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Jun 18, 2022
7 tweets

Medieval Shinto as a form of "Japanese Hinduism" - in this article, Nobumi says that many Shinto theologians saw a close affinity of Shintoism with Hinduism & consciously adopted Brahminical Hindu creation myths into their own religion while repudiating all Buddhist origins.

In the Yamato Katsuragi Bozanki from the 13th century, the creation myth of Lord Viṣṇu creating Brahma from the lotus flower of his navel is treated as a Shinto creation myth. Lord Viṣṇu is called "Ikō", the permanently compassionate divine king.
The Hindu cosmogonic myths were found to share a lot of narratives with the classical Japanese myth of cosmogony found in the Nihon Shoki, 日本書紀. This is why they were reinterpreted, removed from their Buddhist context and treated as Shinto creation myths.
In a 11th century Shingon Buddhist text, Japan is considered a part of Jambudvipa, the Japanese Imperial Dynasty is called a "Chakravartin" and India is considered the center of the world.
Amaterasu is associated with Maheśvara or more often Brahma. One text, the Keiranshuyoshu, says the divine descendants of Amaterasu are really the descendants of Maheśvara.
Hirata Atsutante (18th-19th century), one of the greatest scholars of the Edo period, a Shinto nativist; he praises the "Ancient Brahminical traditions" and says the Buddhists have copied Brahminical stories/myths and falsely attributed them to the Buddha.
Hirata Atsutante consciously scans Buddhist texts to find "original Brahminical myths" and says these myths are extremley similar to the Japanese Shintoist ideas about Gods and creation. He is anti-Buddhist and pro-Brahminism.
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