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Ryan Shahine

Ryan Shahine

Dec 22, 2022
6 tweets

1/ Are you building on the #decentralized web? It's crucial to understand the difference between #IPLD (InterPlanetary Linked Data) and @IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). These technologies serve different purposes and can be used independently.

2/ #IPLD is a data model for creating, managing, and linking data structures within a #decentralized system. @IPFS is a peer-to-peer file-sharing #protocol. Understanding this distinction can help you structure data within your #dapp. IPLD is designed for #interoperability.
3/ When building, consider storage protocols. @Portrait is a protocol for creating decentralized no-code websites on Web3. It's storage protocol agnostic, but still uses #IPLD to reference and track files in a deterministic way.
4/ This allows us to focus on user #adoption and features, rather than being tied to a specific storage solution. Understanding the difference between #IPLD and #IPFS, and considering storage-agnostic #protocols like @Portrait, is crucial for building on #Web3.
5/ #Merkle #DAGs are a type of data structure used in #IPLD to create and link data within a decentralized system. They use #cryptographic #hashes to create a tamper-evident tree-like structure. This is key to creating verifiable systems.
6/ That's a short introduction. Learn more about #Merkle DAGs, and other technologies like @libp2p at @ProtoSchool. Follow @Portrait for updates on our progress, and to learn more about building no-code #decentralized websites for #Web3.
Ryan Shahine

Ryan Shahine

positive sum games at @portrait_gg
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