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Dec 13, 2022
500 tweets

─ taekook local au | renjana when the pilot finds a cure for all his sorrows, niskala, his own doctor.

Niskala Aditya Kartawijaya - dokter bedah umum - 32 y.o - first child
Argantara Ghandi Aksa - pilot - 34 y.o - last child
might contain : CW : ⚠️ • harsh words / strong language ‼️ • mature content 🔞 • boy x boy / bxb • top!tae bot!jk TW : ⚠️ • minor character death another things will be add up as the story goes, solve another shipper by yourself, thank you.
apa ya ini


✈️ sneak peek taekook lokal au | part of renjana
─start here
Osaka, Japan. (segala sesuatu dalam cerita hanya lah fiksi belaka)
01. Their first met. (segala sesuatu dalam cerita hanya lah fiksi belaka)
02. Arga’s point of view (segala sesuatu dalam cerita hanya lah fiksi belaka)
03. Changi Airport, Singapore.
04. Nakula Ajarina Kartawijaya (Niskala’s little brother)
06. Next time, maybe?
08. Problem si bungsu
09. Sogokan
10. Ya gitu
11. Nice try Arga
Their Instagram Accounts
12. dr. Mahesa Nugraha Sp.B (Niskala’s friend)
13. Another side
15. Kelakuan
16. Jiel (Arga’s friend)
17. Hemodialisa atau hemodialisis merupakan terapi cuci darah di luar tubuh. Terapi ini umumnya dilakukan oleh pengidap masalah ginjal yang ginjalnya sudah tak berfungsi dengan optimal.
18. Ke sini lagi
19. Ya gitu lah
20. Tukeran juga nanti nya ya
22. Kabar terkini
23. Dokter yang nganterin Arga ketemu ruangan Dokter Kala
25. Kali kedua
26. Optimis aja dulu
27. Laporan
28. Curhat sama mba tersayang
29. Hmm
30. Terima kasih puji syukur
31. Efek salting, baru inget buat bales 45 menit kemudian
32. Keukeuh
33. ….
