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Dave Troy

Dave Troy

Oct 29, 2024
6 tweets

1/🚨Wake up. This is real. I began reporting on this back in 2021. Musk says it's "necessary" to crash the economy; that will come through debt default. And it's not just him: it's Ron Paul, Russia, and all their allies.

2/The Christian-libertarian-conservative axis believes this is necessary to restore 'biblical money' and to kill off the Federal Reserve. That is expertly outlined here.
3/Putin regime economist Sergei Glazyev laid out the same strategy in 2016, asserting that it was necessary to destroy the dollar and to crush America's hegemony.
4/Project Russia, a text foundational to Russia's war against the West, makes the same assertion in 2007-2011. Here is a paper about this from 2018. This has all been known for years. Read this now. It will be familiar, all of it.
5/Here are the specifics and mechanics of exactly how this will go down if it's not stopped. Voting is necessary but not sufficient to stop this attack, as it will continue in Congress to the extent possible.
6/This is a 5+ alarm fire, particularly with them beginning to say the quiet parts out loud. People need to be gaming out how to block a default (or other financial terrorism) regardless of who wins the election, or what strategies are used to subvert the outcome.
Dave Troy

Dave Troy

Investigative journalist; entrepreneur; investor. Tech pioneer. Columnist, Washington Spectator. Speaker. Curator, @TEDxMidAtlantic.
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