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#taekookau πŸ”ž Where Captain Jeon is finally back to his family after months of serving in military. Little to excited to meet his husband and lil daughter Well to his surprise, there is no one at there hanok, except his husband in slimy excuse of robe unaware of his presence.

This is a special update of this!…
Tw- bptae,rough sex, humiliation, overstimulation, spanking. roleplay!.
Tw- bptae,rough sex, humiliation, overstimulation, spanking. roleplay!. _
There was an evident glow on Captain Jeon's face when he got the acceptance letter of his leave. Making him want to bounce and dance like a kid.But that doesn't suit his personality as a tough captain. And all his juniors are looking athim waiting for his command to dismiss them
Jungkook doesn't wait a second before dismissing all the soldiers and gets to his room, ready to pack everything and leave instantly.
_ Kim Taehyung's normal days goes by him waking up in Jeon Hanok. Doing all the morning routine, helping his mother-in-law in the kitchen. Waking up his cute 4 years old daughter.
Bathing her, dressing her and making two cute pigtails on her hairs. Arguing with her to eat all the veggies on her plate or he will complain about it to her papa when he arrives.
Her evident pout while eating all of it, not wanting to upset her papa. Jeon Ari is Good girl of her appa and papa who is moody but listens to her parents always to make them happy.
She is such a strong girl, As she patiently waits every day for her papa to come back to her from his duty, sitting on the entrance of their hanok, waiting with hopes in her doe eyes just like her father's . Pouting sadly when he doesn't come even after sunset.
Whining to her Appa how he will scold him when he comes back with vivid cute gestures. Even assures his appa when he starts crying when he misses her father more. Such an angel.
Taehyung is happy at least he has her as company when Jungkook is not around. He loves her way too much. Don't know what he would do if she wasn't around. His father died in the second year of their wedding making him all alone.
But he is not alone anymore as he has Jungkook's whole family supporting and giving love to their daughter. Not to forget Jimin who moved to Busan with his family.
He is more than happy only if Jungkook would always be with him. Just not for quarter of the year. He misses him crazily. But he did choose this, he knew about jungkook's duty. Now he has to be a faithful military wife waiting for his husband. _
There is a wedding in the other town, Mrs. Jeon's close friends. All the family is ready to leave the house after getting ready in their glamorous outfits. Except taehyung who doesn't want to go as he feels uneasy and has a little stomach ache.
He bids everyone outside, kissing ari's cheeks and telling her to behave not to trouble halmoni. The carriage takes off. He smiles lightly to himself as he goes inside the house.
It's quite silent as no one is there in the big house for tonight. How he wishes jungkook to come back leaving Everything. _
With a tired groan Jungkook gets off the vehicle, grabbing all his luggage, he goes to the entrance door and loudly starts to bang the door.
Taehyung in the kitchen gets frightened with loud bangs on the door, so many negative thoughts running inside his mind. Just then the knocking stops. But then he hears the loud creaking of the door being unlocked.
Shit scared Tae grabs the pan in his shaky hands as he slowly starts to walk out of the kitchen to smack the trespasser. Just when sees the shadow, shutting his eyes close, Tae swings the pan in the air.
But as he imagined it didn't hit him because the trespasser was strong and quick in movement as he swift's the sacred beauty in his arms, snatching the pan away from his hand.
Just when Tae wanted to scream, the mysterious man shuts his small mouth and his big hand on it. Huskily whispering "Fuck you got so feisty baby, never imagined this welcome"
He ducks his head into the other's neck inhaling the fresh scent of his husband, not caring of his state of mind.
Taehyung went freeze when he heard the voice, he was debating whether his husband is really here or is he again delusional.
By the comforting smell from the other's body he has no doubt it's him as he goes limp in his arms. Tears of happiness welled up in his eyes. As his heart mutter, Finally. _
Jungkook brings him inside their bedroom in bridal style,he sees the room perfectly. Mattress ready with his favourite scent candle lighten up. Room neat and clean just the way he likes. But he will make exception tonight just to fuck his husband and ruin him whole once again.
He lays the other down and hovering over him, smashes their lips into a hot kiss instantly. He cannot wait to taste him. Missing those luscious kissable lips for so long, He needs to ruin them for him.
