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Jul 8, 2022
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#taekookau a/b/o Loveless “You brought him as a date. Are you planning to mate him? ”, Tàe heard Jungkôôk's friend ask him. His heartbeat picked up in sudden happiness as he clutched the pregnancy test, only to be devastated by Jungkôôk's reply. “No dude, are you serious?”

Tags: 🍒 Alpha Jungkôôk, Omega Tàehyung 🍒 Heavy angst, Mpreg, Fluff 🍒 Misunderstanding, Happy ending 🍒 Rich JK × Poor Tàe Wild's corner 🖤: Don't judge the characters till the end I will start this soon. Ping me on:
“I can’t possibly mate...someone like him. It’s just fun ...till it last. ”, Jungkôôk shook his head. Tàe knows Kôôk is drunk because his face is flushed. Well, you are lucky to have him now. He is so stunning.”, another beta added. "There are plenty of rich heiress available;
why are you going after his lover?" reprimanded Jungkôôk's friend. "Yeah, there are so many...pretty omegas, why are you going for...a poor guy like him? He doesn’t even...have a decent pack name or money. He will just be a useless omega for you. ”, Jungkôôk slurred.
“Enough of your nonsense. You are drunk, Jungkôôk-ah. You don’t even mean what you are talking about. I will take him to his room.”, Namjôôn, Jungkôôk’s elder brother, suggested. He took Jungkôôk to the room. It's not my fault that I am poor and from a nameless pack.
It's not my fault that you are the rich heir of a big pack. It is my fault that I dreamed I had a future with you. Tàe thought sadly.  Tàehyung's hands begin to tremble. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. The person who was his lover for the past three years,
who he thought would get mated and be his alpha, and who is the father of his unborn child, just told others that their relationship was nothing but temporary. Tàe finally realised something: he had been in a loveless relationship with the alpha for the past three years.
He didn’t know what to do. He was going to tell Jungkôôk about his pregnancy. Now he is uncertain and frightened that the alpha will harm the pup. The protective instincts of his omega started to go hyperaware. His human side was in agony while his omega was growling in anger.
Tàe staggered as he felt a sudden rush of drowsiness. Before he could hit the floor, a pair of strong arms caught him and soothed him with calming pheromones. Tàe felt the panic inside him suddenly settle and his omega felt safe, which only usually happened with Jungkôôk,
but this time it was someone else. Someone who is equally heartbroken as he is. Jîn looked at the beautiful omega lying unconscious on his bed. He had already injected some medicine to help the omega. He knows Tàehyung is pregnant because he saw the pregnancy test was positive.
Tàe stirred awake. He blinked to adjust the lighting in the unfamiliar room, but the person he saw was familiar. Alpha Seôkjin, who was Jungkôôk’s oldest brother's fiance. He is a renowned doctor. Alpha-to-alpha bonds are not prohibited, but they are uncommon.
When Namjôôn introduced Jîn as his fiance on the cruise trip, everyone was surprised. Tàe realised he was in the room with another person’s partner. It could be misunderstood as misconduct. “I am sorry, alpha.”, Tàe mumbled in shame.
“It’s not your fault, Tàehyung. Don’t worry, it’s not Jôôn and I's bedroom. ”, Jîn assured. Tàe looked around and saw some unpacked luggage, like Jîn just came to this room. Seôkjin can see the confusion in Tàe’s face.
“They wanted me to stay here for a few days. They don’t want my scent on Jôônie….”,Seôjin’s sound cracked in sadness but he cleared his throat before continuing, “Jôôn has to go on dates with the omegas chosen by his family. They think he is jumping into something unnecessary
that he may regret in the future. " How can they treat Seôkjin like a mistake? He is beautiful, charming, and a well-versed doctor from a reputable pack, really opposite of Tàehyung, who is a broke art student working multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet.
“Because of your rank…? ”, Tàe asked uncertainly, and Seôkjin nodded. “Are you going to tell him? ”, Jîn asked. Tàe looked at him confused, so Jîn showed him the pregnancy test. He felt like the two red lines in it were mocking him. He let out a weak laugh.
“They will…”, Tàe’s eyes teared up, thinking they would harm the baby. “Do you want to leave from here? ”, Jîn asked. "How..? ", Tàe doesn’t know how he can get away from a cruise ship that Jungkôôk’s family owns.
He regretted coming here as Jungkôôk’s date for the party. He thought Jungkôôk was finally going to introduce him to his family, but now it has put his pup in danger. At least he got to know the alpha’s future plans. All the moments shared were mere lies.
He was living in a fake dream land. One question stayed in his mind: why did Jungkôôk make him believe it was all true when his plan was to mate with a rich omega? Tàe hugged himself for comfort. “I was planning to deboard from the ship.”, Seôkjin admitted, looking at his
packed luggage. Tàe was surprised and almost couldn’t believe it. He looked at the luggage, then at Jîn’s hand. The diamond engagement ring, which was adoned on that finger, is gone like it's never been there in the first place. So he was seriously going to break it off. Tae
thought. “Can you help me? I am a poor student who just graduated. I can’t possibly pay you back with anything, but please help me out. I will not be a hindrance in Jungkôôk’s life, and I won’t ever let him find out about the baby. I will raise the pup myself. Please...”, Tàe
pleaded. “I will help you. I will find a way. Let’s wait till midnight. They won’t notice our absence because of the party happening in the upper deck. ”, Seôkjin assured. As promised, Jîn devised a plan with Yôôngi, who was the captain of the cruise ship and Jîn’s cousin.
“I told you that fúcker is spineless.”, Yôôngi grumbled. He doesn’t like Namjôôn nor his family. That dumb alpha made his precious cousin feel worthless. He really wanted to throw him into the sea. “Thank you for not telling me I told you so.”, Jîn tried to joke, but Yôôngi just
patted his shoulder as a comforting gesture. “You are telling me Jungkôôk’s boyfriend is pregnant and he is going to mate some rich chick instead of him? ”, Yôôngi asked. “Jungkôôk doesn’t know Tàehyung is pregnant. He was going to say to him but.. ”, Jîn sighed.
“Their entire pack is pretty much fuçked up. Filthy rich snobs. ”, Yôôngi shook his head. Jîn opened his room. He came inside with Yôôngi. Tàe looked at Yôôngi on alert because he was an unknown alpha. "Relax, he is my cousin.”, Jîn told him.
Tàe nodded. Yôôngi pulled out a cabin crew uniform from the pack he was holding. “Here, wear this. There is a scent nullifier inside the jacket. Apply it too. You will accompany Seôkjin as a luggage boy. Make sure to go out discreetly. ”, Yôôngi instructed.
Tàe did as he was told to. He changed into the new uniform and applied the nullifier. Now he seemed like a beta luggage boy. “Are you sure about this? You are practically taking responsibility for a pregnant unmated omega.”, Yôôngi asked Jîn when Tàe went to change.
“I lost everything at this point, Yôôngi-ah. I resigned my job before coming here, thinking I would start anew with Jôôn, but look what it turned into. This is all I can do for Tàehyung. We are both in the same situation, and I think we deserve better.”, Jîn exclaimed in pain.
“I understand. You both deserve better than some alphas who think they can play with their lover’s feelings and take you for granted. I will make a report like Tàehyung went missing. Everyone will believe it because they are all drunk. So you should be careful where you live.
No one should know he is alive and with you. I suggest Nabi Island. It’s 10 miles away from the port. I will give you the address and a letter. My friend Hobi has a resort there. He wants to open a clinic, but due to the remote island, no one is interested in it. ", Yôôngi told.
“I will go there. You just tell Jimiñ to send my certificates to there once I settle down there. ”, Jîn replied. “We will miss you, hyung.”, Yôôngi teared up. “I will miss you too, Yôôngi-ah.”, Jîn hugged him. “I will visit you with Jimiñ whenever I can. ”, Yôôngi said.
Tàe was holding on to his breath when Yôôngi helped them get out of the ship without any trouble. Jîn informed them that he had a medical emergency, so he was leaving. They believed it because Jîn is a good doctor. They didn't know that he already resigned.
Once they were out, Jîn and Tàe took a cab to the nearest place on Nabi Island. Then they took a boat to the island. It was early in the morning when they reached there. Jîn gave Tàe a coat because it was cold. The island looked calm and beautiful. Blue water and clear ambience.
It made the island shine. The white shores were so dazzling.  “Hello, are you new here? I could recommend you a good resort. ”, a beta greeted them. “We are here to meet Mr. Hôseôk. I am Jîn. ” and he introduced himself as a doctor.
“Oh! He will be happy to see you. Common, I will show you the way. I am Jihôôn.”, the beta happily gushed. Jihôôn took them to Hôseôk. As expected, Hôseôk was really happy. They were in dire need of a doctor.
“Thank you for coming here, alpha Jîn-ssi. It was really troublesome to travel so long with our injured pack members. I hope you and your partner feel at home here.”, Hôseôk wished happily. “Yes, thank you for providing us with a good stay. I really appreciate it.
Call me hyung no need for formality. ”, Jîn thanked Hôseôk for giving them the best cabin suitable for a family. That’s because Tàe started vomiting at the smell of salmon fish. Everyone was worried, but Jîn told them it was because of the pregnancy. They congratulated them and
gave Tàe a lot of food and beverages. The island people are so kind and dotted on the preggy omega within a few minutes after the revelation of pregnancy. Jîn felt happy because Tàe was smiling more now. “It’s okay, hyung. Ask me whatever you need. We will always help you with
anything. I hope your partner will feel safe and at ease with our island's environment.”, Hôseôk said before leaving. "Our new life is starting here. I hope we can be better roommates.”, Jîn told Tàe.  Tàe replied smiling, "I can already see you are the best roommate ever."
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today's update. I really need to sleep because I am tired and my eyes hurt 😭. I already wrote full au so I will update the remaining part tomorrow😁. Happy ARMY day my loves 💜
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While Yôôngi was facing one distressed alpha on the cruise, he was worried about getting caught too.  “As I said, Namjôônssi, Seôkjinssi left the cruise yesterday night because of a medical emergency. That’s what he informed us.”, a crew member showed the passenger list.
Jôôn felt his world crashing down at the moment. He knows Jîn doesn’t have any medical emergencies because he resigned already. Jîn used it as an excuse to leave the cruise. But why? Everything was just fine between them. “Hyung, Did you see Tàe? I searched for him everywhere.
But I can't find him. ”, a distressed Jungkôôk appeared in a dishevelled manner. He seemed heavily hungover and tired. “No, Jungkôôk-ah, I was just asking them about Jîn. I don’t see Tàehyung today. Apparently, Jîn left the cruise yesterday night.”, Jôôn replied sadly.
"Jîn hyung left?" Jungkôôk inquired, taking the list from the crew's grasp.He checked for Tàe's name in the list just in case, but it was not there. “Tàe’s name is not here.”, Jungkôôk mumbled. “We will search for him, Sir. Do you have a photo of the missing person?”, a
security guard in the crew asked Jungkôôk. But to everyone’s disappointment, Tàe was not found. Jungkôôk almost went feral when they informed him. Yôôngi scoffed at the show. You act like you care. He thought but kept a straight face. The crew came to the conclusion
that Tàe may have fallen into the ocean because the person who last saw him said he was standing near the railing and looked sickly.  Jungkook's friend San mumbled, "Wow, that omega just ruined all the fun.” Yôôngi heard it, and he glared at San before speaking, “Maybe some of
you were better at being an alpha; he would have been with us now without ruining your so-called fun. Being an alpha is not about superiority; it’s about caring for your own omega. What I can say to spoilt brats like you who see your rank as a price trophy rather than
fulfilling the responsibilities that come with it. " Jungkôôk felt the captain’s words were more directed at him than San. “I know, it’s my fault. I neglected my omega during the party. But please help me find him. ”, Jungkôôk requested, feeling guilty and sad.
Jungkôôk’s pack sent search parties to look for Tàe, but everything was useless. They decided to end the search after a few days. Jungkôôk looked at the sea agonizingly. “Where are you? Please stay alive. I will find you soon. I am sorry. ”, Jungkôôk felt his alpha telling
him to not lose hope. While on the island, Tàe was trying to find something to wear after taking a bath. He doesn’t have any clothes with him except the uniform and some clothes borrowed from Jîn, which are dirty and need washing. He couldn't do the washing because of
vomiting and tiredness. He wore the bathrobe and knocked on Jîn’s room. “Everything okay, Tàe? ”, Jîn asked, concerned as he saw Tàe. “Hmm… I don’t have any clothes, hyung.”, Tàe told him, embarrassed. “Oh! Wait here, I will get you something. ”, Jîn went to rummage through
his luggage to find some shirts and pants fitting for Tàe’s thin frame. “Here, wear these. I will buy you some clothes from the beachside shops today. Do you need anything special to eat? ”, Jîn told him with a smile.  “Could you get me some ice fruits?", Tàe asked shyly.
“Sure. I made some breakfast: eggs, toast, salad, and bacon. I will be going out now. Please make sure to lock the doors. I will be back before lunch. ”, Jin told Tàe before leaving. Tàe went to his room to change.
Jîn visited the room for the clinic. It's a rather small building, but Hôseôk arranged all the necessary equipment. He also got two helpers, which was good. They cleaned the place and arranged everything properly so that they could open the clinic the next day.
Jîn noted that they don’t have a sonography machine. He decided to ask Yôôngi to arrange one immediately. Tàe will need it in a few weeks. Jîn suddenly felt excited about hearing the baby's heart beat for the first time. Jîn bought a few shirts, pants, and other necessities
along the way home. He brought everything one size bigger for Tàe. He knows the omega loves comfy clothes more than fitted ones. He walked towards the ice-fruit stand. He brought 3 with strawberry flavour and one with cola for him. Tàe beamed with happiness when he saw the
ice fruits. He was eating really fast. “Oh dear! Eat slowly, Tàe. You will get brain freeze. ”, Jîn said softly. He smiled fondly and shook his head when Tàe’s face morphed into a blank expression when he got brain freeze. "Here, drink this water," Jîn carefully held out to
Tàe.They ate some jjapaguri Jîn made for lunch. “Here, this has a shell necklace, earrings, and an anklet. You have no jewellery, so I thought you may like it. We can buy more when we go to get the household things. ”, Jin gave Tàe the jewelry. Tàe carefully checked the small
shell earrings, the white bead-decorated golden chain shell necklace and the simple shell anklet. He teared up because Jîn is really considerate. No one cared for him like this. Even Jungkôôk, he was the one who always cared for the alpha's needs, never the other way around.
He wondered if Jungkook cared about his favourite foods or interests. Maybe it was the first red flag he ignored. “Do you not like it? ”, Jîn asked when he saw Tàe’s crestfallen expression. Tàe broke out of his trance and smiled tearfully, “I love it, hyungie. I just felt
emotional. It’s the first time I've gotten something as a gift without asking.” Jîn can understand. He also wished for such nice gestures from Jôôn. He also preferred simple things instead of extravagant dinners. Both the brothers are alike in this too.
Ah, no wonder our hearts were broken by them. Jîn sighed. "Try it.”, Jîn encouraged Tàe to wear the earrings. Tàe giggled when he poked the shells. Jîn smiled when he saw Tàe playing with the earrings with a child-like wonder.
"Jungkôôk, slow down. I am still talking to you.”, Haewoon angrily followed him to his bedroom, but Jungkôôk ignored her. He loosened his tie. The office work was tiring, but he is not complaining. It is the only thing keeping him sane these days.
“You stood-up your blind date again. What are you thinking? I tried very hard to convince Mr. Lee to let you meet her daughter. You really know how it will affect our reputation. I will certainly inform your father.”, Haewoon fumed.
“Stop barking.”, Jungkôôk said in a bored tone but was firm. “You… I am your mother.. ”, she clenched her fist. “You are not my mother. You are just a gold digger, my father's fancy. So stay in the line. Never raise your voice at me. What did you say? You will complain to Dad
about me. Go ahead, but you won’t be here from tomorrow onwards. I will make sure of it. ”, Jungkôôk said while smiling sweetly. Haewoon seemed frightened. So she left without saying a word. She knows it’s useless to argue with Jungkôôk. Mr. Jeon will not like it either.
But she wants Jungkôôk or Namjôôn to get an omega. Both became workaholics and barely talk these days. It’s like they were just machines with no emotions. Haewoon doesn’t care about their mental health, but all she cares about is the deal offered by Mrs. Lee for convincing
Jungkôôk to date her daughter. I will do everything to make it happen. Haewoon thought of something and walked towards her room. She needs a full-proof plan.
Namjôôn looked at Jîn's photo. He really tried hard to find where Jîn was, but it seems like someone is blocking all the information. He knows Jîn’s family is influential, but he doesn’t know they will go to this extent to protect Jîn. He should have met them properly when
Jîn asked. He took his intercom when it rang. "Yes, Miss. Ahn.”, he said to his secretary. “Sir, your mother is here.”, Ahn replied. Namjôôn frowned. What is she doing here? Whatever it is, it won’t end well. Jôôn thought. “Let her in.”, he instructed her.
Haewoon barged into the office as if she owned it. It’s a blatant disrespect to Jôôn to barge into his space without permission, but he didn’t scold her. He just wanted to know why she was here. “Son, you stopped coming home. So I thought I would deliver some delicious lunch for
you. ”, she smiled, but Jôôn knows it's a fake one. They never had this caring kind of relationship. They were practically strangers in that big mansion. “Place it there and you can leave.”, Jôôn pointed at the coffee table before opening a file to check.
Haewoon looked stunned, but she still maintained her smile. “You know, you really need an omega to mend your needs.”, she said. “Cut the chase. Tell me what you need. I know you are not here to play house. ”, Namjôôn looked at her sternly. Haewoon dropped her act and sat on
the chair more comfortably. "Well, it’s pretty simple. I need you to convince Jungkôôk to go on a date with Lee Mina.”, she smirked. Namjôôn retorted, "What would you do if I said no?" Haewoon tossed a printed article across the table for Jôôn to peruse.
" Then this will be tomorrow's breaking news. The missing lover story of Jeon heir was a curtain to hide a planned murder? It was a mistake from drunken Jeon heir. Interesting right? ”, Haewoon smirked.  Namjôôn read the fake article. If this gets out, Jungkôôk will be in
in trouble. No one will believe him. There was a photo of a drunk Jungkôôk at the cruise party too. "I expect a positive reply from you soon.", Haewoon left just like that, leaving a conflicted and shocked Namjôôn behind.
Namjôôn met Jungkôôk at their private villa at Seoul. When Jungkôôk looked at his brother’s appearance, he became thin and agony in his eyes. At least you know he is alive, Hyung. Jungkôôk blinked away tears that had suddenly filled his eyes.
Namjôôn greeted him with a hug but was very tense. “Kôôk-ah, please do what Hyung is asking of you without any objections. Believe me, I have reasons when I say this. ”, Jôôn asked. Jungkôôk gave him a puzzled look but nodded.
“Please go on a few blind dates with Lee Mina. ”, Namjôôn closed his eyes while telling it. “I trusted you, hyung. ”, Namjôôn expected a burst out, but Jungkôôk sounded so broken. Jôôn’s heart was broken, seeing his brother’s state. But he looked at Jungkôôk helplessly.
Jungkôôk stood up, but before leaving he said, “I will do it, if that’s what makes you truly happy.” “I will protect you, Kôôk-ah. Just believe in your brother this time.”, Namjôôn murmured to himself while watching Jungkôôk’s retreating form.
I am going to time skip fellas. 😘💜
Eight months later: 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 “Push.. Baby, you can do it.”, Seôkjin encouraged Tàe as he was in delivery pain. Tàe’s water broke, so he had to attend to him with a midwife from the island. Tàe screamed in pain as he finally delivered the pup.
The midwife cleaned the pup while Seôkjin cleaned Tàe’s wounds and stitched them. The midwife placed the child on Tàe's chest. "A happy boy, Alpha, is ready to see his papa.” The baby squirmed, but when he sensed his father’s scent, he calmed down instantly.
“He is so beautiful. Our little Seo-ah.”, Tàe murmured to the pup. Jîn was awed at the name. Seo means smile. The pup is the sole reason they smiled in the past months, so it’s really fitting for him. “Hyungie.”, Tàe called Jîn softly as he saw the midwife left them alone
to give the family time. Jîn looked at Tàe and smiled. “Scent him.”, Tàe requested and Jîn looked at him so taken aback because it’s the alpha’s privilege in the family to scent the new born pup for the first time. Tàe asking him made him emotional. Jîn nodded and took
Seo carefully. He rubbed his nose on the new born’s cheek. Seo smiled toothlessly as he liked the scent. Jîn teared up so is Tàe. "He loves your scent, hyung.”, Tàe mumbled.  "I am glad he finds my scent comforting.”, replied Jîn, while kissing Seo's forehead.
Jungkôôk hàted this. He hàted how his life had become after he lost Tàe. He had to sit through the dates with a blabbermouth omega who chit-chatted about nonsense every time. She acted like a spoiled brat and demanded his attention.
He loathed the phone calls and messages he had been suffering through with her. She only cared about herself, never asked Jungkôôk’s opinion or interests. The worst part was that she dragged him to every posh party of her friends just to show off that she got the most eligible
bachelor. As it is now, he has to attend this family dinner with Lee’s. Haewoon was the one who suggested the idea. He hated her presence more nowadays. Jungkôôk looked at Jôôn pointedly, as if he needed to get out of here. Everything was relaxed until Haewoon dropped the bomb.
Haewoon clapped her hands excitedly. "I think it’s time to tie our love birds with a lovely bond of engagement.” “I was going to say that Woon-ah. You just stole my lines.”, Mrs. Lee replied. “That’s an incredible suggestion. They have been dating for a few months already.
So it’s time. ”, Mr. Lee also supported. Mr. Jeôn looked at Jungkôôk for his opinion, but Namjôôn interfered. “I think we need to postpone this discussion for at least two months. We have a tourism enhancement project on a remote island. It will take at least two months to
start functioning. We are going there this week.”, Jôôn explained. “Right, it’s not possible now. Jungkôôk needs to stay there for a few months.”, Mr. Jeôn nodded. “I will come with you babe.”, Mina clung on to Jungkôôk. Jungkôôk took all his courage to stop himself from
ripping her off of his body. “ You won’t survive there. It’s not the same that we won’t be having any good facilities. I am going there to work. I won’t be having time to look after you.”, Jungkôôk said while removing her hands. Mina pouted but obliged. Jungkôôk excused himself
saying he had an urgent issue to solve. He walked fast towards his car. Namjôôn called behind him, "Jungkôôk." “What do you want now, hyung? ”, Jungkôôk asked harshly.“ Don’t drive while you are mad. Give me the key, I will.”, Namjôôn pleaded.
“I need some time alone.”, Jungkôôk shook his head. “Please, I have something to show you.”, Namjôôn whispered. Jungkôôk saw the struggle and gave Namjôôn the key. They drive off towards the villa.
Jôôn showed a photo to Jungkôôk. It was a photo of a party. Then it clicked Jungkôôk, it’s the photo of the cruise party they hosted months ago. It looked like someone’s drunk selfie. But Namjôôn pointed out two figures behind. Jungkôôk squinted his eyes. They looked familiar.
Namjôôn placed an enlarged photo, so Jungkôôk can now see clearly. Jîn Hyung was holding on to someone who looked like they had drunk or fainted. He grasped when he recognised the shirt Tàe wore on that day. The green silk shirt.  “Hyung, he was not …near the ra..railing.
He was...with Jîn hyung.”, Jungkôôk stammered. “Yes, I thought so too. Jîn left with Tàe and someone from the cruise helped them. So, I reinvestigated the crew of the ship. Then I found out the testimonies about Tàe were near the railing were fake. It was fed to them by someone
important. ”, Namjôôn huffed. “Where are they hyung?”, Jungkôôk asked. “I don’t know yet, but I have a hunch. Because the mastermind behind it is none other than Captain Yôôngi. He is Jîn’s cousin. We missed that part during the chaos. I never attended any family events in
Jîn’s family, so I didn’t recognise him.”, Namjôôn explained. “But why did Tàe leave with him? It didn’t make any sense. They don’t even know each other well. ”, Jungkôôk shook his head. “There may be something that happened made them leave together. We need to find that. ”.
