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Dave Troy

Dave Troy

Nov 18
6 tweets

1/Evidence is mounting that Musk believes he is a messianic figure who is also aligned with Putin’s Noosphere policy agenda. He wore this idiotic “Omega point” pendant to the UFC fight. Bots on Here and other proxy outlets are amplifying it.

2/This has been brewing for some time, and Putin adopted the “Noosphere” policy agenda (of Vernadsky/Teilhard) back in 2000. Search my feed, read my threads and articles. This is all well-documented and Musk thinks he is a messiah who will “end” America. More below.
3/More on Russian Cosmism, Vernadsky, TESCREAL, etc here. We’re in deep, folks. The gap between “The Sunday Shows” and any of this is nearly insurmountable, so no one has any idea what’s going to happen to them or their 401(k)s.
4/For those new to this, read up on the Teilhard notion of “Omega Point,” and also be aware he co-created that idea with Vladimir Vernadsky, whom Putin primarily credits. “All that rises must converge,” or so they say. Buckle up.
5/Some say Musk “paid to be co-president” but this is an engineered hostile takeover of the United States and the world’s democracies, if not stopped somehow. It has an inexorable direction, and it will grind everything in its path into a fine powder if we don’t wake up to it.
6/And it’s clear that Putin’s regime has taken full strategic control of the inbound administration and its staff picks and policy agenda.
Dave Troy

Dave Troy

Investigative journalist; tech pioneer; investor. Columnist, Washington Spectator. Speaker. Curator, @TEDxMidAtlantic. Signal @davetroy.69
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