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The royal banquet was nothing short of boring. Baekhyun was a prince from another kingdom, invited to celebrate the 21st birthday of the crown prince of an allied kingdom. It was ironic though, that despite the banquet being a celebration for the prince’s birthday, the said prince seemed to be missing in action and only the King and Queen were present. Not that he had met the Park Kingdom’s crown prince. He barely knew what he looked like. ++

Caption this, Chanbaekist!
Baekhyun was bored out of his wits from listening to his own parents drone on and on about trade and economy with the King and Queen. So, he did what he would usually do to entertain himself at times like these, people watching. “I must say, I didn’t expect your youngest to attend this time. I was expecting the crown prince. How is he?” The King asked. “Currently taking care of his pregnant wife. She’s due to give birth soon and Baekbom didn’t want to leave her side so I asked Baekhyun come in his stead,” his father answered. “I see. Well, it’s wonderful to meet the youngest prince of the Byun Kingdom. How are you, dear prince? You’ve been quiet since the banquet started,” the King directly addressed him, catching him a bit off guard and jolting him out of his daze. ++
Baekhyun had been staring off-space for the past fifteen minutes, just watching the entertainers perform and the nobles roam about. There was a female singer that stood on a stage in the middle of the hall, singing to her hearts content along with the accompanying piano. “Forgive me, sire. What was the question?” he chuckled sheepishly, obviously distracted. The King laughed and repeated what he asked but Baekhyun winced, “Another miss…” he whispered, his keen ears heard her going off a quarter of a beat. She had missed at least four already. It was like she didn’t care about the piano accompaniment at all. ++
“I-I’m quite alright, my Lord,” he winced again, this time, the woman was off-key by a half step. “Are you sure, dear Prince? You seem to be in discomfort.” The Queen asked this time, noticing his wince. Baekhyun huffed quietly when he heard another off-key, “I sincerely apologize, your Majesties, but the woman was singing off-beat and off-key and I couldn’t help but notice.” He bowed his head in apology and held in another wince when the woman missed another beat.++
“I don’t seem to notice the difference?” The Queen tilted her head adorably. “Ah…uhmm…” Baekhyun tried to look for a proper response when his father spoke for him, proudly at that. “Our Baekhyun is quite gifted in the field of Music. He’s got sharp ears and he sings very well. A perfect pitch, as his maestro said.” “Truly? Then, my dear, would you mind singing for us? Just one song. I would love to hear your voice.” The Queen requested. He didn’t want to, really, but the looks his father gave him left him with no choice.++
The Parks were long-time allies of the Byuns who gave their protection when their kingdom needed it desperately. The Byun Kingdom was small but it was abundant with crops and livestock. In exchange for their protection, the Byun Kingdom supplies the Park Kingdom with quality crops and food. “Of course, your Majesty.” Baekhyun bowed before standing from his seat when a guard offered his hand to assist him to the stage, having heard the Queen’s request. Baekhyun sighed before walking up to the pianist to tell him his chosen song to sing. When the woman finished her piece, she walked away with her head held high, a gentle round of applause resonated in the hall.++
Baekhyun didn’t expect the sneer that the woman gave him and the raised eyebrow when he got close to the stage. He wondered what that meant. He finally walked up the stage and prepared himself to sing, giving a nod to the pianist to start. When he opened his mouth to release the first note, everyone stopped and stared. Somewhere inside the banquet hall, a noble dressed in black with a silver sash has his eyes fixed to the stage, mouth agape and eyes sparkling.++
He knew that voice. He had been in search of it for years when he first heard it in one of his travels with his father. His heart raced in his chest as he heard the beautiful voice that haunted his waking dreams since. Baekhyun was singing passionately at the center and even the King and Queen were in awe. “Amazing. I’ve never heard such beautiful singing until now.” The King commented, watching the young prince sing his heart out.++
What Baekhyun didn’t know was that the showcase of talent tonight was a way to catch the crown prince’s attention in hopes of being betrothed to him. Every year since Prince Chanyeol turned sixteen, eligible nobles from different countries, royals of other kingdoms have been clamoring to get a spot on stage and catch his attention in hopes of strengthening their ties with the powerful kingdom. It became some sort of tradition and for the past years, Chanyeol barely took notice of those trying to show off their talents like the event was a competition. He, too, has a keen sense when it comes to music and arts and so far, he knows, those who tried to show off were just that, show offs. None of them exuded the passion and emotion he was looking for. After all, a passionate man needs a passionate partner if they are to rule by his side. None of them had made his heart race or make him stop in awe…until now.++