He stated his doubt then assured Jungkôôk, "We will find him Kôôk-ah, so everything will fall into place.” Jungkôôk caressed the photo. Tàe is alive, and his wolf was right.  " Hyung, I want to end this arrangement with Mina.
I don't want to go see Tàe as someone taken and she is getting on my nerves too. ”,Jungkôôk expressed his frustration. "I will manage that Kook. Before that, we have to meet someone.”, Namjôôn gave Jungkôôk another photo. "Captain Yôôngi, Jîn's beloved cousin.”
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today. Updating didn't go as I planned because I had household work and home work. It will end with one more update. I seriously need rest. See you tomorrow. Sorry for the delay 😭🖤 Ping me at:
Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤
“Yôôngi-ssi, this is the report you asked for.”, Yôôngi's assistant, Bora, handed over the file. “So, Namjôôn reinvestigated. He even went through my details too. Hmm, interesting. Thank you, Bora.”, Yôôngi told her. She bowed to him in respect and left. Yôôngi was not at home.
He has taken two weeks' leave to spend time with his mate Jimiñ. They are currently at his vacation house on the outskirts of Seoul. Then he got a call from the security at the gate. “Sir, two people are asking permission to visit you. They are not on the
appointment list. ”, the guard informed. “Who are they? ”, Yôôngi asked, even though he had a clue who it was. The guard replied, "They said they are from Jeon enterprise, Namjôôn-ssi and Jungkôôk-ssi.” “Send them in after 10 minutes.”, Yôôngi instructed before hanging up
Yôôngi muttered, “So much peace for a holiday.” He went to the kitchen where Jimiñ was preparing lunch. He hugged his mate. More like slumping down on the back of Jimiñ. “You are really clingy today. Something happened? ”, Jimiñ smiled.
“I need enough love and affection to face some idiots. This is going to drain my energy. So I am recharging.”, Yôôngi mumbled. “Ah! Are we expecting guests? I thought we were taking a vacation that included no guests. Only Bora can report emergencies.”, Jimiñ asked in confusion.
“No. These are some unwanted guests. Some senseless lost alphas who need some beating to get their act together.”, Yôôngi rubbed his nose on Jimiñ’s back. Jimiñ giggled and turned to face Yôôngi, “You are taking it like you are really going to beat them up.”
"I would really love to.”, Yôôngi said seriously. “Who are they? What did they do to make my sweet alpha all rough and tough today?", Jimiñ grasped dramatically. “It’s Jin hyung's ex and his brother.”, Yôôngi finally told Jimiñ.
Suddenly, Jimiñ became very serious, “ What are they doing here? I hope you denied their request.” Jimiñ hated the fact that now he couldn’t see his best friend often. Because of Jîn, he met Yôôngi. Jîn is a kind-hearted and caring alpha. He was surprised when Jîn told him
about his alpha boyfriend. He remembered how happy Jîn was during the call, sharing his engagement news. Jimiñ never saw Namjôôn in person, only photos or videos Jîn shared. He was not fond of the said alpha because Namjôôn never made an effort to get to know Jîn's family or
friends. When Yôôngi told him what happened on the cruise, he was furious.   “Sweet heart, I want to meet them, so I told the guard to let them in after ten minutes. I want to know how much information they have or if they have plans to hurt Jîn hyung and Tàehyung again. ”,
Yôôngi scented Jimiñ as a comfort. “You are right.”, Jimiñ sighed. “Please don’t put pôison in their coffees.”, Yôôngi joked after pecking Jimiñ. Jimiñ raised his spatula and showed a neck çutting gesture, “No promises, my alpha.”
Yôôngi smiled and went to the living room to wait for the idiotic alphas to come. Jungkôôk impatiently waited with Namjôôn. That alpha has the audacity to make them wait after faking he doesn’t know anything about Tàe.
“Please be calm. Kôôk-ah. We are the ones in need. Control your angry pheromones. ”, Namjôôn warned Jungkôôk. “But hyung...”, Jungkôôk tried to defend, but Namjôôn shook his head. “We don’t know what happened and where they are. Our only hope is in him.
Just stay calm and let me do all the talking.”, Namjôôn asked. Jungkôôk nodded reluctantly. Finally, the guards let them in. They parked the car outside of an exquisite modern vacation house with a gigantic pool, a beautiful garden and a luxury interior. That is definitely not
just the house of a cruise captain. This screamed millionaire. Yôôngi is a big shot. Namjôôn thought. A butler opened the door and showed the way to the living room. Yôôngi was sitting there on a couch, lazily swirling the wine in the glass. The alpha seemed like he was
already expecting them. "Hello, I hope you remember us. ”, Namjôôn introduced them politely as, "I am Namjôôn and this is my brother Jungkôôk. We met on the Jeon cruise.” Yôôngi gave them a blank stare.
“You are not that important to me to remember. That’s not the point. You disturbed my precious time with my mate. What was the urgency for you to come here without a proper appointment? I didn’t know you were the kind without manners too. ”, Yôôngi asked calmly.
Jungkôôk knows that guy is lying and mocking them, but Namjôôn hyung is right. He shouldn’t act out and give the guy a chance to kick them out easily. He took deep breaths to calm himself down. "I am pretty sure you know me as your cousin Jîn's fiance.", Namjôôn said seriously.
"I am not sure about the fiance part," Yôôngi scoffed, straightening his posture, "but I may know you as a cowardly idiot who broke my cousin's heart." Jungkôôk gritted his teeth as he saw Namjôôn was taken aback and sad by Yôôngi’s comment. "It’s the other way around.
Your cousin is the one who abandoned him and ran away like a coward.", Jungkôôk hissed. “Oh! Look at who is defending the honour of his brother. As far as I know, going on dates with other omegas when you have a fiance is cheating, kid. No one with self-respect will stick around
with such a person, especially Jîn hyung.”, Yôôngi glared at Jungkôôk sharply.  Namjôôn didn't know what to say. He thought Jîn would understand and support his decision.
“You don’t know anything. I did it for him so that we could be together with everyone’s blessing. I don’t need anyone but him. I didn’t cheat on him. He knew I was meeting them just as a formality. I love him." Namjôôn desperately defended himself.
“You are despicable. Did you ask him if he was okay with it? Did he say go ahead, I will wait? No, you didn’t. You made the decision yourself, and you wanted him to stick with your plans. A relationship is not about who is superior. It’s about sharing and accepting.
You never saw him as an equal. ”, Yôôngi shook his head disappointed. “I accept it was my mistake, but what did he do?" Namjôôn clutched his fist. This time, a different voice answers instead of Yôôngi, "Running away and currently leading a great life without you.”
They say a petit omega carries some coffee and snacks on a tray. He looked at them with a glare. “What.. ”, Namjôôn asked, dumbfounded. "I said he's having a great life away from you," Jimiñ said sternly again.
“Sweet heart, please calm down.”, Yôôngi took the tray from Jimiñ and placed it on the table. Then he coddled him by sitting on the couch. Yôôngi sat next to him. He could understand the anger that his mate felt. He caressed Jimiñ’s hand.
“Could you please tell me where he is? I want to talk to him and fix this.”, Namjôôn requested. “No, I can’t do that. I won’t let you. As my mate said, he is okay away from you.”, Yôôngi denied. “It’s not just about Jîn. He took my boyfriend with him.”, Jungkôôk glared.
“I have no idea what you are talking about. What boyfriend? As far as I know, you are dating Lee Mina, the precious omega daughter of Lees. Does cheating run in your family? ”, Yôôngi shrugged it off. “You fuçker.. ”, Jungkôôk was about to rush in, Namjôôn stopped him.
“Let’s go, Kôôk. He won’t tell us anyway.”, Jôôn told Jungkôôk. He turned and looked at Yôôngi, “ I really want to mend my mistakes, so if you change your mind, feel free to contact me.”
Namjôôn placed his business card on the coffee table. He bowed and took Jungkôôk away from there. Jimiñ picked up the luxurious card from the table, “To mend things, you should at least know which part is broken.”
I will be back with more update after an hour or so. I need a break. C ya 💜
Jîn woke up because he heard the constant whining of Seo. They are staying in Jîn’s room nowadays because Tàe and the pup need Alpha's scent and pheromones to recover and feel safe. Jîn looked at Tàe, who was sleeping peacefully, unaware of little Seo's whines. He must be
exhausted. Jîn thought. The little champ is always hungry, and Tàe was nursing the baby well. But after a few days, the exhaustion and tiredness caught up. Jîn carefully looked inside the crib. Two little doe eyes suddenly stopped whining and looked at the alpha curiously.
“Why are you whining, little champ? Hungry? ”, Jîn asked the baby softly with a smile. Seo started whining a bit loudly, as if he was complaining about the lack of food. “Shh little one, your papa is sleeping. Let’s not disturb him yeah.”, Jîn picked up the baby.
But Seo was still making small sounds. Jîn shook his head with an amused smile. He must be really hungry. Jîn sighed. He went to the kitchen. He placed Seo inside the baby carrier-cot and rocker. Seo whimpered when he saw Jîn was moving away from him.
“I am not leaving Seo-ah. I wanted to get your formula. Your papa is too tired to feed you.”, Jîn caressed the baby’s face, but Seo was on the verge of crying. Jîn rocked the chair slowly while singing an old song for kids. It was about the moon and bunnies. Seo seemed to like
it as he calmed down and listened to Jîn’s angelic voice. Jîn slowly moved to get the formula, still singing the song and interacting with Seo in between. Jîn giggled as Seo drank the formula like a starved man in the desert. Alpha pups are always hungry, so it was exhausting
for their omega parents. “Drink slowly, Seo-ah. No one is going to steal your food. ”, Jîn smiled, but the baby alpha seemed to ignore his comment and continued to drink fast. Jîn brought him back to the bedroom when Seo started to fall asleep.
Jîn put Seo back in the crib. He then saw Tàe was shivering. He adjusted the comforter so the omega could feel the warmth. He was about to lie down when he heard Seo's sleepy whining. Jîn picked up Seo and placed the baby on his chest. He caressed Seo's head when he saw the baby
sleeping comfortably on his chest with a cute pout. “Sleep well, my precious.”, Jîn murmured to the baby before falling asleep. Tàe woke up groggy. He felt a bit better after a long nap. His post-delivery pain is bearable now. He looked at the crib, but there was no Seo.
He started to panic, then felt the baby's scent near by. He giggled when he saw Jîn and Seo sleeping peacefully.  "You are such an amazing alpha. Thank you.”, Tae said to a sleeping Jîn. Then he kissed Seo's head and said, "Sleep well, my angel."
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today's update. See you tomorrow. I need to study. 😔✊ I should stop adding new scenes everytime for the sake of finishing this au on time 😭😭Hope you liked it till now. Ping me at:
Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤
“What now? He doesn’t say where they are?”, In frustration, Jungkôôk yanked on his hair. They came after meeting Yôôngi. It makes him more pissed that the grumpy alpha seemed to know everything. Even the things they don't know.  "How do we find out?”, Jungkôôk asked again.
“I will, somehow.”, Jôôn replied absentmindedly as he was still thinking through what Yôôngi said. It’s true that he never made an initiative to find out about Jîn's feelings about the meetings with the omegas. He thought Jîn would stay with him, knowing that it meant nothing.
But how wrong he was! He needs to find Jîn and assure him that it was all a misunderstanding. He is even ready to beg or apologise for his mistakes. If only Jîn had talked to him rather than run away. But why did he take Tàe with him? As far as he knew, Tàe was in
love with Jungkôôk. He had seen many times how the omega took care of his brother. Did Jîn really get tired of me? What if Jîn and Tàe fall in love with each other? Did they move on? Those thoughts started to spiral in Jôôn's brain. But he tried to shake those thoughts away.
He decided he would concentrate on the new projects and try to find them along with the work.  Jungkôôk looked at Namjôôn, who was in deep thought, and sighed. He caressed Tàe’s picture on his phone display and whispered, “Wait for me, love. I will find you soon. ”
Seo's clothes were changed by Tàe. Then Jîn entered the house with a big box in his hands. “Omo, that was heavy.”, Jîn huffed after placing it on the floor. “What is it, hyungie? ”, Tàe asked curiously. “It’s the new set of clothes for Seo. I think Jimiñ brought him the
entire store.”, Jîn explained, as he raised his hands to imply to give him Seo.  Tàe placed Seo carefully on Jîn’s lap and sat down on the ground near the package. "Open it.”, Jîn told him as he caressed Seo's face. The baby alpha caught Jîn's hand and tried to pull it to his
mouth. He is hungry again. I just fed him. ”, Tàe said.  "He is a growing baby alpha. He needs strength to protect his papa. Don't you Seo-ah? ”, Jîn asked Seo in a baby voice.  "I will prepare him some formula, then we can open the package.”, Tàe went back to the kitchen.
Tàe came back after a few minutes. He gave Jîn the bottle.  Seo happily drank the formula. Tae opened the package. The first one was a green dinosaur onsie. "Oh my, it's cute.”, Tàe squaled.  "It really is. Our little alpha is going to be a little Seo-saur.” Jîn giggled.
"There is a lot.”, Tàe awed at different clothes.  " Jimiñ loves pus. So it's not unusual for him to go overboard on purchasing baby clothes.”, Jîn smiled as he thought of his caring best friend.  "Oh! I think they sent some clothes for us too, hyungie.”, Tàe showed Jîn a
beige sweater.  " That's good. Now you will have something nice to wear. ”, Jîn carefully placed Seo on his shoulder and patted his back to burp.  "You bought me many clothes, hyungie. It's you the one who needs good clothes. You have to go to the clinic daily. I stay at home,
so my regular clothes are just fine for me. If I want more, I will just steal your old clothes”, Tàe shrugged it off.  "Your papa is planning to rob me, Seo-ah. Protect me. ”, Jîn dramatically grasped, and Seo started to blabber incoherent words.  Tàe giggled at their antics.
The first remote island development project didn’t go as planned. They faced many troubles. The schedules got delayed because of planning errors. But at last, they somehow finished it. Mr. Jeon was happy because it was his sons first individual project experience.
He knows they learned many things from it. He wanted them to experience the trouble and faults in their plans and fix them. Surprisingly, they did everything on their own without seeking his guidance. He is proud of them. Mr. Jeon threw a party for the successful completion of
Namjôôn and Jungkôôk’s first projects. It was a rather small party because of Jungkôôk’s request. Mr. Jeon was surprised why Jungkôôk asked that. His son always preferred grand gestures. But he agreed anyway.  The party was at royal hotel with close associates, colleagues and
family. Jungkôôk was searching for some non-alcoholic drinks.  But Kôôk groaned as he saw Mina walking towards him in a sexy outfit. Anyone can say she tried to look classy but failed. She greeted him, “Hi babe, I missed you.” Mina tried to hug Jungkook, but he refused.
“Mina, I told you last time. I am not interested in a relationship with you. Stop this nonsense.”, Jungkôôk told her off in a low voice because he didn’t want to humiliate her in public. But Mina doesn’t seem to get a hint, “Oh! I know you missed me, darling.Don’t be mad
because I am a bit late to come here.” She said it loudly so everyone would think they were in a relationship. “Seems like you got the wrong guy, Ms. Mina. I am not interested.”, Jungkôôk curtly said before moving away from her. He is so done. After finding out Tàe was alive,
he immediately rejected her, saying he was not going to fall for her, but she is hell-bent on making scenes at every gathering they attend. Jungkôôk was patient, but today she is over the line by trying to make others believe they are really lovers.
Jungkôôk really wants a drink, but his trauma from last time is still fresh. He lost Tàe when he woke up. He never touched alcohol again after that. He doesn’t even seem to remember how he got drunk that day. Namjôôn said to him, "You seem like you need a strong alcoholic
drink.” “I do, but I can’t drink alcohol, you know.”, Jungkôôk reminded him. “I know. I was kidding. Is she still at it again? ”, Namjôôn asked, looking at Mina, who was glaring at Jungkôôk from the other side of the hall.
“Very adamant. Like don’t even fuçking listen what I say.”, Jungkôôk was irritated. “Just ignore it. You made it clear that you don’t want to pursue her. So just enjoy the party. Stay unbothered. ”, Namjôôn advised.
Mr. Jeon called Jungkôôk and Namjôôn to introduce them to some people. Mr. Lee and his family joined them all of a sudden. Jungkôôk greeted them politely but didn’t interact much. "Mr. Jeon, we should really talk about Jungkôôk and Mina's engagement. It’s been postponed for
so long.", Mrs. Lee told them all of a sudden. Mr. Jeon looked at her confused. As far as he knew, Jungkook said he was not pursuing the relationship with Mina. Before he could oppose, Haewoon started talking, "It would be wonderful if our families were united by a marriage."
Namjôôn said, "I don’t think this is the right time or place to talk about this, Mrs. Lee.", as he doesn’t want to come off as plain rude. " I think it’s okay to talk here. It’s not like everyone here doesn’t know that Jungkôôk is head over heels for our sweet Mina.", Haewoon
told to Namjôôn. Jôôn looked at her, irritated, but she ignored him. "Right, why don’t we proceed to get a date for the ceremony.", Mr. Lee said. "Pardon me, but I think Mina forgot to inform you that we are not seeing each other anymore. I am not suitable for her.
I hope you can find a better person for her.", Jungkôôk stated. Normally, Jungkôôk would flee from these situations, even his father seemed amused that he was telling them off politely. "What are you talking about?", Mrs. Lee asked. "I told her we should stop seeing each
other before three months. I told her before I went to the island.", Jungkôôk explained. "Didn't you took a break from the relationship because you were busy? Now that you are back, you don’t need to stay away. You can start dating again. ", Haewoon tried to twist his words.
"I think we should leave his life’s decisions to him. Not to put our opinion on him. It’s his marriage that he has the right to decide. I hope you remember how this worked out last time for me.", Namjôôn said in a painful voice.
Mr. Jeon nodded in understanding. He regrets his decision to send Namjôôn to see the other omegas just after he declared his engagement. Haewoon convinced him that Namjôôn was jumping into an unbreakable mating bond with an alpha so soon. He knows his own prejudice against
alpha-alpha bonds, which made him take wrong decisions. He forgot the important part that he should have seen his son's happiness rather than irrelevant things. His son didn’t even speak to him nowadays, aside from business. Namjôôn is not himself after Jîn left, so he doesn’t
want that to happen to Jungkôôk as well, as he knows his son is still searching for his missing lover. “I also support Namjôôn in this. Let’s not interfere if Jungkôôk doesn’t want to pursue it. Mina is a wonderful girl. She will find someone suitable soon.”, Mr. Jeon talked
to Mr. Lee. “I understand Mr. Jeon.”, Mr. Lee was disappointed, but he agreed with Mr. Jeon. Mrs. Lee and Mina looked slightly angry but stayed silent.    Haewoon seemed taken aback by her husband’s opinion. He always sided with her. Today he seemed distant.
I will be back after drinking tea and eating some snacks 😭 🖤
Raising the pup was easy on the island. They always pampered Seo. Tàe recovered well too. They were happy with living together and co-parenting but never felt anything romantic because they had yet to move on from their past. Maybe someday, but now they are not ready to start
something when their hearts are still beating for someone else. They knew it was unfair more than anyone. Now, for them, they are each other’s strength, and Seo is their comfort. They poured every ounce of love into raising Seo together. Their happy little smile.
Hôseôk seemed so happy. He even gave Seo some expensive chocolates. Jîn shook his head as he saw how Hôseôk was spoiling his pup again. “What makes you so happy? ”, Jîn asked, changing Seo's dirty clothes after eating chocolates. Tae was feeling under the weather, so Seo was
in the clinic with Jîn. Everyone loves their little smile, so Seo felt comfortable spending his time there. Seo is a really calm kid. He is attached to his pa and da. He called Tàe "pa" and Jîn "da". He is around six months old now. A cute, chubby baby alpha.
“There is this big multinational company coming here to inspect my resort. They are planning to have a partnership so they can enhance the tourism opportunity here. If I get this deal, the people here can get a better life. We could buy better equipment for the clinic too. ”,
Hôseôk gushed happily. “Are you sure they are genuine? ”, Jîn asked, worried. He knows how shallow some multinational companies are. Money makes some people real monsters. “They developed some islands near by. I checked with the management there. They said it was a good deal.
I was sceptical too, but after visiting there I saw the change. They said the people who came there were really polite and understanding, as some of the people there didn’t want to move away from our traditional values. ”, Hôseôk explained. “That’s nice. All the best.
I am going home to check on Tàe. He has fever. ”, Jîn picked up a clean Seo to go home with. He took Seo's baby bag with necessities too. “Thank you. Please take care of him hyung. See you later. Say my hi to Tàe.”, Hôseôk rushed away after placing a kiss on Seo's cheek.
“Let’s go check your pa, Seo-ah”, Jîn poked the baby's chubby cheek, to which Seo giggled, saying, “pa… pa”.     "Oh! Seems like someone is eager to very see their pa.”, Jîn smiled.  They walked towards their home.
Jîn opened his umbrella as he didn't want Seo to get direct sunlight. It's not noon yet, so no scorching heat, but there is a gentle cold breeze making it feel cooler than if it were heated.  Seo looked at the green-colored umbrella. He loves green, courtesy of Jimiñ who sent
him a green dinosaur toy.  "Nono... Da.. Nono.”, Seo excitedly pointed at the umbrella.  Jîn laughed at him fondly, "Yes, it is the same colour as your nono dinosaur. We will go home and cuddle him to sleep after eating delicious food.”, Jîn assured Seo.
Namjôôn checked his phone. He sighed as there was a feeble network. Communication will be troublesome. He thought. Jungkôôk was following him with his luggage. They came earlier than expected, so no one came to show them the way to the resort. “How much longer? ”, Jungkôôk asked
“The route map says it’s near the beach side. Hopefully we will get there soon. ”, Jôôn replied while checking his phone. A cold breeze with a mellow citrus scent made Jungkôôk halt on his steps. Suddenly, he felt his heart going haywire. His alpha is restless too.
Jungkôôk looked in the direction where the breeze was coming from. He saw someone walking away with an umbrella and a bag. It was far away. “What happened? ”, Jôôn asked, concerned. Jungkook's response was hazy, "Just felt something.” I felt at home. He thought.
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today's update. Hope you liked it. I will take some rest and study. Ping me on:
Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤
Jihôôn always helps Hôseôk in his free time. Today he was here to clean the fish pond. It is connected to a fresh cold-water stream near the resort. It’s beautiful. Then he saw two unfamiliar people walking towards the resort. “Seôk hyung, there are two people coming this way.
They look like they are from the city.”, Jihôôn informed Hôseôk, who was checking an orange koi fish in the pond. “Oh! They are early. ”, Hôseôk exclaimed. “You know them? ”, Jihôôn asked, confused.
"Yes, I know them. They are the representatives of the remote island enhancement project. They said they'd come in the afternoon, but I guess they came early." Hôseôk washed his hands and fixed his appearance. One guy said, "Hello, we are here to see Hôseôk-ssi.”
“I am Hôseôk and this is Jihôôn. You must be Namjôôn-ssi and Jungkôôk-ssi. I thought you guys would be coming in the afternoon. Hope you didn’t have any problems finding the resort.”, Hôseôk introduced himself. Jihôôn waved at them as a hello. He was intimidated by the alphas.
“It was no problem. I am Namjôôn. This is my brother Jungkôôk. We just followed the route map you sent us. We decided to come early so that we could check the area in daylight. If it’s in the evening, we have to wait for tomorrow. ”, Namjôôn explained.
"It's a really beautiful place as its name is Nabi, but we didn’t get a bigger tourism opportunity because we couldn’t afford the advertisement charges in the city. Our only option is paying travel guides to bring some tourists here.”, Hôseôk told them.
