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🇺🇦 Dave Burton ❌

🇺🇦 Dave Burton ❌

Jun 12, 2022
12 tweets

Gleick committed identity theft to steal confidential internal documents intended for their Board of Directors, in the hope of finding incriminating material. He found nothing incriminating, so he forged it.…

The most disturbing thing isn't that Gleick & DeSmogBlog are crooked, but that almost no one on the Left, or in the leftist politicized science community, is troubled by it. @The Guardian & @Suzanne Goldenberg lied with gusto to cover up his crimes. @NPR soft-peddled it…
Gleick is also the proud recipient of Wonderfest's 2018 Carl Sagan Prize for Science Popularization:… I emailed Mr. Tucker Hiatt of Wonderfest, complaining about the inappropriateness of this reward. Here's how it went:…
I also sent messages to some of the folks at @Aduro Biotech, who sponsor this prize. They did not reply.…
🇺🇦 Dave Burton ❌

🇺🇦 Dave Burton ❌

@Noopur Liffick @Aduro Biotech When you agreed for #adurobiotech to underwrite the Sagan Prize for Science Popularization, did you REALLY intend that it be awarded for identity theft, fraud, character assassination, and forgery? @Watts Up With That
@National Geographic rewarded Gleick for his crimes with a blog at their prestigious ScienceBlog subsidiary. He was their resident “scientist, innovator, and communicator” on “global water, environment, climate” (and presumably identity theft, fraud, forgery. etc.):…
Pacific Institute quickly reinstated him as their President (now “President Emeritus”).…
The @AGU (American Geophysical Union) let him “resign” for “personal, private reasons” as chair of AGU's Task Force on Scientific Ethics. They did not revoke his AGU membership.…. @NatlAcad of Sciences did not revoke his membership, either.
After his felonies were exposed, @AGU (American Geophysical Union) honored Gleick with a speaking slot at the AGU 2013 Fall Meeting:…
@Scientific American whitewashed the affair, with an interview with Gavin Schmidt, who minimized the significance of the scandal, attacked Heartland, and didn't even mention the forgery.…
🇺🇦 Dave Burton ❌

🇺🇦 Dave Burton ❌

Tel: +1 919-481-0098 (The red "X" is because I'm conservative, so I'm often shadowbanned by the Twitter thought police. Are you? Find out here: )
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