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Faheem Mir

Faheem Mir

Aug 17
4 tweets

Do you know Deforestation is a Large-scale clearing of forests for urbanization or logging with Severe Consequences attached. Thread🧵: Dubai with other Mideastern countries need Forests and not concrete. #forests #green #trees #ClimateEmergency

Forests regulates the Earth's climate by absorbing CO2 frm Atmosphere. Trees store carbon in their biomass which is a major driver of #GlobalWarming
Forests influence local & global rainfall patterns through a process called transpiration. Deforestation disrupts these patterns which cause droughts & flooding.
To combat the problem we need to focus on sustainable land-use practices, reforestation & reduction in consumption of linked products. We can help us & the future gen by taking swift action to reduce it by the help of Govt. & Corporations. #GlobalHealth #GlobalWarmingIsReal
Faheem Mir

Faheem Mir

Versatile Wordsmith 🎯 #Hikmah 📈 Less serious | Less Money | Less screentime | ibeliv in Excellence Rehmatein & Barkatein
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