Thread. To understand Trump’s psyche and how he manipulates his followers (and the media), let me introduce you to the Karpman Drama Triangle. Google it. Then keep reading. 1/
BREAKING: In an horrible moment, Donald Trump claims the staff, who tend to the cemetery that is the resting place for those who served our nation, are bad people. This is as unpatriotic and un-American as it gets. Retweet so all Americans see this.
The Karpman Drama Triangle (hereinafter KDT) was created by psychologies Stephen Karpman in 1968. It posits that all conflicts are an enactment of the triangle, with each player assuming a role in the triangle, and then circling around the triangle and switching roles, depending on how the conflict evolves 2/
I became fascinated with the KPD over a decade ago. It’s been used to understand dynamics in everything from codependency to geopolitics. (It’s worth looking at: Chances are you are on the triangle in some area of your life and can give you a lot of perspective) 3/
So people typically have a “starting gate” on the KPD. Trump is definitely a starting gate Persecutor. It’s his default. I have rarely seen him switch to a Rescuer, though when he tells his followers he is sacrificing himself for them (“they are coming after me to get to YOU”) is in this vein 4/
Here’s the deal: The object of the game on the KPD is to be the Victim. That is what everyone is competing for. It’s why the triangle is inverted. The Victim is getting the most attention: from the Persecutor(s) and the Rescuer(s) 5/
Soooo…Trump will always, no
matter what you call him out on, become yo Victim. The people who call him out are his Persecutors, and his followers are called upon to be his Rescuers. The reason this game is so boring is that it is so freaking predictable 6/
There is one way off the triangle: STOP PLAYING THE GAME. That is what the Harris campaign is doing, and it is driving Trump nuts! He is desperate for the Harris campaign to be his Persecutor. It ain’t working. So everyone else (esp media): Please stop playing also. END