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Researchers recently revealed how one can easily slow down the aging process. I'm 41, but my biological age is 27. Copy my result-backed protocol that I've religiously followed over the past 20 years to achieve this 🧵

First off, aging is a disease that you can slow down. It's an inevitable part of life. But it doesn't mean you have no control over it. Before diving into my protocol, you must understand why we age. David Sinclair explains:
There are 4 power laws for longevity that I follow religiously: 1. Exercise 2. Quality sleep 3. Nutrient-dense diet 4. Personalized supplementation (If I had to add a 5th, it would be a proactive routine around lowering stress) Let's dive into the first law:
1. Exercise Muscles not only help you look good, but they prevent many aging-related physical ailments. Muscle loss contributes to: - Frailty - Fatigue • Disability - Loss of function The world's richest people understand this...
Mark, Jeff, and Elon know the benefits of building muscle. Not just for longevity, but for how great you feel TODAY. Being muscular is an armor that gives you the ultimate advantage over the competition. The more energy you have, the more you can produce. How to build muscle?
- 5-10 mins of mobility - Lift weights 4x weekly - Say "no" to excess cardio - Focus on compound lifts (pull-ups, squats, deadlifts) - Strengthen your posterior chain (legs, back, and butt) Currently, I'm following @Marcus Filly's Functional Bodybuilding program (save this):
2. Quality sleep Without quality sleep your chances of slowing down aging decline dramatically. Quality sleep is tied to: - Lowering blood pressure - Proper cardiovascular fitness - Prevention of neurodegeneration It's a non-negotiable physical necessity.
Here are the core sleep rules I follow: - Eat 3 hrs before bed - Wake up w/o an alarm - No alcohol on weekdays - Journal negative thoughts - Don't exercise in a stressed state - No emails/texts 2 hours prior to bed My perfect sleep environment:
- MZOO sleep mask - White noise machine - Flat, lightly stuffed pillow - Temperature-controlled mattress - Optimal sleep temperature of 68°F or 20°C With this routine, I sleep 50% better than I used to.
3. Nutrient-dense diet I eat 1g of protein per lb of body weight daily through pasture-raised eggs, cold water fish, grass-fed beef/bison, A2 dairy, lentils, & protein powders. The rest of my diet focuses on good fats like nuts & olive oil. I rarely consume carbs alone. Why:
Eating carbs alone is one of the worst thing you can do for your body/blood sugar. This is especially true for high glycemic carbs. I also found that I have a gluten sensitivity, so I rarely eat it. PS - Gluten is inflammatory & not great for anyone.
My avoid list includes: - Gluten - Seed oils - Refined sugar - Excessive alcohol - Dairy that isn't organic - Highly processed foods I advise people that it's easier to be healthy by committing to NOT eat certain things than it is to focus on what to eat!
4. Personalized supplementation My supplementation is based on what I learned about my body over the years through blood testing. I take supplements for these areas: - T-levels - Gut health - General Health - Anti-inflammation - Prostate and fertility - Mitochondrial function
Steal my ultimate supplement protocol here:
I'm 40, but my biological age is 26. I have as much energy today as I did 20 years ago. My last testosterone reading was in the 95th percentile (823 ng/dL, all-natural). One of my secrets? My supplement regime. Check it out:
This routine costs me thousands a month. But the returns are massive. I can travel the world for fun & build thriving businesses while both feeling great TODAY & serving my future self. If you think this routine is costly, wait until you see how expensive sickness is.
RT the first tweet if you found this thread valuable. Follow me @Sean Kelly for more threads on entrepreneurship, investing, and human performance.
Researchers recently revealed how one can easily slow down the aging process. I'm 41, but my biological age is 27. Copy my result-backed protocol that I've religiously followed over the past 20 years to achieve this 🧵
A bit about me: 20 years ago, I was a broke biomedical engineering college student trying to get my first biz off the ground. Since then, I’ve grown six 7-figure businesses, three 8-figure businesses & raised $50M+ in VC. I'm also a General Partner at The Family Fund.
And I do all of this while prioritizing my health, traveling for fun every month & not grinding 247. I go deeper into everything I’ve learned about building businesses, investing & founder performance in my newsletter. Join thousands of founders here:
Sean Kelly

Sean Kelly

Building my 4th 8-figure biz (B2B media holdco). Also GP & Investor at The Family Fund VC. Biomed engineer too. Helping founders achieve breakout performance.
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