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Nick F is a Holocaust denying white Christian nationalist, FWIW.

Ben Jacobs

Ben Jacobs

Kanye West: “Trump is really impressed with Nick Fuentes”
This has been widely known for a long time. His organization is called “America First.”
If you see someone referring to themselves as a “groyper,” they are associated with him. They like to troll people they see as slightly to their left, like Charlie Kirk or DJT, Jr to drag the GOP rank and file toward outright Naziism.
The fashy looking guy with Kanye is Milo, who is currently employed by MTG. This story is from 2017.
In the world of American fascist politics, there are an infinite number of second acts available to people who have no capacity to feel shame.
Never forget that Milo and his only slightly dog whistled fascism was brought to us courtesy of Steve Bannon and his billionaire funders at Breitbart, the Mercer family.
The far right has found succeess in taking over the “conservative” brand because their target audience has little understanding of the history of their own movement and has been convinced to trust no media outlets besides those already on their side.
This is also hardly the first time that young people on the far right with especially hateful politics have sought to wedge their way into positions of leadership in the GOP.
In 1966 the New Jersey Young Republicans had a habit of singing racist and antisemitic songs at their gatherings. The lyrics to one went “Riding the Reich in my Mercedes Benz, shooting every kike, saving all my friends."
Seth Cotlar also at
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right. Can be found at the same handle on Mastodon and Counter Social.
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