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Navn Navnesen

Navn Navnesen

May 28, 2022
23 tweets

Drag queen story hour đŸ§” 1/ PĂ„ hvilken mĂ„te er dette ok som underholdning for barn, om formĂ„let ikke er grooming??

"Little girls are also kinky" #grooming #Groomers
"Drag queen Story Hour (...) gives kids glamorous, positive and unabashedly queer role models"
Barn forstĂ„r drag bedre enn voksne! “It’s about gender creative kids, about loving who you love, and really important themes that kids understand.” Really, kids love playing dress up and seem to understand drag more than most adults, Legge said."

Kall meg gjerne prippen...

GjÞremÄl lÞrdag: - GÄ pÄ cafe mens barna er pÄ kinky show pÄ biblioteket.
🔊 If you feel like a girl, do your thing and rule the world đŸŽ¶

Hadde vĂŠrt interessant om @FRI @Christine, not CIStine @Karoline â€đŸ‘©đŸ» og @Esben Esther kunne bidratt med innspill her pĂ„ hva nettopp de, som tydelige stemmer i diskusjonen rundt kjĂžnn og seksualitet i Norge tenker om det vi ser fra Storbritania og USA
Libs of TikTok

Libs of TikTok

Brice Williams, aka Anastasia Diamond - a drag queen who recently has been working with youth- is charged with 25 counts of child pornography.
Navn Navnesen

Navn Navnesen

NÅR skal folk vĂ„kne opp og innse at Drag Queen Story Hour og den norske spin off'en Dronningtimen som bl.a MiniĂžyas har hatt pĂ„ programmet IKKE er spes barnevennlig. Som herâŹ‡ïž

Drag Queen Story Hour. It only get worse the more it is exposed. Oooohh, ofcourse I need to wear my cameltoe prosthetis when reading books for little kids!

Navn Navnesen

Navn Navnesen

Do they make trans-cameltoe prosthesis too??
President of the charity that runs Drag Queen Story Hour arrested on 7 counts of possessing and sharing child sexual exploitation material. He has 2 adopted children they are letting him have unsupervised contact with for reasons that boggle my fucking brain.
Not DQSH, but drag queens entertaining at some family event

Libs of TikTok

Libs of TikTok

“Beautiful innocent family-friendly entertainment”
Og nÄ samarbeider lokale myndigheter med disse stunning and brave queens'a sÄ brysomme og bekymrede voksne ikke skal fÄ Þdelegge de verdifulle mÞtene mellom drag queens og barn #DQSH #DragQueen #DragQueens #LeaveKidsAlone



#DragQueenStoryHourUK. #SafeguardingFail Hiding in plain sight and mocking concerned parents who see Seb Samuel for what he is. What adult man would allow a small girl to do this and then hold her responsible? This is extremely alarming.
Not a story hour, but most definitely a real Queen đŸ€ź

Navn Navnesen

Navn Navnesen

Stunning and brave! #DragQueen
Navn Navnesen

Navn Navnesen

You know of this little girl? Queen Lactatia, now 14yr old. Here she is only 9;

All-ages show - in Clownada Read the đŸ§”

Libs of TikTok

Libs of TikTok

Here’s one of the advertisements for the show which states it’s “all-ages.” This show took place on 9/17 at Vogue Theatre in Vancouver, BC.
Navn Navnesen

Navn Navnesen

Drag queen: Veldig godt nÄr barn er sÄ nysgjerrige at de gnir pÄ kulen under kjolen. SÄ lÊrerikt for barna som fÄr fÞle at kvinner kan ha pikk Alle andre tilstede: *ingen reaksjon* Trans ally's: Dette lukker vi Þynene for, for alle mÄ fÄ elske de de vil
Bernie's Tweets

Bernie's Tweets

Drag Queen library hour for children is an abomination. At best it’s misogynistic ridiculing of women, by mocking them as overly made up, sexualised tramps in heels and tight dresses. At worst? Well you’ve seen the videos 😳 I’m not the one with the problem.
Libs of TikTok

Libs of TikTok

A drag queen twerks and performs for children while accepting cash tips from kids at a “family-friendly” drag show in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Navn Navnesen

Navn Navnesen

Present yourself as you like, with the gender expression you want - but no human being can ever change sex. #SexNotGender
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