Jungkôôk is still looking at the direction he came from in between. He feels some kind of pull, like another part of his soul is there. The feeling is so unsettling. But he tried to focus on what Hôseôk was saying because it might help them plan. So he decided to ask some
questions too. Hôseôk answered everything in great detail. Kôôk can already think of some ideas to implement. It will be exciting. He thought. Hôseôk assured them, "We can discuss the details after you guys freshen up. Welcome to Nabi Island.”, He assured them inside to show
their assigned rooms. Kôôk sighed as he saw the beautiful beach through the window of his room. The sea once gave him a nightmare for a lifetime, but he hoped something here would give him a better memory to remember. He has a feeling that something is waiting here for him. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 “You don’t drink in the daytime. Something happened? ”, Jimiñ asked Yôôngi when he saw the alpha was holding a glass of whiskey. Yôôngi placed the glass on his study table to properly greet his mate. He only pecked Jimiñ as a greeting because Jimiñ didn’t like the taste
of whiskey. “I was thinking about something.”, Yôôngi smiled. “You can share it with me if you want.” Jimiñ said while caressing Yôôngi's face. “I know. It’s about Jîn hyung…”, Yôôngi said. “Did they find out? I was really careful about sending the clothes. How did they? ”,
Jimiñ started panicking.  "Hey babe, they didn’t find out because of you.", Yôôngi scented Jimiñ by hugging him close. "But they are there, right? ", Jimiñ asked, concerned. Yôôngi nodded in conformation. "Yes, you know about Jeôn's remote island projects, right? Their next
location is Nabi Island. Namjôôn and Jungkôôk are already there.", Yôôngi sighed. "You let them go there, right? You knew it was them when Hôseôkie mentioned the project but didn't say anything negative about it. ” Jimiñ said thoughtfully, his gaze narrowing at the alpha.
“Is it bad? ”, Yôôngi placed his head on Jimiñ’s shoulder. “No, if you feel like it’s time for them to meet, it’s not. I know you have your own reasons. I just don't want Jîn hyung and Tàe to get hurt again. ”, Jimiñ scented Yôôngi back.
“I think they need a confrontation so that they can all either be together or move on. If Jîn was together with Tàe, I would not have let this happen, but they are not. Seo, the angel, needs to know who his real father is. I don’t want him to live in a lie.
Even though Jungkôôk said something fúcked up, he also deserves to know he has a son. Perhaps I am rash and reckless in allowing this to happen, but my intention is pure," Yôôngi finally looked at Jimiñ. “For a guy who wants to be a rock in the next life, you care too much
about others. That’s one of the reasons I fall for you every day. I know I don’t like the Jeôn brothers, especially Namjôôn, but my Seo deserves the world. If they don’t treat him right, I am so going to kick some sense into them. ”, Jimiñ talked as if it’s a promise. “You can.
We are also going there.”, Yôôngi said. “What? Oh my goddess. When are we going? I will go shopping now. I need to get some things for my angel. You should have said it earlier.”, Jimiñ started fussing. “Hush dear, we are going tomorrow, babe. Don’t worry, we have enough time
to buy everything for him today. I will also help you.”, Yôôngi assured Jimiñ. “You know you are a wonderful alpha, right? ”, Jimiñ smiled brightly. “I know.”, Yôôngi retorted, "You say that every time you need my black card.” He got a hard slap on his chest by Jimiñ. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Namjôôn and Jungkôôk explored the island the next day. Specifically, the areas that can attract tourists. Jungkôôk finds the hot and cold water streams and ponds on the island especially interesting. He discussed with Hôseôk about the building of some inns near the hot
springs, just like an onsen in Japan. The beatification project plans were finalised within a day. When they signed the deal, Kôôk called their head office to send the necessary workers and raw materials. It will take two days to transport everything here. So they decided to
stay at the resort for the meantime. Kôôk decided to take a bath and sleep after a tiresome day. He wanted to check the vendor stalls near the beach, but he was exhausted. If only he had gone there, he could have seen how a chubby baby alpha was giggling excitedly at his da when
Jîn bought him a new elephant plushy. “Now your nono will have a new friend. Look, it’s purple.”, Jîn told Seo, who was eagerly pulling the small trunk of the elephant. Jîn kissed his forehead. He looked at the beach. The sun was about to set. If only he could recognise a
very familiar figure watching the same beautiful view on the beach too.  Tàe looked outside the window. Jîn and Seo went for their usual evening stroll, but Tàe is feeling uneasy today, as if something bad is about to happen. He sighed in relief when he saw a clear sky.
If only he could foresee the upcoming storm brewing on the island; just like how unaware Namjôôn was while looking at the sunset.  The people who knew about it were on a luxurious yacht on the way to Nabi Island.  🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Tàe was preparing breakfast because he needed to deliver it to the Jîn’s clinic. The alpha said today he has early appointments with patients, so he won’t come home to eat. He arranged the bibimbap neatly in one container and streamed eggs and kimchi in another. He smiled
when it was finally done. Tàe is feeling better now. Jîn took care of him and Seo while he was sick. He can’t thank the alpha enough. So he decided to go make something delicious. He can’t let Jîn starve because of his work. It’s time for Seo to wake up. He decided to change his
clothes before the baby woke up. Seo looked cute in his new white bear jumpsuit. Hôseôk gifted it last week, saying Seo would love it. Tàe is low-key afraid Seo will become so spoiled because of Hôseôk and Jimiñ who are in a competition to see who will become Seo's favourite,
but Tàe knows Seo's favourite is Jîn. Tàe greeted the island people on the way to the clinic. He can see there are already some new ships near the port. That looked like they were unloading some glasses for windows. They may be building some new resorts. Tàe thought.  🍒🍒
Jîn was stretching his legs after his last appointment in the morning. He looked at Seo's photo on his table. He missed breakfast with Tàe and Seo today. He sighed. As Jîn was about to remove his coat, a nurse rushed in after knocking.
T/w mention of hurt and blood.💥💥 “Doctor, there is an emergency case. The patient got hurt by glass. There is blood, and some shreds have been struck in the flesh. Hôseôk-ssi brought them here…”, the nurse started briefing when they walked towards the emergency care room.
“Hello, I am Seôkjin. I am your… ”, Jîn's word got stuck in his throat when he saw the patient. “Jinnie..”, Namjôôn said. They looked at each other in pain and confusion. Jungkôôk was shocked when he saw Jîn. Namjôôn got hurt when he was helping an employee transport the
window glasses. They had limited workers, so the clumsy alpha tried to help, but in the end he got hurt. Hôseôk took them to the clinic, immediately telling them they has a super talented doctor. “Please wait outside.”, Jîn politely said to Hôseôk and Jungkôôk.
“I am your doctor. May I see your wounds.”, Jîn recovered fast. He behaved so professionally, like asking questions to Jôôn related to the wounds. Jîn carefully removed the shreds and cleaned the wounds. Fortunately, only one needed more care. He carefully wrapped the bandages.
“Please bring him to the consulting room. I will prescribe some pain killers.”, Jîn instructed the nurse before leaving the room. Namjôôn couldn’t even say anything other than look at Jîn. He couldn’t believe he was seeing Jîn in flesh.
When they came to the consulting room, Jîn concentrated on writing rather than looking at Jungkôôk and Namjôôn. Jungkôôk was itching to ask about Tàe but waited till Jîn was done with his work. “Here are some pain killers. Take one after eating food. Your wounds will heal faster
with your healing properties. I cleaned it well, so there won’t be visible marks. Please visit here tomorrow morning. I will check it again. ”, Jîn gave Jôôn the prescription. “See, I told you we have an amazing doctor here in the clinic. Don’t worry, it will heal faster. ”,
Hôseôk said. Then suddenly, the door open, “Hyungie, I brought your food. ”, a lively Tàe and Seo appeared on the door. Everyone except Hôseôk in the room freezes. Tàe looked at Jungkôôk and Namjôôn. He tightened his hold on Seo. Fear started to creep out through his scent,
making it sour rather than sweet. Seo started crying as he experienced his pa's distress. Jungkôôk instantly moved towards Tàe and the crying baby, but a loud roar made him halt. He saw Jîn's eyes flashing golden, like his alpha was ready to shred anyone who approached Tàe and
and the pup. Jîn moved towards them, shielding them from the threat. “DO NOT TOUCH MY FAMILY. I WILL RIP YOU INTO PIECES. ”, Jîn used his alpha voice. Jungkôôk gritted his teeth as he saw Tàe clutching Jîn’s back and the baby.
Jungkôôk can only sense the betrayal and pain his alpha is feeling watching his love in someone else's hands. He can not even think or sense properly because of the confusion and hurt. "fa..mily.", Namjôôn murmurs. Hôseôk looked at the scene, dumbfounded
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today's update. I don't wished to stop here but I am unwell and I forced myself too much. Hope you liked it till now. Ping me on:
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🍒🍒 Jimiñ looked at the deep blue water from the couch. He was sitting on the deck. There are some sailboats in the sea. The sea looks so beautiful and calm. They're getting closer to the island.The butterfly rocks, white shores, and clear sky make it look like a paradise.
He can see the port. He is excited. He bought many things for his cute angel, Seo. He sighed, remembering his own wish for a pup, but he couldn’t conceive easily because he was a male omega. It’s difficult for male omegas to bear a child and carry through out the pregnancy
without difficulty. It’s life threatening. Tàehyung is blessed with Seo. He is glad Jîn was with Tàe during his pregnancy and delivery too. Not every male omega gets that blessing. Yôôngi was concerned at first, but the doctor assured Jimiñ that it was alright to carry the pup,
so they decided to try. He is just waiting for his heat next month. “What are you thinking, honey? ”, Yôôngi back hugged Jimiñ. Jimiñ smiled sadly, “Just about a pup.” "You know, we're trying, right?" Yôôngi asked, concerned. "Even if it’s not possible,
we will have other options, so don’t think too much. ", he assured.  “I know babe, it’s just that I was thinking about Seo suddenly… ”, Jimiñ sighed. “We will have our own soon too. Seo will get his playmate. They will be good friends.”, Yôôngi told positively.
“Gosh, it would be nice if they became best friends. I am so going to buy them matching best friend outfit.”, Jimiñ gushed. Yôôngi laughed at his mate’s enthusiasm. He is glad Jimiñ is not sad anymore. “Finally, we are here. It’s a beautiful place, babe.”, Jimiñ almost yelled.
“Common, let’s go to Jîn's clinic. It’s near here. Then we will go to Hôseôk's resort. We are staying there.”, Yôôngi said to Jimiñ. “I thought we were going to see Seo baby first.”, Jimiñ pouted. He only saw Seo's pictures; he really wanted to see him first.
“For that, we have to pick Jîn from the clinic because we are practically strangers to Tàehyung.Being Jîn there will ease him.”, Yôôngi explained. Jimiñ accepted reluctantly. They walked towards Jîn’s clinic, but the scene that welcomed them was not a pleasant one. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 “Hyun..gie.. let’s.. go..”, Tàe mumbled to Jîn. He didn’t want to be there. He wants to feel safe. He needs to go home. Seo was crying in distress. The pup seemed frightened by the whole situation. Jîn tried to take control over his alpha, who stubbornly wouldn’t let him.
But he closed his eyes and concentrated. Finally, he got control back. “I am sorry. My alpha thought you were a threat. I will be back.”, Jîn told them with a quick bow. He rushed Seo and Tàe out of the room. Once they were outside the clinic, they went to the small children’s
play area and garden outside. Jîn told Tàe to sit on the park bench. Then he took Seo from Tae's hands. “Oh my Seo-ah, da is sorry that you got frightened. Shhh sweetheart da is here," Jîn said, scenting the pup. Jîn begins to rock Seo to sleep when his cries are reduced to
whimpers.Tàe was still shaken. His tears were flowing down. Fear consumed him again. “Please calm down, baby. The anxiousness in your scent will wake Seo-ah again. He is not used to our distressed scents. I will sort this out. I will not let anything happen to our Seo, Tàe,"
Jîn said as he stroked Tàe's hair. "What if... they... hurt him... hyungie?" Tàe asked quietly.Somewhere in his heart, he knows Jungkôôk won’t hurt his pup, but what he heard on that cursed night made him think the opposite. “I won’t let anyone to hurt you guys, baby.
I promise. Please relax.”, Jîn promised. Tàe tried to relax but his mind was going haywire. “We need to talk, Tàe." They looked up when they heard a sound. It was Jungkôôk who was looking at them with an undefined expression.
His eyes were trained on Seo, who was sleeping peacefully, laying his head on Jîn’s shoulder. The mellow citrus scent is mixed with Jîn’s scent and a bit sour because the pup was distressed. But there is that feeling again. A feeling of belonging.
Jungkôôk followed them when Jîn excused himself from the room. He saw the alpha expertly soothing the pup from afar. He was fondly speaking to the pup and Tàe. He doesn’t like it, especially Jîn scenting that pup. Instead, he wants to scent the pup. His instincts told him to
follow the pup, so he did. Tàe was startled and stood up immediately. He clutched Jîn’s coat. Jîn was fighting with his alpha, who was trying to take over. “What’s happening here? ”, Yôôngi asked, as he came and stood in front of Jungkôôk.
“I want to talk to Tàe.”, Jungkôôk said, but his eyes were still on Seo. “I don’t think this is the right time.”, Yôôngi looked back, sensing Tàe’s distress and Jîn's condition. He can not let it happen now. If Jîn’s alpha takes over, it won’t be good. Seo has also started
whining in his sleep. “Jimiñ-ah, take them home. I will join you guys a bit later.”, Yôôngi told Jimiñ,who immediately hurried away with Jîn, Tàe, and Seo. Jungkôôk was about to protest when he saw Tàe and the baby were going away, but Yôôngi held him there tightly.
Yôôngi warned him, "If you want to talk to them peacefully, I will help you, but if you try to use force, I will make you suffer.” “I just want to know the reason.”, Jungkôôk replied. He sounded so hurt. “You will get it. I promise. Let them cool down.”, Yôôngi suggested.
“Can you tell me one thing? ”, Jungkôôk asked again, and Yôôngi nodded. "Are they... together?" he asked, his voice breaking with sadness. “They are not. That’s the only thing I can say to you.”, Yôôngi sighed.
"Thank you," Jungkôôk said as he returned to the clinic. Yôôngi looked at the retreating alpha with some worry, but it’s not his story to tell. He hoped everything would be fixed soon without any mishaps. He walked towards the direction the others went.  🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Hôseôk is confused about what happened in the consultation room. He had never seen Jîn like this. The alpha was always polite and kind to others. He has a feeling that they all know each other from before, and Jîn’s alpha finds Jungkôôk as a threat. He looked at Namjôôn,
who was bearing a crestfallen expression after everything happened. “I don’t know what’s going on, but if you want to talk to anyone, I am here. I know we just met, but telling a stranger will be easier.”, Hôseôk offered. “I will keep that in mind.
Now, I need some time alone. Could you suggest me a suitable place?", Namjôôn asked. “Sure, there is a small forest and a pond behind my resort. You can ask Jihôôn the way. He will show you. Please be careful with your wounds though. The forest has amazing scenery.
We call it the butterfly garden. They say the water in the pond has healing properties. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I hope it will soothe your heart.”, Hôseôk suggested. “Thank you. I will go there. Please inform my brother that I will meet him later.”, Namjôôn slowly
walked away after saying it. Hôseôk met Jungkôôk on the hallway and informed him about Jôôn. Jungkôôk nodded in understanding. He can see how Jungkôôk hides his emotions but his eyes there is a deep sadness in it.   🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Haewoon is meeting Mrs. Lee and Mina at their mansion. She was worried that the Lees would back out of the deal they had offered because Jungkôôk had not committed to Mina. It was like he was using the development projects on remote islands as an advantage to skilfully
avoid Mina again. Mr. Jeon seemed rather interested in the project's success. Haewoon tried to blackmail Namjôôn again, but he didn’t give any reaction. He told her to do it because he didn’t care anymore. Suddenly, he changed and looked more lost these days.
"Hello, I hope I am on time. I rushed here when I got your call.”, Haewoon greeted, Mrs. Lee and Mina. “You are on time. I think you know why I called you here.”, Mrs. Lee came straight to the point. Haewoon feigned confusion. She knows it’s the best strategy now.
Mrs. Lee sighed and looked at Mina and then at Haewoon. “What is Jungkôôk doing with my daughter? Is he even planning to change his decision? It’s been days since he even made a contact with my dear daughter. He doesn’t even apologise to her for his horrible behaviour
at the party. I don’t think we can wait any longer.”, Mrs. Lee said in a disappointed voice. Haewoon cursed internally. That good for nothing, alpha. “Ah! Don’t worry, Mrs. Lee. I will talk to my husband and fix a date as early as possible.
Jungkôôk will have to agree to whatever decision his father takes. Just don’t give up yet.”, Haewoon promised her and left as early as possible. She doesn’t want them to get more suspicious of her incompetence. “Mom, are you sure this will work? I don’t like that lady very
much. ”,Mina, who was silent the entire time, asked. “We will make it work, sweet heart.”, Mrs. Lee replied with a smirk. “I believe in you, mom. You even helped me get rid of Jungkôôk’s ex-bitçh easily.”, Mina exclaimed.
T/w mention of drúg use and cheàting💥💥 "My plan was to drug Jungkôôk and make it seem like he cheated on his lover with you. But under the drugs influence he blabbered out some nonsense that he doesn’t even mean. Anyway I don’t think his bitch will jump into the sea, anyway,
good riddance.”, Mrs. Lee sipped her tea. "He was not sprouting nonsense. It was Jungkôôk’s initial plan. You know, Kôôk was a playboy in college. He loathed relationships. That’s why I never made a move. I overheard him during college that he was pursuing that omega for fun,
but I didn’t expect it to last three years. Jungkôôk completely changed after meeting that omega.He was committed to him. He was planning to mate with him too. That omega bitch stole him from me. I will never forgive him for that. I would have made his life miserable if he hadn’t
jumped into the sea on that day. ”, Mina said in anger. “I remember dear, you were crying your heart out because he chose some orphan over you when we got to know about Jungkôôk’s plans. That’s why I took everything into my own hands to correct that mistake. It cost me some
fortune, but it can be compensated easily once you get married to Jungkôôk.”, Mrs. Lee furiously said. “I was glad he was finally mine. But suddenly he is against our relationship. I don’t know what caused his change of mind. But, I really want him, mom. ”, Mina said stubbornly.
“Be patient dear, we will make it happen.”, Mrs. Lee reassured her. I will make sure he ends up with you. She thought. Finally, Mina smiled brightly at her mother. Her dreams were coming true. She can't live without Jungkôôk. He is the only alpha that entices her omega.   🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Jîn sighed as he saw Tàe sleeping in his nest with Seo. Today was a rollercoaster ride for them. He internally thanked Jimiñ and Yôôngi for coming. Tàe's anxiety eased with Jimiñ at some point, because the two omegas bonded easily. Jîn knows Yôôngi has a big hand in
preventing Kôôk from following them. He knows how stubborn Jungkôôk can be. He went outside to get some fresh air. "You need to relax. No one is going to attack us here.", Jimiñ scrawled at him. Jîn's alpha scent is spiking. It’s like his alpha was scent marking his territory.
“I am sorry, Jimiñ-ah. It must be tiring to deal with my pheromones.”, Jîn said, feeling guilty. “No, it’s okay for me. I am mated. It’s not affecting me that much. I know you are not doing it on purpose, Jinnie.”, Jimiñ smiled at him in understanding.
“Thank you for coming.” Jîn said, emotionally, "I don’t know what would have happened if you guys hadn’t come.” “I know it was hard for you, but you controlled your alpha well.”, Jimiñ patted Jîn’s back. “This is the first time I lost control of my alpha.”, Jîn exclaimed.
“It’s because your alpha is starting to bond with Seo and Tàe. If you continue this, he will not let anyone have either Tàe or Seo. It’s not fair for them when you will never fall in love with Tàe.”, Jimiñ said in a serious manner. “We were doing fine, Jimiñ-ah.
It’s just that they came and tampered with our peaceful life. ”, Jîn sadly looked at the sky. “I think it’s for the best they came.”, Jimiñ replied. Jîn looked at the omega shocked, “Why? ” “You know suppressants are harmful for omegas especially for us male omegas. I saw it
in Tàe’s room. I know he needs it to avoid his heat but how long Jînnie? He needs his alpha to take care of him. We both know you will never get over Namjôôn. Especially after you submitted to him. It’s the ultimate form of trust for us.”, Jimiñ looked at Jîn pointedly.
Jîn looked down thoughtfully, “I know.” “Then again, Seo needs his alpha father. When he starts to identify scents clearly, he will find out the truth. Please let him meet his father. You are important to him, Jînnie. I don’t want him to hate you.”, Jimiñ sighed.
Jîn teared up. He can’t bear the thought of Seo hating him. He knew whatever Jimiñ was saying was for the best. “I will, if Tàe is ready for it.”, Jîn nodded. “I also want you to talk to Namjôôn. You know, you run away from him rather than make him understand what’s wrong.
Even if you don’t want to give him a chance, he deserves closure. You too. ”, Jimiñ side hugged him. “Give me some alone time, Jimiñ-ah. I promise I will think about it. ”, Jîn asked. Jimiñ went back inside. He knows his best friend needs to think through everything. Jîn looked
at the start sky. It was breath-taking view. He remembered the nights Jôôn held him and explained the beautiful constellations in the sky. It was their dream to see shooting stars together one day. But remained as an unfulfilled wish. Unknown to him Namjôôn was thinking the same.
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today's update because my whole family is here. Believe me it's impossible to update in a total chaos. I will see you all in next update. Hope you like it till now. Ping me on:
Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤
🍒🍒 Namjôôn silently opened the door to enter his room. It’s quite late. He doesn’t want to disturb anyone anymore because everyone is asleep, but he was wrong. “You came back so late. It’s dangerous to roam around outside at night, especially in an unknown territory. ”,
Jungkôôk looked at his brother with a serious expression. Namjôôn felt guilty for worrying his brother, “I was near the small forest behind the resort. I am sorry for worrying you. I will be more careful.” Jungkôôk nodded. They entered the room when Namjôôn opened it.
Jungkôôk sat on the sofa chair nearby and Jôôn on the bed. “How are you feeling? ”, Jungkôôk asked carefully. “Lost.”, Namjôôn exclaimed. Kôôk knows it because he is feeling the same too. “They are not together, you know.”, when Jungkôôk said that Namjôôn was taken aback.
“But Jîn said they are family.. ”, he mumbled.  Kôôk replied, "I don’t know what he meant by that, but when I asked Yôôngi, he said they are not in a relationship and he has no reason to lie to me.” “What about that pup? ”, Jôôn can’t forget how Jîn was protecting that pup.
“I didn’t ask about the pup, but that baby feels so familiar, like we have a connection to the point I wanted to scent him.”, Jungkôôk sighed. Namjôôn thought for a while. He felt relieved knowing Jîn and Tàe were not in a relationship. He was afraid that his insecure thoughts
were coming true after meeting them. “I think we should not jump to conclusions before having a proper talk with them. We made enough mistakes in the past and suffered because of our impulsiveness. So let's wait and hear everything from them.”, Namjôôn said his opinion.
“You are right. Take a rest, hyung. You must be exhausted. I will see you in the morning. ”, Jungkôôk went back to his room. Namjôôn looked at his bandaged arm. He caressed it. There is a faint scent of Jîn on it. He lay down thinking about seeing Jîn in the morning. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Tàe was woken up early in the morning. He looked at Seo, who was sleeping. The pup was clutching Tàe’s shirt as he slept peacefully. "My angel," he affectionately stroked the pup's head. Tàe looked up when he heard a faint knock on the door. He smiled, seeing Jimiñ
peeking inside. “Oh, good morning. I wanted to check if you are awake. I got bored by myself.”, Jimiñ spoke in soft voice as he didn’t wanted to wake the sleeping pup. “Where is Yôôngi hyung? Is he sleeping? ”, Tàe asked. "No, Jînnie and Yôôn are in the kitchen making a
special breakfast for us. They wouldn’t even let me help them. ” Jimiñ pouted. “Yôôngi hyung can cook too. I thought it was only Jîn hyungie. ”, Tàe was surprised, as alphas in general never cook or do house cores. He thought Jîn is the only exception. “No, Yôôn is good at
cooking too. His mother is an alpha. She believes everyone should do cooking and cleaning. It’s not about ranks. I think Jînnie's family also pretty much follows the equality in gender agenda very strictly.”, Jimiñ exclaimed. “ I think it’s good because we omegas always .
take care of others. Sometimes we need some pampering too.”, Tàe smiled. “But I think Yôôn just loves to spoil me too much.”, Jimiñ giggled. “You are lucky.”, Tàe felt happy for him. “I would be the luckiest if we could have a pup soon too. We are trying on my next heat.”,
Jimiñ shyly said, and Tàe nodded. But their talk was interrupted by Yôôngi's knocking on the door. “Breakfast is ready.”, he said. Jimiñ followed Yôôngi and Tàe went to freshen up. He moved Seo to the crib. When Tàe came to join the others, Jîn was setting the table. He
grasped as he saw so many dishes. It felt like a five-star buffet. Jimiñ is still sulking as the alphas didn’t let him set the table. There is chicken soup, grilled meat, galbi, spicy seafood fried rice, spicy stewed fish, kimchi egg rolls, salad, fried tofu, and tteokbokki.
