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Aug 25
2 tweets

⚡️⚡️ How Telegram is Controlled by Ruschist State. Many of us have a motivated bias. We don’t want to admit the useful Ruschian State controlled Telegram app is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. We are offered myths (Disinfolklore) about its founders’ love of free speech and “independence.” The data says otherwise. To be clear: there is no way of compromising with Telegram: if it’s on your phone, the Tuschian state can access you. First through Disinfolklore concealed among data / gossip that you find useful. And, second, through back door access Telegram and the Ruschian state has to your data via the app. Third, meta data enables FSB to understand vast networks of people through who they contact, contact lists, and what they look at. 1. Russian funding Sanctioned state-owned bank VTB Capital spent over $1 billion on Telegram bonds. In 2018 Durov reported in documents to the SEC that he had received $850 million from 81 investors. •Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich (invested $17 million); •Sergey Solonin, founder of the Russian payment system Qiwi ($10 million); •Russian oligarch David Yakobashvili, Fridman against whom Ukraine imposed sanctions for his proximity to the Putin regime. 2. Blocking and unblocking by the Russian authorities The legend that Telegram doesn't hand over data to the authorities was developed in 2017. A terrorist attack on the St. Petersburg subway killed 16 people. The FSB stated that the criminals coordinated their actions on Telegram and demanded that Durov provide it with so-called encryption keys. According to the legend, they would allow the FSB to read the suspects' correspondence. Meanwhile, Roskomnadzor filed a lawsuit against the social network, promising to block it in Russia if it refused to provide the keys. Durov saidthat the special services would not receivesuch information. Note this is just a “legend.” Its Disinfolklore planned to troll those suffering from Motivated Reasoning to use Telegram and become addicted to it. In March 2022, Oleg Matveichev, deputy head of the Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications of Russia said: "Durov found a compromise with the FSB... Telegram has installed equipment so that it can monitor all dangerous subjects." 3. Concerns about encryption Another legend designed to troll us into feelings of safety is that Telegram uses end-to-end encryption. Signal is safe. Be careful with WhatsApp. Telegram is simply lying about encryption. Another confirmation that the data is stored on servers in unencrypted form was obtained by Wired journalists in a private conversation with one of the former developers of the messenger, who asked not to be named. The head of Telegram's support service, Marcus Ra, confirmed that the company's employees can decrypt unclassified chats on Telegram's servers. 4. Servers located in Russia In 2014, when Durov briefly left Russia, a legend emerged that the developers, servers, and office were located abroad. These are just legends: Disinfolklore. In fact the servers are in Russia. And shopfronts elsewhere are used to fool us. 5. Employees located in Russia 6. Evidence for the FSB In August 2022, Kherson journalist Ihor Bondarenko was taken prisoner by Russia while trying to leave the city. Two months earlier, he had deleted all correspondence from his messengers, including a telegram. But during interrogation, the Russian military, according to Igor, brought his correspondence in a secret chat with representatives of the Right Sector for six months. Such cases are not uncommon. The latter is a very important point. With lists of contacts of millions of people, Telegram can analyze connections between them, identify people's real names, their sphere of activity ("Alexander SBU," "Nikolai intelligence," or "Sergey General Staff"), find additional phone numbers that "anonymous" Telegram accounts may be registered to, and so on. Source:

Regarding the arrest of Pavel Durov in Paris, we want you to remember the real danger of Telegram to the modern world. We have described it previously in this material.


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