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Jack Peach | Dynastic Dating

Jack Peach | Dynastic Dating

Sep 23, 2022
20 tweets

Have a great 1st date only to never get a 2nd? That means she was attracted to you, but something you did pushed her away. Good news? Solve these issues and you'll be swimming in dates. So here's the 5 most common mistakes men make on dates (and how to fix them). -THREAD-

Too often guys think a date went great, only to be surprised when she refuses a second one. Everything seemed to be fun, she was laughing and smiling... so what went wrong? Well, most likely you made 1 of these 5 simple mistakes. Let's make sure you don't make them again:
1) Trying to Impress Her The male ego is such that we always want to demonstrate our value. We want to make it clear to her what we can offer, and how impressive we are. This is not inherently bad, but there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. And most guys do it wrong.
Most guys show off, they tell stories to make it explicitly clear their skill set. But this appears needy and desperate. It smacks of insecurity and causes women to roll their eyes.
Instead you need to demonstrate your value implicitly. For example, you don't talk about how good a job you have. You dress well, act confident and pay without thinking. This subcommunicates the same thing, without trying hard to impress her.
2) Not putting a time constraint Something I've heard too often: "The date went great! We spent 6 hours together, went for a walk, ate lunch and then went to the movies, too. We connected so well!" Only for her to say "I didn't feel that spark," and never go on a 2nd date.
Seems like everything went so well? So what went wrong? They spent too long together. After one date, she feels like she knows everything about him and has no intrigue about who he is, reducing her investment.
When you first start dating mystery and intrigue hook her. She enjoys the game of figuring out who you are. And it means that she will go on more dates with you, until eventually she realises she really likes you. Luckily there's a simple fix to this problem...
Add a time constraint. Tell her you've got to meet a friend, or run an errand in an hour (two max). Build enough interest on the date and getting a second becomes 10x more likely.
NOTE: Intrigue is important in the fledgling stage of dating. As you enter into a relationship it isn't as important. Occasionally guys will message me asking: "How do I maintain mystery after we've been dating 2 years?" You don't. And you look like an idiot for trying to.
3) Not future pacing a second date If you're on a date and enjoying yourself, there'll always be some activity you connect over. Maybe it's a certain type of food you both like, or a gallery you'd like to visit... Get her to imagine going there together.
This gives you an easy lay-up to the next date, which creates the feeling of doing something special for you both. Whilst it doesn't have to be anything impressive, doing this stops the second date feeling generic creating a more intimate dynamic.
4) Being too afraid to use physical touch This is one facet of a wider problem of playing it too safe. But remember, you're on a date. There's a romantic component. Don't act like friends, act like potential lovers. And physical touch is key to this.
You want to break the touch barrier as soon as possible with a light brushing on her shoulders, taking her coat, or helping lightly guide her to her chair. This means if sexual tension does build, brushing hands or nestling up together becomes that much easier.
60% of human communication is non-verbal. And physical touch is a CRUCIAL way to do this. There's an energy we pass to each other when we touch, and she will feel more attracted to you as a result. So don't be too afraid to do it.
5) Appeasing her ego Today, many men think women want a guy who appeases her. Who tells her what she wants to hear, and does what she wants to do. Not the case. She wants a man who knows what he wants, and goes about getting it.
This means telling her what you really think, being polarizing and true to yourself. Sometimes guys think that means being a dick. Not so, it's about being assertive and masculine. That can just look dickish if you're not used to seeing it.
TL;DR There are 5 common mistakes men make which stop them getting 2nd dates: 1) Trying to impress her 2) Not putting a time constraint 3) Not future pacing a second date 4) Being too afraid to use physical touch 5) Appeasing her ego
And if you'd like to get more dates with more women? The best way to do that is through approaching. Don't know how? Well, you're in luck. My 'Free Guide to Approaching Women' will teach you the ropes. Download (free) here:
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Have a great 1st date only to never get a 2nd? That means she was attracted to you, but something you did pushed her away. Good news? Solve these issues and you'll be swimming in dates. So here's the 5 most common mistakes men make on dates (and how to fix them). -THREAD-
Jack Peach | Dynastic Dating
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