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Isa is girly girling~

Isa is girly girling~

Aug 9, 2023
8 tweets

Taegyv prompt: Where taehyvn can't stand his neighbor bc he stays up all night gaming and being loud and the dorm walls are as thin as paper. But then one night he hears a strange sound, and he's really scared okay? And the only one up this late is...

"Could I...maybe sleep in here with you?" Taehyvn asked nervously, pulling his blankie closer around his bare shoulders. This was so awkward. "Couldn't wait to get in my bed, huh?" Beomgyv smirked from the doorway. "I knew it was only a matter of time before you cracked-"
"Nevermind, I'm sleeping on the hallway floor," taehyvn deadpanned. The blanket slipped from his grip as he turned, and beomgyv's mouth almost watered at the sight, his eyes glued to his neighbor's arms and broad shoulders, and chest- Mmm, he's delicious everywhere ❤️
And then a soft banging sound came from taehyvn's open door. "What the hell was that?" Bg asked, his eyes finally leaving taehyvn's defined waist and hips- "I TOLD you there's this scary noise in my room!" Taehyvn whined, stepping closer to beomgyv's doorway.
On any other occasion, Bg would've liked to hear that whiny sound leave Th's throat over and over again, preferably with his name. But those thoughts were interrupted by another banging sound next door. Yeah nope.
He gripped Th's wrist and dragged him inside his dorm, closing the door and locking it. They proceeded to stay awake huddled under a blankie watching cooking shows and animal planet all night, trying to ignore the occasional muffled bang from taehyvn's room.
Turns out a racoon/squirrel/whatever got into the vents of the building, and a maintenance guy tried for hours to capture it safely and return it to the surrounding woods on campus 😀
That still didn't stop taehyvn from visiting again. This time the blankie discarded and forgotten on the floor while a different soft banging sound could be heard coming from beomgyv's room instead 🤪 Oh, and pretty whining that was like music to Beomgyv's ears 🫶 End~
Isa is girly girling~
ao3 account~ she/her, 27, ult BTS/txt. love &team, svt, ateez, BND, lsfm. DONT FOLLOW ME IF YOU DONT ULT TXT; minors DNI
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