
. I’ve been a reporter in Washington, D.C., since the summer of 1983 when I was 18 and an intern at States News Service, a sweatshop of sorts for DC journalism. That summer, I went to my first Pride Parade at Dupont Circle, had a little fling with a boy from Kentucky named Cody (shhhh
@Kelley Paul).
I learned a little something about the POLITICAL THEATER that is DC.
This is what amuses me four decades later: DC political theater fakes like EVERYTHING IS A NEW ACT.
Including this “Project 2025” hyperbolics that Dems and the
@Joe Biden campaign are hyperventilating about to distract from that elephant in the room that is Joe Biden’s health.
Project 2025 is the SAME OLD kind of wish list EVERY SIDE has created if it’s man (usually men) gets elected. Of course, Dems find the Republican list repulsive. It’s true vice versa.
It’s an old script REWRITTEN by both sides.
Every effing presidential campaign — Republican and Democrat — has had a think tank do the work of creating a playbook for Day One of its hopeful winning administration.
I just did one Google search: “center for american progress obama afldministration plan,” and typo and all, found this as a first hit…
On Jan. 13, 2012, Democratic political operative and fundraiser
@John Podesta bragged after the
@Barack Obama @Joe Biden administration ripped off, err, I mean, implemented the “government reform” plan that Podesta’s cash cow think tank, Center for American Progress
@American Progress, had put forward as a blueprint.
He wrote: “We are happy to see many of our recommendations echoed in the administration’s plan.” See:…
Folks running campaigns rely on think tanks to do the drudge work of how to GOVERN.
@Heritage Action @Heritage Foundation created in “Project 2025” what Dem operatives like Podesta have mapped out for Dem candidates. It’s Washington.
And who did Podesta thank as a big donor for funding the work creating the blueprint
@Barack Obama @Joe Biden used?
@Open Society Foundations, run by the billionaire
@George Soros.
What goes around, comes around, Dem or Republican.
Don’t fall for their political theater. See it for what it is: theater.