“Oh my, it’s been a while since I ate some rice cakes. I missed it.”, Tàe told them excitedly.“ "I was telling Yôôngi the same thing. It’s not available here. Making it from scratch takes time. ”, Jîn replied as he placed some juice for the omegas. They started eating.
The food was delicious. “You guys can open a restaurant. It’s so delicious. I know about Yôôngi but Jînnie, this is awesome. ”, Jimiñ praised. “Oh! His mother is a Spartan in the kitchen. She taught us everything. ”, Jîn shook his head as he spoke about Yôôngi’s mother.
“I know. She teaches Yôôngi new dishes every time we visit there. ”, Jimiñ giggled. “It must be nice to have someone like that.”, Tàe exclaimed. Yôôngi looked at him sadly, as he knew Tàe had no one. “I will teach you some dishes while I am here.
I think my mom will not mind if I share some of her recipes with you.”, Yôôngi offered.  Tàe smiled and nodded. They all ate breakfast together in friendly banter. In the meantime, Seo awoke, but Yôôngi offered to check on him. Jimiñ looked at his alpha fondly.
Yôôngi came with Seo and started feeding him the food Jîn prepared for the pup. Yôôngi was narrating him three pigs story while feeding. Seo was giving him faces as he saw different expression from Yôôngi. He will be a great father. Jimiñ thought. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Jîn was nervous. He is meeting Namjôôn for a checkup today. He doesn’t know how to face him. He was free now after consulting hours in the morning at the clinic. “Doctor, Namjôôn-ssi is here.”, the nurse informed him. “Let him in.”, Jîn replied.
Namjôôn entered the room. His face was neutral. He greeted Jîn, “Good morning.”  “Good morning, please take your seat.”,said Jîn, pointing at the seat nearby. Jîn checked the wounds thoroughly and bandaged them again. He is happy that the wounds are healing well.
“The healing progress is good. I think within two days it will be completely healed”, Jîn said. Namjôôn was looking at Jîn the whole time, “I wish if that’s the case for scars caused by love.” Jîn got startled by Jôôn’s tone, but he didn’t respond.
Namjôôn thanked him and left immediately, leaving behind a sad Jîn.  If they had a talk about everything that day, would it be different now? Jîn wondered as Jimiñ's words flashed in his memory.    🍒🍒
Jungkôôk didn’t know why Yôôngi told him to meet him at the beach. He was done with today’s tasks for the renovation, so he decided to go to the place where Yôôngi told him to meet. He checked the time and was late by ten minutes. When he reached there, Yôôngi was looking at the
sea. “Why do you want me to meet you? ”, Jungkôôk asked. “You are late.”, Yôôngi replied with a pointed look, “Common, follow me." Jungkôôk did as he was told. He saw they were walking towards the direction of the beach hut nearby. He was surprised to see Namjôôn and Jîn
were waiting there already. “Sorry for the delay. Let’s start. ”, Yôôngi sat on the hut's floor and motioned Jungkôôk to take a seat. “I wanted you all to meet me here because there are some things you need to know.”, Yôôngi told Namjôôn and Jungkôôk, "I am well aware of the
fact that you guys are confused and have no idea why they left.” Jôôn and Kôôk looked at each other. “Jîn, you have to talk. You promised me you would tell them your side. ”, Yôôngi asked Jîn. “I don’t know where to start.”, Jîn smiled awkwardly. Namjôôn told him sadly,
"I think you can start with why you decided to leave without telling me.” “As you all know, alpha-alpha bonds are rare. I was happy when you chose me as your life partner. I was so ready to start a new life with you, but your parents' rejection hurt me. They assumed you were
committing to something you might later regret.They also suggested you meet other omegas without considering my feelings.”,Jîn gulped as tears started to fill in his eyes. Namjôôn can’t deny Jîn was right about it all. “But what hurt me most was that you, out of all people,
did as they said without even telling me. They told me to shift rooms because they didn’t want my scent on you. I got mocked by your friends and family at that party. They were telling me, if you were this unsure about our relationship, why did you propose? The ring, which was
a symbol of our love, became a mockery in mere seconds.”, Jîn choked out a dry laugh. Namjôôn clenched his fist. It’s all because of him. He didn’t know his stupid decision would cause this much hurt to Jîn.
“I am sorry. I was a bad partner to you, but Jînnie, you could have told me about it. I know my reasons may sound stupid, but I did as they said because I wanted their approval. I want them to accept you wholeheartedly. I never wanted anyone else but you. I love you.”, Namjôôn
tried to explain. Jîn looked at the sea. He was trying to control his emotions, but tears were flowing down. Jungkôôk felt sorry for them, but it was their problem, so he remained silent.But Yôôngi decided to interfere if they talk like this. It will not be good.
“I think you guys need a good talk with each other, but not so soon. Take some time and think it through, then talk it out.”, Yôôngi told them, "Remember communication is the basic factor in every relationship.” Namjôôn and Jîn accepted Yôôngi’s suggestion. They really need a
heart-to-heart talk but this is not the right time.      They are too caught up in their own hurt to see others' pain. So they decided it would be best if they talked alone without anyone's interference. Jôôn looked at Jîn as he said, "Take your time. I will wait for you."
“Now, about you. The reason Tàehyung left with Jîn hyung was because you said some pretty fuçked up things about him that day under the influence of alcohol.”, Yôôngi told Jungkôôk, who was shocked by Yoongi's words. “I only had one cocktail that day. It was a less alcoholic
drink. There is no chance I got drunk by it. ”, Jungkôôk denied. “You were drunk. You said you were with Tàe for fun. He is a poor, useless guy, and you will never mate a guy like him. If you have doubts, ask your brother. He was the one who took you to your room.”, Jîn glared
at Jungkôôk. Jungkôôk looked at Namjôôn but his brother nodded in confirmation, making him feel horrible. “Please believe me. I don’t remember drinking more than one cocktail. I won’t say anything against Tàe, he is my omega for the fuçk sake and I was going to mate him.”,
Jungkôôk was enraged and desperate.  T/W drúg use 💥 “I believe you.”, It was Yôôngi who said, to Jungkôôk’s surprise, “He is right. He only had a Riesling spritz, but it was spiked. " Jîn and Namjôôn couldn't believe it and exclaimed, "What...?" “Yes, here is the recording.
As you can see, a hooded person did it and we couldn’t find him yet. I think it’s a professional's work. But we will find them soon. ”, Yôôngi said. “Did Tàe know about this? ”, Jîn asked Yôôngi. Yôôngi shook his head, “No, but I will tell him soon.”
Jungkôôk was shocked, “Did Tàe hear what I said? ”, he asked Jîn. “Yes and was devastated. ”, Jîn confirmed. Jungkôôk looked so crestfallen and sad. He hurt the person he loved unintentionally. “You will get a chance to explain everything after I have a talk with Tàehyung.
Please be patient.”, Yôôngi assured Jungkôôk, "I know you didn’t mean anything you said because you were not yourself on that day, but it doesn’t mean it will hurt any less. ” Yôôngi hoped the alpha would take the news of his son positively as well, otherwise it would be another
disaster. Jungkôôk stayed back at the hut while the others went back. He looked at the evening sea. The orange and yellow stretched across, creating an amber hue. It is calm and beautiful. The clouds scattered around us with a dark silhouette with silhouette with light golden
beams at the edge. The crashing noise of the waves made it soothing. He wished only his mind were as calm as the scenery. Jungkôôk feels like there is a whirlwind of emotions going on inside him. He needs to calm down for the sake of getting back together with his love. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Tàe finds it unusual for Jîn and Jimiñ to go out with Seo so early in the morning. Jîn was so silent when he came back with Yôôngi yesterday. When Tàe asked, he waved it off like it was nothing. He saw that Yôôngi was drinking some tea on the veranda.
“Would you like to join me? It’s camellia tea. It’s good for your health."," Yôôngi offered Tàe a cup. “It’s good.”, Tàe told him after having a sip, “I know you want to tell me something, and tea is just a conversation starter.” Yôôngi smiled as he heard what Tàe said,
“You are right, rather than talking, I want you to watch a video clip.”, Yôôngi played the clip on his phone and handed it over to Tàe. T/W drúg use Tàe placed the tea cup on the table and looked at the clip curiously. His expression changed when he saw someone mixing something
into Jungkôôk’s drink. Yôôngi sat there silently watching Tàe because he knew it was too much for the omega to handle. Tàe seemed to be recalling something. Suddenly, Tàe placed the phone on the table and stood up.
"Do you know where Jungkôôk is? ”, Tàe asked. “He is staying at Hôseôk's resort.”, Tàe rushed away without even saying anything.  “Well, that was fast.”, Yôôngi mumbled while sipping tea. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Jungkôôk was drying his hair after taking a shower when he heard a knock on the door. He fixed his bathrobe and then opened the door. Tàe stood there, seemingly out of breath from running, and his breath caught in his throat. Jungkôôk unknowingly called his
nickname for Tàe, "Angel..." He wanted to hug, but he didn’t know if he was allowed to, so he opened the door wide so that Tàe could enter inside. Jungkôôk asked hesitantly, "Are you okay?”, as Tàe stayed silent even after he came inside. “I saw the clip.”, Tàe spoke softly.
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today's update. I am really busy with studies and other works. I will update tomorrow. 🖤 Ping me on:
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" Tàe, I am sorry, angel. I don’t know why I.. ", Jungkôôk’s voice trembled in sadness. Tàe's voice was laced with uncertainty. "Now, I know a possibility why you said that if you really didn’t mean it." "I swear I didn’t mean anything like that. Please believe me. I am ashamed
and angry at myself for that. ", Jungkôôk pleaded. T/W drúg use💥 Tàe nodded. He has a vague idea of what it feels like when you are spiked. He read about it before drowsiness, mental confusion, and jumbled memories. "You said the exact words from our disaster of a first date.
That’s why it hurt the most. I thought you were still the same. ", Tàe said.  Jungkôôk remembered their first date. He invited Tàe to a party as his date just to get into his pants. He is not proud of the days he treated omegas as a mere object of pleasure.
There were people who were ready to sleep with him, knowing he wouldn’t be committed to them. "You know, I changed after that, right? I was just a typical arrogant alpha. I was so used to seeing my father using omegas as a mere object. I thought alphas were supposed to be
dominant, superior, and smug like that. I followed that blindly. No one was there to correct my actions, not until you.", Jungkôôk looked at Tàe lovingly. Tàe was different. He was almost everyone's dream, but he was never interested in anything other than studies.
He didn’t have any friends nor much social interaction. So they had this bet going on who would have him first. It took Jungkôôk weeks to get a date with him. "Yes, the campus heartthrob and playboy alpha who never slept with anyone twice.”, Tàe exclaimed, "I know
you were a big bad alpha, but what can I say, my crush on you made me forget every warning sign." I was in love with you, not just a crush. Tàe thought. He fell for the charming big bad wolf then and still loves him dearly even after everything.
When Jungkôôk succeeded, he said something similar to his friends, but got slapped hard by Tàe. He even scolded him badly that day. That was the wake-up call for Jungkôôk. He fell in love with the bold beauty. Fortunately, Tàe gave him a second chance. It was not easy when the
omega was dead set on avoiding him. Jungkôôk smiled as he remembered his apology on the college festival stage, where he serenaded the omega but was turned down by Tàe. "Yes, I apologised to you in public just to show you how serious I am about you.", Jungkôôk said.
He was heartbroken but didn’t bother Tàe after that. T/W mentions of abuse. “You also saved me from those alphas.”, Tàe hugged himself in fear, remembering that day when a group of alphas tried to abuse him on the way home. He remembered kicking one of them and running away.
He called Jungkôôk for help on the phone while hiding behind a dumpster. Thankfully, Jungkôôk reached there on time. That incident changed everything. They became friends and then lovers. Tàe knows Jungkôôk had his shortcomings about how to treat him, but it’s also his fault
that he never voiced out his feelings. He thought that’s how omegas are supposed to live, taking care of their alphas, not the other way around. Tàe knows he had this fear that Jungkôôk would leave him if he asked for more. Jungkôôk's words about the party were only a
triggering point for his insecurities. He was keeping it all inside until he met Jîn, who taught him a new way of living. He is grateful to Jîn for that. “I won’t blame you for running away after hearing that. I should have been more careful.”, Jungkôôk regretted not being
careful that night. He should have brought Tàe along with him, but instead he went early because his friends called. Tàe is at a loss for words when he tells Jungkôôk, "I ran away because..." He knows everything that happened because of circumstances, but he is hiding the
most important thing from the alpha. Jungkôôk looked at Tàe expectantly. He finally admitted, "I was pregnant." Jungkôôk was shocked so murmured, “What..? ” To relax, take a deep breath in and out. He has to tell Jungkôôk, “I was going to show you the pregnancy test. I was
anxious and frightened because we had just graduated, not even mated. " Tàe looked at Jungkôôk, who was still speechless. “I was happy, but when I heard what you said, I didn’t know what to do. Then Jin hyungie told me about his situation.
I was so sure that your parents wouldn’t accept the pup. It frightened me that they would do something to the baby. So I ran away.”, Tàe explained briefly. He doesn’t talk about his insecurities because he knows it’s already too much information for the alpha to digest.
Jungkôôk choked out, "Where is...?" His eyes were teary. “With Jimiñie and Jîn hyungie. They went out.”, Tàe replied. “Wait here. I will be back after changing.”, Jungkook returned to the bathroom to change.
Tàe didn’t know how to take the alpha's behaviour now. Jungkôôk is too quiet. He looked at the alpha, but Jungkôôk was just walking looking ahead. When they reached Tàe’s home, Jîn and Jimiñ were already back. Seo was excitedly reciting “pa.. pa.. pa.. ”, when he saw Tàe.
“Oh my baby.”, Tàe nuzzled the pup when he got him from Jîn’s hand. Seo giggled in delight. He missed his papa. Jîn looked at Jungkôôk in confusion, who was looking at the scene in agony. Tàe looked at Jungkôôk, “His name is Seo.He is an alpha and going to be 7 months old. ”
Jungkôôk came close. He raised his hands to touch the baby, but his hands were trembling. Seo looked at him with his doe eyes. The pup caught his trembling hands and giggled. Jungkôôk smiled as the tears started to roll down his face.couch Jîn helped Jungkôôk settle down on a
couch with Seo. Everyone was awed as Seo had no problem with Jungkôôk, and usually the baby didn’t go with strangers. Jungkôôk holds the pup closely as if he is keeping a treasure. Tàe watched the scene with tears in his eyes. Jîn patted his shoulder as a comfort.
Wild's corner 🖤: I will continue tomorrow and possibly wrap it up. I have some important things to do now and my eyes hurts like hell. Ping me on:
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I will update a few scenes because I am bored 😑 it will be very slow speed so please be understanding. I will take break in between too.
Tàe knows he deserves the silence from Jungkôôk because he hid something precious from him, but it hurts how the alpha didn’t even spare him a glance. Jungkôôk remained solely focused on Seo, even when Tàe changed Seo's clothes or fed him food. It's like the alpha thinks the pup
will disappear if he takes his eyes off him. “He is not angry. Maybe his alpha is. That’s why he is avoiding you. I know your omega is feeling guilty too. Let him have his time with his pup. He will come around.”, Yôôngi told Tàe when he saw the sadness in the Omega’s face.
“I know. I will give him space.”, Tàe replied in understanding. At least he is more mature about not lashing out on you. I can give that credit to him. Yôôngi thought. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Jîn was surprised to see Jungkôôk still there when he came back in the evening. Seo was crying, and Jungkôôk was trying to calm the pup down. "What happened?", Jîn asked Kôôk when he saw alpha's terrified expression. "Give him to me.", Jîn said again. Seo started crying
loudly when Jîn took him, but calmed down when he soothed him. “Where is Tàe? ”, Jîn asked Jungkôôk. “ He went to the market with Jimiñ. They wanted to buy groceries. Seo was sleeping when they went out. Suddenly, he woke up and started crying. Yôôngi hyung was here but now
nowhere to be found. ”, Jungkôôk explained, almost in panic. Jîn nodded. Then he laid Seo on the mat when he calmed down properly. He started by changing Seo's diaper and cleaning the baby with wipes. “Please look after him. I will prepare his bath. He is okay. Don’t worry.”,
Jîn smiled at Kôôk, who was still looking at him with wide eyes. He saw the relief in alpha’s face. He went to the bathroom and fixed the water at the right temperature for the baby. He kept the bathing necessities near by. Jungkôôk was in awe as he saw Jîn carefully bathing Seo
telling him stories. Seo was giggling and playing with water. “Do you want to try it?", Jîn asked while offering Kôôk a small bath sponge. Kôôk looked at him terrified. “Try it. I will guide you.”, Jîn assured him. He showed Kôôk, how it’s done and how much pressure to apply.
Jungkôôk smiled widely as he succeeded in cleaning the baby. Jîn wiped Seo with a soft towel after the bath. He let Jungkôôk dress up the pup. Jungkôôk did everything as Jîn instructed. Jîn went to change first as Seo got excited and splashed water on them. He offered Jungkôôk
some clothes to change. Jungkôôk thanked him and went to take a bath and change. “ You are really excited today, ah? ”, Jîn poked Seo's tummy. The baby let out some gurgling sounds in response, “Let’s fill your tummy now.” Jîn made the food and fed Seo. Tàe came back with
Jimiñ. He was surprised to see Jîn with Seo. He searched for Jungkôôk subtly, but Jîn noticed it. “He is still here. Seo-ah drenched us with water when he took a bath. So Jungkôôk went to change.”, Jîn explained. Tàe nodded. He was relieved that Jungkook was still there.
He picked up Seo and wiped his face. Tàe giggled as Seo tried to grab his face to chomp on his cheek. " I think our little champ must be teething. Seo-ah is becoming a big wolfie now. ”, Jîn smiled.  "Oh! My little wolfie angel.”, Tàe kissed Seo.
“Where is Yôôn? We told him to stay here.”, Jimiñ searched for Yôôngi. “Jungkôôk was alone with Seo when I came back.”, Jîn replied. He was also wondering where Yôôngi was because he knew his cousin wouldn’t leave Seo with a novice like Jungkôôk if it wasn't something important.
“It better be something urgent.”, Jimiñ exclaimed. “I will cook dinner with Jimiñ. Take Seo to the room. He seems sleepy. I think he didn’t get enough sleep.”, Jîn smiled at a cutely yawning Seo in Tàe’s hands. “ Yes hyungie.”, Tae told Jîn, then to Seo, “Let’s go angel.”
When Tàe started to sing for the pup, Jungkôôk came out of the bathroom. He remembered how the Omega used to sing for him. He saw Tàe patting the pup to sleep. “You can join if you don’t mind.”, Tàe spoke to Jungkôôk in a low voice but was still looking at the pup.
Jungkôôk joined them in Tàe’s nest. He settled down next to Seo. Kôôk felt complete as their scents mingled together to create a comforting atmosphere. He drifted into a sound sleep after a while. Tàe looked at Seo, who seemed to smile in his sleep.
“Thank you and I am sorry, my alpha.”, Tàe mumbled, looking at the sleeping form of Jungkôôk. He never thought it would be this easy for Jungkôôk to accept the baby.  🍒🍒
🍒🍒 “Fuçking hell. That’s sick. I really hope this is some weird joke you are telling me.”, Yôôngi cursed. Minjae reprimands his brother over the phone, "Language brother." "Language, my foot.What do you think my reaction will be if I hear something like this?Anyway,
thank you for finding the information we needed so fast.”, Yôôngi replied. Minjae cooed, “Oh my little dumpling, finally acknowledging his elder brother’s capability. You grew up well, Yôôn Yôôn.” “Stop with your dramatics. When I join the business I will see your real
capabilities. So till then, be the King of the lion-less forest. You will go down once the true king comes. ”, Yôôngi smirked. It's usual for the Min brothers to bicker. It’s their love language. Yôôngi will be eternally grateful to Minjae for allowing him to fulfil his dream
of becoming a Captain of the ship, even if only for a short time. He recalled how Minjae convinced their family, because their father was so against his sons straying away from their family business. He is glad he has such a wonderful brother. “Can’t wait for that, little bro.
Take care, Yôôn Yôôn, and say hi to Jînnie and Jimiñie. I will let you know if I find more and don’t forget to bring me souvenirs.”, Minjae asked. “I will collect some shells for you from the beach.”, Yôôngi replied and hung up the call when Minjae called him cheapskate.
Yôôngi saw Jîn and Jimiñ cooking in the kitchen. “Where is Jungkôôk? ”, Yôôngi asked them, as he didn’t see Seo or Jungkôôk. “Where were you, Yôôn? Seo was crying, and Jungkôôk was terrified.”, Jîn asked.
“I was outside. I got a call from Seoul. You know how bad reception is here. I told him if Seo wakes up, he should call me, but I think he forgot it.”, Yôôngi sighed. "Who called you?" Jimiñ inquired as he stirred the soup. “It was Jae. He called because he got the information
we needed. I will tell you everything after dinner. He told me to say hi to you both.”, Yôôngi explained. Yôôngi helped them cook the dinner. They were setting the table when someone knocked on the door. Jîn went to check. Jîn froze when he saw a nervous Namjôôn outside.
Wild's corner 🖤: I will continue tomorrow because I need rest. See you tomorrow. Thank you for the patience. Ping me on:
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“Is Jungkôôk here? Hôseôk told me he went out with Tàehyung in the morning. He didn’t show up at the work site either.”, Jôôn scratched his nape awkwardly. “He is here.Please come in.”, Jîn opened the door and let the alpha inside.
“Please sit. I will tell him about you.”, Jîn showed Jôôn the couch and walked towards the bedroom to call Jungkôôk. Namjôôn looked around, seeing how comfy and homely the small living room space looked. Jungkôôk came out looking sleepy and disoriented. Namjôôn looked at him
questioningly when he smelt different. "Hyung, I am sorry. I forgot to inform you.”, Jungkôôk apologised and sat near Jôôn. “That’s okay. Don’t do it next time because it was really tiring to manage everything alone.”, Jôôn replied. “I understand, Hyung. Sorry again. I forgot
everything when I got to know about Seo.”, Kôôk said. “Seo? Who is that? ”, Jôôn asked, confused. Jungkôôk shrugged it off, "My son." Jôôn almost screamed, "YOUR WHAT?" “Shut up, hyung. The baby is sleeping. You will wake him up again.”, Kôôk shushed Namjôôn in a slight panic.
"What’s with the commotion? ", Yôôngi asked, while emerging from the kitchen with a spatula. "Nothing. He was just shocked when he heard about Seo.", Jungkôôk replied sheepishly. To his surprise, Yôôngi just nodded and went back.
After a few moments, Jôôn asked Jungkôôk to explain. So Kôôk told him everything. "Hyung, are you okay? ", Jungkôôk asked Namjôôn as he saw Jôôn was in deep thought, more like trying to process the information.
"So the pup we saw with Jîn was your son, and Tàehyung was pregnant when he left with Jîn. Who would have thought? ", Namjôôn exclaimed. "If you are done with your chit-chat, you can join us for dinner.", Jimiñ who appeared this time, told them with a smile.
The dinner table was quite awkward with the silence. So Jimiñ decided to be lively by telling them things that he found interesting on the island. Everyone began to share their own personal favourite spots, which created a comfortable environment while they ate.
