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Michael Morelli

Michael Morelli

Aug 21
14 tweets

Close to 50% of Americans will get cancer in their lifetime. & despite your: • History • Genetics • Doctor’s opinion It is preventable. Here are 7 actions you can take today to prevent Cancer:

7. Magnesium. Magnesium is one of the most crucial minerals in our body for both DNA repair & cell regulation. 2 things which are key for preventing cancer. The problem: It’s estimated that at least 75% of people are deficient in magnesium. To know if you're one of them...
You’d need to get blood work. But some simple ways to get your magnesium levels up regardless: Foods (Kale, Avocado, etc) & Supplementing (Glycinate, Chloride, etc). 2 people who are at risk for being mag deficient: The elderly & people who sweat a lot.
6. Avoid these foods. A good rule of thumb these days: Shop on the perimeter of the grocery store. The middle is typically filled with processed foods that are full of cancer-causing ingredients. Here’s a list of cancer-causing foods & drinks to avoid:
• Processed snack foods (cookies, cereals, etc) • Sugary drinks (Energy drinks, Soda, etc) • Processed meats (bacon, hotdogs, etc) • Seed oils (Canola, Soybean, etc) • Fried foods (Fries, Chicken, etc) You don’t have to be perfect. But be mindful of these foods/drinks.
5. Lab work. I’ll always vouch for this as the best way to deal with cancer. Not only when you already have it… But for showing warning signs of being at risk for it. Blood work will show you exactly what changes you need to make in your lifestyle to prevent cancer.
4. High-intensity exercise. Of course, exercise is great for keeping us in shape & lowering body fat, but… New studies show that intense exercise that increases blood flow actually kills tumor cells. Here’s another great explanation from @Dr. Rhonda Patrick:
3. Consume these nutrients. Certain nutrients & compounds have anti-inflammatory & antioxidant effects in our body. Which means they help fight off diseases like cancer. Here’s a few of them: • Fiber • Curcumin • Vitamins C, D & E & a list of foods that are high in them:
• Turmeric • Tomatoes • Berries (blueberries, raspberries) • Fatty fish (Salmon, Sardines, etc) • Cruciferous vegetables (Broccoli, Kale, etc)
2. Lower body fat. High body fat levels (particularly visceral fat around the organs) increase risk of cancer for multiple reasons: • Increased insulin resistance • Impaired immune function • Increased inflammation & many more. Start eating less + exercising more.
1. Stress. Similar to how high body fat affects our bodies… Stress does as well: • Increased inflammation • Impairs immune function • Changes hormone levels All of these things increase our risk of cancer. But stress can be mitigated or reduced through:
• Regular exercise • Time outside & in nature • Mindfulness techniques (Meditation) • Supplements (Cordyceps mushrooms, L-theanine, etc)
Did I miss anything to help prevent cancer? If you enjoyed these tips & want more like this... Follow me @Michael Morelli for more.
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Michael Morelli

Michael Morelli

Founder of FiTScript | I help Men get Shredded, take Control of their Health, & Escape mediocrity. | Helped thousands since 2013. 👇🏽
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