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Ketan Joshi

Ketan Joshi

Nov 25, 2022
6 tweets

Top results from 'Blue Verified' accounts, for"climate change" 1 to 12 - MAGA denier - MAGA denier - Standard denier - MAGA denier - Conspiracy theorist denier - Right-wing denier - Standard denier - Nuclear bro - Standard denier - MAGA denier - Crypto denier - MAGA denier

13 - 25 - Standard denier - MAGA denier - Anti-vax conspiracy denier - MAGA denier - LOTR fan climate joke (first non-denier) - MAGA denier - 'Free energy' scam denier - Spam bot (2nd non-denier) - Christian denier - MAGA denier - MAGA denier - Nuke bro - Indian pol (3rd non-d)
not going to keep going but you get the idea of the ratio here. Most tweets focus on conspiracy theories, money-grabbing, globalist stuff. Lots of overlap w/ anti-vax. Most accs <1k followers, but with v high engagement (RTs, likes). Musk is helping the fossil fuel industry.
worth comparing the differences between algorithmic (top) and chronological (latest) - there actually are many non-denier posts w/ paid accounts, but they're all getting erased when you look at the algorithmic results.…
Worth checking out Jennie's thread for the latest on climate disinformation on Twitter, partic in the context of cop27…
As #COP27 reaches a (fraught) finale in Sharm el-Sheikh, a short 🧵 on the state of climate mis-/disinformation and our findings from the @caadcoalition Intelligence Unit: 1) The events of 2022 have turbocharged an already well-funded and transnational ecosystem for disinfo…
I double-checked this in incognito and with a VPN into the US to ensure I got consistent results
Ketan Joshi

Ketan Joshi

Climate: energy transition, targets, fossil industry - I write, analyse, consult and tweet about it, views are my own
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