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Kyle Cheney

Kyle Cheney

Dec 22, 2022
13 tweets

Jan. 6 committee releases two Cassidy Hutchonson interviews, both from September, in which she discusses the circumstances about her legal representation. Her current lawyers, after she dropped her previous one, is working for her pro bono.

After he first attorney prospect fell through because of prohibitive fees, she talked about how she casted about for awhile. She felt like she was being steered to get a Trump-world lawyer even though she didn't want one.
MORE: This is the big stuff here. Hutchinson testified that her first lawyer, Stefan Passantino, told her not to refresh her memory on things. "We're going to downplay your role. You were a secretary ... the less you remember, the better."
HUTCHINSON says Passantino told her not to tell the Jan. 6 committee her recollection about what Ornato told her about the Trump incident int he presidential SUV
Hutchinson said she grew increasingly uncomfortable with what she felt like was lying or misleading the select committee, even as Passantino kept telling her she was doing fine.
Hutchinson told the committee on 9/14 that the night before her second interview — back in March — she got a call from Ben WILLIAMSON relaying this message:
Hutchinson said a GOP member of Congress, who isn't on the select committee, helped convince her to reconsiderher posture toward the select committee andbe more forthcoming.
As she was wracked with conflict and guilt, Hutchinson said she began reading about witnesses who turned against the nixon White House, including Alexander Butterfield.
Trump could never properly pronounce Rep. Glenn Grothman's name, per Hutchinson.
Hutchinson said John RATCLIFFE also heard Trump acknowledge that he lost.
HUTCHINSON said she talked almost daily with Kevin MCCARTHY in the days before Jan. 6 and that he told her Mark Meadows was not serving Trump well by making him think he could still win the electiom.
NEWS: Days before Jan. 6, GOP Leader Kevin MCCARTHY said Trump had privately acknowledged is loss on multiple occasions, Cassidy Hutchinson testified. McCarthy blamed Meadows for Trump's failure to face rality. w/ @Nicholas Wu
Days later, McCarthy, despite his apparent commentary to Hutchinson, would vote to obejct to the election results in two states, even after the violence on Jan. 6.
Kyle Cheney

Kyle Cheney

Senior legal affairs reporter for @POLITICO with a focus on 1/6 aftermath. Tips: [email protected] NY ➡️ BOS ➡️ DC
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