When he finished his piece, he opened his eyes, not realizing that he closed them in the first place. Everyone was quiet, some had tears and some left their mouths open but everyone’s attention was on him. He was slightly taken aback with the wide eyes staring at him and felt embarrassed. Suddenly, a single, loud, resonating slow applause came from one corner of the hall. And just like that, the hall was thundering with applause and Baekhyun blushed madly from where he stood. He did a quick bow of appreciation before turning to face the royals’ table where the King and Queen and his parents’ were. He nearly gasped when the King and Queen stood to give him a standing ovation.++
A little embarrassed, he bowed again and glided across the hall, back to his parents. A pair of big brown eyes followed his movements and smiled when Baekhyun gave a shy smile of appreciation after the King and Queen praised him repeatedly. ——— The party was still running and Baekhyun still hasn’t seen the crown prince. After the dinner and his song, the center of the hall became a dance floor where nobles danced with partners while the pianist took rest and the Royal String Quartet took over.++
It was already Baekhyun’s 5th dance partner and he was getting tired. After his show of talent, several, both men and women, have asked his hand for a dance. He hated to dance with these nobles especially when they tried to woo him, throwing compliments and showing off their feathers. Baekhyun was just too polite to refuse as he didn’t want to embarrass both his parents and the King and Queen. When the song finished, he gave a polite bow to his partner and was about to leave the dance floor when someone tapped his shoulder. “Care for another dance?” said the noble in front of him. He was about to protest when another voice cut him off, “I think his highness has danced enough tonight. Let him rest for now, Lord Sehun,” said a deep voice from behind him. Baekhyun turned around and he nearly gasped. He swore he has never seen a more handsome, regal, and elegant man until that moment. He blushed at his own thoughts.++
“Aw c’mon, Chanyeol, I’ve been wanting to dance with him since the floor opened.” Sir Sehun whined, making the taller man chuckle. Baekhyun’s eyes widened when he heard the name. ‘Chanyeol? As in the crown prince? I thought he was a no show?’, he thought. Chanyeol seemed to notice is surprise and bowed like the prince he is. “Good evening, your highness,” he greeted with a charming smile. “G-good evening, your majesty,” he greeted with a deep bow, blushing at his unexpected stutter.++
“Lord Sehun, do excuse us. Your highness, would you mind joining me for a drink?” Chanyeol asked quietly. “Uhmm…” he hesitated and glanced at the Lord next to him. Sehun sighed, “It’s alright, your highness. You must be tired too. I’ll let you rest. We can dance some other time.” Baekhyun gave him a thankful smile and bowed. Chanyeol offered his arm to him and Baekhyun gingerly took it, walking with him. He paid no mind to the glares but he heard the whispers. “Who the hell is he and how dare he take my prince?” he heard one.++
“Ugh, he didn’t sing better than me did he? Did he?” said another, a little louder than the last. Baekhyun huffed, clearly annoyed with all the attention he was getting. He didn’t ask the crown prince to accompany him, he did that himself. Such hypocrites. He rolled his eyes in annoyance. When the taller chuckled, he blushed but he kept his head held high. Chanyeol felt his chest swell with pride with how the prince took the comments in stride. Confidence was attractive, after all.++
He became even more interested in the young prince when he got the chance to talk to him. Baekhyun was equally enthralled with how Chanyeol was speaking so passionately about helping the orphans of the previous war. Chanyeol was surprised when Baekhyun disagreed on some of his opinions and started giving his inputs and suggestions. He slowly grinned appreciatively with how intelligent the other prince was. Baekhyun caught this and he stopped himself from talking, blushing in embarrassment. “Forgive me, your highness, I didn’t mean to impose,” he bowed his head in apology. Chanyeol gently grasped his chin and lifted his head, making him look straight in his eyes.++
“Rare are the royals and nobles who would talk so passionately about the people. Even rarer are those who would dare disagree with me,” he grinned. “I like it. Your confidence and your passion. It’s not every day that I’d meet someone so genuine,” his smile turned soft. Baekhyun blushed at the intensity of his gaze. Chanyeol let go of his chin and switched to holding his hand. “Never have I met someone for the first time and look at me, not as the crown prince but as a normal human being. You didn’t even tried to please me except for your performance on stage.”++
