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shyn 🌨️🍒

shyn 🌨️🍒

Feb 20, 2022
91 tweets

#Taekookau where Jungkook is the heir to the Jeon pack , when the moon goddess shows him his mate : an orphan unworthy of his name. He doesn't think twice about rejecting Taehyung in favor of marrying his lover and casts him out of the pack. Ten yrs later, they meet again.

So if you really want to be rid of me, do the right thing. Stop thinking of me.” he hesitated before reaching for his pocket. A second later he tossed something right at him and Taehyung jumped, barely managing to catch it before it could hit him.
He stared down at the small leather pouch, barely the size of his hand. He tugged the threaded knot open and the glint of a sharp blade made his breath catch.
“Its very handy.” Jungkook said softly. “ Imbibed with shaman magic. Keep it on you at all times. Don’t chase phantoms in deserted streets in the middle of the night.
Curiosity killed the cat maybe a cliché but its a cliché for a reason. Because its true. So curb that curiosity of yours. It might get you in trouble.” Jungkook finished with a small smirk. Taehyung stared at him, speechless.
“Take care of yourself, Kim Taehyung. And may the moon goddess finish what she started, and make sure we stay apart for the rest of our lives.” Jungkook muttered, before turning around and walking away. 🍒🍒🍒
(a/n : i feel like I wrote a lot today. Definitely more than I have in months. And i'm proud of myself for that. i'll see you guys tomorrow. Keep streaming for Tae )
There was a hand cupping his face, fingers soft and gentle and careful against his skin. Jungkook groaned a little as he moved, wincing from the pain that shot up his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open. And he stared. "You should rest more, alpha." The voice was low, soothing.
Jungkook sank back into the soft, furlined sheets , closing his eyes in meek acceptance. He knew how these dreams worked. There was no escaping them, really. They would come at the most unexpected times and he would just have to live them out. So he didn't fight it.
Instead he stared at the slim, lissome omega in front of him. They were in some kind of a tent. The air was cool but not freezing. The warmth of the sheets felt good against his skin. And Taehyung was a sight for sore eyes indeed. He couldn't resist looking. No one could.
The omega had moved to the small table on the side of the bed, and Jungkook watched as he carefully soaked a piece of white muslin cloth in a bowl filled to the brim with warm water.
All he wore was a translucent white shift and the light from the lamp behind him rendered the fabric useless pretty much , serving no purpose whatsoever. "What are you doing? " he asked tiredly and Taehyung turned to him with a small , sweet smile. "Making something for you."
Taehyung squeezed the fabric out, letting the water drip.out entirely, before spreading it on a bamboo board. Jungkook watched as he grabbed a few small jars with different herbs and tinctures and salves. "Is that a poultice?" He asked cautiously. Taehyung laughed at that.
He went back to working and Jungkook groaned. "This isn't even real." He snapped. " so I don't understand why you're here. I don't need anything from you. Why don't you understand that?" He demanded. Tae shrugged. "If you actually believed that, I wouldn't be here at all."
Before he could respond Taehyung was moving again, wrapping the little fabric and tying the ends together , before moving to the bed. Jungkook barely caught his breath before the omega was climbing over him, straddling his waist before settling right over his thighs.
Fuck these dreams , honestly. jungkook closed his eyes in despair. The first time it happened he had damn near jumped out of his skin. The second and third time he had been frozen in part disbelief, part genuine shock. Afterwards, it was just... Frustration.
(a/n : remember Taehyung had dreams about him too 👀😊)
But despite the frustration, there was also an odd feeling of relief. Or perhaps relief wasn’t the right word. There was a sense of ease in the dreams, a feeling of being able to breathe freely after years of being stifled.
He shifted, hands coming up to gently wrap around Taehyung’s waist, the solid curve of them substantial under his fingertips. This was what made the dreams such a pain : how real it all felt. He watched as Taehyung pressed the wrapped cloth over his brow, gentle as anything.
His perfect brows stayed furrowed, eyes trained on his face, concentrating only on his task. The warm fabric felt soothing against his skin. “Why are you doing this?” he asked, eyes fluttering shut as Taehyung brought his hand up, fingers threading through his hair.
Taehyung hummed, fingertips massaging the back of his scalp a little. “Because you need it.” he said simply. “ When was the last time you let someone take care of you, alpha Jeon?” What a ridiculous question that was.
Jungkook was the one who was supposed to take care of his pack. Not the other way around. “Are you telling me you’re only here to take care of me?” he laughed. “ Nothing else?” Taehyung paused, before turning to look at him.
“I would do anything you asked me to. Anything you need me to.”
