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Why, though? This is the correct definition of terf. How is this discrimination, ma'am?

"TERF" is a made up slur Can you give me a link to any "gender-critical" group anywhere in the world that goes by the acronym "TERF" Or who call themselves "Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists" And "Transphobia" is also a made up word Can you point me to anyone who has...

"#Transphobia" is also a made up word Can you point me to anyone who has ever sought psychiatric help for an irrational fear of "Trans" (Is that a typo for "Trains" - #Tachophobia in general, sometimes "#Reiseangst". or specifically "#Eisenbahnangst"/"#Siderodromophobia"?!😱🤦‍♂️)
Of course fear of #TransITIONING can be a thing But hardly irrational So it can't be a phobia Especially as it involes very harmful experimental medication😮 And even irreversible bodily mutilation😲 On confused kids 85% of whom are gay or even straight kids with issues😱🤦‍♂️
Did you know assistants & followers of #DrMengele amongst inventors of #Transitioning So fear of it is hardly irrational😮 In fact it's completely rational Especially given fascistic behaviour of #TransACTIVISTS😲 And the #Nazi-like activities of the #TransitioningIndustry!😱
Boguś WoeMan Pronouns ooh/err/missus #BLM 🌊🌻🇺🇦
Satirising anti-social media & parodying legacy news All views my own not those of my social media provider Or maybe not even my own All usual caveats apply!
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