Direct quote: “This is worse than 9/11 for Democrats. USAID is the primary vessel they use to achieve their political agenda. USAID is and always has been the primary source of funding for their influence peddling schemes and for their indirect sources of income”
Another text “Based on the reactions from within the party it seems to me that dismantling USAID is Trump’s biggest political victory to date, it was his enemy’s golden goose”
Same source who told me during the campaign (well before it was made public) that Kamala’s internal polling had her behind Trump so his information is good.
Another important addition. He said initial plans by the Democrats is to have their people at USAID hide the partisan funding under “unimpeachable initiatives”. “They will push back really hard on certain line items that on their face look like reasonable USAID expenditures and hide their political spending under these programs”
@Elon Musk Looks like the whole thing needs to be thrown out to avoid this from happening.
More: “Another likely solution for Democrats which they already use to reward VIPs is to use NGOs as an intermediary to direct funds where they want them to go”
So basically USAID allocates funds for a certain initiative that looks reasonable. Democrat friendly NGO is contracted to carry out initiative. NGO #1 subcontracts “VIP” which is another NGO owned/operated by a political ally or Democrat politician. Eventually the funds reach the secret intended target and the original problem is not solved. This means they can continue to rinse and repeat this grift.
“If Trump/Elon want this to stick they need to completely shut down USAID or fire the entire staff, the party has instructed their allies to not make waves and blend in. USAID is 99% Democrats they will not be able to save it without risking internal sabotage.”