“I missed your cooking.”, Jôôn told Jîn, who was sitting next to him. Jîn nodded, but he felt some nostalgia. Like how he used to wrap lunch boxes for Jôôn. He remembers how the alpha used to praise him for his kal-guksu. A faint smile appeared on Jîn’s face. "I have got some
information but before that I want your permission to tell Hôseôk everything. He is a good friend of mine. I assure you he will understand.”, Yôôngi asked. “It’s partially my mistake as I didn’t clarify my relationship with Tàe when we came here. They think we are mates
.”, Jîn said softly. Jungkôôk and Namjôôn felt sad, but they understood why Jîn had to do it. Only Jimiñ voiced it out. “It’s because you were not in a position to tell them, Jînnie, and obviously didn’t expect the turn of events now happening too.”, Jimiñ assured.
Tàe was looking at the room where Seo was sleeping, then sighed, “ I think we should tell him. He deserves to know the truth. He is really a nice person, and he loves Seo dearly too. " Namjôôn and Jungkôôk agreed, as they didn’t see any problem with the suggestion.
“I will call him here then.”, Yôôngi took out his phone to call Hôseôk. Yôôngi informed them that Hôseôk would be coming. They continued to eat dinner in peaceful silence. Jîn looked so nervous. He prayed for a good outcome. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 “I see. So you think someone is trying to dig up the incident that happened on the cruise.”, Mrs. Lee talked through her phone. “Yes ma’am. We don’t know why, but the person we hired to do the job suddenly disappeared. We were keeping tabs on him as you ordered.”,
the person told her. “Check who it is and inform me of the progress.”, she instructed him and hung up the call. “What happened, mom? ”, Mina asked. “The person we hired to spike Jungkôôk’s drink at the cruise party has gone missing suddenly.”, She replied.
"What if they find out it's us?" Mina's face turned pale. “Don’t worry about it darling. I already set up a scapegoat. I had a hunch.”, Mrs. Lee smiled devilishly. "I believe in you, mom.”, Mina proudly hugged her.    🍒🍒
🍒🍒 After dinner, they sat in the living room. The place looked so small as seven of them sat on the couch and some spare chairs. Others were waiting for Hôseôk's response as Yôôngi explained everything to him. Everyone thought he would be mad, but Hôseôk was a bit sad. He told
them he understood why Jîn had to hide the fact that Tàe was not his partner because most of the people on the island are very traditional. It would have created some uneasiness. “Thank you for the understanding.”, Jîn told Hôseôk emotionally. Tàe did the same.
“I got some information. I was planning to tell you later, but I think it’s better for everyone to get to know about it. But you guys are not going to like it.”, Yôôngi told Jungkôôk and Namjôôn. Namjôôn had an idea, but he didn't say anything. “What is it? ”, Jungkôôk asked.
“ We got the guy who spiked your drink at the cruise party. We questioned him and he revealed that Mrs. Jeon is the one who made him do that.”, Yôôngi raised his hand to say, "Wait a minute, Jungkôôk.", when he saw the alpha trying to say something.
"We've got proof. The transactions were done from her personal account, which she had been using for a long time. If you want, I can provide you with the copies tomorrow.” “It may be her.”, Namjôôn agreed, and it made some of them grasp in surprise, especially Jungkôôk.
“Hyung, she is a gold digger but… ”, Jungkôôk was cut off by Jôôn, “The reason I asked you to date Mina was Haewoon, who threatened me that she would release the reason behind Tàe's missing was your drunken shenanigans. She was ready to inform the press. Her demand was to make
you agree to date Mina. ” “And you thought it’s okay to just obey her. You didn't even thought about my feelings or to tell me the truth.”, Jungkôôk couldn't hide his hurt and anger.  “What would I have done? Let her fabricate you as a múrderer.”, Namjôôn was not ready to back
down either. “Can you tone it down?. There is a kid in this house. I don’t want you to wake him up because of your angry pheromones. We are here to talk. So we will talk peacefully.”, Jîn interfered, making Jungkôôk and Namjôôn back down from their argument. No one noticed
how Tàe's face fell knowing Jungkôôk dated someone after him. He was fine thinking Jungkook had moved on, but knowing it actually happened hurt him a lot now. He made himself look small on the couch. This time, Jimiñ noticed that action and caressed Tàe’s hand in comfort.
Wild's corner 🖤: I will continue tomorrow. I had a terrible day and there is a lot of work left to do. Ping me on:
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They were all startled when Seo cried suddenly. Tàe excused himself to check up on the pup. Jungkôôk wanted to follow Tàe, but he remembered what Jîn said about angry pheromones. He didn’t want to make the pup uncomfortable, but he was worried when Tàe didn’t come back soon.
"He might be putting him to sleep," Jimiñ said to Jungkôôk. Tàe came back and sat silently where he was sitting before. “ How many days of work do you have on the island? ”, Yôôngi asked. “We have to stay here two more weeks for the initial set up. Then we can go back to Seoul.
We only need to check the progress in between if everything goes according to our plan.”, Jungkôôk said thoughtfully. “About that.. ”, Jôôn hesitantly started, “I got a request from Lee’s that they are planning to back out of the island projects. I think it’s their persuading
plan to make you agree to the engagement.” “I want you to fix this as soon as possible. It’s because of you that I got into this situation. I never intended to date her. I really want to kick them out of this project too. ”, Jungkôôk was angry.
“I understand Kôôk. But please stop pinning everything on me. I did what I thought was right.”, Namjôôn replied. Jungkôôk scoffed but didn’t continue the argument as he saw Yôôngi glaring at them. “I feel like I am babysitting some stubborn kids. If you want to fix this mess,
please be more understanding. You guys made some stupid decisions in the past, so get over it. Think about what you can do now. I am ready to offer help because I don’t want Hôseôk to suffer because of you.”, Yôôngi suggested.   “You will.”, Namjôôn was surprised.
He really thought they had to hold on to the project till they got a new investor. The only good thing was that they didn’t have to return the funds that were already invested by Lee’s in the project if they were the ones to back out first without a credible reason. He is glad he
added that when the contract was signed. “Yes, we can talk about that tomorrow. I need to ask my brother about it too.”, Yôôngi nodded. “Thanks Yôôngi. You really doing a big favour to our island.”, Hôseôk said emotionally. “Don’t worry about it, Hoba; it’s what I can do
at least.”, Yôôngi patted Hôseôk’s shoulder.   “ Let’s continue this tomorrow. It’s already late. I don’t think we will make any progress while these two are angry. Let them cool down first. ”, Jîn pointed out.
Everyone agreed. Jungkôôk decided to go to the hotel with Jôôn. He had an urge to tell Tàe. For some reason, his alpha was forcing him to reassure the omega, but Tàe had already retreated to his bedroom. So, Kôôk completely ignored Jôôn's attempts to talk and walked away. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 It’s been a few days since the talk. Jungkôôk is civil with Namjôôn when it comes to work; otherwise, he spends his time with Seo. He also noticed how Tàe was silent these days, almost didn’t let Jungkôôk even feel his presence. He wanted to ask something, but his ego
wouldn't let him do so. Today is the day they are finalising the island project deal with Mîn Corporation. Mr. Jeôn was angry when he found out about the withdrawal request from Lees, but he kept quiet because they were family friends for years. He doesn't want to create any
petty rivalry. He gave Namjôôn and Jungkôôk the decision-making power because it’s their project. So they decided to remove Lees and make a new deal with Mîn's, which is more beneficial to both parties. Mîn's reputation in the business world is also a big factor.
Jungkôôk was checking some materials outside when he saw Jimiñ sitting under the shade of a tree. He may have come with Yôôngi hyung. Kôôk thought. The omega seems to be having trouble with the scorching heat. He was sweating really badly. “ Here, drink this. It will help
you relax.”, Jungkôôk offered him a cool lemon soda. “Thank you.”, Jimiñ opened the bottle and drank some, then said, “That felt nice.” “Why are you sitting in the heat if you hate it. You could have joined them in the office.”, Jungkôôk asked. "Oh no. I don't want to hear
them talking about business. I've already sat through it for an hour. I thought they would fix the deal by it, but it was only the tip of the iceberg.”, Jimiñ shook his head.   According to Jungkôôk, Jimiñ is easy to get along with. They became friendly after meeting a few times.
“I can understand. I was the same as you when I started. Dad and hyung could go on for like hours about new deals. All I did was zone out.”, Jungkôôk chuckled. “But now you have become a pro. I'll never be able to. My love for illustrations will never let me like
business. ”, Jimiñ sighed. “Oh! You are an illustrator. That’s cool.”, Jungkôôk mused. “ Yes, I work with a renowned children’s book writer. He is really nice. So I can work from home. It has pretty flexible timings too.”, Jimiñ happily said.
“I wanted to be a painter when I was in college but I thought it wouldn’t work out well with business.”, Jungkôôk said sadly. “Try painting in your free time. You have a lot of beautiful scenery here. Don’t give up yet.”, Jimiñ encouraged. Jungkôôk smiled and nodded.
“I will stop working if I get pregnant, so I am trying to enjoy the work now as much as possible. ”, Jimiñ exclaimed. “Why can’t you work after getting pregnant? ”, Jungkôôk asked, genuinely confused, as he couldn’t see any reason why Jimiñ should stop working.
“You don’t know much about male omegas, do you? ”, Jimiñ raised his eyebrow. Jungkôôk shook his head. " No wonder. ”, Jimiñ murmured. “ Male omegas are different. Due to our physical differences, it’s extremely difficult for us to get pregnant, but when it happens,
we go through a rough time giving birth. It can be life-threatening. So we have to take extreme care while carrying a child. It can be mentally and physically draining for us. ”, Jimiñ explained briefly. “So, you are telling me it was difficult for Tàe.”, Kôôk asked guiltily.
“It was, but Jînnie took care of him. He is a doctor, so he knows about everything. ”, Jimiñ said. Jungkôôk looked at the ground sadly. He was angry at Tàe for hiding the pup, but he never thought how difficult it was for Tàe to go through a difficult pregnancy without a mate.
“I think you should stop this cold-war of yours. I know you and your alpha feel betrayed, but think about this: Tàe only did everything to protect the pup. We male omegas are extremely protective of our babies. That’s why we are even ready to sacrifice our lives for the baby
during delivery. It’s instinct. You both suffered enough, and Seo needs a perfect family. I hope you guys talk and fix everything.”, Jimiñ told him with a genuine smile. “Thank you for explaining this to me. I will do my best.”, Jungkôôk promised. “I think my suffering has
ended. I have a feeling from today onwards everything is going to be fine.”, Jimiñ said when he saw Namjôôn and Yôôngi coming out of the small office room. “I hope so too.”, Jungkôôk laughed and agreed. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 “Tàe, baby you okay? ”, Jîn asked the omega when he saw him spacing out during their lunch. “I am okay, hyung.”, Tàe forced out a smile. “Baby, you can always tell me what’s wrong. You know I don’t judge you right? ”, Jîn asked softly.
Tàe smiled a bit, “ It’s nothing big. I am just trying to grasp everything happening.” Jîn knows Tàe is not sharing the actual issue but he doesn’t want to force him so he said, “It will be fine. Don’t worry.” Jîn went back after lunch. He took Seo with him because
he thought Tàe needs some alone time to think. Tàe was finishing up the cleaning he heard a knock on the door. He wiped his hands with a clean cloth then went to check the door. Tàe saw Jungkôôk when he opened the door. The alpha was nervous.
“Seo is with Jîn hyung. He took him to the clinic. Please go there so you can see him.”, Tàe informed him and started to close the door when he heard Jungkôôk speak. “I came here to see you, angel. I know Seo is with Jîn hyung. I saw him on the way here.”, Jungkôôk softly said.
Tàe didn’t know how to respond, so he just nodded. Jungkôôk took out the bouquet he was hiding behind. He offered it to Tàe. “Please accept this and give me a lovely yes so I can plan an amazing date for you and our baby.”, Jungkôôk asked him with a lovely smile.
“But we didn’t… ”, Tàe was uncertain that they had to talk. “I know angel. We will talk okay.”, Jungkôôk assured. Tàe was in awe when he saw the beautiful seashell bouquet. Big, beautiful white seashells were arranged in the form of a big flower. Big pink seashells and some
amazingly pretty coral are decorated around the white flower-shaped shells to enhance their beauty. There are white ribbons with white peals under them, making it look exquisite. “Thank you, it’s beautiful. Yes, we will go on a date with you. ”, Tàe replied, with tears in his
eyes. “No, thank you angel. You are amazing. I will pick you both up in the evening. Be ready.”, Jungkôôk caressed Tàe’s face. “Okay.”, Tàe mumbled, unable to contain his emotions. He was overwhelmed.
Jungkôôk smiled at him before walking away. Tàe held the bouquet carefully close to his heart. His omega is over the moon to receive something from their alpha. He felt content and loved. 🍒🍒
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today. See you all in next update. I didn't get enough time to check qt. Please don't think I am ignoring you. Ping me on :
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Jîn was walking towards the clinic with Seo. The baby alpha has a cute olive green striped sun hat on his head. Seo was babbling something to his toy Nono dinosaur. Jîn saw two familiar figures near the new vending machine they installed near the small park outside the clinic.
Jihôôn was saying something to Namjôôn and the alpha was taking notes. "Hello, doctor.", Jihôôn greeted Jîn with a warm smile, "Oh! Little cutie is also with his da today, ah?" “I thought Tàe needed some rest, so I took him here. I don’t have any appointments in the afternoon,
only if someone comes with an emergency.”, Jîn replied with a smile. “I will get going now. I will tell Hôseôk Hyung the details you told me about.”, Jihôôn told Namjôôn before bidding good bye. “You are good with kids.”, Namjôôn observed.
Jîn looked at Seo with a fond smile and said, “ I always wished to have my own someday after getting married, even if I can’t get pregnant.” Namjôôn could sense the sadness in Jîn’s voice, “ If you are not busy, can we talk please?",he requested.
Jîn looked surprised, but he agreed nevertheless. They sat down on the park bench where there was enough shade. Namjôôn gave Jîn a cola-flavored cool drink, and Seo a candy. The alpha pup looked at Namjôôn uncertainly but accepted the treat when Jîn took it from Jôôn.
“ He is not familiar with you.”, Jîn explained. “He got Jungkôôk’s eyes.”, Namjôôn replied, instead. “Yes, but he is like Tàe, very calm and adorable.”, Jîn said. “That’s for sure. Jungkôôk was a grumpy kid when he was a baby. He was extremely picky, and as a result,
we had to change nannies every week. "," Namjôôn shook his head. Jîn knows Jôôn and Kôôk's mother left them at a very young age. So it must be difficult for them to be with nannies because Mr. Jeon was so busy with his business. It must have been lonely. He thought.
“As you know, Jungkook and I never had a good upbringing. When we were small, our mother left us because that’s not the life she wanted. Mending household or raising kids was not her cup of tea. She gave the father custody without a fight. All she wanted was money. The people in
our family never let us forget the fact that our mother chose money over us.”, Namjôôn's voice was filled with sadness and anger. Jîn didn’t know that Jôôn never liked to talk about his mother. He is glad Jôôn is opening up to him finally. Namjôôn continued,
“ All we saw was a father changing new partners. Instead of love, he offered luxury. We were fine like that until I met you. You taught me how it feels to be loved. I always saw a future with you. That’s why I proposed. I wanted us to be a happy family. When I accepted my
father’s deal, I had this fear that I would lose him if I was selfish. The fear of losing another parent scared me. I know I don’t have a good relationship with my father, but it was because I wanted to keep the thin thread of the feel of family safe, but it broke our
relationship. " “ You wanted to keep your relationship with your father. I can understand.”, Jîn said. Both of them were teary at this point. They talk some more about their insecurities and miscommunications. It felt good to finally break the barriers they were holding on to.
When Seo was done eating his candy, Jîn cleaned the pup's face and hands with wipes. Jôôn looked at how carefully Jîn was taking care of the baby, like his own. "I wanted to tell you I am sorry for the thoughtless decisions I made in the past. You suffered a lot because of it.
I was blind to your pain. I know it’s late, but I am sorry, Jinnie.", Jôôn apologised heartily. "It’s not your fault alone, Joonie. I never said what’s on my mind. I can’t pin everything on you. ", Jîn looked at Jôôn. "Still, I want you to accept my apology.", Jôôn insisted.
Jîn nodded, and he said the main reason behind their split, “My family is full of dominant alphas and I am one of them.” Namjôôn looked at Jîn, shocked. He never felt it. That means Jîn was suppressing his wolf the whole time. It must have been painful, “I don’t know… ”,
Jôôn muttered. “ That’s because I suppressed it well. I always thought I would end up with an omega. But I don’t regret falling for you. I was happy when my alpha submitted to you.”, Jîn explained. “So you left because of it?”, Jôôn asked. “Yes, you meeting other omegas, even
if it’s for the sake of your family, triggered my wolf. It felt like you betrayed our trust. I don’t want my alpha to go feral and attack you. So, what I could do was, leave you.”, Jîn teared up. “Why don’t you tell me Jîn? I should have been more careful. It had prevented
everything.”, Namjôôn asked painfully. " I reasoned that it didn't matter as long as I had you. Now, I know it was stupid. ”, Jîn replied. Namjôôn stood up and kneeled down in front of Jîn. He took Jîn’s one hand. “ What you feel is not stupid, Jinnie. You are so brave to do
all these for an idiot alpha like me. I should have treated you better. I know I am dumb but please give me a chance.”, Namjôôn pleaded. “ I don’t know if it’s possible soon, but we will take it slowly. We need to talk about a bunch of things first.”, Jîn said thoughtfully.
“I will take any pace you give me and yes, we will talk. Thank you for giving me another chance. I am glad. ”, Jôôn kissed Jîn’s hand. They both giggled when Seo let out a small whine because of lack of attention.   🍒🍒
🍒🍒 “Why am I the one helping you with this date set up? ”, Yôôngi grumbled while cutting the fruits into different shapes. “Don’t be a party pooper, Yôôn. Let the poor guy woo his omega.”, Hôseôk, who was setting the macrons on the plate, replied.
Yôôngi glared at Jungkôôk, who was sitting on a chair near the resort's kitchen counter, where Yôôngi and Hôseôk were assisting him in preparing snacks for the date, "It’s like we do all the hardwork and he is getting brownie points for just sitting there idly.”
“ I don’t know how to cook.”, Jungkôôk said in a sulky tone. “Then you better learn it. It’s not rocket science.”, Yôôngi pointed the knife at Jungkôôk. “I will, I promise. Please just help me out this time.”, Jungkôôk pleaded, and Yôôngi glared at him again.
Hôseôk whispered to Jungkôôk, "He is just grumpy because he didn’t see Jimiñ after lunch." After his talk with Jimiñ, Jungkôôk decided it’s enough and he needs his family. So when he came back after asking Tàe out on a date, he shared the news with Jimiñ. The omega got
excited and told Yôôngi and Hôseôk to help Kôôk while he went to help Tàe with the outfit. Even though Yôôngi was fussy, he helped Jungkôôk with making snacks. He and Hôseôk packed everything neatly into a picnic basket. Jungkôôk thanked them with a smile. Yôôngi just shrugged
it off and Hôseôk wished him good luck.  Honestly speaking, Kôôk was not prepared enough for a good talk, but all he knew was that there should be a starting point. He needs to prove himself as a good alpha to his family and reassure his omega that everything will be okay. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Mr. Jeôn was getting into his office after a board meeting. He was happy that the board members were satisfied with the Island project's performance. But his smile faded a bit when he saw the person who was waiting for him. It was Mr. Lee. "Good morning, Mr. Lee. ”,
Mr. Jeôn doesn’t show his irritation. “Good morning, Mr. Jeôn. I hope you know the reason I visited you this early on a work day.”, Mr. Lee came straight to the point. "If it's about the island projects, Namjôôn and Jungkôôk already have full authority.
They are the ones deciding everything about it." Mr. Jeôn replied curtly. “That doesn’t give them the right to remove a permanent partner in your business without notice. Then again, you signed a new deal with my rivals too. What would it look like to others? ”, Mr. Lee argued.
He was so angry. “They removed you because your company sent them a project withdrawal request. They signed a new deal because it was best for the project when a so-called long-term business partner decided to back out at a crucial moment.”, Mr. Jeôn countered.
Mr. Lee looked like he was unaware of the facts, so Mr. Jeôn ordered his assistant to provide the necessary proof. Mr. Lee was fuming after reading the request email. He was even more petrified because it was sent from his own official email account. He said that he didn’t know
about this and that he would investigate thoroughly. He even apologised for his imprudence. Mr. Jeôn said he understands and it will not affect their future deals if they clear the air. Mr. Jeôn felt bad for Mr. Lee, but the damage was already done. Their business relationship
will not be as smooth as it was before. Both of them were well aware of that. He hoped Mr. Lee could clear up the misunderstanding soon. He doesn’t want to lose a good friend over some money. 🍒🍒
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today. It's gotten a bit lengthy after I chose the second scenario. I hope you guys are enjoying it. Ping me on:
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🍒🍒 Jungkôôk checked the mirror again. He fixed his shirt. He wore black jeans and a blue silk shirt. He doesn’t want to go all out because this is an arrangement for their talk in the end. He decided to set up the date because Jimiñ suggested it. He told Jungkôôk he loves it
when Yôôngi does some nice gestures, like a simple movie date. He knows Tàe would love it too. When Jungkôôk saw the way Yôôngi was treating Jimiñ, he instantly knew what went wrong in his and Tàe's relationship. Yôôngi always looks after Jimiñ like he is precious. Jungkôôk was
surprised to see Yôôngi tying Jimiñ’s shoe laces the day before. Alphas usually never lower their heads in front of omegas. It’s a common construct that omegas don’t have equal status as alphas. The alphas he used to see never treated their omegas with care. It’s always the
omegas' responsibility to take care of their household and alpha. The only exception he saw was his own mother, who left him and Namjôôn to enjoy her life. He felt that she was a bad example of an omega defined by society. Jungkôôk was just like any other alpha. He always loved
the way Tàe looked after him. He thought he was an idle alpha because Tàe never expressed his true feelings. Now he can see how wrong it was. He wished someone had corrected him earlier so he could have treated Tàe better. He could have saved them from all the misery.
He couldn't believe it was Yôôngi who consoled him, saying it’s never been too late to start changing. Omegas, especially male omegas, need more care and attention from their alphas. Yôôngi told him that a healthy and happy omega and children were all they needed. Kôôk took a
deep breath to calm his nerves before going out to pick up Tàe and Seo. Tàe was wearing a lavender hoodie and white pants. Seo was in a cute white shirt with green dinosaur prints and green shorts. He excitedly clapped his hands when he saw Jungkôôk.
Jungkôôk took Seo and the duffle bag Tàe was carrying. It must be Seo's necessities. He thought. They walked towards the fresh water pond on the island. Tàe was familiar with the koi ponds on the island. They are really beautiful, but the modifications done to the pond made
him awe in surprise. There were lotus and water lilies planted in the pond. The ground of the pond is decorated with elegant white pebbles, which enhance the beauty of the koi fish and the water plants. There is a wooden pavilion built near the pond. It had red and white pillows
on a soft white fur rug. There was a soft cushioned carrycot for Seo too. Jungkôôk helped Tàe settle down comfortably with Seo. He arranged the snacks in the picnic basket on the rug. He gave a container with Japchae to Tàe because he had a hunch that the omegas would love it,
and he was right. Tàe was smiling brightly. Jungkôôk also gave him some kimchi, kimbap, and sea food salad. Seo ate as Jungkôôk fed him some baby food and fruit juice. Kôôk told Tàe to eat his food. Tàe was surprised to see how carefully Kôôk was tending the pup. The alpha, who
was spoiled, never did anything by himself and is now taking care of the baby. He can see the change of attitude. “You changed.”, Tàe exclaimed. Jungkôôk smiled, “Good change or bad change? ”, he asked. “It feels different. It's a nice change.”, Tàe hummed.
“I have a long way to go.”, Jungkôôk shook his head as he wiped Seo's face and gave the pup a sipper with orange juice. Jîn told him before that Seo loved orange juice. “Eat up. You haven’t touched anything yet.”, Jungkôôk told Tàe.