Baekhyun tilted his head in confusion, “I tried to…please you?” Chanyeol’s eyes widened and chuckled, “You didn’t know?” “Know what?” Baekhyun’s eyebrows furrowed. “Did you not enter your name to get a spot on that stage?” Chanyeol wondered. “No. The Queen asked me to sing a piece and I merely indulged her request.” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. Chanyeol was quiet for a moment until he chuckled, shaking his head at finally realizing what his mother did.++
The Queen had been suggesting to really start looking for a potential partner but Chanyeol’s heart wasn’t in it. He was too busy with his people and none of nobles and other royals appealed to him. However, there was a time that The Queen suggested to meet the youngest prince of the Byun Kingdom but the said prince was out of the country then. At first, he didn’t know that the Byun prince and the voice he had been looking for were one and the same. He only discovered it after his performance, asking Jongin and Sehun who he was and it was Sehun who answered, “He’s Byun Baekhyun, the youngest of the Byun Kingdom and also their ambassador. A real beauty but despite his supposed diplomacy, he’s too honest for his own good. He once argued with the ambassador of the Lee Kingdom in the North, talking him down even though the man was twenty years his senior.”++
When he listened to whispers about Baekhyun, they recognized him as disrespectful and crass. But he also wondered, how can he be when his own parents were talking amiably with him? “That’s too bad,” he started, “I would’ve thought that you wanted my hand in marriage which is why you stood on that stage,” he smirked and Baekhyun’s jaw dropped. “Why I would never!” he exclaimed, surprising everyone in the room, his voice got a little too loud with his shock.++
Instead of getting offended, Chanyeol laughed heartily. A first, in so many of his birthday celebrations where he would just sit and watch the guests while some of the nobles tried making conversation by complimenting him and their kingdom. Something he didn’t need. “Why in the cosmos would I ask someone I just met for their hand in marriage?!” Baekhyun continued his tirade, whisper-yelling this time. Chanyeol was still chuckling, tears gathering in his eyes from joy.++
“Stop laughing!” Baekhyun scolded, but a grin was blooming on his lips as he watched the mirth dance on the other prince’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t laughing at you. I’m sorry if I offended you, but that wasn’t my intention,” he huffed, composing himself. “Lord Sehun was right when he said you were honest. Gosh, thank you for that.” Now, Baekhyun was even more confused. He’s thanking him?++
“You’re a breath of fresh air in this world full of pretenses, dear Prince. It is an honor to have met you,” he started, gently grasping the shorter prince’s hand. He took quick notice of how dainty they were, accessorized by his family ring on his ring finger. “And it would be my greatest pleasure to know more about you and your bright honesty. If I may be so bold, your highness, I would like to invite you and your family to stay at the palace. If you would let me, I’d like to spend some more time with you.”++
He lifted his hand and placed it close to his lips, “After all, as you asked, why would you ask for the hand of someone you just met?” he gently kissed his knuckles and smiled charmingly, making him blush. Baekhyun was dumbfounded. What he expected for tonight was nothing more than just mingling with the royals and nobles of different kingdoms and accompany his parents. He never expected anything, especially not catching the crown prince’s attention and…being asked to stay.++
But like the crown prince, he appreciated confidence and honesty. And in the eyes of the man before him, he saw nothing but sincerity. He blushed at the spark of hope in his big brown eyes. He wasn’t going to lie, he liked bantering with him. Chanyeol was probably the first royal around his age who didn’t brag about his status on the get go. Compared to the others who do, not realizing the depth of their responsibilities for having such power and authority. Not to mention the man was damn attractive. And so he finally said, “I… I would love to.” The giant goofy grin he received was worth it.
a/n: i swear i didn’t mean to write a full one-shot when it just said “caption this, ChanBaekists” 🫣 my brain just went on story mode. 😅 Hope you liked it though! 😅
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This EXO-L is a ChanBaekist ✴︎ #ChanBaek AU writer era ✴︎ I draw sometimes too ✴︎ WARD614 Px 611 ✴︎ Fan Account for #EXO #SuperJunior #SEVENTEEN
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