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David Cranmer Underdown

David Cranmer Underdown

Aug 24
18 tweets

This was used in the 1999 movie Varsity Blues, and was also used in Sofia Coppola's movie Somewhere (2010) in a scene where the Shannon twins (Kristina and Karissa) are doing a pole dance for the hero in his hotel room. Dave Grohl played this on acoustic guitar from a studio in

Hawaii as part of the "Living Room Concert For America," a benefit broadcast on Fox on March 29, 2020, to raise money and spirits during the coronavirus outbreak. Grohl dedicated the song to everyone on the front lines of the fight against the virus. He also mentioned that
singing the last chorus during handwashing is a good way to make sure we're following CDC guidelines by doing so for at least 20 seconds.
Laurie David has worked publicly on projects aimed at stopping climate change. She founded the Stop Global Warming Virtual March with Senator John McCain and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. David has produced other projects to bring the issue of climate change into the mainstream popular
culture, including the release of her first book, Stop Global Warming: The Solution Is You!, and the comedy special Earth to America!, which aired on TBS on November 20, 2005. Aside from the Academy Award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, David produced HBO's Too Hot
Not to Handle (a documentary on the effects of climate change in the U.S.), which aired on April 22, 2006. As a trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council and a founding member of The Detroit Project, David has spearheaded numerous public education and action campaigns
urging Congress and automakers to raise fuel efficiency standards and make higher mileage cars. In 1989 Lawrence Bender produced, along with Sam Raimi, the film Intruder, for which he also co-wrote the story. Raimi was born in Royal Oak, Michigan, to a Conservative Jewish
family. He is a son of merchants Celia Barbara (née Abrams) and Leonard Ronald Raimi. His ancestors were Jewish immigrants from Russia and Hungary. His younger brother Ted is an actor, and his older brother Ivan is a screenwriter and physician. His older sister,
Andrea Raimi Rubin, is a court reporter. Another older brother, Sander, died at 15 in an accidental drowning in Israel; Raimi has said that the trauma knitted the remaining family closer together and "colored everything he's done for the rest of his life." Raimi also mentioned
that Sander first introduced him to Spider-Man, igniting his love for comics. Former officials alleged that, in order to advance the deal, the Obama administration shielded Hezbollah from the Drug Enforcement Administration's Project Cassandra investigation regarding drug
smuggling and from the Central Intelligence Agency. The hippie trail largely ended in the late 1970s primarily due to both the Iranian Revolution resulting in an anti-Western government, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, closing the route to Western travelers
Beyond the major route, Jimi Hendrix also popularized Essaouira as a hippie destination in Morocco. In the early 1950s film director and actor Orson Welles stayed at the Hotel des Iles just south of the town walls during the filming of his 1952 classic version of "Othello"
which contains several memorable scenes shot in the labyrinthine streets and alleyways of the medina. Legend has it that during Welles' sojourn in the town he met Winston Churchill, another guest at the Hotel des Iles. After his mother's death, Welles ceased pursuing a musical
career. It was decided that he would spend the summer with the Watson family at a private art colony established by Lydia Avery Coonley Ward in the village of Wyoming in the Finger Lakes Region of New York. There, he played and became friends with the children of the Aga Khan,
including the 12-year-old Prince Aly Khan. Shakespeare's play is about the downfall of a usurper in medieval Scotland, who is encouraged in his actions by three witches. The central idea behind Welles's production was to perform the text straight, but to use costumes and sets
that alluded to Haiti in the 19th century, specifically during the reign of the slave-turned-emperor Henri Christophe. Michèle Bennett, who married Jean-Claude Duvalier and was First Lady of Haiti during his administration (1980 to 1986), is
Christophe's great-great-great-granddaughter. April 1971, he assumed the presidency of Haiti at the age of 19 upon the death of his father, François Duvalier (nicknamed "Papa Doc"), becoming the world's youngest president, as well as the only non-royal state leader under the
age of 20.
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