If you do a proper comparison of legal gun ownership/possession (Switzerland & Israel have high gun ownership but sky-high possession when you include the military-spec often FULL-AUTO guns armed forcesforces often keep at home) v Gun MURDER (not "deaths"=mainly suicides-which...
If do proper comparison of legal gun ownership/possession (inc Switzerland & Israel military guns at home) v Gun MURDER (not "deaths"=mainly suicides-which highest in strictest gun-control nations)
Homicides go UP as LEGAL gun POSSESSION goes DOWN
And murders FALL as guns rise!
#GunControl is such a good idea why is it that as gun controls INCREASE so do crime in general and murder in particular
Especially murder of citizens by despotic regimes
Why do you support gun controls
Clearly you support despotic regimes & murder!

It's clear that widespread ownership of firearms by the law abiding public is a well recognised requirement for not just public safety but also democracy
So you have to ask why some people are so keen on removing firearms from the law abiding citizenry
What exactly is the aim
People need to do some research and get some perspective on firearms controls gun ownership gun and homicide levels
Instead of gun-ban lobby "statistics" cherry-picked from countries that aren't comparable while ignoring all the relevant data!
Most of the "statistics" you see on firearms controls from the gun-ban lobby are lies and damned lies!

If they had an actual argument they'd use it
But they haven't so they don't
They lie and use emotional guilt-tripping shroud-waving blackmail!
The public have been brainwashed by the gun-ban lobby with lies damned lies and statistics
But why?!
There is clearly at best no, at worst an inverse relationship between legal firearms ownership and not only gun murders, but all armed and violent crime
So why lie!!!

Public brainwashed by gun-ban lobby with lies
Legal gun ownership has NO effect or REDUCES ARMED CRIME
Were NO mass school shootings when anyone could own an actual machine gun
And hardly any before 1999
So why after ever increasing gun-bans
What's cause
Why being hidden