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Mickel Adzema

Mickel Adzema

Oct 17, 2022
30 tweets

You may use this embed code on any website or wherever you use code <iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe> to post an entire pdf copy of *Culture War, Class War 2022* I own the copyright & am allowing it be taken & used 1/29

I own the copyright to this book & am allowing it to be taken & posted anywhere by anyone. with my compliments. This book can help create the Blue Wave in the Midterm 2022 elections we need for the continuation of life, freedom, & democracy in the world & in the US. THREAD 2/29
Please help where you can, we need you. You are the one you've been waiting for. Again, the embed code: <iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe> Feel free to use it however you wish to help Democrats WIN BIG Nov 8th, 2022. 3/29
Feel free to use the embed code in this thread for the entire newly published book *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations* by Michael Adzema... ...however you wish to help Democrats WIN BIG November 8th, 2022. #Midterms #FBR #resist #resistance #Roe THREAD 4/29
A special feature of this book is most versions—the ebook & print copy at Amazon, drive copy, & embed copy—are heavily illustrated. Use the different links in this thread to see the various versions. Below, the downloadable copy in the cloud #BLM 5/29
Here's a description of the book, *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations* by Michael Adzema. You may use it however you wish, as well, to help get the word out. It is also available on the Amazon listing of the book, at #resist THREAD 6/29
“*Culture War, Class War 2022—Truth & Generations* is about what transpired in America over the last 70 years to bring it to its current crisis.” #resistance #Roe #history #MidtermElections2022 Blue Wave #MAGAts #Republicans #BLM @Dan Rather THREAD 7/29
“We see how Americans’ minds, personalities, beliefs, & daily lives were orchestrated to a tune not theirs but one that was sweet & harmonious to the profit-takers.” #media #gaslighting #corruption #election #confusion #corporations #BlueWave THREAD 8/29
“Much has happened since the First Edition of *Culture War, Class War* in 2013. For the continuation of life on Earth & the causes of democracy & freedom in the world, this is the most important time yet in history.” #lies #truth #Biden @Dan Rather 9/29
“We are in danger of losing both—our freedom & our lives—as fascism raises its head in a world longing for democracy, on a planet doomed to lose all its life forms as a result of climate change & environmental collapse.” #Trump #FBR #resist THREAD 10/29
“Meanwhile the Earth’s children cry out to live, unheard by the world’s governments.” Embed code: <iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe> #ClassWar #resistance #Roe #fascism #January6th #BLM #Democrats #RoeVsWade THREAD 11/29
“This book was revised to serve as a primer on history & current events, as a lead up to the crucial Midterm elections in America of November 2022." @Dan Rather #CultureWar #OWS #Midterms Blue Wave #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #media #BLM THREAD 12/29
“This [Revised Edition] contains all material from the First Edition, plus more; the book is double its previous size. [A special feature is that it is heavily illustrated, containing many graphics & pics.] #gaslighting #corruption #election THREAD 13/29
“For the Second Edition, [*Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*] investigates the Trump & Putin forces, dominating virtually all world events currently.” #confusion #corporations #BlueWave #truth #lies #Biden #FBR #resist #psychology 14/29
“[The book’s] point is simple: the wealthy elite have controlled the masses from the dawn of civilization, yet their management of the masses has led us to the brink of actual apocalypse.” #history #psychohistory #resistance #Roe #fascism THREAD 15/29
“Trump & Putin have stoked the ongoing Culture War/ Class War, so we are headed for a fall from which the U.S. & world might never recover. In the US a midterm election will happen with everything in the balance.” #January6th #BLM #RoeVsWade THREAD 16/29
“In preparation for this Midterm & for increased understanding of its aftermath, whichever outcome—Democratic or Republican—*Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations* is invaluable.” #BLM #Democrats #RoeVsWade #FBR #generations #fascism 17/29
*Culture War, Class War 2022* is a cultural & political psychohistory of America from the 1950s to 2022, providing a context rich w meaning & insight to help readers understand the forces at work & the crucial nature of all our actions right now.” 18/29
*Culture War, Class War 2022* clearly shows how Republicans & the Filthy Rich have dominated the agenda of America—stealing elections, lying, & subverting democracy—to hang onto power, despite the wishes of Americans…” #RoeOverturned #OWS THREAD 19/29
“[*Culture War, Class War 2022*] clearly shows how Republicans & the Filthy Rich have dominated the agenda of America…to hang onto power, despite the wishes of Americans] who became increasingly progressive in thr attitudes in that same period.” 20/29
“Additionally, the author brings psychological, anthropological, political, & historical aspects into focus which have created the Matrix of our lives.” @Dan Rather #CultureWar #OWS #Midterms Blue Wave #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #media THREAD 21/29
“*Culture War, Class War 2022* looks into the political events leading up to today; it also sheds much light on the cultural and generational factors—especially the different drug usage—& how they create the context of our dilemma.” #resist THREAD 22/29
“The First Edition [of *Culture War, Class War*, published 2013] predicted a “fierce rearguard battle” from the Filthy Rich, using any means to block the ascendancy of the world’s & America’s overall progressive movement.” #gaslighting #corruption 23/29
“Democrats need to win big in Nov or it is all over for democracy in America & the world & for the life on this planet. Most definitely this book pinpoints the forces of the Filthy Rich & Republicans who have been waging this Culture War/Class War” 24/29
“*Culture War, Class War 2022* shows how America’s “royalty” started a Culture War against the middle class, working class, poor…& the educated, artists, & humanists…in the early 1970s.” #election #confusion #corporations #BlueWave #truth THREAD 25/29
“We discover how their fear of Sixties activism panicked [the 1%, the Filthy Rich] into an all-out assault against elements threatening their wealth & privilege in all institutions of American society—” #lies #Biden #Trump #FBR #psychology THREAD 26/29
“—media, education, medicine, government, politics, publication, religion, especially higher education—& restructured them for their ends.” [To embed on your site, use this code: <iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe> ] 27/29
“Finally, we behold a worldwide global awakening. As strains of war & financial oppression increase to a point no longer bearable, American & world minds reawaken, behold the obvious lies creating the Matrix of thr lives,& see more clearly.” THREAD 28/29
Click link for your own pdf copy of *Culture War, Class War 2022* by Michael Adzema. It contains everything as it is in the actual book, just released. It is also downloadable & contains many many illustrations. #history #resistance #Roe THREAD 29/29
Mickel Adzema

Mickel Adzema

#FBR Pre/Perinatal Psychologist, Ecoactivist; Author of Planetmates; Psychology of Apocalypse, Funny God; Who To Be; Falls from Grace; 8 more at
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