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Adam D'Angelo

Adam D'Angelo

Mar 3, 2023
10 tweets

We are excited to launch Poe for desktop today at With this launch, between our existing iOS app this new web interface, we believe Poe is now the fastest and easiest way to talk to AI across iOS and all desktop platforms.

Poe currently supports ChatGPT from OpenAI (at, Claude from Anthropic (at, and a few other AI-powered bots. Support for many more will be coming over the next few months. A few things make Poe unique today:
1. Speed: Poe is the fastest interface to ChatGPT, and all other bots are very fast, thanks to some significant speed improvements over the last few weeks.
2. Claude: Poe is the only consumer product providing access to Claude, a state-of-the-art language model with significantly different strengths and weaknesses compared to ChatGPT.
3. Linkification: Responses on Poe include Wikipedia-style links, so you can easily click on phrases to dig in and learn more about topics the model mentions.
4. Cross-platform sync: Poe syncs your chats in real time across platforms, so you can start a conversation on desktop and continue it on iOS. We are also in the process of building mobile web and Android applications so you will soon be able to do this across all platforms.
Please give the new interface a try at on desktop! You can submit any feedback via the menu item in the product, and feel free to follow @Poe for more updates as the product evolves.
And if you haven’t tried the iOS interface yet, you can download it here:
Our main focus starting today will be opening up the platform to allow anyone to create bots, whether they are built on top of the ChatGPT API that launched Wednesday, or on a custom-trained model, or anything else people will dream up.
Please email us at [email protected] if you would like to join the beta as a developer!
Adam D'Angelo

Adam D'Angelo

CEO of Quora, working on Poe: @poe_platform
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