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Rogan O’Handley 🇺🇸

Rogan O’Handley 🇺🇸

Dec 20, 2022
24 tweets

BREAKING: Twitter Files Part 9 State Governments caught censoring “election misinformation” using Twitter Partner Portal to unconstitutionally censor 1st Amendment rights of American citizens Please RT 🧵👇🏼

1/After President Trump won in 2016, the Democrat Party pushed the Russia Collusion narrative to delegitimize his administration Many federal, state, and NGO entities ramped-up censorship efforts online in the name of stopping “foreign interference”
2/California passed Elections Code §10.5, which created the Office of Elections Cybersecurity in 2018 to “educate voters” with “valid information” through empowering election officials (“OEC”) This mandate quickly and predictably devolved into a political weapon for censorship
3/The OEC, under the direction of then-Secretary of State Alex Padilla, seized on the statutory phrase “mitigate false or misleading information,” as a license to quash politically-disfavored speech with the assistance of the National Association of Secretaries of State (“NASS”)
4/In fact, NASS Director of Communications Maria Benson stated in email that Twitter asked her to let Secretaries of States’ offices know that it had created a separate dedicated way for election officials to “flag concerns directly to Twitter.”
5/NASS’s dedicated reporting channel to Twitter, according to Maria Benson, would get Secretaries of States’ employees’ censorship requests “bumped to the head of the queue.”
6/NASS asked its members to give it a “heads up” when they saw mis-information to help NASS “create a more national narrative” and wanted officials to have NASS email tips on how to report “mis/disinformation” directly to Big Tech “handy” as officials “prepare[d] for battle.”
7/As an example, on December 30, 2019, the CA Sec of State’s office emailed Twitter’s Kevin Kane a misprinted voter registration card and Kevin Kane responded to Mr. Mahood’s request to take down the tweet before 8:00 am the next morning, which happened to be New Year’s Eve
8/On July 17, 2020, Padilla’s office sent an email to fifteen political consultants and political affairs professionals, many of whom worked on the campaigns of prominent Democrats, offering them the opportunity to bid on a $35-million-dollar “Vote Safe California” initiative
9/Mr. Padilla violated the Public Contract Code’s statutory bidding requirements by claiming he had “emergency authority” to create the contract. He received seven bids from the list of political allies and picked SKDKnickerbocker as the winner of the $35-million-dollar contract
10/Who is SKDK? They’re a political consulting firm heavily involved in then- candidate **Joe Biden’s** presidential campaign As described by Reuters, “SKDK is closely associated with the Democratic Party, having worked on six presidential campaigns.”…
11/ Yes, you’re reading this correctly Alex Padilla, former CA Sec. of State and now US Senator, used taxpayer dollars to hire Biden’s campaign firm for $35 million to pick who to censor in “Misinformation Daily Briefings” and report these speakers to Big Tech for banning
12/Alex Padilla was proud of the OEC’s censorship activities as was NASS NASS has an annual award called the Innovation, Dedication, Excellence & Achievement in Service (“IDEAS”) award, recognizing “significant state contributions to the mission of NASS.” Guess who won in 2020?
13/ You guessed it - Alex Padilla’s Sec. of State office He stated his support for the OEC’s speech-censoring activities in response to receiving the award, touting the initiative’s “proactive social media monitoring”
14/ Some have claimed that this Twitter Partner Portal was merely a “suggestion box” for gov’t officials and censorship wasn’t mandated According to the CA Sec. of States’s attached press release, Big Tech was complicit **98%** of the time in removing the flagged content
15/One particular social media user that was targeted for censorship by this Orwellian machine was Rogan O’Handley, a licensed attorney in the state of CA, who runs the account you’re reading this from: @Rogan O’Handley 🇺🇸 His violative tweet requested an audit of CA elections
16/Despite the Post’s expression of Mr. O’Handley’s personal opinion calling for greater accountability in election processes—core political speech directly questioning Padilla’s political work—SKDK labeled the Post as “misinformation,” and flagged the Post for the OEC to censor
17/The OEC, following the recommendation of the Democrat operatives at SKDK, flagged the Post and color coded it as an “orange” level threat, only one degree below red On Nov. 17, 2020, a Sec. of State agent sent Twitter the following message regarding Mr. O’Handley’s Post:
18/Shortly after Padilla’s agent or staff flagged the post to Twitter, Twitter appended commentary asserting that Mr. O’Handley’s claim about election fraud was disputed Twitter then added a “strike” to Mr. O’Handley’s account, a clear 1st Amendment violation
19/Twitter then went seemingly out of its way to find reasons to permanently suspend Mr. O’Handley account with over 440,000+ from the platform, despite never having received strikes previously Here are 3 more of his tweets that earned strikes
20/ His final violation was a tweet sarcastically mocking Joe Biden’s “victory” in 2020 where he tweeted in quotes “Most votes in American History” with a picture of the Us Capitol behind barbed wire He was soon thereafter permanently banned for “Election Misinformation”
21/ Judicial Watch found these secret emails exposing the censorship of Mr. O’Handley and hundreds of others in a Sunshine Records request Mr. O’Handley hired Harmeet Dhillon (@Harmeet K. Dhillon) and @Ron Coleman to file a lawsuit against Twitter, California, and SKDK in June of 2021
22/ This 1st Amendment case was dismissed in December of 2021 by a Democrat-appointed Judge, appealed, and had its oral arguments in the 9th Circuit early December They are currently awaiting their decision…
23/ Mr. O’Handley and his legal team have confirmed they will appeal this case all the way to the Supreme Court where they’re confident the 6-3 majority will step in to stop this censorship apparatus and protect 1st Amdt. rights of every American on social media Stay tuned /end
Rogan O’Handley 🇺🇸
Husband • Lawyer • Patriot • Civil Rights Activist • Journalist
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