“I was waiting for you to join.”, Tàe shyly looked away. “I will in a bit. Please eat. You must be hungry. I had a hard time convincing Yôôngi hyung to make it for you. Hôseôk hyung helped me with the snacks.”, Jungkôôk explained.
“ This is delicious. They did a wonderful job.”, Tàe said as he took a bite of the Japchae. “I will cook well someday too.”, Jungkôôk said in confidence. Tàe turned and looked at Jungkôôk and carefully said, “You don’t have to force yourself to change for us, you know.”
Jungkôôk looked at Tàe and smiled softly, “ I know, but I am doing this for us, our family. Let me try. It's only bare minimum." Tàe smiled back and nodded. He is glad that they are talking without any awkwardness, which is a good sign.
Jungkôôk started rocking the cot when he saw Seo slowly falling asleep. Jungkôôk fixed a baby mosquito net around the cot. Tàe gave Jungkôôk a plate of food and juice because he had already eaten his portion and was munching macarons. After eating and cleaning up,
Jungkôôk asked Tàe to sit at the edge of the pavilion where they could freely put their legs into the pond. It was slightly cold, but it felt nice. Jungkôôk turned on the solar hanging lanterns so they could get a good view because it was getting dark. Tàe caressed a
blue-colored water lily near him. He looked at Jungkôôk when he heard a shutter clicking sound. “Sorry, you looked beautiful. I couldn’t resist myself from taking the picture.”, Jungkôôk embarrassedly said. “It’s okay. I don’t know if I look good. ”, Tàe replied.
“You are gorgeous.”, Jungkôôk mused, and Tàe blushed. Jungkôôk took some more photos of Tàe. After that, they sat silently there, enjoying the night views. “ Thank you.”, Jungkôôk said softly, “You went through everything alone without a mate by your side. You are brave
enough to give birth to our little sunshine, Seo, and raise him. I can’t thank you enough. ”, Jungkôôk felt emotional. Tàe knows he is tearing up. It felt good to hear it from Kôôk. Tàe replied sadly, "I am sorry for not confronting you and telling you about the pregnancy."
Jungkôôk shook his head, “You heard something horrible and you were pregnant. I know it was a difficult time for you, but my alpha was angry at you. That’s why I avoided any conversation with you before. It was agonising for my alpha to lose a chance to scent its first born.
We are victims of circumstances. " “It’s not only circumstances, I know my insecurities played a part too.I should have told you about how I felt. ”, Tàe said. Jungkôôk took Tàe’s hand and caressed it as a comfort.
"It’s not easy to break your shell, angel. I have my own shortcomings too. We were both blindly following the social norms for an alpha and an omega. I am glad we met Yôôngi hyung, Jîn hyung, Jimiñ hyung, and Hôseôk hyung. They taught us to be better. ”, Jungkôôk sighed.
“ Yes, they are so good to us.”, Tàe agreed. “I know saying it now is too fast, but I want us to be a family angel. I don’t want Seo to grow up away from me, and I want you with me too. It’s just the beginning. We will communicate and understand everything that went wrong.
For a bright future, we have to become ourselves better. We deserve to have a happy family," Jungkôôk stated. “I understand. He sleeps better when there is the scent of both of us. We will rebuild our relationship again slowly and steadily. This time we will be more honest with
our feelings. I don’t want to live away from you either. Yes, I love the sound of it; a happy family.”, Tàe held Jungkôôk’s hand tightly. From that moment, their talk carried on smoothly. When they finally reached a better understanding, Tàe put his head on Jungkôôk’s shoulder,
sighing in content as the alpha's scent cocooned him. Jungkôôk held Tàe close to his waist. Now that they have the promise to move forward, the scenery in front of them looks more mystical than before. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Everything got better after the talk. Nowadays, Jîn and Tàe visit Namjôôn and Jungkôôk for lunch with baby Seo. They brought delicious lunch every time. They know the people on the island will get the wrong idea if they meet alone. So they meet up at either Jîn and Tàe’s
home, Jungkôôk and Namjôôn’s office, or Hôseôk’s resort. Yôôngi and Jimiñ went back after a week. Jimiñ was really sad to go back, but his heat is coming and they want to spend it in the comfort of their home. The Island project's initial set up is almost completed. Today they
were having lunch together. Jungkôôk said something important. “I want to tell you that within a week the initial setup of the Island project will be finished. We will go back to Seoul. I want you guys to come with us if possible.”, Jungkôôk nervously said.
“Me too, but I don’t want you to make any rushed decisions. You can take all the time you need. ”, Namjôôn added. Jîn thought for a moment and said, “I think it’s not possible soon. I need to find a replacement. It will be bad for the people here if they don’t have any medical
support. I think I can move from here when this project is completed and they get more exposure, so a new doctor will come here willingly. " Namjôôn clarified, "Okay, but you are not against coming back to Seoul, right?" “I know if we need to build our relationship again,
we need to be in one place, so I am not against it. I just need a bit more time. ”, Jîn assured. Jungkôôk looked at Tàe expectantly. The omega was in deep thought. He caressed Tàe’s back to get his attention. “Will you be mad if I say I want to stay here with Jîn hyung till he
can move to Seoul? ”, Tàe asked softly. “Whatever you decide, angel, I will support you.I will visit here as much as possible.”, Jungkôôk soothed the omega. Tàe was happy that Jungkôôk was supportive of his decision but was sad that the alpha would go back soon. 🍒🍒
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today's update. I am so tired. I don't know what's to say here. Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤
The initial setup of the Island project is over; Namjôôn and Jungkôôk are going back to Seoul the next day. So Tàe was helping Jungkôôk pack his luggage. Namjôôn took Seo for a walk; most probably they went to visit Jîn. Seo got close to Jôôn because of Jîn. Jôôn tells everyone
he will snatch the favourite uncle position very soon. Tàe put the final shirt into the carrier. He looked at Jungkôôk, who was packing the documents into a bag. “ It’s all done.”, Tàe told as he tried to keep his voice normal, didn’t want to make Kôôk aware of his sadness.
When the documents were all checked and packed, Jungkôôk heard Tàe say it was all done. Tàe has a faint smile, but there is sadness in his eyes. Tàe turned away when his eyes started to tear up, but Jungkôôk noticed it. He slowly walked towards the omega and gently embraced him
from behind. Jungkôôk rubbed his nose on Tàe’s scent gland. scenting him to soothe his nerves. Tàe was relaxed in his hold. Jungkôôk placed a small kiss on Tàe’s nape. “ I will visit you both more often. I can’t stay away from you for a long time.”, Jungkôôk whispered.
Tàe hummed in response, enjoying the closeness with his alpha. “We will wait for you here.”, Tàe replied. Jungkôôk turned him around, cupping his face gently. “I have some emergency meetings scheduled next week, so I can come back here in two weeks. I will scent your nest
before I go so that our little sunshine will not trouble you during his sleep. I know reception is bad here, but a phone will be delivered to you soon so that we can stay in touch. At least I could hear you guys from so far away. Call me anytime, okay. ”, Jungkôôk said.
"If I call you whenever I want, doesn’t that disturb your work?", Tàe asked worriedly. “You guys are a blessing, not a disturbance. Nothing is more important than my family, angel.”, Jungkôôk assured. “I will miss you.”, Tàe teared up again and touched their foreheads together.
“Me too. I will miss you so badly. ”, Jungkôôk pressed the tip of his nose against Tàe’s cheek, rubbing it affectionately. He kissed the corner of Tàe’s lips. He plants a lot of soft kisses around the omegas' jaws. Jungkôôk can see the anticipation in Tàe’s eyes. He smiles and
waits for a moment. Then he slowly kisses Tàe’s lips. No rush, but full of love and unsaid emotions. They caress each other during the kiss, savouring the moment of affection. When they detach, Jungkôôk pecks him a few times again, making Tàe giggle. Jungkôôk and
Namjôôn left the next day. Seo and Tàe cried when they saw Jungkôôk's boat move away. It was heartbreaking for everyone. Jîn scented the pup to make him calm. He held Tàe’s hand tightly as he watched them go. He knows it’s for a few months, but it still feels forever. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Namjôôn and Jungkôôk didn’t go home when they reached Seoul. They went to the villa on the outskirts of Seoul. They didn’t inform anyone that they were coming back today. They assigned someone trustworthy to tell Mr. Jeôn to meet them at the villa. They specifically said,
"Meet us as soon as possible but be discreet." Mr. Jeôn was confused because he didn’t know why his sons went to the villa, but he knew it must be important. So he went to see them. When he arrived, a nervous-looking Namjôôn welcomed him. There is a fear in his eyes.
They settled in the living room with some coffee Jungkôôk prepared. “The coffee is good, did you order it? ”, Mr. Jeôn asked as he knows his sons are novices when it comes to cooking. “I made it myself, dad. ”, Jungkôôk replied with a proud smile.
Mr. Jeôn was surprised, “It’s good. Did you learn it yourself? ” “No, Yôôngi hyung taught me. He said it’s the best brewing technique. It took me some time to master it.”, Jungkôôk explained. “Well, he is right. Yôôngi, you mean Mîn's second son?”, his dad asked again.
“Yes, we met on the island. That’s how the deal happened. He is not the only one we met there.”, Jungkôôk took out a photo and gave it to Mr. Jeôn. It was a photo of Jungkôôk and Seo. Mr. Jeôn recognised the resemblance but thought it may be a pure coincidence.
“He is Seo. My pup. ”, Jungkôôk told calmly. “Don’t joke around, Kôôk. It’s not a laughing matter.”, Mr. Jeôn said sternly. Jungkôôk gave him another photo. It’s a picture of him, Seo, and Tàe. Mr. Jeôn almost groaned out loud in surprise. He recognises the omega, his son's
lost lover. “He is alive and you found him”, Mr. Jeôn exclaimed. "Yes, and with our pup too. Seo is seven months old. ”, Jungkôôk told him. Mr. Jeôn took some time as the information sank in. Kôôk filled in everything that happened well except for the involvement of Haewoon.
Did you bring them here? ”, Mr. Jeôn looked around expectantly. “No, they are still on the island. It’s not safe here for them.”, It was Namjôôn who answered him. "What do you mean by not safe? We are Jeôns. Who in Seoul dares to touch us.”, Mr. Jeôn asked angrily.
Unfortunately, it’s not an outsider. This person is so close to us. ”, Namjôôn handed Mr. Jeôn the envelope that Yôôngi had given him. He was terrified of his father’s reaction. What if his dad doesn’t believe him? His dad trusts Haewoon too much, so it will not be easy to
convince him. “I can’t believe this. It seems like someone set her up. No one uses their personal account for a crime.”, Mr. Jeôn shook his head. Jôôn graoned in frustration, “ I have another proof and believe me, dad, this time I experienced it myself.” He played the
recording of his and Haewoon’s conversation on that day she visited his office. He is glad he recorded it discreetly. Mr. Jeôn was speechless. He couldn’t believe she was such a cunning person. He was even thinking of mating her properly. He thought she would be a good mother
for his sons. She was pretending to be good while manipulating everyone around her. “Why didn’t you tell me this before? ”, Mr. Jeôn asked. Namjôôn can sense the anger in his father’s voice. “To be honest, I didn’t think you would believe us. We never had a good relationship to
begin with. She is your love, and we are the left-overs of a sad and remorseful memory left behind by your ex-wife. You never showed us any affection. We were better business partners than a father and son duo. ”, Namjôôn opened up for the first time. Mr. Jeôn understands his
son's feelings. He was too caught up in his own hurt that he deliberately concentrated more on business than on his sons. Namjôôn was right; they are good business partners. They only talk about business, not about how each other’s day was. The rift in their relationship is so
old that it won’t heal so fast. “I know I was a horrible father to you. I made you feel lonely and abandoned. I am the reason you lost your love. I am sorry. Even if I apologise a thousand times, it won’t fix the pain you felt. I will make sure Haewoon gets punished. She won’t
won’t be a threat to you. Please let me help you find Seôkjin too.”, Mr. Jeôn requested. “Thank you for believing me, but you don’t need to help me with finding Jîn.”, Namjôôn said. “I am sorry if I overstepped.”, Mr. Jeôn replied sadly. “No dad, I already found Jîn. We are
talking, and he is giving me a second chance.”, Namjôôn smiled. “I am really happy for you both. I promise I will become a better father for you.”, Mr. Jeôn promised, and he held his hands out so that Jungkôôk and Namjôôn could hold onto them because they were still awkward
about going for a family hug. “Thank you, dad.”, Jungkôôk replied emotionally. They talked a bit more about how to deal with Haewoon. They decided to consult the pack council.    🍒🍒
Choose wisely 😇
🍒🍒 Haewoon was excitedly waiting for Mr. Jeôn in their home. She had this mating talk with Mr. Jeôn the day before. She was ecstatic. She couldn’t believe her luck. If Mr. Jeôn mates her officially, she will have a part of his wealth. When they got married, there was a
prenuptial agreement saying she wouldn’t get any rights to his wealth or property till they got officially mated. Mr. Jeôn, Haewoon feared, would easily divorce her if he found someone else attractive. She was overambitious. That’s the reason she made a deal with the Lees.
She wanted herself secured. Now she can forget about the deal because she will be filthy rich after the official mating ceremony. She always hàted Mrs. Lee for looking down on her. This is her chance to have the upper hand. I can’t wait to show Mr. Lee her place. She thought.
Haewoon smiled brightly when she saw Mr. Jeôn entering the house, “Hello, darling. ”, she greeted him with a sickeningly sweet voice. If it’s any other day, Mr. Jeôn would have been happy to be on the receiving end of his wife’s affection, but today he feels anger rushing
through his veins. “KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS AWAY FROM ME, OMEGA.”, he used his alpha voice, which made Haewoon cower in fear. “why… pl.. ese.. alpha.. ”, She begged. “You did very wrong, Haewoon. You dared to threaten my son and thought I would forgive you for anything.
You are very wrong. I will make you suffer.”, Mr. Jeôn said in a menacing tone. Haewoon knows she fuçkéd up, “please ha.. ve.. ”, she hiccupped as crying. “Mercy. You are not getting any. You dúmb bîtch, you messed with the wrong person. ”, He smirked. She had never
seen her husband like this. If looks were to kíll people, she would be deàd by her husband's glare. Haewoon’s eyes widened when pack council members entered the house. They are the ones who decide punishment for the werewolves. They are so traditional, so is the punishment.
“Mr. Jeôn, we received your request and verified the proof you submitted. It's clear that all the charges against your wife are valid. What punishment do you suggest? ”, The chairman of the council inquired. “I want to annul our marriage.She is nothing but a betrayer.
I don’t want her in my house or in the pack. As per pack law, you can punish her as deemed.”, Mr. Jeôn said. The head of the council agreed to Mr. Jeôn’s suggestions. Haewoon cried harder. If the marriage is annulled, her accounts will be drained. Mr. Jeôn will take back
everything she owns with his money. The punishment of the pack will be barbaric, like a hundred whips or a lifetime imprisonment. They have no remorse or gender consideration. They only verify the proof, no trial. At the end of it, she will be a mere rouge. 🍒🍒
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today's update. We are almost nearing the end. Now some drama is left. Don't forget to do the poll. 🤭😇🖤 Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤
🍒🍒 After a few months, the Island project is finally over. As promised, Jungkôôk was visiting them more often, while Namjôôn was once a month because he had other projects to manage. Jîn was sad, but they talked every day on the phone. That made it bearable. Seo now calls
Jungkôôk appa, but Jîn is still his da. Jungkôôk never felt jealous because he knew how important Jîn was to Seo and Tàe. Nabi Island became a more popular tourist destination after the completion of the island project. Jîn found a suitable replacement for the clinic, and now
they are all ready to move back to Seoul. Jîn and Tàe were talking to Hôseôk while Jungkôôk and Namjôôn were loading their luggage onto the luxurious yacht. Jihôôn was there with them, with Seo. “You don’t know how thankful I am to you. All these months, you provided us with a
wonderful experience on the island. Thank you," Jîn said softly.   Tàe was already tearing up when he said thank you to Hôseôk, “Thank you for everything, Hyung.” “Aish..You guys are making me cry. You both were great help to us too. We'll miss you and Seo baby.
I will visit you guys when I come to Seoul. ”, Hôseôk replied equally emotional. “I will text you the address once we settle down.”, Jîn said. It was early in the morning but so many people on the island came to bid them goodbye. They gave them some small farewell gifts too.
Hôseôk was sad, but he knew both of them deserved a loving family. Good-byes are always difficult, but hope for a new beginning makes them passable. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Yôôngi was walking towards his brother’s office. He is working from home these days because Jimiñ is pregnant and needs more care. The doctor suggested bed rest for the omega for the last trimester to avoid complications during pregnancy. His brother only calls him to the
office if there is an emergency. Yôôngi knocked on the door and entered when he heard a faint voice come in. Minjae was reading some files. His reading glasses were sitting so low on his nose. “You need glasses already? Man, you are getting old.”, Yôôngi teased his brother as
he sat on a chair.   Minjae playfully retorted, "At least I am still handsome and not getting wrinkled like you." "Who has wrinkles? I have really smooth skin. I think you've gone blind already. Better consult a doctor.", Yôôngi grumbled, which made Minjae laugh.
“Okay, we can bicker later. How is Jimiñ? I am sorry I couldn’t visit you guys more often. But Mom and Sannie are coming to see you next week.”, Minjae said in an apologetic tone. San is Minjae’s husband. “Don’t worry about it. You are already handling the business on my behalf
too. Yes, Mom called me. She said she would be staying here till Jimiñ’s delivery. She is worried.”, Yôôngi said. “It’s usual precautions when it comes to male omegas.Don’t fret about it. You know, Sannie had some trouble during his pregnancy period too. Mom is a worrywart.
You just take care of your mate.”, Minjae comforted. Yôôngi nodded, but he was worried. He doesn’t show it on his face. These days, it’s hard for Jimiñ to even move with his swollen legs. "I will do that.”, Yôôngi agreed.
"Here, this is why I called you.I finally found everything.”, Minjae gave Yôôngi an envelope. Yôôngi checked the contents and got shocked. He couldn’t believe Mrs. Lee was the one behind it all. She even planned everything well so she would not get caught easily, “How do you
even find this? ”   “I hired some private investigators and hackers to dig deep into the cruise incident. She was not even on our suspect list, but her daughter is the reason Mrs. Lee became a prime suspect. When Mina got drunk, she told some of her friends that her mom would
do everything in her capability to make Jungkôôk her daughter's husband, just like how she helped to get rid of Jôôk’s ex-lover. When we started investigating based on that information, we got to know more revealing facts. This is not the first time she's done something awful.
Mrs. Lee got rid of Mr. Lee’s ex-fiance to get married to him. ”, Minjae explained. "What a vile person. Does Mr. Lee know about these? I am sure he is unaware of any of it. Even though he is our rival, he never used any underhanded method to face us.", Yôôngi shook his head.
“You are right. Mrs. Lee is very cautious about her plans, but unfortunately for her, it’s her own daughter who was the biggest flaw.”, Minjae mused. “We need some solid planning to get her. That lady is so cunning she won’t get caught if she is not caught red-handed.
We will think carefully and set a trap.”, Yôôngi said thoughtfully. “Then you are not going to tell others, I suppose? ”, Minjae asked. “Yes, I will only tell them to be careful. For the time being, it is best to keep the information about Mrs. Lee hidden. They are just moving
back here. I don’t want them to feel unsafe. We will do everything to keep Tàe and Seo safe. It’s good that Mr. Jeôn bought two new penthouses from us. We can watch over them without anyone noticing.”, Yôôngi sighed.
“Do what you feel is right. I will support you with anything.”, Minjae promised. They discussed a few more things before Yôôngi went home. He decided to find a way to remove the threat looming around in his friends' lives.   🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Tàe was breathless when he saw the twenty-story building where their new penthouse was situated. Mr. Jeôn bought his sons one penthouse each near the river side of Gangnam. The building has a total of twenty units, but only the upper floor consists of two luxurious units.
Tàe felt relieved when he heard that Jîn and Namjôôn were staying in the next unit. The interior of their unit is classy and luxurious, especially the living room, which has huge panoramic windows to allow them to see the Han River from there. The modern pendant
crystal ball light chandelier attached to the ceiling provides them with a soothing atmosphere. “Wow! It’s awesome.”, Tàe exclaimed when he saw the view. Kôôk, who was rocking Seo to sleep, just smiled at Tàe’s enthusiasm. He was glad the omega liked their new home.
Seo got tired after a long trip. He was fussy because of the sudden change in his environment. So Jungkôôk scented him, which made the pup calm down. Now he is sleepy. Kôôk gestured for Tàe to check the crib. Tàe nodded and went to their master bedroom. When Kôôk came to their
bedroom, the crib was already arranged. Jungkôôk carefully placed Seo in the crib in their bedroom. He saw Tàe was trying to arrange his nest on the bed. He was pouting and seemed unsatisfied with the arrangements. “What’s wrong, angel? ”, Jungkôôk asked, sitting on the side of
the bed. “Your scent is feeble in these clothes.”, Tàe mumbled while fixing the last pillow inside the nest. Jungkôôk asked permission, "May I?" Tàe nodded in response. Kôôk hugged Tàe from behind. “It’s beautiful, angel. You did a wonderful job.”, Jungkôôk whispered
near Tàe’s ear. Tàe smiled at the praise and said, “But it still lacks your scent.” “That can be arranged.”, Jungkôôk chuckled mischievously. He detached from the omega, and Tàe let out a whine in protest.
When Tàe turned around, he saw Jungkôôk was unbuttoning his shirt slowly. His breathing hitched as he saw the bare skin of the alpha. Kôôk slowly removed the shirt, revealing the upper body on full display. He moved close to Tàe, showing the shirt, and said,
“This will give you enough scent.” Tàe huffed and slapped Jungkôôk’s chest in embarrassment. But he snatched the shirt from Jungkôôk, which made the alpha giggle in amusement. Tàe arranged the shirt in the nest. Now he feels more cosy.
“Angel, I was kidding baby. Please look at me.”, Jungkôôk whined as Tàe ignored him and pretended to fix the nest. Jungkôôk tackled Tàe on the bed. But he didn’t object when the alpha manhandled him to face him. “You are beautiful.”, Jungkôôk said as he traced Tàe’s face with
his hands. "Now that we've fixed the scent of the nest, how about I properly scent you?" Jungkôôk murmured. Tàe blushed and looked at the crib, indicating Seo was right there. Jungkôôk understood it, and he moved the bed curtains so that they would get some privacy.
🔞🔞 He slowly started kissing and nipping at the omega. Moments passed as they caressed each other. In the fully undressed state, Jungkôôk started scenting Tae thoroughly on each part of his body. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Mina was excited when she heard Jungkôôk was back in Seoul, but whenever she tried to meet the alpha, he wouldn’t let her. So her mom got her Jungkôôk’s new apartment address. She was dressed in a pink off-shoulder cross-tied top and skinny jeans. He wanted to impress
the alpha. But she got no access inside when she came to the building. "I'm sorry, ma'am; you are not on the visitors list, so I can't give you access. If you get permission from Mr. Jeôn we can allow it.”, the receptionist politely informed her. “What!? I am his fiance. How
dare you. I can make you lose your job with just one call.”, Mina fumed. “Ma’am, I am just following the protocol. Our procedures and rules are very strict. If you make a scene, the security will show you out and you will get banned from entering here. ”, The receptionist said.
Mina huffed, but it’s true. If she makes a scene, she will get in trouble. He heard the building was managed by her father’s rival, the Mins. “Okay, call Jungkôôk and tell him I am here. Then you will understand I was right.”, Mina said. She knows Jungkôôk will not decline her
because their families are close. The receptionist sighed and called to the upper penthouse unit where Jungkôôk was staying. The intercom in the penthouse rang; Tàe was startled by the sudden sound in the silent apartment. Jungkôôk and Seo went out for a walk. So the omega
decided to make some snacks for them. He wiped his hands and clicked the answer button. “Hello Sir, I am calling from reception. There is a visitor named Miss Lee Mina who is here to meet Mr. Jeôn Jungkôôk, but she is not listed in the visitors list. I need your confirmation to
give her access.”, the receptionist asked. He remembered that he had heard the name somewhere, and then it clicked that the girl Jungkôôk dated after he went away. Tàe didn’t want her to come into their family space. He is territorial, so he decided to reply, “He is not home
at the moment. Tell her to get an appointment and meet him in the office." The receptionist informed Mina, but before the receptionist could reply to Tàe, Mina snatched the phone, “Who are you? Why are you in my fiance’s house? "
Tàe felt sad when the girl was aggressively telling him she was Jungkôôk’s fiance. He felt his insecurities slowly rise from those mere words. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. “Please contact him directly.”, Tàe replied feebly, and cut the intercom.