The press of his lips isn't hot enough, so he sucks Tae's bottom lip between his teeth and teases him like that, gently scraping until the other moans.
And Tae?, Tae just falls apart so beautifully in his hands. He kisses back like his life depends on it but he still lets Jungkook lead as always, coaxes open his mouth with the promise of a tongue gently rolling across his lip. Turning it into a long makeout session.
Soon the rough treatment on soft plush folds made it bleed, but jungkook was still sucking on it like a hungry vampire. Tae whimper in between while muttering "ugh--umh-ah-stop-jungk--"
Jungkook is the one who always commands, not the other way around. So it pisses him off when tae starts to protest. Doesn't he crave or miss him crazily just like he did?. The thought only agitated him. As he tears the cloth the other is wearing in a one go.
Flexing his arms while removing his own uniform. Taehyung with hazy eyes watches him, it always turns him on when he sees Jungkook wearing or stripping his uniform. He is sure there is a large wet spot on his panty right now. As he squeezes his legs.
"Look at you! Already excited with your slutty cunt? Ready to spread your legs for any one with uniform?Hm. But still denying."
The humiliation gets him more wet than he was. His innocent soul is already tainted by these devil men. Making him do and want all the filthy things with him. Still he has audacity to accuse him, even if it just a mere foreplay.
"Jungkook? Baby please i don't --" "Shut up! Will you?"
He knows Jungkook has no mode for listening to him tonight. It's always like him going into beast mode whenever he comes back. But he controls himself until they get to Daegu, away from his family members to do nasty.
But today is like a golden opportunity to him, it's like he came back at the right time. When no one is around to disturb them. Especially their little Ari whose innocence they don't want to spoil with their horny asses.
But how will he tell him that he is not on pills right now, and if they do the deed he might get another one like them again. Because the man is in no mood for it. But well it's too late. _
SLAP! "Ahn-!" Taehyung sobs, throwing his head back in pleasure. His legs tremble from the spank to his crotch, but he only further spreads them apart in response. "Jungkook , n-no..."
"No?" The older man repeats, giving another slap to the soaked cunt presented to him. The younger man cries at the stinging sensation. "You don't like it when I hit your naughty pussy, slut?"
But he doesn't wait for an answer before delivering another blow, hitting right on the round and sensitive pearl hidden between plump lips. r him.
Taehyung trembles from the impact, moaning loudly at the brute treatment. His legs, however, flutter the tiniest bit open, presenting himself even wider fo
Slut. "N-No, I don't like it-" " Liar. " He cuts his incoherent mumbling with a series of quick slaps to his pussy.
His husband trashes from where he has his arms tied up in his hold, the muscles of his legs spasming as his hips buck up in response to the spanking.
"If you don't like it, then why are you spreading your legs for me?" He points out, giving a hungry look to the soaked crotch presented to him as a gift.
As if suddenly realising his state, Taehyung gasps in shock as he moves to close his thighs. Jeon Jungkook doesn't allow it though. Holding those soft thighs in his hands, he easily shoves them open again.
He brushes a thumb over the small bump of his clit , erupting a long and sensuous whine to fall from rosy lips .
"Fuck your clit is all swollen up and red ,baby" He coos at him, nuzzling the crown of his head as he circles his thumb against his flushed pearl. His beloved shivers at the caressing, fighting against his hold to clench his legs closed again.
Jungkook pulls away to look at the younger man in captivity.
Taehyung stares up at him with big, teary brown eyes. His usually pale cheekbones are flushed from his arousal at being abused, and the rest of his face must look just as pretty tinged pink.
Jungkook 's lips curve in a devious smile as his eyes trail up and down his husband's body, taking the breathtaking sight of the shirtless man bound at the wrists by his uniform's belt. He watches the slick dripping down with each slap to that adorable pussy.
Jungkook had already thoroughly lavished his husband's chest, making his cute nipples puffy and flushed from being sucked and bitten, and now he can't wait to also violate what's between his legs.
"It's been so fucking long , i haven't had taste of this heaven ? Would every night jerk off alone in thought of it" He says with a grin at him, ignoring the way his husband pales in favour when parts of his milky legs.
