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Feb 26, 2023
32 tweets

1/30 Our "Protein Project" report is here What is it? Unique public-health project funded by @Paras Chopra to analyze common/well-known protein supplements sold in India Who did it? Me & team at The Liver Institute with world class, independent food/drugs testing Neogen Labs.

2/30 What did we analyze? 36 brands - pure whey, whey-blend, whey & herbal blend, plant based and vegan types - national, multinational and local brands - all bought from authorized sellers or brand website - none were spurious, authenticity of products checked✔️
3/30 Which brands did we analyze? Here they are, all 36 of them All received with packing and seal intact Opening the seal and pack removal for analysis was done by the lab personnel at the main lab before analysis and for sterile/safe storage for analysis repetitions
4/30 What analysis did we perform on these protein products? Analysis of protein % (Kjeldahl method) Detection of fungal toxins/aflatoxins (HPLC) Pesticide (GC & LC MSMS) Heavy metals (ICP-MS) Complete GC-MSMS profiling Synthetic, anabolic steroids (GC-MS HP5 column)
5/30 Results - I Protein content/protein % Advertised (labelled) vs identified (on analysis) Of 36 products, nine had less than 40% protein content, while the rest had above 60%. The worst protein supplements concerning protein content were B-protein, with an advertised 40%..
6/30 Results - I (cont) but detected 10%; Big muscles Frotein Whey, with an advertised 76.5%, but detected a protein of 26.1%; Big Muscles Vegan Protein, with an advertised 81.3% and detected 19.4% protein. Overall, the best product with very high pure-whey-based protein..
7/30 Results - I (cont) includes – Dymatize, Muscle Blaze, Ultimate Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, Muscletech, and My protein brands, and those with the lowest protein content include Protinex, B-Protin, Ensure Plus, Big Muscles Vegan protein, and Bakson’s Protein Plus.
8/30 Results - I (cont) The highest protein content among plant/vegan brands includes Himalayan Organics, Oziva, Amway Nutrilite, and Elements. However, most of these plant proteins also contain multiple herbal supplements, which requires caution as herbal blended dietary..
9/30 Results - I (cont) ..protein supplements are an upcoming cause of severe liver injury and liver failure. Patanjali Ayurved’s Whey Protein products contained an excellent quantity of protein % but were all blended whey and contained a host of herbal and dietary supplements..
10/30 Results - I (cont) ..which could cause liver injury without additional data on safety. The full list of protein supplements, their brands and labelled and detected protein percentages are given below.
11/30 Results - I (end) In this figure, we have shown how severe the mislabeling on the protein products is, with respect to protein content advertised on the bottle/package vs what is actually discovered on analysis. The gradient shows least to worst protein percent mislabeling
12/30 Results - II Fungal toxins & Pesticide detection Aflatoxin is a toxin produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus, which can infect crops at pre- and post-harvest stages and negatively impact food quality. Exposure to aflatoxin can lead to reduced growth in children..
13/30 Results - II (cont) liver damage, and liver cancer. Per guidelines, the limit of aflatoxin exposure in processed food such as cereals in humans is 10 ppb (parts per billion). We identified five out of 36 protein products with aflatoxin contamination. These included..
14/30 Results - II (cont) Ultra-soy protein by Forever Life (product code 10), Whey isolate by Optimum nutrition (code 15), B-protin by British Biologicals (code 17), Protein powder by Elements (code 30), and Nutrilite plant protein by Amway (code 36). Of these..
15/30 Results - II (cont) the last two brands, Protein powder by Elements & Nutrilite plant protein by Amway, had aflatoxin above safe limits. Aflatoxin detection and corresponding product codes are shown below. For product code, please refer to tweet 3 or descriptions above.
16/30 Results - II (cont) Concerning pesticide detection, three out of 36 samples were contaminated by a trace amount of pesticide. Vegan Protein by Big Muscles contained Fenobucarb at 0.061 mg/kg; Protein & Herbs by Oziva contained Azoxystrobin at 0.033 mg/kg AND..
