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La Senyera

La Senyera

Dec 10, 2022
16 tweets

Messi has always been slandered and undergone criticism for things outside the pitch to try to discredit him. This has often led to fans even rating Ronaldo higher than him. Namedly Messi "being a Zionist" and an Israel supporter. This thread exposes the lies surrounding it.

"Messi is a 'Zionist' who donates to Israel." This comes from images of Messi at a jewish site, wearing a Kippah and posing with Israeli politicians, mainly Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's former Prime Minister. Aside from Messi literally being a Christian with a Jesus tattoo..
What they won't tell you is that these images are from FC Barcelona's peace tour to Israel AND Palestine in Summer 2013. The club's board, staff and players also met with Palestinians officials and citizens from both states to encourage peace in the region.
This was organised by FC Barcelona as a visit for both the states. The visit to Palestine is conveniently always ignored, especially the team training and playing with the Palestinians in a full stadium. Funnily enough also they ignore Neymar on the same visit with the club.
More photos of the FC Barcelona visit to Israel and Palestine in 2013
Not only is an Argentinian who barely holds interviews, let alone makes political statements or knows the details about conflicts of foreign states slandered, his images are often photoshopped to fuel the agenda. There are many more pictures like this.
Messi's donations to UNICEF in millions, to Syrian children and schools is also neglected, because people believe every bit of slander they see on the internet but won't bother researching just for a minute. They tend to ignore and brush aside the good sides.
On top of this, Ronaldo fanboys and fangirls often call Ronaldo the better player or person for his donations to "Palestine." Whether it is 2 million euros or his golden boot. Or refusing to swap shirts with Israeli players for "being murderers".
All of which is fake. In fact, here is Ronaldo with Israel's acting foreign minister Israel Katz in 2019 after donating his shirt. Now why would he refuse to swap shirts with an Israeli player, but donate a shirt to an Israeli politician?
Here is Ronaldo acting in an advertisement for Israeli TV for an Israeli telecommunications company:
Aside from many other fake pictures of him posing with shirts in support of Palestine. Or how about Ronaldo and others at Real Madrid having no issue posing with the former president of Israel and war criminal, Simon Peres.
Ronaldo did pose with a Palestinian child, victim of torture and the conflict, with many other Real Madrid players. And he has bumped into and posed with Palestinians, such as in 2016. But it should be known that these players do not support either states.
These lies tend to resurface when a certain fanbase have nothing left but to resort to things outside of football as their argument as to why Messi isn't the greatest footballer..
We call upon people to stop being gullible and believing lies that wants groups to appreciate either one of the other clubs. Old twitter users will be aware of how at one point accounts faked quotes of Messi cancelling a match against Israel because of him support Palestine
These received so many likes such as the fake Ronaldo golden boot Palestine stories or refusing to swap shirts story that even some media outlets began to cover them, eventually deleting their posts when they realised they were fooled.
Let us make it clear that political matters should stay outside of football unless it's extreme circumstances. For example condemning racism, oppression or genocide. Supporting a genocidal state harms your reputation, as it should, but not when it is all lies.
La Senyera

La Senyera

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