Jungkook felt his breath catch a little. He stared as Taehyung leaned in, closer and closer. He felt his throat go dry as the omega pressed his lips, right over his forehead. But even as he tried to take in the warmth of it, something curled in the pit of his stomach.
A familiar urgency. A feeling of unrest. He pulled his hands away from Taehyung’s warm skin. The omega shifted, his gaze troubled. “ Why don’t you rest a little?”he said softly. “ Stay here, alpha. With me.” Jungkook felt cold. “I can’t.” He said briskly. “ I have to go.”
“You don’t have to do anything. There’s nothing wrong in resting.” Jungkook hesitated , before gripping his waist again and rolling them over, till Taehyung was pinned underneath him. The omega didn’t seem very affected at all, pliant and docile as he stared up at him.
Jungkook took a second, imagining a world where this was real. Maybe it would have been if things had been different. But they weren’t. This wasn’t the world he lived in. This wasn’t real. It would never be real. He hesitated, before brushing the hair off Taehyung’s face.
“Next time when you come to see me…” he said softly, “ Can it be somewhere else?” Taehyung blinked. Around them the edges  of the room started to blur and Jungkook knew that soon he would wake up. “Why?”
“I don’t want any memories of you in my bed.” He whispered, before closing his eyes and feeling that tug behind his neck, the one that told him he was waking up. Alone. 🍒🍒🍒
Taehyung woke up to a light breeze, refreshing against his brow. His skin felt a little damp, the sheets cool against his bare skin. He blinked up at the ceiling, the pretty ceiling fan moving in hypnotic circles over his head, not really contributing much.
The room was cool though, the air conditioner doing its job well, and he shifted on the silk sheets, hand moving almost instinctively to his side, but there was no warm grounding skin next to him. Instead the large king sized bed was empty.
Taehyung rolled over, onto his side and his eyes fell on the huge french windows right across the room. The glass doors were open , moonlight spilling into the room and setting everything alight.
Against the iron railing, he could make out a familiar silhouette, leaning over the edge, fingers curled around the thin length of a cigarette, eyes fixed on the dark waters of the Han that flowed just below the building.
Taehyung watched him for a second, before closing his eyes. Next to him, something buzzed from under the pillows. The omega blinked a little before turning to the side. Minho’s phone lit up from an incoming message. HE stared at it for a second . The contact said Jungkook.
The message read, “ Thank you.” Taehyung stared at the screen for a second before reaching for the phone , fingers a little unsteady from sleep. He brushed his thumb over the screen and the phone slid open.
It was designed especially for Minho with a voice over software that would read everything out for the alpha. He stared at the message for a second before scrolling up. There weren’t a lot of messages, because Minho was more comfortable with calls.
But the few ones that were there were quite enough for him to piece things together. “Found something interesting?” Minho’s voice came over him and he jumped a little. He didn’t respond right away, neither did he let go of the phone.
The alpha was shirtless, wearing nothing except his sweatpants, drawstrings loose and the waistband riding low on his hips. Taehyung stared at the carved lines of his body, the light dusting of hair right over his hips, dipping into the edge of the fabric.
He had some vague memory of running his lips over the golden skin there but for now, he had more pressing things to think of. “Why didn’t you tell me Jungkook asked you to do this?” he said quietly. Minho hesitated before moving to sit on the bed next to him.
Taehyung stared as he reached for the sheets, draped over his body, tugging them off and leaving him bare. Taehyung felt his breath hitch, barely remembering that Minho couldn’t actually see him. He jumped a little when Minho’s fingers gently curled around his leg.
“Because that would be misleading.” he said quietly, fingers stroking his skins before he moved closer “ I would have done it, even if he hadn’t asked me to.” The alpha leaned down , and Taehyung felt his heart jump a little when he pressed a kiss to the curve of his ankle.
Taehyung tugged his leg away and Minho jerked from the harsh movement. “I don’t believe you.” The alpha sighed at that, before leaning back and staring at the ceiling.
“Well, I don’t see how I can prove it to you but… the truth is…” he turned to him, “ I like having you around Taehyung. Which, for a loner like me is a very rare thing.” he shrugged. “ But like I said, I can’t prove it. You would have to take my word for it.”
Taehyung drew his legs up to his chest, closing his eyes in frustration. “Did you ask Jungkook why?” he demanded. ‘ “Why he wanted me to make you my lover?” Minho tilted his head,“ I would say that’s obvious isn’t it?” he smiled. “ He wants to make sure you’re safe.”
“And you think that’s perfectly fine? Manipulating people to do whatever he wants and then pretending its okay, just because his intentions are somehow good?” he demanded. Minho hummed.