17/30 Results - II (end) ..Dimethomorph at 0.013 mg/kg & Weight Plus Protein by Dr. Vaidya’s contained Thiamethoxam at 0.017 mg/kg. Only among protein brands that were purely plant/vegan was pesticide residue identified, & none were noted in pure whey or blended whey products.
18/30 Results - III Heavy metal detection In all 36 samples, Mercury and Thallium were not detected. Five samples contained trace levels of Arsenic. These included Ultra-soy protein by Forever Life; Protinex by Danone; My first protein by Healthkart; Protein powder..
19/30 Results - III (cont) Vestige, and Protein Plus by Bakson’s Homeopathy. Ten products also had traces of Cadmium (very low levels). Most samples contained Lead at low levels, and Copper was found in all the samples at different levels, with the highest in..
20/30 Results - III (cont) ..Ultra-soy protein by Forever Life. Complete results of heavy metal detection is below. I would be cautious about any amount of Lead in products as there is no safe level of Lead. Even high levels of Copper isnt ideal as it is toxic to brain/liver.
21/30 Results - III (end) Companies may argue that Lead detected was within range as per regional rules, but fact is Lead has no safe limit of exposure. Also, notable is that there were brands WITHOUT any detectable Lead or metal for that matter showing good production quality.
22/30 An introduction to final summary Our final summary on best brands took into consideration all relative analysis outcomes, from protein content, mislabeling, heavy metal detection and contaminants. This is a personal opinion of the group and is in no way a recommendation.
23/30 FINAL SUMMARY Best whey protein- One Science & Ultimate Nutrition Best medium range whey- Nutrabox Best Vegan protein- Origin Best herbal whey- Himalaya[CAUTION] Worst whey brand- Big Muscles Worst plant-based- Amway Worst brands advertised as best- Protinex/Ensure/B-protin
24/30 FINAL SUMMARY (cont) Worst protein content- B-Protin, Ensure Plus, Bakson's Protein & Vegan by Big Muscles Brands that need EXTREME caution- Protein by Elements/Nutrilite by Amway [fungal toxins] Herbal blended proteins have MORE CONTAMINANTS/Pesticides than non-herbal.
25/30 FINAL SUMMARY (cont) Only vegan/plant-based supplements had pesticide residue - none of pure whey or whey-blends had this issue [Origin is the best in vegan category, is super clean] Brands to be used WITH CAUTION - Himalayan Organics/Patanjali/Himalaya/Herbalife/Oziva...
26/30 FINAL SUMMARY (cont) ...because they contained at least one or more known and documented liver toxic agent such as green tea/curcumin/turmeric/ Ashwagandha/Garcinia extracts. STAY AWAY FROM THESE - herbal+dietary supplements are a major cause of liver failure in the West.
27/30 Details of purchased products along with ingredient details is available at this link for download You may use it to find the safest protein for your use, after consulting with your doctor.
28/30 PS: We DID NOT detect significant steroids- synthetic/anabolic in any products analyzed. Detailed analysis on full scan and trace level detection of steroids -synthetic or plant-based will be provided as supplementary data when this study is published after peer-review.
29/30 Before I conclude, Whey protein is liver safe Whey protein does not cause kidney stones Pure whey/different blends of whey varieties are safe Whey + herbs -use with caution (ideally, don't use) Pure plant proteins (soy/pea) are safe, plant proteins + herbal blends aren't.
30/30 We hope you've found this thread helpful. Follow me @TheLiverDoc for more. Like/Retweet the first tweet given below to spread this information far and wide, so that people who use protein supplements benefit from this information Thank you in advance! Stay safe!


1/30 Our "Protein Project" report is here What is it? Unique public-health project funded by @Paras Chopra to analyze common/well-known protein supplements sold in India Who did it? Me & team at The Liver Institute with world class, independent food/drugs testing Neogen Labs.


27/30 Details of purchased products along with ingredient details is available at this link for download You may use it to find the safest protein for your use, after consulting with your doctor.
Paras Chopra

Paras Chopra

It was around Rs 7 lakh for around 40 samples.


Hepatologist, Scientist Debunking #Ayush #pseudoscience Columnist @MorningContext See #Ayurveda differently Research:herbals/toxicology Instagram(at)abbyphilips
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