"No-! No, don't I'm a sensitive hubby!" Taehyung cries out, pressing his knees together and bringing them against his chest to hide himself. arts.
His clit and pussy folds are already red and throbbing with all the spanking. At this rate his husband is abusing and ruining his private p
But Captain Jeon is having none of it. Gripping a pair of thin ankles, one in each hand, the man pulls the younger male towards himself by the feet while also spreading his legs for himself.
Helpless Tae meows at the brute manhandling, trying to squirm away but being unable to as the four of his limbs are held back. A sob breaks through his lips as he notices he's completely restrained, having his inner parts forcefully exposed against his will.
"Isn't this what you wanted, dear?" Jungkook murmurs, manoeuvring the man under him to bend his knees against his chest to keep him in the most shameful display.
"To show your pretty little flower to whoever wants to see it? Isn't that why you were dressed in such thin robes when I arrived?"
Shame paints the tip of Taehyung 'sears a deep crimson. It was night time and he wanted to wireless layer clothes while sleeping. As no one was at home tonight.
"No!" He bites back, fighting against the biding to his wrists. "Those are my sleeping robes, it's too hot in summer here in Busan- Ah!"
A freshly new slap to his naked pussy cuts him out. The loud, unmistakable squelching sound from the impact confirms how indecent his husband is. Jungkook clicks his tongue when he pulls his hand back and finds the tip of his fingers coated in clear slick.
He quickly licks them clean before he gives another quick slap to the crimson, twitching button resting above those plump lips.
"So you were parading around in such attire while your husband was away?" The older man - the Military Captain demands - repeats darkly. He reaches up to pinch one abused nipple, making Taehyung choke in his own spit.
He misses the milky tits "Were you trying to seduce our neighbour? My elders? Or Were you perhaps hoping the entirety of Busan would spread your legs like this and violate your slutty hole?"
Tae gasps at his words, how filthy jungkook is talking.And before Taehyung can even form his words, Jungkook shoves his fingers inside his cunt,
wasting no time before aggressively moving them in and out. A loud moan breaks out from him at having his sensitive pussy fucked by his husband's calloused fingers
Taehyung feels so much shame hearing all the filthy words from his husband who he is devoted to but he knows jungkook doesn't mean any of it. It is one of his sick roleplayer.
Jungkook watches as they disappear through those warm and wet lips, feeling his husband's insides twitching around him, clinging to his fingers whenever he pulls back. It makes his head swirl with an intense desire to fuck his husband like an animal.
"You are such a shameless slut" He grits out through bared teeth, fingering his husband hard and fast, watching as his hips jerk and stutter from the bruising pace. "I've married such a dirty boy."
"I-I'm not- A-Ahhn, ahn!" A series of obscene noises falls from Taehyung 's lips, joining the indecorous wet sounds coming from his pussy getting violated.
"Who would have thought the Innocent boy from Daegu is such a depraved person? Who would have imagined he whines just like a cheap whore when he's molested?" Jungkook mocks him, removing his fingers from that easy hole with a wet pop.
A long and thin trail of slick connects his fingers to his husband's cunt before it breaks. Jungkook doesn't even waste his time sucking the lewd taste of his lover off his fingers,
opting to brush his hand clean against one of the milky thighs in front of him before he starts undoing his own pants.
Taehyung's legs whimper from the lack of fingers inside, but when he notices his husband pulling at the strings of his trousers all colour is drained from his face.
"No, no" He pleads, crawling away from his husband with tears trailing down his cheeks. His pussy clenches around nothing when he's grabbed by the ankle again. "No! Please, husband, I'm not on pills- AAHH!"
Jeon Jungkook shoves his cock all the way inside his wet entrance in one single motion, giving him no time to adjust before starting at a hard and unforgiving pace.
"Nobody cares! I'm your husband. Also I have decided to knock you up before I leave. So be prepared for it"
Taehyung sobs and whimpers under him, thighs trembling and pussy lips fluttering around him as he begs him to stop. But Jeon Jungkook knows better, he knows his husband needs a lot more to finally break.
