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Denis Rancourt

Denis Rancourt

Aug 24
2 tweets

The joining of Kennedy and Trump may signal the extermination of residual democracy in the USA, as follows: 👉If the Deep State rigs the election or captures Trump entirely or assassinates the duo... then the USA becomes a total police state crushing civil rights and serving global war ambitions without any opposition.

Also, reality check: Both Kennedy and Trump are supporters of the Zionist actual genocide (not the best way to save children and American values). Trump drone assassinated Iranian major general Qasem Soleimani in 2020 (the opposite of peace). Trump boosted the military rollout of C19 vaccines (the opposite of sanity and health). Trump wants to intimidate China as his main geopolitical goal (a recipe for global confrontation).
Denis Rancourt

Denis Rancourt

Scientist. Social theorist. Co-Director, CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest (
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