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Rep. Jason Smith

Rep. Jason Smith

Jun 22, 2023
22 tweets

🧵THREAD @Ways and Means Committee just voted to release 14 hours of transcribed interviews with 2 IRS whistleblowers. Their story of how the federal government handled an investigation into a “high-profile individual” is stunning. READ:

The transcribed interviews shine a light on the seeming favoritism DOJ and IRS officials showed to protect this high-profile individual from justice. Whistleblowers confirmed for the first time that the individual is the President's son - Hunter Biden.
The 2 whistleblowers exposed: Hunter received money from Ukraine, China, and Romania. All taxpayers are NOT treated the same. Biden DOJ engaged in attempts to delay, divulge, and deny IRS investigators. Whistleblowers faced retaliation for telling the truth.
For years, Hunter didn't report all of his income to the IRS – Whistleblowers say he broke multiple laws in the process. Money came flowing in from all over the world - Ukraine, China, Romania. Much of it unreported and much of it from foreign sources.
Hunter Biden profited off his father's name. He didn't report millions of dollars in income from foreign sources. Any ordinary American caught doing that would have faced severe consequences. Hunter Biden didn’t. Why not?
The whistleblowers exposed how the DOJ established a pattern of delaying, divulging, and denying the Hunter Biden investigation. At nearly every turn, officials chose protecting the powerful over exposing the truth to the American people.
After Biden was sworn in as President, there were concerns the DOJ wouldn't be an impartial investigator. AG Merrick Garland ignored those concerns and refused to appoint a special prosecutor.
Instead, AG Garland promised the American people in public testimony the prosecutor handling Hunter Biden's case, U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss, could bring charges against Hunter Biden outside of Delaware.
Whistleblower testimony shows Garland’s testimony was inaccurate. For almost a year, IRS investigators and Weiss tried to advance the investigation, including bringing charges against Hunter Biden. Each time, he was denied by a Biden DOJ appointee.
Whistleblowers described the investigation intentionally dragging on after Joe Biden became the Democrat nominee for President. According to one whistleblower:
That same month, well before the 2020 election, the 2 whistleblowers & their investigative team had a call with the IRS chain of command to call out the slow pace of the investigation:
Their warnings fell on deaf ears. In August 2020, a search warrant uncovered a text between Hunter and Henry Zhao, an executive at a Chinese company that paid Hunter $100,000. The text mentioned Joe Biden repeatedly. Investigators were not allowed to verify the information.
Texts like these made it clear to IRS investigators that they needed to conduct a search of Joe Biden's guest house, where Hunter was living. Investigators were told: "there is no way we will get it approved."
Again, DOJ denied investigators’ request to question Hunter's adult children, who were suspected to have relevant information because: "It will get us into hot water if we interview the President's grandchildren."
In 2019, an IRS criminal investigation search warrant led to discovery of Hunter Biden’s laptop. FBI verified authenticity. IRS investigators never got full access, despite believing it may contain relevant evidence.
Investigators wanted to question Hunter's associates, including about an e-mail referencing "Ten held by H for the big guy." An Assistant U.S. Attorney stated she did not want to ask questions about the big guy or "dad" - despite multiple objections.
After the Nov. 2020 election, IRS agents scheduled a day of action to conduct interviews on Dec. 8, 2020. Investigators were told not to ask about Joe Biden. The night before, the FBI divulged details by tipping off the Biden transition team. Whistleblower 1:
After the interviews, investigators learned of a storage unit controlled by Hunter, and debated getting a search warrant for the unit. Once again, the DOJ divulged these sensitive details to the Biden camp – this time to Hunter's lawyers.
Once the whistleblowers came forward to expose the pattern of slow walking the Hunter Biden tax investigation, the whistleblowers say they were retaliated against. The whistleblowers and their entire team were removed from the investigation at the request of DOJ.
As a result of the Biden DOJ's repeated pattern of delay, divulge, and deny, the statute of limitations expired for tax years 2014 and 2015, where Hunter Biden had significant unpaid liabilities. These totaled over a quarter of a million dollars, but it could be more.
Americans expect a justice system that protects whistleblowers and is honest and fair no matter who you are – even if your dad is President. Sadly, it seems that the federal government has two different tiers of justice. Americans truly deserve better.
Rep. Jason Smith

Rep. Jason Smith

@WaysandMeansGOP Chairman | Farmer | 7th generation Missourian | Conservative fighting for Missouri’s working class and small businesses | Serving Missouri 08
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