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Shafiqa Khpalwak

Shafiqa Khpalwak

Aug 25, 2024
7 tweets

Thread 🧡: My aunt never set foot in a school. She fought with the whole village to educate her daughters. One of her daughters was in grade 10th, and another was in grade 11 when the Taliban came to power in 2021. The schools closed,and both of them were forced to stay home.

They started studying by listening to a radio program in Khost in the last few months. Now, the Taliban banned those programs in Khost as well. This means Afghan girls can't get an education even from the radio.
Today, the Taliban also banned journalists from asking questions about girls' education. I am trying to hold on to hope, but every day it becomes impossible. Why is the world silent about this tragedy? Where is humanity?
How can the world normalize the Taliabn with this brutality? What are the Islamic countries doing? Are they even concerned about this issue? Do they even try to help?
Where are the world feminists and their movements? You can cut your hair in solidarity when it comes to pieces of clothing, but you can't/won't do anything for a girl who is deprived of school. Why? How is it that one woman's fight is your fight, and another isn't?
How can you be hypocritical and selective in your activism? Shame on the world that lied to us to believe in humanity and human rights. None of these can be justified under cultural relativism or the internal issues of Afghans.
This is a universal tragedy, and the world should stand by us.
Shafiqa Khpalwak

Shafiqa Khpalwak

Poetess, Writer, Translator & History Student. Published 1 short stories & 4 poetry collections. #LetAfghanGirlsLearn πŸ“šπŸ‡¦πŸ‡«πŸ“πŸ–Š
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