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zinnia ๐Ÿ“

zinnia ๐Ÿ“

Nov 10, 2022
44 tweets

minjoonkook au where rookie idol jungkook wakes up to his name trending for hours. the reason? a video. jungkook coming down the side of the stage stairs and tripping into kim namjoon's chest, the rapper's hand at his back to steady him. park jimin watching it happen, smirking.

cw// nsfw, dubcon, coercion, powerplay, closeted + innocent virgin jk, a little homophobia, writing as i go :P thought of this a bit bc of @/spicypromise !! always in my minjoon feels because of them ๐Ÿ˜‹
the video spreads like wildfire across every platform available in the country, a grainy 9-second clip bathed in reddish blue stage lighting. it starts with jk hopping down the stairs in a hurry, a bit behind his group in leaving the stage. he misses a step, footing lost as
he tips forward with a soft squeal that jk would listen to now and blush in embarrassment at. (un?)fortunately, rapper kim namjoon, one of the vips of the event, is passing by at that exact moment and takes the brunt of a 5'10 boy crashing right into his chest with a yelp.
he holds the idol instinctively, hands slipping around his slim slim slim waist and pressing against his lower back to steady him. "shit, are you okay?" joon in the video asks. when jk looks up, it's with wide, terrified eyes, and a sound that can only be described as a whimper.
and in the background of the video, rapper nj's vocal partner park jimin sits, one ankle over his knee, reclining in the chair like it's a throne, sunglasses down his nose as he peers over them to smile in deviance at the scene of his partner embracing a fresh-faced idol.
the comments under the video are what really makes jk blush, nose pressed close to the screen, cheeks hot as his bunkmate continues to snore above him. [+11 459, -278] wah kim namjoon is fucking sexy when he catches the idol, i should try tripping around him ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹
[+1743, -968] why is that idol hopping around like that ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ does he think he's actually a bunny because he looks like one? stop using your sunbaenims for attention it won't make us buy your lousy songs ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ใ…‹ [+265, -543] ๋ญ์•ผ ๊ฒŒ์ด๋‹ˆ
[+8904, -328] i know most of us are talking about RM but the idol when he looks up.... fucking cute.... [+3438, -890] man woman gay straight i don't care keep off of my baby. jk-ah noona's here [+543, -245] now KISS!! [+7643, -198] i'd dissolve if pjm looked at me like that.
the videoโ€” it's a lot. jk and nj are flush together, jk against the rappers chest with his fists curled up and nj with lips close to his ear as he asks if he's okay. in the back, jm looks /hungry/ in a way that makes jk squirm. all jk can remember is the hard muscle of njs chest
and the deep, expensive scent of his cologn he'd left with a profuse apology and a bow, brain muddled past the point of comprehension, and he can hardly remember what happened afterwards. if he searches for it, he'll see a video of nj and jms eyes following him as he left, dark.
his management tells him to keep quiet about it, let it blow up, let people get curious and search for this out-of-nowherr idol's music. his members, people he does not know much about except how they goof more than they practice and think the label of idol makes them mighty,
tease him about it incessantly. they're only four months into debut, and jk had only trained for a year prior to that. he's one of the more popular members, and along with his position as maknae and thus always being treated well in front of cameras to build up image, his
members believe they have every reason to treat him as they do off set. "did you like it?" one of them asks, nose crinkled at the mere thought. "looked like you did. what, you like boys?" "no," jk blurts out, panicked. "look at him, he's red! fuck, are you seriously gay?"
it doesn't get better. his members start giving him a wide berth at home and it's harder for them to treat him well on camera. haemin, one of the nicer hyungs, doesn't treat him unwell but he doesn't say anything to denounce it, either. it's hard. jk lives in fear of being found.
it gets worse when his ceo calls him into the office and tells him that armin, rap and r&b duo comprised of two self-made millionaire artists respected like hardly any other in the industry, have a song for him. him. jeon jungkook. he thinks it's a joke at first, but here he is,
in front of kim namjoon's studio with a bag of expensive donuts and coffee left with him by his manager, trembling. he'sโ€” he's their biggest fan. used to have posters of RM above his bed and ones of JM above his desk. he had his first orgasm with their song in the background.
this is all he can think about as the door clicks open to reveal the tall, large build of kim namjoon. immediately, jk drops into a bow so low he's practically folded in half, almost screaming out a "helloitsnicetomeetyousunbaenim!" for a long moment, it's quiet.
jk peeks up shyly to check, and feels his heart jump to his throat at the sight of a smiling park jimin's face inches away from his own. his gasp is loud as he shoots up, rigid, eyes so wide they ache in his skull. jm presses a hand to his mouth to hide his smile.
"hello, cutie," he greets pleasantly. jk feels his blush rise from his stomach as he stutters out a greeting in return. "aigoo, is this for us?" he asks gently, talking the bag from jk without waiting for an answer. he peers inside, hums, and smiles brilliantly.
"come on in, lovely." jm walks back into the studio, leaving nj to simply gaze down at jk, eyes intense. jk is so warm he can hardly think. "hello again," nj rumbles. "hi," jk squeaks. when he's led into the studio, it's with a hand at the small of his back. the lock clicks.
the studio is large and beautifully decorated with figurines and furniture jk knows cost more than anything he's ever touched. so he doesn't touch themโ€” keeps his arms and legs tight together and stands stiffly by the entrance as jm sets the bag of treats on the table happily.