“The audacity of that housekeeper. How dare he? I will fire that bitch once I get married to Jungkôôk. People these days are pathetic.”, Mina let out her anger. The receptionist knows the girl was lying because he saw the alpha stay there with a beautiful omega and a kid.
They are a lovely family. But it’s her job to call and confirm it. She called the security team to show Mina her way outside because she was throwing too many tantrums. 🍒🍒
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today's update. I have to attend my niece's birthday celebration. Loveless end with one more update. Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤
🍒🍒 Tàe was sitting on the couch when Jungkôôk came back home. He frowned, seeing his omega spacing out, not even recognising his presence. He slowly walked towards Tàe, “angel.” He called softly because he didn’t want to startle Tàe. He got worried when he saw the teary
eyes of the omega. Jungkôôk kneeled down in front of Tàe, cupping his face and caressing it. “Something happened? ”, worry laced in Jungkôôk’s voice. Tàe sniffled, unable to hold back his tears. “Take your time, baby. I am here.”, Jungkôôk wiped away the stray tears from
Tàe’s cheeks. Tàe took some time to collect himself, and Jungkôôk patiently waited. “Today, you had a visitor.”, Tàe said softly. Jungkôôk frowned because they had not added any visitors nor shared the address with anyone. Then who had visited here? He didn't, however,
interrupt Tàe's words by bombarding him with questions. Tàe choked out, "A Lee Mina, she said... she is your fiance." Jungkôôk got irritated by the name itself. That girl never learns, ah. He thought. But he will deal with it later. Now his priority is his omega, who is sad.
“Shhh angel. She is a liar. Whatever she is saying is absurd. We never had such a relationship. It was a forced dinner at some random restaurant that was arranged by her family. I only ate dinner and came back. I told you everything, baby. Please trust your alpha.”, Jungkôôk
said emotionally. "I do trust you, Koôk," Tàe says, his eyes widening in horror, "I am sorry. It’s just I felt insecure.”, Tàe mumbled the last part. Jungkôôk’s heart ached when he heard that, “Please don’t be sorry. I know it’s not easy for you to share these with me.
But angel, you just took a baby step in telling me the problem. That’s really brave of you. I love you and our little Seo dearly. We are a family. Always remember that you have my heart, angel. Healing takes time and we will heal together.”
Tàe nodded and smiled as Jungkôôk kissed away his tears. Jungkôôk is right. They will face everything together as a family. Nothing else matters.   “Where is our pup? ”, Tàe asked, as he felt the absence of Seo with Jungkôôk.
“We saw Jîn hyung on the way. Seo got excited to see him. He was clinging on to Jîn hyung like a koala. So Hyung said he would take him home. ”, Jungkôôk smiled as he remembered how Seo screamed "da" when he saw Jîn. “Ah! Jîn hyung was busy this week with his new hospital.
Seo may be missed him.”, Tàe replied with a smile. “Oh! I forgot to make snacks.”, Tàe exclaimed as he suddenly ran towards the kitchen. Jungkôôk shook his head in amusement and followed the omega to the kitchen. Jungkôôk saw the dough for the honey cookies.
He joined the omega to make the flower and diamond shapes using the molds. He watched when Tàe was making some in the shape of dinosaurs for Seo. They fried the cookies and then dipped them into sweet honey syrup. Tàe gave Jungkôôk a cookie to taste.
“It’s delicious, angel.”, Jungkôôk praised. Tàe pecked him as a thank you before carefully packing the cookies into tight containers. “Finally, now we can go and pick up our baby.”, Tàe said as he cleaned the kitchen counter. “Before that,
let me have some snacks.", Jungkôôk said. “I just gave you cookies.”, Tàe replied, confused. “But I want my favourite snack.”, Jungkôôk playfully nips on Tàe’s ear. “Oh my goodness, stop it. You dummy.”, Tàe giggled as Jungkôôk chomped his bread cheek next. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Mr. Jeôn excitedly welcomed the guests to his party. The party is exclusively for Seo. He wants everyone to know about his grandson. Mr. Lee and his family were also present at the party. Mina was dolled up well to impress everyone. Her mom assured her today they would
convince Mr. Jeôn about the alliance. Mr. Jeôn spoke: "Good evening everyone, I hope you have a wonderful time here. I wanted to introduce some special people to you today." "You all know my dear son Namjôôn and this is his lovely boyfriend, Seôkjin.", Mr. Jeôn welcomed the
couple. Namjôôn was wearing a black suit with a white shirt, and Jîn was wearing a black suit with a red shirt. Some family members couldn’t believe their eyes. Namjôôn lovingly kissed Jîn’s hand to make him smile. "Now my second son, his beautiful boyfriend Tàehyung, and
their adorable son Seo.", Mr. Jeôn said, and almost everyone grasped in surprise. They thought the omega was deàd. Jungkôôk was wearing a crisp black suit and shirt, and Tae was in a dark blue silk shirt and black jeans. Both had some dangling earrings to match their outfits.
Seo was wearing a white shirt with red and blue stripes and grey pants. There was a small necktie too. Seo looked at the crowd curiously in Jungkôôk’s hand. "It’s been a blissful time for my family as my son was finally reunited with his lost lover, and we not only got him back
but also my precious grandson, Seo. I wanted to introduce them to you properly... ", Mr. Jeôn continued to entertain the guests. Most of the family members and business associates had this sour expression that meant they couldn't digest the fact that the sons of Jeôn were
not single anymore. They just lost a chance for a powerful alliance. Especially Jungkôôk, who ended up with a no-name omega.  They didn’t know Jungkôôk was the one asked to announce their relationship as soon as possible. He was fed up with Lees and Mina’s tactics, so he
wanted to show everyone that he had a lovely family and there is no room for another alliance. Mr. Jeôn was surprised when Jungkôôk asked him to organise a party to announce the news about his family. Jungkook seemed very furious about something. But Mr. Jeôn doesn’t press on.
He agreed with his son's request. Namjôôn also agreed because he needed the others to know that he was back with his boyfriend and that their relationship was stronger than before The party hall was decorated with orchids and purple roses.
The tables were decorated with a coastal theme of white and blue with bonsai LED lamps in the middle. There were crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, enhancing the settings in the party hall. “Are you okay, angel? ”, Jungkôôk whispered to Tàe as he felt the omega
go so stiff suddenly. “I am okay. It is just that I am not used to all these.”, Tàe replied. Jungkôôk kissed Tàe's forehead and said, “I am here with you. Okay. Just relax.” Tàe nodded in understanding and moved to get close to his alpha.
Mina was looking in Jungkook’s direction the whole time. She couldn’t believe Tàehyung was back. Mrs. Lee gritted her teeth. All her plans seem to have gone down the drain. Not only is the stupid omega back, but also with a kid. She knows every alpha's weakness is their child.
She also trapped Mr. Lee like that. She couldn't believe Jungkôôk's bitçh pulled the same trick as her. “Mom, you said he was deàd. He stole my alpha again and now they have a kid too. ”, Mina teared up.
“Be patient, my dear; I have no idea how he survived.”, Mrs. Lee stated angrily. "Who knows if that kid is Jungkook's? That bitçh may have tricked him into thinking it's his." Mrs. Lee scowled.
“My chest hurts, Mom. He was mine. Now that pathetic orphan took him away again.”, Mina veiled. Mrs. Lee's expression softened when she saw her daughter's agony. “Don’t cry, dear. I will make sure to wipe off those dirty creatures tonight. We won’t get a chance later on.
Let the party reach its prime.”, Mrs. Lee swirled the wine with a sinister smile. A plan was already formed in her mind. She just has to wait for the perfect time. Those words calmed Mina down. She went to the bathroom and fixed herself. She believes in her mom's words. 🍒🍒
Wild's corner 🖤: I will continue tomorrow because I am tired. 🖤 Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤
🍒🍒 “Ma’am, he said yes. ”, Mrs. Lee's assistant whispered to her discreetly, "He will meet you at room number 2909 on the fifth floor." “That’s good. You did a wonderful job in arranging the meeting so fast.”, Mrs. Lee praised her. “Thank you, ma’am.”, the assistant bowed
to her respectfully. “Lead the way.”, Mrs. Lee instructed, and the assistant nodded before starting walking. Mrs. Lee walked towards the room where her assistant had arranged the meeting with the CEO. Mrs. Lee couldn’t believe he was one of her old flings, and what's
more surprising was that he was the owner of the grand hotel where Mrs. Jeôn had organised the party. Her assistant pointed to a room. Mrs. Lee nodded. She was happy that he agreed to meet her here at the party venue and was glad that her plan would be easier because of that.
Choi Sungho: Her old fling, or should she say ex-boyfriend, Mrs. Lee, wasn't sure.  She thought he was just a broke student with good looks and a good libido. She belived that he could never fulfil her dream of becoming wealthy. She was never keen enough to become some poor
alpha's house wife. So, when she saw Mr. Lee at a seminar at her college, she ditched Sungho, but not before using him as a pawn in her evil plans.  Lees were old money, but Mr. Lee had a beautiful fiance, a lady named Hana. It was easy to set up a trap for Mr. Lee’s fiancée
using Sungho. He was madly in love with her, so he did everything to please her because Mrs. Lee told him it was for money and their bright future. Sungho was heartbroken when he found out Mrs. Lee was going to marry a rich guy, but Mrs. Lee cried in front of him, saying she got
pegnant accidentally and the kid needs its real father. The men in her life were dumb enough to be easily manipulated. Mrs. Lee smirked before opening the door to the room.   “Sungho.” Mrs. Lee said when she saw the man in a grey crisp suit, sitting there like he owned the place.
“Oh my! Look who came to visit me after so many years. ”, Sungho chuckled, "You must have missed me so badly that you had to arrange a secret meeting with me when a prestigious party is going on upstairs where your naive husband is." “You have changed and don’t talk to
me like that. ”, Mrs. Lee stated, as she observed Sungho's côcky attitude. "Well, good thing that you are still bitçhy as before. So this is not a friendly meeting. Then let’s talk about business. What do you want from me Mrs. Lee? ”, Sungho asked seriously.
“I need to do something important here. You have to get me a room away from the party hall, preferably a storage room, and don’t let anyone interfere with me either. There will be my men guarding that area, so I need clearance from your security team too.”, Mrs. Lee said.
Sungho narrowed his eyes and said, “Who’s life are you going to destroy this time? ” “It’s none of your business.”, She glared at him. “Well, it is my business when you are planning to make my hotel your dirty playground. I will be the one suffering at the end.
So if you want me to consider it, tell me everything; otherwise, go enjoy some fine wine they provide at Jeôns party. ”, Sungho shrugged it off. Mrs. Lee gritted her teeth.
Mrs. Lee spit out in anger, "I want to get rid of that slûtty omega Jungkôôk introduced today as his lover. I succeeded in getting rid of him before, but he appeared again to ruin my daughter's life. Jungkôôk was going to marry Mina, but this omega tramped on everything.”
“Like mother, like daughter, ah? destroying someone else’s peaceful life just to build a family of your own. Wow, you have some nice genes running in your family.”, Sungho mocked. Mrs. Lee wanted to snarl at him, but she controlled her temper. She needs to fulfil her plan today
itself, otherwise there won’t be another chance. She can’t let Jungkôôk mate with that omega, because then it will become more complicated to get rid of Tàehyung. “Just say you will help me or not.”, she said instead “I will, but only when I have some awesome benefit from this.
You are messing with Jeôns. It’s too risky. They can practically destroy my entire business with the snap of a finger. So what will you offer me, my sweetie pie.”, Sungho asked her in a low voice. Mrs. Lee signed a check for a hefty sum and offered it to Sungho.
💥 Warning: Mentions of cheàting “This is not enough. I want you to offer something more.”, Sungho came close to her, holding her chin and saying, “You are still a beauty. Aging never touched you. I want you to sleep with me whenever I want.” Mrs. Lee's eyes widened
for a few seconds, and then she closed her eyes in frustration. “I will, if you help me with this.”, She agreed easily. It’s not like she was loyal to Mr. Lee. She had slept with his assistant many times before, because Mr. Lee was never good enough to satisfy
her desires. No one knew about it, not even Mina. Sungho chuckled darkly, “I expected nothing less from you. Glad to know you still open your legs for what you desire. You have the deal. My assistant will give you the key to our old underground storage room. It’s soundproof.
Do as you wish. And don't think you can conveniently forget about our deal because I am not that old love-sick fool you ditched. I am a cunning business man now, so I will make your life miserable if you ever back away from this deal.
I will see you around, darling.”, Sungho patted her cheek before going out of the room. Mrs. Lee knew Sungho was not kidding. It's not an empty threat either. He is a double-edged sword. If she is not careful, he can hurt her in a jiff. 🍒🍒
I am dreading writing the next scene. May God give me strength. The next scenes may have graphical descriptions of violence, abúse and hurt. Please be careful. I avoided detailed descriptions, but it still throws me off. I will add a warning, just please be careful. 🖤
🍒🍒 Mrs. Lee came back to the party hall as if nothing had happened. She gestured at her assistant as a green signal to start her malicious plan. “Where were you, mom? Dad was asking for you.”, Mina inquired. “Just went for a stroll, dear. Let’s go and join your dad now.”,
Mrs. Lee said. She started socialising with other well-known people, showing them a bright smile, but she still kept an eye on Tàehyung. Tàe was feeding Seo when he noticed Seo innocently smiling after smearing chocolate on his shirt. He sighed.
“Oh bub, we need to clean this before it stains.”, Tàe fussed as he cleaned See’s hands with wipes. Tàe walked towards Jungkôôk, who was talking to a business associate. It seemed like something really important. “Kôôk, we are going to the washroom
He got chocolate on his shirt.”, Tàe said as he pointed at Seo's shirt. “My sweet little messy alpha.”, Jungkôôk poked Seo's cheek, and the baby giggled loudly. Others cooed at the interaction between father and son. “Do you want me to come with you, angel? ”, Jungkôôk asked.
“It’s okay, Kôôkie. It’s nearby. We will be back soon.”, Tàe waved it off, and Jungkôôk nodded. Tàe cleaned up Seo and changed his outfit in the spacious washroom of the grand hotel. He packed the dirty clothes in a plastic cover and put them in the bag he brought with him to
to keep Seo's necessities.  “Let’s go baby.”, Tàe picked up Seo from the counter and walked towards the door, but then two people came from inside the washroom. They looked like thugs, and they blocked Tàe from going outside.
“Could you please move? ”, Tàe asked them politely, even though he was getting bad vibes from them. 💥 Warning 💥 Tàe yelled when one man snatched Seo from him and another muffled his shocked scream. Tàe tried to get away, but the man was too strong. Seo started crying in fear,
💥 Warning💥 but the guy taped the kid's mouth and then Tàe’s. They dragged Tàe to a corridor leading to a lift. When Tàe resisted too strongly by kicking, the other guy who was holding Seo pulled out a pocket knife from his pocket and placed it near Seo's neck as a warning.
💥Warning 💥 Tàe went speechless in fear. Tears flowed down from his eyes. They pulled him into a dimly lit room that seemed like an old storage room. They closed the door and removed the duck tape from Tàe’s mouth. Tàe screamed, but a hard slap on his cheek made him
💥Warning💥 freeze in shock. “ Scream all you want. No one will come here for you.”, the lady who slapped him snickered. Tàe didn’t know her, but she was looking at him with so much hatred.
From next tweet onwards it will be dark content. So be careful. I am putting warning skip if necessary. I don't want to trigger anyone. I even edited out some parts for your sake.
💥 Warning 💥 “You loose omega bitçh got knocked up from somewhere and claimed Jungkôôk as your alpha hah. Believe me, I know that trick, but I won’t let you succeed in your attempt. You are just a pathetic child from an orphanage. No name, no family, heck, you don’t even know
💥 Warning 💥 who your parents are. You are a product of your mother’s whôring around. ”, the lady spitted venomously. Tàe whimpered in agony. It hurts to hear those words. It’s not his fault; he's an orphan and didn't know his parents. He cried miserably.
💥 Warning 💥 “Don’t you dare to show your crocodile tears to me, you slút. You should have stayed away from Jungkôôk and let Mina marry him. But no, you had to come back from deàth and snatch my daughter’s happiness away. I will make sure to ruin you and the love Jungkôôk
💥💥 Warning 💥💥💥 has for you.”, Mrs. Lee laughed like a maniac. “Men, enjoy your treat. This whôre will satisfy each and everyone of you. Make sure to record everything; Jungkôôk will love to see this slutty side of his partner. ”, Mrs. Lee announced, and
💥💥💥 Warning 💥💥💥 the alpha thugs in the room snickered deviously. They eyed the beauty lustfully. “No.. No… no.. please.. I beg you.. Don’t do this... Please leave me... and my baby.. ”, Tàe cried, horrified.
💥💥💥 Warning 💥💥💥 Mrs. Lee grabbed Tàe’s chin forcefully and Tàe whimpered in pain, “You won’t resist. You will please them all; otherwise that little kid of yours will be ripped into pieces.”, Mrs. Lee pointed at Seo.
💥💥💥 Warning 💥💥💥 Tàe sobbed harder as he saw the thug snickered at him as he pointed his pocket knife near Seo's face like he was going to make a scratch. Seo started trembling in fear and crying, trying to reach out for Tàe.
💥💥💥 Warning 💥💥💥 “I will do anything... please don’t hurt my baby..” Tàe begged, crying in agony, didn’t have the strength to see Seo getting hurt. “Good boy.”, Mrs. Lee smiled victoriously.
💥💥💥 Warning 💥💥💥 She gestured for the thug to move forward as she walked towards the door. Tàe tried to move away from the thug, but he already caught his ankle and pulled Tàe close. He was about to scream, but the thug pointed at Seo as a warning, so Tàe went numb in fear.
💥💥💥 Warning 💥💥💥 The thug was about to open his shirt then the door of the storage room flew open with a loud bang sound. Jungkôôk, Yôôngi, and Minjae rushed in with some pack council members. They beat up the thugs and took Seo from them. They tied the goons, including
💥💥💥 Warning 💥💥💥 Mrs. Lee. Yôôngi immediately took Seo to Jîn as the kid was frightened. Jungkôôk carefully approached Tàe, who was laying on the ground. The Omega seemed to be frozen in fear, eyes wide and empty. His heart breaks to see his angel like that.
Jungkôôk sat down near Tàe, softly calling out to him desperately, “angel... baby... love...” When Tàe heard Jungkôôk’s desperate voice, he revived from shock and started crying loudly. Jungkôôk cooped him up in his hands, hugging him tightly.
“It’s okay now. You are safe, my love.”, Jungkôôk murmured, soothing and scenting Tàe to make him feel better. After a few minutes,Tàe calmed down, and Jungkôôk took him to a room booked for them. Jîn was already there with Seo. The baby was calm, but he clung on to Jîn like
his lifeline. Jîn gave Seo to Jungkôôk and immediately checked Tàe. Jungkôôk caressed his son's face as he saw tears on his rosy cheeks. He scented his son and kissed him on the cheeks. Jîn teared up as he saw Tae shaking and flinching when he was treating his bruise on his
cheek. Jungkôôk was suppressing his anger because he needed to be calm for his family at this moment. He thanked Jîn when the alpha took Seo with him. Jungkôôk lay with Tàe on the bed, releasing his soothing pheromones to make him feel safe.
Tàe slipped into a deep slumber in his alpha's safe hands.   When Jungkôôk checked Tàe's bruised cheek, he felt fury enough to burn down Lee's entire family. I will make sure those fuçkers suffer dreàdfully, my love. He made a silent promise to Tàe.  🍒🍒
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today. It was intense. I edited this multiple times before posting. I hope you guys are safe. 🖤🖤 Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤
🍒🍒 The council members brought Mrs. Lee and the goons to the party hall, which was cleared as per Mr. Jeôn's instructions. Mrs. Lee roved her eyes around the hall to spot her husband and Mina. When she found them, she looked at them pleadingly. Even if there was a slight
chance of escape, she wanted to use that because, according to pack law, they needed Mr. Lee’s permission to give severe punishment to his wife. Otherwise, it will be just like imprisonment for a few months.
“Dear, please save me. These people are doing so wrong. I went to help that omega and got captured by goons. But they think I did this. You know me dear, I could never harm anyone. Please tell them to release me. ”, Mrs. Lee wailed.
But to her surprise, Mr. Lee didn’t respond. He was expressionless, like his mind was blank. He just stared at her. On the other hand, Mina looked away from her mother more like she didn’t want to seem to be associated with her mother's crime. Mrs. Lee looked at them
hopefully and said,  “Dear, please help me.” “Ha..ha..ha..ha... unbelievable." Mrs. Lee turned her head to the direction where she heard the sound, “Hana.”, she blurted out in shock, seeing Mr. Lee’s ex-fiance there.
“Yes, the same Hana whose life you tampered with like nothing years ago.”, Hana came forward gracefully.  Mrs. Lee looked at Mr. Lee as a fear creeped inside her. What if he finds out the truth? She needs to think of something to escape.
“I don’t do such things. Why are you lying? It’s not my fault that you were a whôre.”, Mrs. Lee snarled. “Sigh, stop it. Your ridiculous horseplay has gone far enough. Now, everyone here knows about your true self.”, Hana said calmly, still unbothered by Mrs. Lee’s vile words.
“I am not acting. You are the one throwing false accusations. You don’t even have any proof.”, Mrs. Lee challenged, confident that they had no solid evidence against her.
Hana simply smiled and pulled out her phone. She played a clip and showed it to Mrs. Lee. 𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘰: “𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘦, 𝘔𝘳𝘴. 𝘓𝘦𝘦? ” 𝘔𝘳𝘴. 𝘓𝘦𝘦: “𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦.
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭, 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦 𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘯
𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘢, 𝘴𝘰 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘵𝘰𝘰.”
Mrs. Lee’s face paled in horror. That fuçker Sungho recorded their conversation.
𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘰: “𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩. 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦.”, 𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨, “𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘢 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺.
𝘈𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶. 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵.” 𝘔𝘳𝘴. 𝘓𝘦𝘦: “𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴.”
“If you want more proof, I can show you the footage in the storage room too.”, Hana quipped, and came near Mrs. Lee and whispered, "You were caught red-handed. So I will make sure you suffer for the rest of your life."
“It’s not me. They set me up. It’s all Sungho’s fault. This is not real.”, Mrs. Lee protested in anger. Sungho walked into the hall with a sly smile, "I set you up? Oh my, what a lie. It’s your assistant who set up the meeting, not me. If anyone has doubts, please ask her
assistant." The council members questioned Mrs. Lee's assistant, who admitted that she was the one who invited Sungho to the meeting with Mrs. Lee, not the other way around. "I acted like a bad guy so I could know about her plans. I even made sure everything was recorded and
informed Jeôns and Mîns too. If there is any doubt, I am willing to go through the pack members' investigation.” Sungho explained and respectfully bowed to the council members.  “YOU MONSTER.. YOU LIAR.. YOU CHEATER...”, Mrs. Lee shouted.
Hana hissed, "MY ALPHA IS NOT A CHEATER LIKE YOU, YOU WRENCHED WOMAN." Mrs. Lee looked at her shocked, “What..? ” “Oh baby, don’t waste your temper on that useless woman. She is just trash.”, Sungho caressed Hana, lovingly calming down his omega.
Mrs. Lee couldn’t believe it. They are together, but how? “Right honey, let’s finish the process and go home. She is not worthy of our time anyway.”, Hana pecked Sungho and moved towards the council members. She gave them some files related to Mrs. Lee’s wrongdoings,
even proof of how Mrs. Lee destroyed her life when they were young. The head of the council member spoke up, "Mr. Jeôn, we need your permission to remove Choi Sungho from our suspect list. We have enough proof that he is innocent."
