#IsraelPfizerDeal - REVEALED! The unbelievable story and the unimaginable concealment by the Israeli regulator - the MOH - of this vital information (!) from the Israeli public and the world.

All 3 hidden agreements (still blacked out) finally revealed! >>
2/ This is a first public reveal of these documents:

CDA: Confidential Disclosure Agreement (July 12, 2020)

BTS: Binding Term Sheet (Nov. 13, 2020)

M&S: Manufacturing and Supply (Dec. 1, 2020) + 3 Amendments (2021)

Supplementary agreement (March 11, 2021)
3/ Background: In the Pfizer-Israel deal, at least 4 agreements were signed (+ many amendments), and it was, as you know, a unique deal that made Israel the world's research laboratory for a Pfizer product.
4/ The only document that has been officially disclosed to the public in this context so far has been 1 highly blacked out agreement that defines the research on the medical data of Israeli citizens, “dated as of 6.1.2021” (Agreement 1)
6/ It became clear to the public for the first time OFFICIALLY that the MOH recognizes the existence of a series of agreements surrounding this deal, starting in July 2020 (!)
7/ Still, the other 3 sealed and completely censored agreements were not given to the petitioner Zernik, and this petition had to be stricken in the end.
Despite this, during the last hearing - the MOH made a hubris mistake
8/ They informed the Court that they refuse to discuss clauses of Agreement 1 (the research agreement) and reveal its redacted clauses - because this issue has already been discussed in a previous petition - this was the first time we learned of it.
9/ According to the Israeli MOH- Pfizer's position was then presented to the court, the balances against the public interests were examined and the judge's opinion rested there regarding redactions and censorship, therefore it should not be discussed again- in their opinion
10/ Let’s recap: the MOH relates to this previous petition as the one that “represents the public interest and balances” - but no documents from that legal procedure was ever revealed to the public by them,
11/ The brave lawyer that filed it was apparently exhausted from the court’s cooperation with the MOH’s censorship position, and thus went quiet, until:
TODAY! - All 3 additional agreements and amendments will be revealed (of course censored heavily)
12/ Before I bring you the agreements here - I must point out the unethical reality in which the Israeli regulator (MOH) legally represents the position of the regulated company - Pfizer, vs. the public interest, rather than representing the public interest that they should.
13/ It was only after the court insisted that Pfizer’s lawyers filed a written document with their stand on the reveal of all agreements in full to the public, in which it states in general terms that
14/ the Israeli Ministry of Health is obligated according to Section 10.1 of the M&S agreement to maintain the confidentiality of the confidential clauses in the agreements - whether they represent a confidentiality interest of the MOH or a confidentiality interest of Pfizer,
15/ therefore Pfizer trusts the Israeli Ministry of Health and expects it to represent its interests in this petition.
* Luckily we now have this section 10.1 (for the first time published) and this is what it says:
16/ This unbelievable story of using a legal procedure to help silence every following attempt on on hand, and on the other - sealing it completely from public eye will be discussed much further, but for now, I bring you the documents:
18/ Final note - this is a lot of new documents that we were completely unaware of, I only just received them.
I haven't gone through them thoroughly yet, but I believe they need to be in the public sphere. There will be more to come on this.