"You like this, hm? This is what you wanted, right? To be fucked like a bitch in heat. " He sneers at him, pinching and pulling at a swollen nipple just to hear his husband cry.
His husband stopped lactating from the last time he came here, and he doesn't like it, seeing the big tits without milk in it. He needs it. Well his children does but he has the right to it too.
The tight walls around his cock clench at the humiliation and Jungkook groans at the overwhelming sensation. He drags his cock out of his husband's pussy until only the tip is inside, feeling those uneven walls cling to it, of him.
before going balls deep inside with a quick and hard thrust. Taehyung cries out loudly, having air being punched out
"Ah, ah, ah-!" He moans behind his silky veil, frantically thrusting his hips up to match his husband's pace. "Jungkook - Oh, my Baby -!"
"Now you know the name of your husband? Do you remember to whom you belong?" He snarls in mockery, ramming his cock inside his wet heat.
Taehyung turns his face away from him in response, hiding his face as he nods his face minutely.
"Tell me, Jeon Taehyung!" He lands a harsh slap against his soft buttocks, making his husband scream in pleasure. "Who do you belong to?!"
"To you, to my husband!" Taehyung cries back at him, tears rolling down his cheekbones. "T-To you and only you- A-ah, no!"
Jeon Jungkook holds the younger man by the hips with one hand while violating him with his rod. Not satisfied with this level of humiliation,
the Military Man uses his other hand to reach out to Taehyung 's face and slaps him across before smooching the red bruised lips and spitting on it.
The Innocence his husband had when he married him is fully gone when he sees Taehyung rolling his eyes back while riding himself now. Making an ahegao face, Jungkook loved to strip his husband out of it in a show of power and possession.
The fucked out look in that innocent slutty face is enough to send him close to the edge.
"That's right, slut . I'm the only one who can use you like this, you aren't allowed to spread your legs to anyone else." He growls against his lips, wrapping one hand around his throat before pressing his lips against him.
The following desperate whine from his husband is swallowed down as he devours his mouth, licking and sucking on his lips as if he's a treat.
Taehyung has a full body shudder under him, the walls of his cunt fluttering around his cock as he breaks through his body, his legs trembling madly from the intensity.
Jungkook groans against his mouth, feeling the tip of his cock getting squeezed inside that tight passage and fucking him even faster because of this.
He bucks his hips like an animal, manhandling his husband's legs until his ankles are thrown over his shoulders and he can pump his cock inside his throbbing pussy hard and fast.
Taehyung whines from the overstimulation, fighting against the binding to his wrists as he's used as a toy by the older man. His hips stutter at each slap of his husband's balls against his buttocks, and he sobs when another orgasm is punched out of him.
Jungkook loses his rhythm when his cock gets milked by the spasming walls of that pussy, shooting his hot and creamy seed deep inside his husband. .
Taehyung moans dazedly at the sensation of getting drilled by Military Captain Jeon, hips twitching as he's fucked through his orgasm for what feels like hours
Only when Jungkook has finally emptied his balls inside the little pussy of his husband does he finally pull away. With a slow drag of his cock, he watches as a glob of cum dribbles out of Taehyung the moment his dick is out of him.
The younger male whines dejectedly at the sensation, while his husband smiles possessively at it. "Ah- Such q breathtaking sight! I Love to be welcomed like this everytime.
Watching the lecherous look of his husband - the way he keeps his legs spread and bent at the knee without being told, exposing his flushed and swollen pussy to him; the bright pink colour of his buttocks from where
Jungkook had been hitting with his hips; the obscene sight of his bitten and flushed nipples, as well as all the pretty marks spread all over his chest; and last but not least, his parted, bitten red lips as he pants for air, a look of complete fulfilment on his face-
Jungkook feels a deep sense of pride and triumph swell inside his chest. It's only him to look at this state of his breathtaking handsome husband. Yes, he is that possessive.
'Not that I will ever allow anyone else to think so' , he chuckles to himself as he draps over his husband once again to capture his lips.
This time, however, their mouths meet in a calm and loving kiss. A long and sensuous touch of lips to sooth the raw emotions from their playing. As Taehyung sighs against his mouth, Jungkook reaches above his head to undo the knot tying his wrists.