36. Masa PDKT
37. The difference
38. Something
41. Mahesa demen godain orang
42. After surgery
44. Another offered
45. Sebuah pencapaian
46. Janjian, and Arga doesn't mind with a long wait
47. Sama siapa tuh
50. Their 253525
51. Basic question to make sure his another movement
52. There is a next time
53. Beautiful partner katanya
54. Berikut beberapa tanggapan umum
55. Di sisi lain
56. Last ‘good night’ for today
57. Lunch
59. Lunch with Jiel yang dari kemarin kemarin direncanain tapi gak jadi terus
60. Misunderstand
61. Chat from his sweetheart
62. Udah gede masih sindir sindir an aja
63. Namanya juga Arga
64. Kan
65. Dibilang
66. Si Arga bisa bisanya
67. Ya gitu
68. Another wejangan
69. Besok nya, dia marah marah gak jelas
70. Jebakan
71. Dikira Kala gak jago keluar dari jebakan
72. Ya enggak..
73. Penjelasan lebih lanjut
74. Umpan berhasil dilempar balik
75. Kaget kan
76. Ketemu lagi
77. Keluh kesah kawan
78. Wkwk
79. Ditunggu
80. Arga penakut
81. Gitu ceritanya
82. Ketemu deh
83. Ngaku deh
84. Cerita sedikit aja + #penyetdate
85. Abis makan and a little question
86. Help me to fix myself, he says.
87. Their last conversation for today
88. Keluhan sehari hari Arga
89. Prayoga Alamsyah (Work) aka his partner in Garuda
91. Kala dan Kula
92. Sendiri aja gak usah ngajak ya Kal
94. Mahesa sang penolong
97. Balapan
98. Deal
99. Another offered from different person
100. Say yes say yes
101. Konfirmasi
102. Kabur lagi
103. Bahas membahas
104. Lalu muncul lah kekacauan
105. Itu lah alasannya
106. Masih perihal kangen apa enggak
107. The one who always offers also has something to ask for
108. Jiakh kala
109. Curhat
110. Another plan has been decided
111. Pap pertama
112. Lah elu juga demen bikin kaget
114. Arga jantungan pasti kalau liat ini
115. Dubai—Jakarta : perbedaan waktu 3 jam (lebih dulu Jakarta)
117. cw // hars words
119. Family Group
121. Difference between Pilot and Doctors
122. Ngeluh part berapa ya
123. Kepala bagian : yang mimpin bedah umum di rumah sakit (leader)
— another cast :
• Nathaniel : kepala bagian bedah umum (38) • Sandi : paling senior di antara mereka (40) • Hablian : paling heboh, fashionista, kalau ke rumah sakit enggak kaya dokter bedah (35) • Jayden : seumuran sama niskala (32)
— another cast :
Anak anak bimbingan Niskala bagian bedah umum : • Jeremian : kalem diem diem nangis (29) • Mikhaila : bawel demen gosip (29) Sebelumnya mereka ada di bawah bimbingan dokter senior lain, tapi pindah tangan sama Niskala.
— Additional notes : • Ketentuan rumah sakit yang dipakai dalam AU ini terinspirasi dari Yulje (Hospital Playlist) cause all of this is fiction. • Tapi bukan berarti ngaco juga. Happy reading!
124. Problem untuk manusia yang ingin leha leha
127. Mahesa as affectionate person
128. Curhat dulu sama ayang
129. Telfonan beberapa detik
131. Bentar nya Mahesa
133. Akhiri hari mu dengan sleep call
134. Kesibukkan Kala di (sangat) pagi hari
135. Bom untuk arga
137. Respon mengejutkan
138. Funfact : Niskala itu jahil
140. Yang kepotong : katanya muda?
141. Sure
142. Residen
143. Lainnya
144. His brother
145. And his mom
146. Meanwhile the other family
147. Their happy with a little jokes even tho separated by thousands of miles
148. The difference
149. His best friend
150. Hadiah natal tahun lalu dari Jiel malkis roma yang original
151. Tukeran foto
152. Tagih janji
153. Mahesa’s bf
154. Undangan
155. Berantem kecil (berebut)
156. Chat from Jiel and Prayoga
157. From his siblings
158. From his parents
159. And from someone who's recently settled on his mind
160. And last.. his beloved.
162. Akhirnya
164. Terlalu sebentar telfonannya
165. Niskala berantem
167. Ya itu orang nya
168. Niskala mengamuk
169. No bantah bantah
—For many hopes. 23.25…
171. Arga kabur lagi
172. Udah pretty pretty aja
173. Beberapa jam kemudian..
175. Malu katanya
before after
179. Between Pak Dadang and Niskala
180. Reminds him of his dad
181. Hmmm
182. Makan
183. Cheeks kiss
185. Penemuan baru
186. Night thoughts
187. How?
188. Kebiasaan nya emang suka chat kapan saja dimana saja
189. Kasih atau enggak?
190. Kala itu agresif
191. Pakein dasi and simple question
192. Just like his partner’s profession, maybe his life is like a plane under the pilot's control.
193. Call me, anytime.
194. No need to ask me, cause i gave you permission.
195. Be saparated again.
196. Kabar kabaran lagi
197. Makaan tidak jadi
198. Konteks chat mereka tadi
199. Lah..
200. Jadi, dari siapa?
201. Jeremi penyelamat kehidupan
203. Dari Arga👍🏻
204. Sasaran
205. Biar gak salah sasaran lagi permisa.
—Tapi sebenernya dibalik kebenaran Arga dalam menebak, he has a secret. FLASHBACK
—flashback end.
