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Dec 20, 2022
5 tweets

today I woke up to the lovely news that an AI-generated comic lost its copyright protection because the USPTO determined that "copyrightable works require human authorship." great step in the right direction 👌

this also means that if you generate images with AI to use for your brand, someone can just take it. its not yours or theirs. its not anything LOOOL
here's the article if you'd like to read the rest. this decision has a ton of implications for how AI software can be used in the professional world. or rather, how it can't.…
tech bros fighting for their lives in the replies looool Merry Christmas everyone
I see that this was posted in November but it’s the first time I saw it so it’s new news to MEEE :)


soli Deo gloria ☾ using @hyperx. wearing @tommyhilfiger. // banner by @histxria // art tag: #dishfanart
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