“No.” he said quietly. “ No that’s not fine. Its low handed and borderline immoral. But its also very like Jungkook.” he shrugged. “ He’s not like you or me or anyone else for that matter. I’ve grown to accept that over the years.”
Taehyung stared at him for a second before moving to the edge of the bed. He grabbed his shirt and Minho hummed. “Is that it then?” he said softly. “ You’re going to end things between us because Jungkook wanted to make sure you stayed off the streets?”
Taehyung paused for a second. “I’m going to go find him.” he said softly, slipping the shirt on and moving to button it up. “He’s not in Seoul anymore.” Taehyung froze. “What?”
“He’s gone back to his pack. He left a few hours ago. He called me about ten minutes ago to let me know he reached home. That’s why I woke up.” Tae felt his mouth go dry. An odd feeling of loss gripping his heart. He wasn’t sure why he felt lost all of a sudden. Empty almost.
He clenched his fists before sitting back down. The mattress sunk a little behind  him, and a second later, Minho’s hands curled around his shoulders. “He lost his husband, Taehyung. Cut the guy some slack, yeah?” Taehyung blinked rapidly at that.
He stared straight ahead, even as Minho’s fingers came over his shoulder, moving to unbutton his shirt again. “Lost his husband?” he asked softly and Minho hummed, before tugging the fabric of his shirt off his shoulder. Taehyung felt the press of his lips against his skin.
“Well, they haven’t found the body yet but its looking like it. Jungkook said Mingyu wasn’t mentally stable so there’s a chance he might have hurt himself somehow.” Minho sighed. “Poor Jungkook. I know he loved him deeply. Its not the kind of news you can take lightly, you know.”
Taehyung felt his eyes widen a little at that. Even as Minho pulled him around, and into his arms, he felt his pulse start to pound. So Jungkook had lied. To his pack. To his closest friend. Did anyone truly know Jungkook at all, he wondered.
Jungkook stared down at the small hunting knife in his hand, eyes narrowed as he ran the edge of a scrubbing pad over the surface, getting rid of most of the grime and dirt on the blade. He hesitated before reaching for the small wooden case on the side.
The alpha ran his fingertips along the edge, feeling for the small latch, hidden under the raised corner. A small tug and a turn and the case opened, revealing a number of shiny, silver blades arranged in neat little casings. He tilted his head for a second before picking one.
Across the room, his husband of nearly a decade sat primly on the high backed chair, hands folded and resting on top of his lap. He hadn't moved for over ten minutes , merely staring at the alpha as he worked. Jungkook glanced at him for a second before sighing.
"Come now, Gyu. " he said quietly. " we've known each other too long to have such awkward silences. " he shook his head. " You must have a lot to say to me. So get on with it." Mingyu scoffed. "I'm not going to beg you to spare my life. " He snapped. " I won't do that."
Jungkook smiled a little at that before glancing up at him, an almost impish look on his face. "Of course you won't." He shrugged. " Because you know better than anyone else that it would be an exercise in futility. " he shrugged. " You're not getting out of this room alive."
The words seemed to have an effect. Mingyu turned a shade paler and his fingers curled into fists, clenching hard. The omega licked his lips. "I won't apologize either." He snapped. " I did what I had to do. You belong to me. No one deserves you more than I do."
Jungkook glanced up at that. "You know, this reminds me why I put up with you for the past ten years." He leaned in a little." You're so good for my ego. " Grinning he leaned back. " but honestly, did you really think Taehyung would try to steal me away from you? "
Mingyu didn't respond. Jungkook sighed shaking his head. "You know what's ironic? " h said quietly. " if you didn't act like a fucking fool and sink a dagger into me...I wouldn't have given a single fuck about who that omega was. So if , in the future, I do make him mine.."
The alpha stood up, the knife gripped tight in his fingers," you can rest easy in your grave, knowing that you were the catalyst that helped make it happen. "
Mingyu sat up at that, eyes glinting. "Make him yours? " he cackled. " what for? So you can destroy him? The way you destroyed me? The way you destroyed everything you touch? " he spat on the floor next to Jungkook's feet. " I'm not envious of him, Jungkook. I pity him. "
"because I know better than anyone else that loving you isn't a blessing. It's a fucking curse. "
Jungkook went still for a second, eyes narrowing into slits and Mingyu laughed. "That's right. I'll face my death with pleasure. The question is, will alpha Jeon ever be able to face the truth of who he really is..." He shook his head. " you knew how much I loved you.
