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Black Girl Gamers

Black Girl Gamers

Mar 26
8 tweets

We're addressing the recent allegations published on about discriminatory hiring practices within Black Girl Gamers. These claims are false and were made without prior fact-checking or verification from us or our representatives. (1/8)

Black Girl Gamers operates as a contracting organization that collaborates with both freelancers and content creators from all backgrounds to work on various projects and initiatives to amplify underrepresented voices in gaming and make the community more inclusive. (2/8)
Contrary to the allegations in the article, Black Girl Gamers has contracted freelancers of all races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, and ethnic backgrounds. (3/8)
We have also included representation of all genders and backgrounds in our content, at our events, and in our marketing, consultation, and research projects, some of which are not publicly disclosed due to NDAs. (4/8)
Evidence demonstrating our commitment to diversity and inclusion, including our non-discriminatory hiring practices, is readily available and easily searchable. (5/8)
Upon discovering these false and defamatory allegations, we have taken steps to obtain legal counsel to take action against the publication and journalist, as well as subsequent content creators who have reshared the false allegations about our organization. (6/8)
We will continue to pursue further action against anyone who persists in spreading false and defamatory information about Black Girl Gamers, its founder, and its contractors and partners. (7/8)
We value the talent and contributions of all our collaborators and we are committed to continuing to do so. Thank you to our community for the ongoing support. (8/8)
Black Girl Gamers

Black Girl Gamers

Heightening Black Women's voices in gaming | Award winning company powered by 10k+ Global Community | Education| Consultancy| Content | Talent Agency | Events
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