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Mike Benz

Mike Benz

Feb 14, 2023
3 tweets

Top takeaways from last week's Twitter hearings in Congress: 1. Oversight Committee should subpoena all government communications between CISA (DHS's censorship agency) and social media companies + disinfo intermediaries (universities, think tanks, private firms), 2020-present.

2. This is much, much bigger than the NYPost article, or a single link banned. This is millions of conversations having their volumes turned all the way down, with DHS turning the knob. This is the US government stopping voters from talking about the thing on which they vote.
3. Want the GoogleFiles? Want the FacebookFiles? Here's your super easy shortcut: Oversight Committee (@Oversight Committee), subpoena DHS for all CISA and EIP emails, meetings & communications with social media & civil society reps. That is the El Dorado of election censorship gold:
Mike Benz

Mike Benz

Executive Director, @FFO_Freedom. Former State Dept Cyber DAS. Musings on Internet platform policy. May devolve into chess, music, memes.
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