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justin â™±

justin â™±

Nov 28, 2022
9 tweets

Thread highlighting Chrollo Lucilfer and Kurapika Kurtas symbolic parallels to Jesus 🧵

Imo both kurapika and chrollo have Jesus symbolism but in yin/yang halves,they’re many obvious pulls from Jesus like chrollo’s st.ptr’s Cross or kurapikas cross chain and also his emperor chain having a cross but there’s way more to look into
Skill hunter bandit steals someone’s nen ability is a metaphoric play for his attempt to contain souls which fits into his role in the spider because he gives purpose and identity to people that don’t have any similar to how Jesus gives meaning to the meaningless.
This also ties into the troupe originally being 12 members + chrollo just like the 12 disciples + Jesus.
Togashi also adds luclilfer to his name because Lucifer In a very twisted way is a lot like Jesus even down to how their both referred to as “morning star”.
Chrollo’s view on death and his enjoyment of walking with it everyday can be viewed as him seeing death as some form of freeing souls from their mortal bind.
Kurapika’s chains all represent his role as Jesus in different ways, the Dowsing chain being used to seek the truth, the chain jail which is used to bind even the mightiest warriors
Emperor time is a reference to God(Yahweh) as it gives him mastery over all nen types. The judgement chain is also used to submit people to a fate or die
Way more goes into their dynamic but this is just one aspect I thought was cool and my view on it. My First thread, retweets appreciated 🤝🏽Excited to see where Togashi takes their characters next
justin â™±

justin â™±

“ties are to be severed not forgotten”
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