"You're only successful because you have a large following."
BS. Here's how you can do the same with 0 followers

I'm going to take
http://figcomponents.com as an example. A product I've never mentioned here on Twitter that makes $1200/month.
1/ STEP 1: Find your main keyword

@Ahrefs their Free Keyword Generator.
https://ahrefs.com/keyword-generatorβ¦2/ Spend all day typing in keywords until you find the following:
β’ Keyword difficulty (KD) of less than 20.
β’ Volume of > 500
β’ Many child keywords
Why? Read on
3/ Keyword Difficulty
KD < 20 requires less than 10 backlinks to rank on the first page of Google.
4/ Volume.
This is for 1 country. Triple it for worldwide search.
500 * 3 = 1500. At a 2% conversion rate this is 30 sales per month.
5/ Child Keywords.
Ranking for the main keyword means you'll rank for all the long-tail keywords too. This is where the money is.
Figcomponents ranks for 1000+ keywords including "figma components", bringing 95% of the traffic.
You'll be spending months on this keyword. Try to find the absolute best one. Take a day or two to find the ideal one.
7/ STEP 2: Build your product around the keyword.
β’ Give the user what they want
β’ Optimize for your main keyword
β’ Build as many subpages as possible
β’ Offer free and a paid option
Diving in

8/ Give users what they want: "figma components."
Provide it immediately to keep them on the site longer, which Google likes.
I curated a free Figma Community library into an easily copyable gallery of components. Zero investment needed.
9/ Optimize for your main keyword.
Make it come back everywhere. Your domain, your title, your alt text. Don't overstuff it though, as Google penalizes that.
10/ To easily rank for all long-tail keywords, you need to create loads of pages focusing on those specific keywords.
Link to the most important ones on the home page and all of them on a special category page. This way Google knows they exist.
11/ Offer both a free and paid option.
Free products keep users on the site, which boosts your product's Google ranking. To earn trust, offer good stuff before asking for payment.
To earn money, limit some tools to paid, with a one-time payment for better conversion rates.
12/ STEP 3: Backlinks

The #1 ranking factor for Google is backlinks. Why? Because people don't like shitty products. Google knows the more links, the better your product probably is.
How to get links? Easy

13/ Launch on Product Hunt.
It doesn't matter if you become #1. Being in last place is still a win. Why?
Because Product Hunt gives you a link with a domain authority (DR) of 90/100. The higher the DR, the stronger the effect.
14/ Lots of websites repost Product Hunt, meaning, you don't get one backlink but most of the time 10-50.
This is enough to rank on the first page with a KD < 10.
15/ STEP 4: Wait

It takes on average three months for Google to start sending your proper traffic and another six months for the larger boost.
Make sure to have all pages ready so you're not wasting time.
16/ And that's how you build a successful product with 0 followers and a $0 marketing budget.
It's literally this easy.
The best thing about this strategy? You don't have to do anything. It's a set-and-forget because traffic will continue to come in.
17/ Now, with this out the way, I never ever want to hear the argument "u HaVe A bIg AuDiEnCe, ItS nOt ThE sAmE!" ever again.
The only thing audience helps with is faster link building, giving you an edge of a few months over competitors. That's it.

If you like this tweet, give me a follow. I tweet about building my ever-growing collection of SEO-optimized startup portfolio.