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Brian Graves

Brian Graves

Sep 23, 2022
7 tweets

Top resources to become better at #DataAnalytics in 2022: 1 SQLBolt: level up your SQL skills 2 TableauPublic: create & publish data viz 3 AutomateExcel: finally learn Excel 4 LearnPython: Python practice for every level 5 StartWritingOnline: improve your writing in 7 days

1. SQL Bolt: SQLBolt is a series of interactive lessons and exercises designed to help you quickly learn SQL right in your browser. It's great for beginners! 👇
2. Tableau Public: Tableau Public is a free version of Tableau that allows you to visualize data on the web or on your computer and upload it to a public Tableau profile. It's a great way to get practice with Tableau! 👇
3. Automate Excel: This interactive tutorial will teach you how to use formulas in Excel. It covers the basics of creating formulas, formula shortcuts, named ranges, and more. 👇
4. Learn Python: Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this website is intended for everyone who wishes to learn the Python programming language. 👇
5. How To Start Writing Online: If you've been thinking about improving your writing, I highly recommend How To Start Writing Online. Everything you need to start writing, build an audience, and create new opportunities online.… 👇
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Brian Graves

Brian Graves

Data professional w/ 15+ years exp. I write about SQL, Tableau, Excel, & Python to help data analysts earn more in their careers, side hustles, and freelancing.
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