Anna’s History Class - Part One - Russian colonization
1. When Russia occupy country, they not only occupy it physically, they occupy it socially and even mind occupation. I will use
#America as example of what this look like. Imagine Russia invade America.
2. They raze everything and first priority murder anyone who can resist. They call these people “elites” but what this really mean is anyone who has strong cultural, natural, factual ties. They target prominent leaders, writers, thinkers, scientists, religious leaders,
3. Journalists, historians, activists. Anyone who has tools or standing to resist.
3. So they round up all your Hemingways, CNN, doctors, professors, Democrats and Republicans, lawyers, everyone like that. Then who remain is now Russian.
4. Forget America. It never existed. There is no American Revolution because America never exist.
It's Russia and has always been Russia. You now will speak Russian, know only Russian version of history, watch only Russian approved movies, read only Russian approved books,
5. Listen to only Russian approved music.
You will be Russian. English? That’s not real language. All English language books are burned. If you resist, you are executed or disappeared or sent to psychiatric hospital to be corrected, because not to accept this new reality
6. Mean you are mentally ill. Your achievements in science and culture are now Russian. You went to moon in Russian built machine, manned by kosmonot named Neil Armstrongky. Your famous Hemingway was always Russian. Washington? Lincoln? They never existed.
7. But as Russians it was you who freed slaves that evil West steal from Africa. It was you who made blues music. Your streets, cities, buildings are renamed. Famous Broadway street in New York City is now Lenin Street. New York City itself is now St Putinsburg.
8. Your property? Gone. It's not yours. It belong to Russia. You are lucky to live in Russia where you are given land by Russia. You say it’s your land? Executed. Now next guy will be lucky to live on Russian land
9. They decide where you live. They assign where you live and how you live. You good Russian? You might get your own flat. Or you bribe someone. Generally, you put in large communal flat with strangers. Oh, criminal or pedophile share flat with you? Too bad. You complain? Gulag.
10. You see Russian soldiers raping? Russian police raping? Russian men raping? You report them? How dare you smear your great culture. Gulag you go. Concentration camp where you will be starved, raped beaten and reeducated. Now you understand you are Russian?
11. You have profession? Forget your job. You now work for Russia. Your religion? It's Russia. Now you have generations of this. All things on TV tell you that only Russia is good. You are best culture ever because you went to moon first or had Russian writer named Hemingway.
12. All other countries are trying to kill you or steal your achievements. You are greatest humans ever because you suffer for your greatness. I tell you very simple overview.
Generation after generation until this thing called America is forgotten & everything you knew is lost
13. Some of you across generations keep your English, hide your English books, music, your culture in hopes one day you will be you again. And then it happens. Most of you wake up from this nightmare and remember America and your apple pies and baseball. But some can’t remember
14. Or don’t know who they are. They speak Russian so are they still Russian? They don’t want to be Russian. Most are ok with speaking Russian as long as they are not Russian. It will take time to deRussify. Some want to go faster and few are afraid of change.
15. For 30 years you as nation try to heal from this century of being erased and there are internal disagreements. But majority of you know you are American. For Russia, you now wanting to reclaim your culture, speak your language again, is act of war.
16. In fact Russians see denying of Russian culture as Nazism. When they publish their policy of genocide against Ukraine at start of invasion in 2022, they explain that any Ukranian identifying as Ukrainian is Nazi and should be killed because Ukraine is not real
17. It’s been translated into English, even summarized for you. Have you read it? Imagine if Brits one day decided that America is not real, it’s British because they speak English and anyone identifying as American is Nazi.…18. Difference is you came from British soil and all of Europe by choice. Russians came to our land and made us Russian through genocide. And now they genocide us again. In occupied regions, first thing Russians did was ban Ukrainian language, burn Ukrainian books, music, culture
19. And force Ukranian citizens at gun point to take Russian passport and declare themselves legally Russian. Thats genocide. Russians do this for centuries against many nations. And they are doing it now. Stop this genocide. Free Ukraine