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Sorry, @Brian Stelter, this is one of the most ridiculous arguments you've made in your campaign to get Kamala to talk to the press. You should be demanding journalists do more stories on how full of shit those ads are.

Brian Stelter

Brian Stelter

Trump and Trump-aligned groups are bombarding the TV airwaves with anti-Harris ads that stoke fear about the border. Interviews and press avails could help Harris counter the terrifying imagery that swing state voters are seeing
WaPo did a really good one last week. But that's only story on them I've seen. Such tests of ad claims used to be common, now are rare. Similarly, policy assessments are rare: Trump LIES ALL THE TIME abt border, but it is treated as one-off statements.
One reason it is fairly easy to dismiss the wails about Kamala doing interviews is that campaign journalism has become garbage. Another is that things billed as "interviews" of Trump are no such thing. Journos refuse to ask real questions, I guess for fear of losing access.
Most importantly, I'm not sure in what universe you live where Kamala doing an interview would do anything to address the fearmongering that Trump is ginning up with misleading ads. That's not how information consumption works. Nor is it how she would address the attacks.
To be clear: She should do interviews, now that she's thru the convention, and she said she would. (I predict journos will then start complaining about WHOM she chooses for the interview). But complaints designed to pressure her reveal real blind spots from journos themselves.
emptywheel (Chucks)
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