“Yes, please do that.”, Mr. Jeôn agreed. He even thanked Sungho and Hana for doing them a big favour by helping them save their family members. "No need to thank me, Mr. Jeôn. I consider this my repentance. Even if I was blinded by love, I did something horrible to Hana when
I was young, and I don't want that history to repeat itself," Sungho said, looking at Hana emotionally. "It's all in the past now, honey; what matters is that we're happy together, and you're the best alpha for me." Hana stroked Sungho’s back comfortingly, and he nodded in
response. They bowed everyone and walked away, but not before Hana looked at Mr. Lee for one last time. She can see how broken the alpha is. She smiled at him sadly before walking away with Sungho holding his hands.
“Do you have anything to say, Lee? ”, Mr. Jeôn asked his friend. His voice was devoid of any emotion. “Do as you wish? ”, Mr. Lee answered. Mr. Jeôn said, "Respected council members, I think it’s only fair to know Jungkôôk's opinion on her punishment. As for now,
he is taking care of his family, so I request you to schedule another date for the further verdict." Council members talked to each other and agreed with Mr. Jeôn. They took the suspects with them. Mrs. Lee was screaming for help, but everyone ignored her.
Mr. Lee sadly apologized, "I don’t know if saying sorry is enough to get your forgiveness, but I assure you that I had no hand in those wrongdoings that woman ever committed. Then again, I will tell you this: I am sorry for being ignorant." Mr. Jeôn just nodded as he knew he
couldn’t forgive Lees easily. He just hoped time would heal the scars. Mr. Lee bowed and walked away with Mina, who was afraid if her father found out about her hand in supporting her mother’s ill-intentions. But she decided to act like she was innocent.
“Thank you Minjae and Yôôngi for helping us. We will be forever indebted to your kindness.”, Mr. Jeôn bowed to them. “Don’t worry about it, Mr. Jeôn. Helping each other is normal because we are business partners after all. ”, Minjae replied with a smile.
Yôôngi assured, "I will do everything to protect my friends. I am glad that they are safe." They talked more about the next steps to take. Mr. Jeôn wanted Mrs. Lee executed. They hoped Jungkôôk would have the same opinion about it too. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Namjôôn sighed sadly as he saw how Seo clung on to Jîn. It seemed like the baby was hiding his face in Jîn’s neck and basking in his scent to feel safe. He wanted to caress Seo, but he was afraid it would startle the baby, so he sat there silently with Jîn till Seo slept.
“Is he going to be alright? ”, Namjôôn asked, concerned. “He will. He is a strong boy.”, Jîn scented the comforter and placed it on Seo. “How’s Tàe? ”, Jôôn inquired. Jîn rubbed his face in uneasiness, “He was shivering and trembling, Jôônie. I've never seen him like this.
We need to take them both to the hospital for a check up. I think getting a professional opinion about it will be better. I don’t want them to live under the shadows of this trauma.”, Jîn said, his eyes still trained on Seo. Namjôôn noticed how Jîn’s voice wavered in unease.
“Talk to me, Jînnie. Don’t bottle up things. Talk to me.”, Namjôôn caressed Jîn’s face. He can see the sadness in his lover’s eyes. “It’s just my alpha thinks I failed to protect them. He feels guilty.”, Jîn softly said.
“Oh baby, it’s not your fault. We didn’t know something like this was happening. It was unexpected. If anything, it’s my fault not to be vigilant. I should have been more careful. ”, Namjôôn sighed. Jîn shook his head and said, “No, not your fault. If anything, it’s that insane
woman’s. No one in the right mind would attack a helpless baby and an omega. I hope she gets some severe punishment.” Namjôôn hugged Jîn close and said, “Yes, let’s wait for the verdict day.” Jîn hummed in response as he stayed close to his alpha. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 It was not easy for Tàe and Seo for a few days. The very next day, Tàe was panicking and was afraid if he was alone. Jungkôôk stayed with him all the time to make him calm and feel secure. They took Jîn’s advice to see a specialist, which helped Tàe and Seo cope with the
situation. They were glad Seo and Tàe were recovering slowly. Today was the verdict day, planned by the council. Jungkôôk brought Tàe and Seo, along with Jîn, to Yôôngi’s house. They knew Jimiñ's presence would ease Tàe's mind as a fellow omega.
“Are you sure you will be alright here, angel? Do you need me to reschedule it? ”, Jungkôôk asked concerned. Tàe smiled. "I will be fine, Kôôkie. Jimiñie, Jîn hyung, and Yôôngi hyung are here. If anything, I will call you." He is not fully recovered, but Yôôngi assured him
of his safety, and even Jîn took leave to make him and Seo feel safe. Jimiñ’s presence is calming too. He doesn’t want their efforts to go down the drain, and he knows Jungkôôk wants that woman to be punished as soon as possible. The alpha was holding his anger back to comfort
his family. Jungkôôk kissed Tàe and said, “If anything, call me. I will be here in a jiff.” Tàe nodded and kissed Jungkôôk back lovingly. Jungkôôk scented Seo and kissed his cheek before giving him to Jîn. He looked at Jîn for a moment,
as if telling him silently to take care of them. Jîn nodded and smiled back in assurance. “I hope you have already chosen a fitting punishment for that woman.”, Yôôngi asked Jungkôôk when they reached the door.
Jungkôôk looked back at his family. Seo was laughing with Jîn. Tàe was caressing Jimiñ’s big tummy in awe. “I do hyung. I will make sure she won’t be a threat to us anymore and it will be a strong warning for everyone who ever dares to go against Jeôns.”, Jungkôôk replied
seriously. “Good luck with that. I already submitted the proofs we collected to the council. I hope everything goes smoothly.”, Yôôngi patted Jungkôôk. “Thank you, Hyung. Because of you guys, we saved them on time. Otherwise I can’t even imagine how horrible it would have been"
Kôôk clenched his fist. “Don’t over think it. The positive side is they are safe. You go and do your duty as an alpha. ”, Yôôngi encouraged. Kôôk nodded and took a deep breath to calm down. This is going to be a long day. Yôôngi thought as he watched Jungkôôk walk away. 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 The council room looked like an old royal court because they still follow traditional ways when it comes to their administration. Mr. Jeôn, Jungkôôk, and Namjôôn bowed to the council members. A few council members bring Mrs. Lee and the thugs to the room. Jungkôôk looked
at them in anger. “We are present here to decide the punishment for Mrs. Lee Song and the other suspects involved in attacking Omega Jeôn Tàehyung and his baby. As per our law, alpha Jungkôôk, are you ready to suggest the punishment?”, the head of the council asked.
“Yes, I am, respectful council.”, Jungkôôk replied. “Proceed.”, the council head nodded. “I don’t want her to be given the deàth penalty.”, Jungkôôk said, which surprised everyone, including Mr. Jeôn and even Mrs. Lee, because it was the ultimate punishment.
“Son, are you sure? ”, Mr. Jeôn asked, worried. "Yes, instead, I want her wolf to be kílled," Jungkôôk deadpanned, glaring at Mrs. Lee. “No.. no.. NO.. DON’T”, Mrs. Lee cried, horrified. Kílling her wolf means life-time pain and agony.
She won’t be able to sense anything other than the agonising pain of losing her wolf. It will be like she is a living corpse. Then there will be no wolf traits only mourning for the loss of her wolf. She won’t get healed fast anymore either. Most of all, no pack will accept her,
not even rouges. "I want her to feel the pain and agony of losing something important. Death penalty will only save her from that misery. So I choose the second most punishment in our pack law." Jungkôôk explained. "For others, I want to get them severely punished,
preferably include life imprisonment and whipping.”, he stated.  Mr. Jeôn and Namjôôn looked at Jungkôôk with pride. He chose the best punishment. Jungkôôk was right. The déath penalty will be a blessing for her. This is a lifelong punishment. The head of the council agreed.
"We accept your decision, alpha Jeôn Jungkôôk. It will be executed as soon as possible." “Thank you, respected council.”, Jungkôôk bowed. Mrs. Lee cried and begged for mercy, but she got dragged away by the council members.
“We have one more suspect caught recently after receiving some important proof from Mins. I would like you to suggest the punishment for that suspect too.”, the head of the council said, as they presented Mina, “We asked Mr. Lee to be present here too.” Mr. Lee came in with a
defeated look and stood near Jungkôôk. “She was not directly involved in any of the crimes her mother committed, but that doesn’t make her less guilty. She knew her mother was planning something horrible and supported her instead of reporting her crimes. Behaviour like
this will bring disastrous mishaps in our community, so we need you to suggest a punishment for her. We, the respected council, do not show any mercy towards the culprits who attack omegas and children, so it will be shown as a prime warning to others to do not support any such
criminal activities.”, the head of the council stated. Mina was crying, but Jungkôôk did not feel any sympathy. “I will give the respected council the permission to select any punishment fitting for her crime.”, Jungkôôk said.
“Are you okay with that, Mr. Lee? ”, the council inquired. “Yes, you may.”, Mr. Lee replied. "She will be a service omega under the council. She will also receive 20 lashes per month, and will be released only when the council determines she has received enough punishment;
until then, she must remain in the facility and is not permitted to contact anyone. ", said the head of the council.   A service omega is a council servant. She was devastated. They will make her do every chore, and if she resists, there will be other punishments too.
No prestigious families will take her as a bride after this. Her dreams of being a rich, flaunting wife have been shattered. Mr. Lee looked at his daughter in sadness, but he didn’t oppose the punishment. The council dispersed the meeting. Jungkôôk and Namjôôn walked away
immediately, ignoring Mr. Lee. Mr. Jeôn looked at his old friend sadly and walked away without saying anything. Mr. Lee sat down on the nearest chair as he suddenly felt weak and tired. 🍒🍒
Wild's corner 🖤: That's all for today's update. There is two more scene. I will update that tomorrow. Thank you for reading everyone. Hope it was exciting.🖤 Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤
🍒🍒 “Are you excited? ”, Jîn asked Seo while dressing him up in a suit. “Hmm dada. Very. " Seo hummed, lifting his hands up to show how much. Jîn can practically see the stars in his eyes from excitement.
They are getting ready for Tàe and Jungkôôk’s official mating/wedding ceremony. It’s been a month since everything happened. Tàe and Seo's conditions were better than before, but Tàe still fears the presence of strangers, going to crowded places, or attending parties.
So the mating ceremony is small; only friends and family members are attending. Jungkôôk wanted to officially mate Tàe, and he proposed to him. It wasn’t anything fancy. The Alpha made a homemade dinner and proposed in private with a romantic candlelight dinner.
He wanted to do something spectacular, but he was afraid it would make Tàe uncomfortable. Jîn and Yôôngi were proud because Jungkôôk learned to cook really fast. It’s Tàe who suggested he wanted a traditional mating ceremony rather than a church wedding. Jungkôôk was happy to
oblige. So here they are in Jeôn estates in Busan. They decorated the yard of their summer house into a beautiful wedding venue. The beautiful wedding arch is decorated with exquisite flowers and vines. A drew-drop crystal chandelier in the middle of it gives it a classic vibe.
The aisle and the wooden ceremony platform are decorated with white orchids, white lilies, white roses, and golden moon floor lamps. The guests can seat themselves on white benches decorated with golden silks and white flowers. Hôseôk, Namjôôn, and Mr. Jeôn were standing near.
Jungkôôk entered the venue first, wearing a dark blue hanbok with golden traditional embroidery. Then Seo came, throwing white rose petals, and Jîn was also accompanying him so that the kid wouldn’t stumble and fall. Jungkôôk smiled proudly as he saw his son happily throwing
flowers and giggling. Tàe then entered, and everyone gasped. He was wearing a white hanbok with pretty golden embroidery. His hair was styled with pearl and diamond gold hair vines, which enhanced his beauty. He was also wearing white flower earrings with hanging pearls.
The officiant started the ceremony by traditionally announcing to the crowd the groom's name. Mr. Jeôn gifted the omega an expensive diamond necklace with rubies. It was a tradition to give a welcome gift to the bride or groom who was coming into the Jeôn family.
Tàe accepted the gift, tearing up a bit. Accepting the gift means he is showing the pack that he accepted the Jeôn family as his own. Then they exchange written traditional vows, promising to love and cherish each other until death do us part.
I, Jeôn Jungkôôk from Jeôn Pack, take you, Kîm Tàehyung, to be my mate. I promise to love and cherish you from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in the name of the moon goddess, our beloved family, pack, and friends. "
I, Kîm Tàehyung, take you, Jeôn Jungkôôk from the Jeôn pack, to be my mate. I promise to love and cherish you from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in the name of the moon goddess, our beloved family, pack, and friends. "
The kiss was sweet and passionate when the officiant said, “You may kiss the groom.” Jungkôôk wiped Tàe’s tears away as he pecked him again. They laughed loudly when an excited Seo hugged their legs. Jungkôôk lifted the baby up and both kissed him on his cheeks.
“Oh my goodness, he ran away the moment I put him down.”, Jîn exclaimed. “Our baby alpha was excited.”, Namjôôn chipped in.
“It’s sad Yôôngi and Jimiñ couldn’t attend. I can understand travelling while carrying two pups is dangerous.”, Hôseôk sighed. “Yôôngi told Jimiñ was crying and blaming him for being the reason he couldn’t attend the ceremony.
He even threw a spoon at him while crying and eating ice cream.”, Jîn laughed, remembering Yôôngi's whining about Jimiñ’s pregnancy antics. Everyone laughed at it.
“It’s time. ”,Namjôôn told them. The ceremony ends with the newly wedded wolf chasing and mating. They even prepared a chasing ground and mating cabin for them. Tàe kissed Seo and scented him before giving the baby to Jîn. Jungkôôk caressed the Seo too. Jîn took Seo to eat
so that he wouldn’t cry seeing his parents go for a chase. Jungkôôk led Tàe to the starting point of the chasing ground. "Angel, we're doing it in a more secure and safe location than the original forest ground. So don’t be afraid.”, Jungkôôk assured Tàe. He was worried that
Tàe would be afraid to go alone. “I know, Kôôkie. If you are that worried, just catch me quickly, my alpha.”, Tàe whispered to Jungkôôk in a seductive tone. When Jungkôôk looked at him shocked, Tàe tickled Jungkôôk’s chin before running away.
“That was unfair, angel, but your wish is my command, baby.”, Jungkôôk said in a low voice as he impatiently waited for a few minutes before chasing after Tàe.   Warning: next tweets are 🔞 I will mark it. Skip if necessary 😘✨
🔞 As expected, Jungkôôk caught Tàe pretty quickly. He kissed him hard once he got him in his hands. Tàe moaned sweetly as Jungkôôk deepened the kiss. Tàe felt hot with arousal as Jungkôôk’s hands tightened around his waist. When they moved apart, Jungkôôk lifted Tàe up in
bridal style and walked towards the direction of the decorated wooden cabin. Jungkôôk walked towards the inner part of the cabin. Tàe grasped when he saw the glass cabin bedroom. Even the roof was built of glass. They could see the beautiful forest and a nearby stream.
Jungkôôk carefully placed Tàe on the bed. He pecked him before going to switch on a small, dim golden cabin light. The sunset was approaching. Tàe looked at the sky through the glass roof. It was a pretty sight how the hues were changing from yellow, orange, and red.
🔞 He giggled when Jungkôôk hovered over him. “Enjoying the beautiful view, angel.” Jungkôôk whispered. “I love the current view more.”, Tàe replied, caressing Jungkôôk’s face. Jungkôôk held his hand and kissed it. Slowly kissing up by untying the knots of Tàe’s hanbok,
🔞 he started removing the layer one by one, slowly and steadily, kissing every part of Tàe’s body. Seeing the smooth golden skin glistening in the light, Jungkôôk kissed Tàe’s collarbone, sucking and biting there to make hickeys. He smothered the golden skin with
🔞 kisses and bites. Tàe whimpered under him. Tàe shivered in anticipation as Jungkôôk caressed the bud on his chest. He mouthed the nipple, slowly sucking while his hands went in between Tàe’s thighs. Jungkôôk smirked as he felt the wetness of the slick. He tasted the slick
🔞 sensually letting out a pleased sound. “You taste like honey. Sweet and sensual. Already wet for your alpha angel? ”, Jungkôôk nosed Tàe’s face. “alpha… ah”, Tàe choked out suddenly as he felt Jungkôôk’s fingers tracing down there in his hôle.
🔞 Jungkôôk kissed Tàe to distract him from prepping him. The finger moved in and out, slowly tracing the velvety walls. More slick gushed out, so Jungkôôk added another finger. “Nghh…”, Tàe breathed heavily as Jungkôôk started scissoring and stretching him.
🔞 “Feels good? ”, Jungkôôk asked. “… ”, Tàe stammered. Jungkôôk sped up the motion because he couldn’t wait to be inside Tàe. He is hard and needy. Tàe withered under him, wantonly making him go feral. He added more fingers till he felt Tàe was ready to take him.
🔞 Tàe cried out when Jungkôôk removed the fingers. “Shhh angel. Your alpha needs to get out of these clothes. Be patient, yeah.”, he cooed at Tàe. Jungkôôk quickly removed his clothes and stroked his shaft a few times. He rubbed his díck near Tàe’s hóle, collecting the slick
🔞 and coating his díck with it. “ah.. ngh..ah”, Tàe mewled as Jungkôôk slowly pushed inside his shaft slowly. Tàe let out a loud cry as Jungkôôk bottomed out. He felt full and stretched by the thick gírth. Jungkôôk stayed like that for a few minutes to let Tàe get adjusted.
🔞 “Move… alpha.. ”, Tàe whimpered. Jungkôôk started moving slowly, rocking his hips experimentally. He fastened the pace when he saw Tàe moaning in pleasure rather than pain. He changed the angle to hit the spot. “ ahhh the.. re… nh.. ah.. ”, Tàe panted.
🔞 Jungkôôk smirked as he started drilling the spot, making the bed creak with the heavy movement. He looked at Tàe, eyes glossy, lips parted, moaning in pleasure, and his face red and sweaty from the heat of their activities. Jungkôôk kissed him hard as he got hold of Tàe’s
🔞 thighs to move him close. There are a million stars in the sky, but Tàe cannot see anything as his mind is fogged with the pleasure and sweetness his alpha is giving him. Soon the room is filled with moans, groans, grunts, and skin-slapping sounds. Tàe hiccups as he felt
🔞 Jungkôôk’s knot swelling inside him. When Jungkôôk felt the strong desire to mate Tàe, he said, "I am going to do it, love.” Tàe nodded in response as he wanted to connect with his alpha forever. Jungkôôk licked Tae's neck a few times before biting into Tàe's scent gland.
🔞 The omega cried out in pain and pleasure at the bond forming. Tàe moaned, "alphaaa..." Tàe climaxed as Jungkôôk’s cúm started painting his velvety walls. They both breathed heavily as they came down from the high. Jungkôôk carefully changed their position, as now Tàe is
🔞 lying on him. He caressed the omega, who was worn out and slowly slipping into sleep. He kissed Tàe’s head and hugged him close. He needs to wait till his knot goes down so he can clean them both. Jungkôôk smiled as he looked at the sky, seeing the full moon and bright stars.
He is happy that he is here with his omega now, his mate officially, his angel, his Tàe. His love forever. (Sprays holi water 💦💦💦 Phew....👀👀) 🍒🍒
🍒🍒 Hôseôk is pacing around the hospital hallway. He is terrified. He came to visit Yôôngi, but when they got home they were greeted by the sight of a crying Jimiñ, who was withering in pain. Yôôngi and Hôseôk immediately took him to the hospital. Now Yôôngi is inside the
labour room with Jimiñ, but Hôseôk is alone outside, worried about the omega. He sighed with relief as he saw Jîn rush over, still dressed in a white coat. "Hôseôkie, any news? ", Jîn asked. "No one came out. I was shocked to see Jimiñie like that.", Hôseôk replied softly.
"He will be fine, Hôseôkie. We have the best care unit for omega’s here. I will inquire with the staff later, but for now let’s wait. ", Jîn assured him, even though he was anxious that Jimiñ was carrying twins. He prayed for no complications.
Jîn sighed in relief when he saw Jungkôôk, Namjôôn, and Tàehyung come. Jungkôôk was carrying Seo, who ran towards Jîn when he was placed down. Jîn happily welcomed him, kissing his head. Seo tilted his head and asked curiously, "Dada, babies?"
"Not yet, bub, we have to wait.", Jîn told him. "Yes, wait.", Seo obediently sat down on the nearby chair, mumbling something like "good boy's wait." Everyone cooed at how endearing the little alpha is.
“Don’t worry, angel.  Jimiñ hyung will be fine. ”, As the omega sniffled, Jungkôôk rubbed Tàe's back. Tàe was looking a bit pale and under the weather. “ I hope so too.”, Tàe wiped away his tears. Jungkôôk made him sit next to Seo.
Seo hugged his papa and scented him. He doesn’t like to see his papa sad. But he cried out when Tàe suddenly started to stagger. Jungkôôk caught Tàe before he fell down. Jîn immediately checked Tàe. He told Jungkôôk to bring him to the emergency room.
Namjôôn comforted Seo, “Baby, don’t cry. Your dada and appa will bring your papa back. He is okay.” Seo sniffled but nodded. Hôseôk brought the pup some chocolates to cheer him up.
After some time, Yôôngi came out with happy news. “Jimiñ safely delivered the pups. Both boys are healthy. We can see them after they move them to the room.”, Yôôngi smiled. “Thank goodness. Congratulations. I was so worried about first Jimiñ and now Tàe.”, Hôseôk exclaimed.
“What happened to Tàe? ”, Yôôngi asked, concerned. “He fainted. Jînnie and Kôôk took him to the emergency room. Congratulations hyung. ”, Namjôôn said while adjusting a sleepy Seo in his lap. Yôôngi nodded in understanding.  Jimiñ was sleeping when they entered the room.
They looked at the pups in the cribs sleeping peacefully. “They looks like you.”, Hôseôk said to Yôôngi. Namjôôn placed Seo safely on the couch in the room and came to see the babies too. He perked up when Jîn, Jungkôôk and Tàe entered the room. Kôôk was holding Tàe close.
Tàe started crying out of nowhere when he saw the babies, saying they were so cute. Kôôk lovingly rubbed his back and kissed his forehead. He was looking at him fondly. Jôôn and Hôseôk looked at Tàe bewildered, but Jîn was acting like it was a totally normal reaction from Tàe.
“Are we missing something important here? ”, Yôôngi squinted his eyes. “We are having another. He is carrying my baby.”, Jungkôôk proudly said as he pulled Tàe close, scenting him to calm down. “Congratulations.” Hôseôk, Namjôôn and Yôôngi told them happily.
“Tàe and the little one are healthy. He fainted due to tiredness.”, Jîn assured everyone. “I will take good care of them this time.”, Kôôk said emotionally. Tàe kissed him in reply. “But if you need to run from this one again, tell me and I will arrange a helicopter for you.
So you can travel safely. " Yôôngi said to Tàe, pointing at Jungkôôk. “You are always welcome to Nabi Island.”, Hôseôk chipped in. “We are ready to babysit Seo too.”, Jôôn added. “You guys are so mean. I will not let go of my angel" Kôôk pouted, hugging Tàe, who was giggling.
Jîn smiled at the bickering group, sleeping Jimiñ and the pups. He sat down near Seo, caressing the boy. Someday he will have his own pups too. They are talking about hiring a surrogate. He is glad that they are all destined to be loved rather than loveless. 🍒🍒 THE END 🍒🍒
Wild's corner 🖤: I am sad that it's ended 😭, but I hope I can make more beautiful stories in the future. I thank all my readers ( including little ghosties). You guys are amazing. Thank you. 😘💜  Tip jar 🖤 if you want to support 🖤 Thank you 🖤


I don't want to cry, but want to fly high. Hold it ,keep it, hide it. I remind myself, forget it. 🖤 She/her🖤21🖤bi🖤 TK swf/nsfw au🖤 50% 🔞🖤 No reposting🖤
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