206. Ngobrol aja sih
208. Gombal tipis tipis
209. Habis video call
210. Habis video call (pt.2)
211. Balik lagi sama kerjaan
212. Bingkai foto
213. Ya gitu..
215. Masih tetep nanya
216. Apa tuh..
217. Treng treng treng
218. Sebelumnya mereka berdua ada di bawah bimbingan dokter senior yang harus mengambil cuti akibat masalah kesehatan.
220. Ribut gak jelas
222. Pap lagi
226. Balapan lagi
227. You need to find out
228. Antagonis nih
229. Another way to say ‘I love you’
—People fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just turbulence on a plane. 23.20…
230. Dinner with mother in law
231. Marah mulu
232. Forever be your brother
233. Berantem karena hal kecil itu udah kayak kebiasaan
235. Password
236. Password: correct ✅
238. cw // harsword , strong languange
239. Sehabisnya
240. Mulai
241. Waktunya👍🏻
242. Harusnya ‘today’ nya ada waktu bubbles Niskala, cuman lupa
243. “Baby,” he says.
244. Morning conversation
245. Bubby
248. Back to daily days
249. Yang ini flight terus
250. Mantau
251. Sama sama subuh ke malam
252. Jamal part sekian
253. Yang ini sunset terus
254. Ini beda beda hari ya
255. Akhirnya ada chat yang agak panjang
256. Curhat
257. His fear
258. Mahesa teguh
259. Meanwhile..
260. Overthinking era
261. Mau galau pun gak ada waktu
262. Darurat and say no to leha leha
265. Apa tuh yang ganjel
267. Udah beda hari
269. Chat lagi lah broo masa nyerah
270. Hmmm
272. Lagi lagi tidak ada waktu untuk diam
273. Hayoloh
274. Kalau dari Arga, ini pakai waktu Jepang
275. Time-zone nya udah sama
276. Just.. more formal.
277. Enggak panik, cuman sedikit
278. PICU : Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
279. Your pilot.
281. He’s confused by himself
282. Apology
283. Let’s discuss, Pretty.
284. Masih belum clear
285. Sidang, selesai.
286. Next morning
287. Kepo
289. Kenapa coba
290. Karena ini
291. From this —— To this
292. Ayo
293. Bener, pusing
294. Something’s bothering his mind ⚠️ CW // Strong languange
295. We must finish the other. ⚠️⚠️
296. Kala’s question to dr. Jayden —FLASHBACK (ada di part 215)
297. Man from behind ⚠️⚠️ TW // Minor Character Death
298. After conversation with Jayden, Niskala opened his twitter and search for Arga’s account and look for what he’s found ⚠️ Pay attention for the time stamps
299. Japan history’s
300. His favorite ⚠️⚠️ (Tweet Niskala ada di part 181)
301. He loves him more than dancing ⚠️
302. A little things from Sagara and Jayden ⚠️
303. Tweet Niskala several days ago ⚠️
304. But he found himself lying down and crying on the floor. ⚠️ Pay attention to the time stamps
305. No longer reply for my ‘i love you’. ⚠️⚠️⚠️…
—Maybe i was a mess, maybe you were so hollow, forgive your fumbling ways, my Dude. 23.00…
