react and every time he doesn't he moves again. Is it scared of Tae? "Are you scared?" He tries to reach his hand to pet it but it quickly pulls away. "Don't worry cutie. I'm the last person you're supposed to be afraid of."
He moves closer to pet its hair with a smile. "I've never seen an animal like you. What even are you?" Tae asks. The creature just looks at him as if it is studying him. Tae finally stops and sits back to smile at it. "If only you could talk and show me the way!" "I can."
Tae pauses, staring at the ground, trying to think if he got delusional again or not. He looks up with wide eyes. "Did you just say something?" Tae asks. The beast sits and then tilts its head. "I was the one that patched your scar." He says. Tae is about to pass out.
"Huh?" It comes out so weakly because seriously, what the hell? "Don't panic! I'm not gonna hurt you!" The beat quickly says as if it can actually sense Tae's fear. "I'm going crazy!" Tae mumbles. "you're not!" "A wolf bear thingy is talking to me." "Calm down!"
Jeongguk doesn't know why he even showed himself. But seeing the other man walking around himself all day was just starting to become painful to watch. "I know it's strange but I'm really not going to hurt you." "How are you talking to me?" "I just... can!"
"Is it the forest? Can every creature talk here?" The man asks. Jeongguk shakes his head. "I'm the only creature here that can talk." "What about humans." "It has been a while since the last one died." Jeongguk says. "Died?" Tae frowns. "From what? Everything seems harmless."
Jeongguk pauses. "It's not harmless." "Nothing has attacked me since I got here." Tae says. "It's because they smelled my scent on you." Jeongguk says. Tae blinks a few times. "They what?" "You slept for a few days. I scented you so they wouldn't attack." Jeongguk says.
"You what?" Jeongguk sighs. "That's what wolves do. It's just... It's like saying back off, he's part of my pack or something." He tries to explain in a way the other man can understand. The human just stares at him with an unreadable expression. "Why? Why did you help me?"
Jeongguk looks down uncomfortably. "No reason. You just smelled funny." He says. "Smelled funny?" "Sweet, kind of familiar." He says and Tae doesn't know what to think of it. He sort of hates the fact that he helped him. Tae's expression gets softer over that. "Thank you."
Jeongguk frowns to himself. "Don't thank me. I'm not going to help you again." He says. "Can you at least tell me which way I have to go until I can get out of here?" "You can't get out of here." Jeongguk says as a matter of factly. Tae frowns. "Why not?"
"This is not a normal forest. Once you walk in, you can't walk out until the forest is done with you." Jeongguk says. Tae tries not to freak out. "But I need to get out of here. I can't live in a jungle forever." Tae says. "I've never seen a human walk out of this place."
Tae cannot believe this! Is this why no one could ever get out? Did they all just get lost until they had no chance to die? "What do you mean until it's done with me? What does it want from me?" "To help you find something, realize something, I don't know." Jeongguk says.
He gets on his hands and legs again. "I'll leave now. My scent is probably going to last for the night but I won't come back again for you. Try not to die too soon." He says and starts walking away. "Wait!" Tae says, quickly standing up. "You gotta help me!"
"I helped you enough wizard." The beast says. "Please!" Tae runs after it but the wolf starts running even faster. "WAIT!" He is just a human after all, the beast manages to escape and Tae is left alone in the neverending forest again. Why does this feel like Deja Vu?
Jeongguk jumps on one of the rocks and watches the human from above. He still can't believe that he helped a wizard. to be fair, he didn't know he was one when he saved him but even now, he doesn't know why he's not just walking away from him. He's going to die anyway!
Tae can't find him no matter how much he searches. So he just decides to sleep for the night and tries to survive for the next day. Now he knows that the only reason he survived before was because of the beast and he can't count on his luck any longer.
Jeongguk is usually not one to mingle around humans, especially the ones with magic. But he can't stop watching him from afar for the next few nights. His shoulder is better now and he is doing well surviving. He is still looking for a way out but can't find any.
