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Random 5 rt-iers will get -2 Glimo Scratch Ver (1 each) -Taeil, Mark, Ten Set -₱100 gcash -Glimo Digipack POB Poster (rolled) !If almost half of items will be sold! No need to follow, just rt and/or tag moots Get niyo na po sila plzzz huhuhu

For a clearer view: wts lfb nct wayv nct 127 nct dream pc ph Quitting Sale part 1 (may mga parating pa kasi kaya unahin ko muna to) -All are tingi, buy 3 or more free pf and sf -all onhand and good condi -price indicated Help rt, comment/dm to claim
Here are the items + poster
clara | QUITTING SALE SA PINNED TWT GET NIYO NA 🥺 | multifan | stan acc, trade acc, sell acc #claraproofs for proofs
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