306. After go home
307. Mas Devanno emang pekaan orang nya
308. How can?
309. Step by step when you realized you did something wrong.
310. Permission from big brother.
311. Meanwhile on the other side..
312. Jengjengjeng
313. Question
314. My Fiance, he says.
316. A new habit for him.
317. Kala always put attention to him, even tho just for a little.
318. Reminder
319. Wrong account buddy
320. Both of them feel the same way
321. Still trying
322. Another day another little problem
323. The power of money
324. Arga galak side
326. Personal request
328. Apologize
329. He don’t deserves you
330. Please let yourself do.
332. He’s not okay
334. Assistant surgeon
335. There’s no confirmation
336. Source : Mahesa
337. To the point
338. Niskala nih percaya aja
339. Questions
340. Supplication
341. Malam nya : respon kala
342. Kode kode
343. Another side
344. Jiel udah penasehat handal pokoknya
345. A little longer, and i’ll back to your side
—My dear, is it all we’ve ever been? 18.28…
346. Jamal kesekian kalinya Jamal = jaga malam / piket malam
348. Ini udah sampai ceritanya
349. Celetukan maut
350. Something’s happened. ⚠️ TW // Violence, shooting
351. Hilang
352. Resah tak kunjung hilang
353. Surgery successed
354. Big sister’s heartbreak
355. Maksa..
356. He says “emang bodoh”
357. (Not) a praises
358. In the morning
359. Losing his breath. ⚠️ TW // Major Character death.
360. Be free, Arga. ⚠️⚠️…
361. Help
363. He didn't have enough courage to speak from face to face.
364. Padahal bukan visit aja ya..
365. Ask for help
366. Ask for permission
367. Good night everyone
368. Planga-plongo
369. Make it clear.
370. Don’t you miss me? ⚠️⚠️…
371. Pelaku
372. Mahesa paling takut kalau Niskala udah panggil pakai embel-embel ‘Dokter’
373. Permintaan maaf Mahesa
375. Ckck
376. Udah bisa main hp lagi malam nya👍🏻
377. Godain
378. Sama dokter nya langsung, jadi terpercaya
379. Dinikahin dong Pak👍🏻👍🏻
380. Selir
381. Ini juga mau ke rs
382. Siap siap
384. I’ll take care
385. My Man.
386. Ditinggal lagi
387. ⚠️⚠️‼️‼️
389. Soalnya chat Jiel dari sebelum Jiel datang sampai Jiel udah datang belum dibales juga.
390. Finally, My Man.
391. Klepon vs Teh tarik
392. Ritual
393. Siapa yang ngalah kira kira?
395. Kala yang kalah
396. Yang ini juga udah fix
397. See you
Note : mungkin sehabis ini hanya akan diisi dengan update-an keduanya di twitter atau instagram, sedikit narasi hingga nanti part ending, thank you.
398. After 8h flight, they arrived in qatar
399. Another side
400. Their next flight from London to Zurich
401. Finally, they are arrived in Switzerland 📍Zürichberg
402. 📍Zürichberg • Sorell Hotel Zürichberg • Limmat River, Zürich
403. 📍Grindlewald, Switzerland
404. 📍Grindlewald, Switzerland
405. Niskala mode waspada still at Grindlewald
406. Di sini liburan, di sana jaga malam
407. 📍Zürichberg
408. 📍Bern, Switzerland
409. Kalau yang ini tipis tipis aja
410. 📍Interlaken, Switzerland
411. Bapak bapak tauan instagram music
412. Scene after Arga’s instastory
413. Si paling kala
414. Yang ini emang demen daging, gak mikirin yang lain 📍Simon’s steak house, Zürich
415. 📍Lindt Home Of Chocolate, Kilchberg Switzerland
416. Another Kala’s favorite things
417. Si paling kala (part 2)
418. Reaksi dan tanggapan para tetua
419. 📍Jungfraujoch, Switzerland
420. Beautiful Man -Niskala
421. Last destination
423. Niskala’s birthday.…
425. Macam macam ucapan
426. Dari rekan-rekan di Rumah Sakit
427. His friend
428. He’s got everything
429. And from his family
430. But in the middle of the crowd, he kept searching for a figure that wasn't there for him, his soul mate, his mother.
431. And we’re going back.
432. Hilang semua
433. Many reasons
434. Give and Take.…
435. Notes : Mama nya udah pulang, dan pemakaman akan dilakukan esok hari
436. Many things change, or maybe just back to where they belong.
437. The winner
438. There are always answer for his ‘I love you’.
439. Always, his bestfriend.
440. Kan aku persilahkan, kau menetap di sini.…
— Kan ku letakkan hangat di tengah dekap kita, jangan biarkan ku pulang ke rumah yang bukan engkau. 10.00…
441. Sister’s sadness because her little brother got married and left home (but she also happy because of that, cuman melow aja soalnya nanti rumah sepi katanya)
442. Dari rekan-rekan kerja dan seorang gadis yang harus tetap menerbangkan pesawat meskipun dalam keadaan patah hati terberatnya
443. Big thanks
444. To you, who shines the brightest during the darkness, a gleam in the dark of the night, the one who lighten every path of the beautiful city, sparkling in the dim of sky along side the flickers of moonbeams, this is for you. ——FIN. (27-01-2022)
Terima kasih semuanya, sampai berjumpa di lain cerita.…


Taekook pokoknya udah diem | au’s on pined
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