A part of Jeongguk actually feels sorry for the guy. Maybe because he is one of the only ones who hasn't lost his hope yet. Usually, by this time, most of them just give up. Some of them take their own lives but this one, he is still trying to fight his way out.
He is ready to watch him die, he knows the time will come sooner or later anyway but one night as the wizard tries to free himself from the hold of a hungry tiger, he can't just stand and watch anymore. Tae is about to give up when something jumps above his head and growls.
The tiger looks surprised but still growls back. Tae looks back and sees the beast, scuffing at the tiger to back off. The tiger stands for a bit longer before walking away, still growling. Jeongguk can't believe he did it again. "It's you again!" Tae sounds relieved!
"I... I should g-" He is about to say and back off again but the human quickly throws himself on him and holds around his fluffy neck. "Thank you, don't go again! Please don't go again." Tae says, holding him tight and Jeongguk is just standing frozen on his spot.
He finally comes back to his senses and tries to pull back. "I can't help you-" "Just stay. Just talk to me. I'm going crazy. Just talk to me. You don't have to defend me." Tae says. Jeongguk doesn't like this. Why is this wizard expecting so much from him?
"I can't be around you forever." He says. "I'll find out what the forest wants. I will, I'm a wizard, I'll find a way. But I'm gonna go crazy around everything that doesn't talk and wants to kill me. I don't want to be alone anymore." Jeongguk can hear the desperation in his tone
He hesitantly lets go of the creature and looks at him. Jeongguk is used to people screaming just by the sight of him. He's not used to people hugging his fluffy neck or to ask him to stay like this. And a stupid part of him actually wants to stay.
"Please." Tae says and Jeongguk doesn't want to, he really doesn't. He doesn't want to help anyone with those stupid magic tricks but there is just something about this man's eyes that keeps pulling him back. Or maybe it's just his scent. Those stupid pretty sharp eyes.
"I'm still savage. I might be dangerous too." Jeongguk says. "I can take care of myself. I just don't want to be alone anymore. It's already been three weeks!" Has it? Jeongguk didn't notice how long it has been. "Fine." He finally says, even though he is still bitter.
Tae sighs in relief. "Thank you." He closes his eyes in gratitude. "In one condition." Jeongguk says. Tae opens his eyes to look at him when the creature says it. "Don't ever try to follow me when I'm leaving. I'll only come to you at nights."
"Why?" Tae asks in confusion. "Because I say so." Jeongguk says and Tae doesn't know what to say to that. But he honestly prefers this over not having anyone to talk to at all. "Okay..." He whispers. The beast sits next to him, looking less eager to leave now.
"Do you have a name by any chance?" Tae asks. Jeongguk doesn't know if he should tell him the truth or not but it's not like Tae is going to know who it is just from a name anyway. "Guk, Jeongguk." He says. Tae smiles nostalgically at the name. "It's pretty!"
"Do you have a name?" Jeongguk asks and Tae can't help snorting. He is a human, of course he has a name. "Taehyung. Some people just call me Tae or TaeTae." He says. "Sounds childish." Jeongguk says despite the storm the name gives to his body. "If you say so 'Gukkie'."
"New rule, don't ever call me that again." "Or what Gukkie?" "I'm serious, I'm gonna bite you." "you? You're such a cute and harmless puppy, you're not gonna hurt anyone." Tae says and holds the beast's fluffy cheek in endearment. "I'm sure we're gonna be great friends!"
"You remember that I'm not a human, right?" Jeongguk asks. "Humans are overrated anyway." Tae jokes. Jeongguk follows him as Tae hunts something else and shares it with him before cooking the rest to eat. It's nice having an understanding body close by!


Bisexual🌈 She/her Youtuber and writer🔞 OT7 ARMY! Kookv BMAC: Aus: 🐰💜🐯
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