"did you sleep well?" a voice asks from behind jk, making him yelp softly and flinch. nj's eyes are amused as he holds jk's arm gently, a soft "shh" leaving his lips as it would when placating a frightened animal. cheeks hothothot, jk nods. a lie. he hadn't slept a wink.
"did your management tell you anything about the song?" jm asks from his seat on the plush blue chair by the main equipment. he's lounging on it with his shirt half open, a half-finished donut in hand and sugar on his plush, smiling lips. jk swallows. "n-no, sunbaenim," he says.
jm hums, meeting nj's eyes over jk's shoulder. jk doesn't know what jm sees, but in the next moment his smile is slipping off his face into an expression that can be described as nothing but /focused/. he rises from the chair and stalks towards jk with his renowned feline grace.
he stops mere inches away, and when jk instinctively leans back his shoulderblades are met with nj's chest. oh. "it's a pretty song," jm says in a voice of assurance, tipping jk's chin down with forefinger and thumb to meet his eyes at his slightly shorter height.
"for a prettier boy," nj whispers. jk gasps at the feeling of his breath against the shell of his ear, spine ramrod straight as confusion muddles his brain. did nj just... call him p-prโ€” "come," jm orders, and something about the way he says it, voice low and eyes deep,
makes jk flush from chest to ears. jm leads jk to the equipment and pulls up the mix for the song they are presumably to be working on. jk finds it strange that he was not briefed about anything before being sent here, but who is he to question higher ups?
nj settles in the comfortable, high-backed chair like it is his home and presses play. immediately, the studio fills with a slow and heavy melody. it's on brand for them, but somehow darker, with a beat that is nothing if not sensual. it makes jk flush. they want him on the song?
"how is it?" jm asks after he cuts it short, smiling like he knows the answer. "it's soโ€” nice," jk answers, near breathless with how close jm is. "very, uhm. sexy." jm's tinkling laugh complements nj's deep chuckle in a harmony that makes jk even pinker.
"it is," nj agrees, settling back against his chair as he looks up at jk. jk holds his hands together in hopes the tight grip distracts him from the fluttering in his belly at the sight of himโ€” sharp eyes half lidded, bulging arms crossed over his chest, thick thighs spread.
"which is why you're perfect for it." jk freezes, astounded. he points at himself with both hands curled against his chest, voice small as he asks, for clarification, "me?" "yes," jm smiles. "you have a beautiful voice, perfect and breathy for what we want on this track."
"oh." jk feels faint at the compliment, holding his hands over his chest to calm the rapid thumping of it. "th-thank you so much, sunbaenim." "call me hyung," jm waves off the honorific. jk blushes and nods eagerly, before looking towards nj hesitantly. "and call him oppa."
"i'm sorry?" jk squeaks out, scandalized as he looks back at nj in question. the rapper smiles, all dimples and charm, before tilting his head. "mm, you heard him," nj hums in amusement. jk can't tell if either of them are fooling him, but he doesn't want to take chances.
so he nods, meek, and listens carefully as jm moves them along and describes what they're looking for, giving jk a lyric sheet that is no more than four verses long. he directs jk to the mic stand in the corner of the studio and runs through some vocal warm ups with him.
when jk has somewhat of an idea of what he's supposed to do, nj plays the track for jk to sing over. it goes well, wonderfully well, until they reach the chorus and nj stops the song. "jk-ah," nj calls. jk responds quickly, slipping off the headphones to hear.
"we want sensual," nj reminds him, gently. "sing it like you've never felt anything better, hm?" jk, pink in the face, nods. he tries again, but even to himself he sounds rigid and blank, wrought with overthinking how to sound. "let me help you," jm says sweetly. he's so kind.
the elder stands behind jk and grips his waist, making jk gasp into the mic. "hyung...?" "shh, relax," jm says softly, thumb digging into the arch of jks back. it feelsโ€” "nh," jk sighs, eyes rolling back as jms fingers travel up his back, kneading. "sing," jm orders, quiet.
he tries, really, but jm has made it both easier and exponentially more difficult. on the fifth try, nj stops the song altogether and sighs, rubbing his forehead. jk feels awful. "i-i'm sorry, i dunno whyโ€”" jm tsks from behind him, "oh, jungkookie. i see why." jk blinks.
all of a sudden, jm pulls him close to his chest with an arm around his waist, the other hand traveling down andโ€”oh godโ€” settling over his crotch. "hyung," jk gasps, squirming into the touch and being met with the embarrassing realization thatโ€” "pretty boy is hard," jm coos.
"i'm so sorry," jk says, sounding close to a sob as jm presses down harder. "i didn't mean toโ€”" "can't focus on a song when you're in the same room as your idols?" jm asks, condescending. jk shakes his head quickly as jm tuts. "we didn't invite you to be a dirty boy."
at jk's humiliated sob, nj speaks up. "jk-ah, come here." he listens, shuffling over in discomfort with his eyes downturned, feeling them sting with embarrassment. nj says nothing for a moment, which jk fills with his sad sniffling, before nj widens his legs and pats his thigh.
"sit," he orders. jk's brain seems to flatline. "sit, and i'll help you with it. the sooner we take care of it the sooner we can continue the song." andโ€” to jk's arousal muddled brain that is still in half disbelief that he's in the same room as them, it makes sense.
of course it's for that. jk marvels at njs professionalism for all of one second before he twists his fingers and asks, just to be sure, "for the song?" quietly, nj nods once. his eyes are so, so dark. swallowing his nerves, jk moves to him. how very kind nj is to help him.
zinnia ๐Ÿ“

zinnia ๐Ÿ“

็ฒ‹ โœง eztia on ao3 . jk-centric . writer + fan account โ™ก
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