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Leo Alexandru

Leo Alexandru

Feb 19, 2023
14 tweets

I've read 100s of books since I started my tech career. Most of them didn't teach me anything. Here are the 10 books that really gave me an unfair advantage:

1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Lessons: • seek first to understand • build strong relationships • invest in your own development
2. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success Lessons: • trust you abilities • develop a growth mindset • learn to embrace challenges
3. Deep Work Lessons: • develop a "deep work" habit • create systems to keep you focused • embrace boredom and use it to your advantage
4. Start With Why Lessons: • focus on your purpose • take initiative and lead others • understand your audience and tailor your message
5. What Got You Here Won't Get You There Lessons: • communicate effectively • take ownership of your actions • focus on finding solutions instead of dwelling on problems
6. What Color Is Your Parachute? Lessons: • identify your passions • take risks and put yourself out there • understand the importance of networking
7. The 4-Hour Workweek Lessons: • learn to say no to unimportant tasks • re-evaluate your priorities and objectives • create a plan to simplify and automate your workload
8. Strengths Finder 2.0 Lessons: • leverage your strengths • become an expert in your field • use your strengths to your advantage
9. Limitless Lessons: • prioritize self-care • maximize your potential • continuous learning is essential to your success
10. Principles Lessons: • learn from failures • be open to criticism and feedback • don't rely on others to make decisions for you
TLDR: 10 Books to jump start your career 1. Mindset 2. Limitless 3. Principles 4. Deep Work 5. Start with why 6. StrengthsFinder 7. The 4-hour work week 8. What color is your parachute 9. The 7 habits of highly efficient people 10. What Got You Here Won't Get You There
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Leo Alexandru

Leo Alexandru

I've read 100s of books since I started my tech career. Most of them didn't teach me anything. Here are the 10 books that really gave me an unfair advantage:
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Leo Alexandru

Leo Alexandru

I help people grow as leaders • 15 years of experience in Tech • Director @Deloitte
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