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Aman Rath

Aman Rath

Nov 25, 2022
11 tweets

Copywriting is a money-printing skill. But most people suck at it. Here are 7 books to master the Art of Copywriting (and sell services):

1) Influence: Robert Cialdini Understand the psychology of persuasion. Lessons: • Identify the true intentions of people. • Show social proof if you want to persuade someone. • Attach a reason to your objectives for people to understand.
2) The Copywriter’s Handbook: Robert Bly Write copy that sells. Lessons: • Pique your reader’s curiosity. • Write the way your audience speaks. • Assemble a toolbox of attention-grabbing words.
3) Cold Email Manifesto: Alex Berman & Robert Indries Convert clients like crazy. Lessons: • Offer something valuable (other than the products). • Don’t expect someone to “buy” based on a cold-email. • Try to start a conversation first. Don't sell right in the beginning.
4) The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: Joseph Sugarman Learn writing powerful copy's from America's greatest copywriter. Lessons: • Craft the ideal buying environment. • Use the power of storytelling to sell. • Build a relationship with the prospect.
5) Never Split the Difference: Chris Voss Negotiate like a pro with clients. Lessons: • Listen deeply to understand their worldview. • Negotiate through emotion rather than just reason. • Summarize their position back to them to demonstrate empathy.
6) $100 Million Offers: Alex Hormozi How to make offers so good, people feel stupid saying no. Lessons: • Avoid choosing a bad market to sell. • Present an offer like no other product/service available. • Enhance your offer by adding scarcity, urgency, bonuses & guarantees.
7) Copywriting Secrets: Jim Edwards Use the power of words to get more clicks, sales & profit. Lessons: • Make people thirsty to make them buy your services. • A pronoun change may help vault up your sales while typos can remarkably drop your sales.
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Aman Rath

Aman Rath

Copywriting is a money-printing skill. But most people suck at it. Here are 7 books to master the Art of Copywriting (and sell services):
Aman Rath

Aman Rath

Ghostwriter • Helping you monetize your Twitter brand by writing • Sharing master insights on Self Development & Peak Performance
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