He doesn't part their slow drag of lips as he brings his husband's arms down, rubbing soothing circles where the cloth bit into his smooth skin.
Taehyung is the one to pull away first, flopping his head back on the pillow to catch his breath while his husband busies himself with kissing his abused wrists.
"Was I too rough?" He mumbles against his skin, giving soft pecks to red lines over skin.
Tae doesn't open his eyes to look at him, but shakes his head softly with a small smile nonetheless.
"No, Baby . You were perfect, I thoroughly enjoyed it." Taehyung rasps out, his throat dry from all the moaning and screaming. This was their one of the hottest session. Jungkook chuckles at it, and the younger male cups his cheek with one hand. "You?"
His heart leaps inside his chest. "I've missed you so much, my heart. How I have longed to have you like this."
His confession comes rushed and breathless as he dives back in to steal his lips once again. One kiss isn't enough, it will never be enough. And Taehyung seems to think as such as he places his arms around his neck to press him close.
Their bodies fit perfectly around each other, with their legs entangled and chests pressed against one another. Hearts beating closer together.
"I've missed you too." Taehyung smiles up at him, his big brown eyes looking at him with adoration. Jeon Jungkook presses one kiss to each eyelid, erupting a laugh from the other.
Fueled by the melody of his husband's laugh, he then proceeds to spread kisses all over his dearest's face. "Jungkook ! Haha, Jungkook , stop!"
And this time he immediately pulls away, grinning widely down at him. Jeon Jungkook cradles his cheeks with both hands, taking his time to reacquaint himself with his husband's features after so many moons being apart.
"You don't have to stare so much, I haven't aged a day since you left." Taehyung teases, but doesn't move away from his hold. He says that, but his eyes are also roaming all over his lover's face, drinking in his handsome lines all over again.
"But it always felt like eternity to be away from you, my heart." Jeon Jungkook sighs dramatically, giving his best puppy eyes.
Taehyung huffs a laugh at that, he loves chessy jungkook more, bringing him back down for another kiss to shut him up. Jungkook gladly complies, he always does. There's nothing his husband can ask him that he won't do. Their bedroom activities are proof enough of it.
To all of their salacious performances and vulgar accusations in bed, both males know it's all just an act in the spur of the moment, something to spice things up when it has been so long of a time where they were deprived of intimacy.
There's no one else they would ever desire, and they're always on equal grounds both inside and outside of the bedroom.
But if Jungkook likes to get a bit of a bully in bed, who's Jeon Taehyung to deny him? He's just too weak of a man to hold back.
"I missed you guys too much baby you have no idea" "Well Ari has to many complaint about you, you need to face her wrath tomorrow honey"
Jungkook chuckles wholeheartedly at that as he says " My angel is to naive and innocent to punish me " "Is that so? But i can punish you-mmph" He got cut off by a loving kiss.
"Not even in your dreams Darling " Tae rolls his eyes at him, pretending to be angry. But Jungkook wraps his hands around laying next to him , trapping him in his arms.
"Well you know I never wanted to marry or settle down with anyone because of my job and I loved the freedom of no restriction too.
But when I looked at you and our angel I thought of how wrong I was to even think of it, baby. All these years we spent were the happiest moments of my life. I love you so much"
"I love you more Jungkook," Tae says, crying. "You guys are my world. My Solace".
_ They both slept soundly, happy content in each other's arms. In sleep Unconsciously Tae's hand rubs on his stomach affectionately. Not knowing soon there will be another life growing inside him. As Jungkook pulls him closer, cuddling him to sleep.
A/n: Do you guys like it? If you do, like and retweet to let me know! Ty for making it till last. Borahae πŸ’œ
Beginning of the au! Please check outπŸ’œ…
πŸ”ž Where Captain Jeon isn't ready to get married because of his work, but his parents are adamant to get him married. And Innocent village boy taehyung, also isn't ready to leave his father alone and get tied down with cold military man. But fate has already planned for them.
SherlyπŸ’—π€€| (festa) month + jinnie returned πŸ˜­πŸ’œ
Just here to read some tk ym nj auπŸ‘€πŸ’¦ sometimes write and retweeting my favπŸ€·β€β™€ backup:sipping_bts
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