"You took my entire life and you ruined it. You made me believe that you loved me. You made everyone believe that you were a loyal, caring , perfect husband when the truth was , you never gave a damn about me. Not even a little." He bit his lips. " You're a liar. And a coward."
Jungkook held his gaze for a second. "You don't know a thing about loving someone." He said quietly. "And you do?" Mingyu scoffed. " The only thing you love is power. The only thing you value is your pride . The only thing you want to protect is your fucking pack."
Jungkook straightened at that. "You're right." He said quietly." But every bit of power that I wield, I use it for good. I don't prey on the weak and helpless like you do. I don't play God over someone else's life and then call it love. And I didn't ruin your life...
"Your insecurities and greed and selfishness did. I chose you because I trusted you. And you chose me because you wanted to be the pack alpha's mate. We used each other , Gyu. The only difference is this ... I never lied to you. But you were never honest with me. "
Jungkook stepped closer and Mingyu flinched. "I did him a favor , by helping him get away from you." He said shakily. " I knew he would be better off..." Jungkook gripped his chin, hanrd enough to make the bones shift under his skin, making the omega whimper.
Jungkook stared down at him with an odd mixture of pity and regret on his face. Before Mingyu could move he pressed the wadded up piece of cloth from earlier into his mouth, stifling his sounds. "And unlike you, I don't sink my knife into someone's turned back."
Jungkook leaned down till they were face to face, and Mingyu's eyes widened as he caught the glint of the blade as it moved to his neck. "It's a pity it has to end this way," Jungkook said softly. " for what it's worth, I did care about you. Which is why I'm making this quick."
When Jungkook stepped out of the room , he found Malek leaning against the hallway, his cap pulled down over his eyes and his hands crossed over his chest. The alpha locked the door behind him carefully before clearing his throat. "It's done." He said quietly.
Malek glanced up, eyes going wife for a second. He peered over his shoulder at the closed door and gulped. His eyes flitted over Jungkook's bare chest. "My shirt is soaked in blood. So get rid of that too." Jungkook said with a vague hand gesture. Malek bowed.
When he started moving towards the door, Jungkook reached out, gripping his arm. "There's something else I need your help with. " He said briskly. Malek looked wary. "Did you come here intending to go on a mass murdering spree Alpha Jeon? " he muttered.
Jungkook chuckled, smacking the other man's shoulder almost playful. "Oh no don't worry. The murder is already done. I just need you to find out who they are . " Jungkook pulled his phone out before fiddling with it. A second later Maleks phone buzzed in his pocket.
He pulled his phone out before staring at the image. "Where is this from? " he asked in confusion. "The motel room I was staying at. " jungkook explained. " they tried to lure me , probably to slit my throat or something. They're not your men are they? " Malek shook his head.
Malek stared at the pictures for a few seconds before shaking his head. “I’ve never seen them before. Were are they now?” “Probably at the bottom of the Han.” Jungkook sighed. “ Is there a way to find out who they were?”
“It might take a couple of days but …yeah. Sure. I can find out.” “Good.” Jungkook hesitated. “ How do you know Chan?” “What?”
“Chan…. the guy from earlier. The one who drove my… ” he hesitated. “ The one who drove Taehyung to the club the other day. Your men refereed to him by name. I’m assuming you know him well. How do you know him?” Malek hesitated.
“Chan makes arrangements for us sometimes. Some of my clients…they like a little entertainment on the side while they wait for me to get the job done. Chan brings the omegas and the drugs when we ask for it.” “A pimp then…” “ Something like that…”
“Interesting…” Jungkook smiled before leaning closer. “ Where can I find him?” 🍒🍒🍒
The apartment was gorgeous. Jungkook walked around, taking in the Avant Garde decor and the lush leather couch on the side. The expensive music system and the silk curtains.
Chan stood a few feet away, hands shaking just a little as he poured him a finger of whiskey from a beautiful crystal cut-glass canter. Jungkook stared at the trembling fingers with a little bit of amusement. “Relax.” He said softly. “ You’re more useful to me alive than dead.”
Chan stumbled a bit, the whiskey canter slipping and rolling onto the mahogany table, spilling the alcohol over the surface and Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“You know, I keep hearing stories about Seoul being a place of lawless criminals , a place filled with cruel, fearless men….and yet, all the alphas I’ve met have been cowards.” he shook his head, disappointed. “ Let that be and come here. Take a seat. Lets talk.”
Chan moved with the gait of a newborn calf, legs clearly unsteady as he moved to the couch on the side. Jungkook watched as he settled in before moving to sit on the arm rest of the chair next to it, putting him at a slight advantage and letting him tower over him.
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